So what is the twist going to be ?

So what is the twist going to be ?

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Don't know, but as of now I think this has the best shot at being 2019's Best Picture winner.

they were secretly white the whole time

Looks Spooky.

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Black people have to act different around white people and that's just soooooo hard for us

It's probably some bullshit about a version of themselves that acts "white" ie. Civilised.
Is killing the "real" version of themselves that have more african roots.
Something sophomoric like that.

that white people aren't evil

This sounds incredibly probable

I love the idea of a race bait artist making it big theb revealing they have nothing else going on in their head

Trying to secure friday night tickets to this next week but only see Thursday the 21st tickets available anyone else having this issue?

They're not "us", they're actually "them".

There is no twist or social commentary

Checked. This will be the underlying message. The twist is they're defective clones.

Huge spoilers so read at own risk
The big twist iswhite bad black good

What's with the heavy use of "I got 5 on it" ?

Constant promotion of drug use to numb and pacify the goyim.

it's a planet of apes sequel


The dopplegangers have golden scissors as their weapons. I'm pretty sure the gold represents bling culture, scissors cutting away ties to traditional black American culture for the ganster youth culture of the last few decades to take hold, and how this is being very dangerous and hurtful to black people as a whole, symbolized by the violence and homicidal intentions of the dopplegangers. We are our own worst enemy, basically. I don't think there will be a twist. This is Peele, not Shyamalan.

Likely this.

They're dealing with some sort of clones of themselves that represent their real selves that they feel they need to kill;

There’s actually evil doppelgängers of the main cast trying to kill them

Because Jordan Peele recognised that the synth melody in the song is familiar to horror themes like the one in Halloween. So he took it and made it scary sounding, conveying that this film is scary and about black people.

>100% rotten tomatoes
>one critic unironically called it “the best horror of all time”.
Dude, I enjoyed Get Out and I’m sure I’ll enjoy this, but talk about overkill.

We had a dude made it sound real creepy feel me n itz like rnb and da movie is like bout black niggas so u know it works

It would actually be incredibly redpilled of him to drive home a message about blacks being their own worst enemies

>The Negrons are actually white

the regular familly is the cloned one

The line is about going halfsies (on drugs). The movie is about their halves.

my guess is just an updated blackified reboot of an already established film. Like Get Out was with The Stepford Wives.

the tagline is litterally
>we are our worst enemy

white people are the devil
>yfw Key & Peele was kino

That would be a hell of a twist.

The niggers don't stink. Now that would be a twist.

it's probably gonna be body snatchers or something like that.

Black family living the uncle tom dream out on vacation at the beach with all their white friends. The kids are sorta ghetto but the parents are total oreos- the dad can’t even hear the song is about drugs! They get terrorized by a family that looks just like them- they kill the dad and son early on because they represent white men.
Turns out tho the evil family is actually good! They were living in the slums of Chicago when the government or a mad scientist or some stupid shit thought they looked like the ideal black family and they were cloned.. the clones then are programmed to go only vacations with white people. So the family goes out to killing versions of their family who’ve been placed at high end resorts.

How many times will Hollywood make the same movie?


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A generic sentiment of we are our own worst enemies, applying to everyone, meaning insecurities, unrealistic self expectations, addiction, bad decisions etc

Its another thing if he means blacks specifically and that they are literallly their own worst enemy because they cant stop killing each other and ruining their neighborhoods

The itself will either confirm on dissprove this, a tagline alone doesnt tell us enough

Fuck why pepoo

That's not a compliment anymore though.

Not really a huge Peele fan but it does look kind of interesting

I dont think ive ever liked anything this guy has been involved in. Is his comedic writing really that good?

Also the best people doing horror/suspense are currently comedians. Duplass/Poole