Is there any other movies out there like Eternal Sunshine and Lost in Translation...

Is there any other movies out there like Eternal Sunshine and Lost in Translation? started thinking of my ex again which has me feeling bad and both of those movies made me feel a way no other movie has.

Attached: eternal-sunshine-of-the-spotless-mind.jpg (780x438, 50K)

Bump, interested as well

Chungking Express

Pretty much anything made by Wong Kar-Wai

Thanks I'll check it out and if I like it I'll look into his other work.

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Duplass brother's mostly do good melancholic shit.
Blue jay is okay.
In the mood for love.
Blue Valentine.

Attached: MrNobody.jpg (1383x2048, 972K)

garden state
days of being wild
la grande bellezza
moonrise kingdom
cinema paradiso
midnight in paris

9 songs and 500 days of Summer

Is Lost in Translation any good? From reading a short description of the plot it seems boring and uneventful. Is there a gimmick to it like Spotless Minds memory wiping?


Nah it's pretty straightforward. Lost in Translation is super aesthetic from a visual perspective and hits some existential themes on love and ennui but the narrative is simple. It's memorable but in a different way, there's no "I wish I stayed.." gut punching like in Eternal Sunshine

Blue Valentine, Warrior(more for that family feel), 500 days,

Vanilla sky

>muh love
>muh existential despair
>muh ennui
fucking kill yourself then bitch



holy shit edgy

after that give Sneeking Express a look

Boohoo pussy ass faggot, try slitting your wrists, might make you feel better

think you mean sneedking express

And let's not forget such classics as sneedking's feed and seedpress and chuckking's fuckpress

You really need to stop recommending this
