gamers rise up
they just did
I fucked sneed
if you marathon the series you can notice how she ages terribly episode after episode
If you marathon your face in the bathroom mirror you'll realize why you've never had sex and never will
she was hot in seson 1 by season 4 she an old and ugly fat blob
>she was hot in seson 1
Is this meme being pushed by some agency or something? People always post this and it almost never gets any replies or anything because it's not funny. Normally I just ignore it too but I'm curious to see what other user's think. Probably the biggest forced meme of 2019 so far
It's a leftist thing
Or maybe the virginity here is so obvious and you're finally getting called out on it
Idk why those people are even on this site in the first place
>someone called me a virgin on the internet for making a cringe post
>must be a 3-letter agency
Based schizophrenic retard.
people realize telling you to have sex hits a nerve, so they use it
>in b4 it didnt hit a nerve
Sure buddy
Or maybe it's just the latest meme to defend faggotry in the media. It works well here because you can't respond, it's another reddit, soiboy meme argument.
But I literally had sex when I was 15, like what are you guys trying to accomplish here. Sex is literally pointless and a waste of time anyway when you can just crank one out with porn and go about your business. If it's really your end-all to life, then you're more pathetic than the virgins you're trying to antagonize, because it's not an accomplishment to get a girl to let you stick your dick in her
I thought it might be a non-organic meme because it's just stupid, but then again, there are people on here that think the sneed thing is funny too, so I guess it makes sense
and just to clarify, by reddit and soiboy meme argument, I mean those terms are used to end arguments and are impossible to refute without seeming butthurt
Character progression being inexplicable/shit in BB is one of the few knocks I have against it.
>calling things soiboy is fine, perfectly valid argument
>calling me a virgin is UNACCEPTABLE AD HOMINEM and is the result of shilling
Lmao have sex loser
>i had s-sex when I was 15, honest
Imagine being so insecure about being an incel that you say this, kek
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a biological weapon someday that targets people with retard DNA so that we can finally be free of people like you
>Sex is literally pointless and a waste of time anyway
Damn, you sound mad. Maybe having sex will cure you of that frustration. Have you considered it?
It doesnt work though. And the people who are post it are just larping in a lame attempt to get (yous)
how can people argue that she wasn't the most annoying character?
Skylar is just another example that white women have ruined Western civilization.
Its mostly women doing this tho. Which is ironic considering they don't want men looking at them as sex objects.
skylar did nothing wrong you incel fucktards
Spyro 3 was truly an inspiring game
It's almost surreal how your angry incel energy permeates this post that you made to convince whoever that you are so over sex.
sex gifs
really though where are all these fat women and soiboys coming from, why would they come to Yea Forums
>she actually thinks that people didn't like skylar because "she's a strong woman" and not because she's a complete fucking cunt whose personality changes on a fucking whim
This isn't your safe space anymore