Do actors/actresses have no shame?

Do actors/actresses have no shame?

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Felicity doesn't. She enjoys being naked in public places for everyone to see!

Shamelessness might be the most important trait for success in the modern world, next to being evil and handsome. If you’re shameless with bad character you’re already 99% of the way to being wealthy. Being willing to do things that people with integrity and intelligence won’t ever do.

depends on the how much is on the paycheck and how much they need it.


Juno Temple.

Attached: Juno Temple-52f46.webm (1440x600, 2.88M)

Mary is the only pure actress

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I want to see her butt

Well, they do tell lies for a living...

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Don't we all.

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Stop posting this please, I don't have my wanking license delivered yet.

Brainlet cope. There are plenty of shameless, selfish people in the world and most of them are druggies and petty criminals in the lower class. Rich people are either intelligent or a product of their parents nepotism. Sometimes both. They don't get there by working hard, though. People succeed by getting others to work for them.


I just watched this episode

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prostitution is legal if you film it. What does that tell you about actors and actresses?

>rich people are either intelligent or a product of their parents nepotism
Didn’t you watch the rise of YouTube/twitch? You witnessed an entirely new crop of wealthy people appear. All low intelligence without nepotism. They are shameless and usually handsome, that’s it. Never intelligent.

At least that show was closer than this.

Attached: felicity jones boobs.webm (512x336, 2.59M)


Attached: Felicity Jones Rogue One A Star Wars Story - Celebration Reel.webm (1914x800, 2.3M)

What the fuck am I looking at?

Awwww, she's autistic

that kino stuntman

Shame is fuel for acting. Acting means doing things people normally would not do in front of other people.

You must never have seen an autist.

She's artistic.

>Acting means doing things people normally would not do in front of other people.
Oh? Wait, that was fucking stupid. 95% of the time, actors do in front of others what everyone does in front of others. You are dumb.

Bum and a fanny to the face.

Kek. That ass was so awful I thought it was a dude.


I thought some young lad was getting oral sex in the night. Then I saw a nerd, and wondered if I was seeing homokino.

WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING? why that reaction? did she fart?

>I thought it was a dude.

yeah I bet you wish it was you gay.

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poor man's Daisy chan

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I want to pee in her butt

Those legs drive me insane.

>the elite spy navy SEAL guy has absolutely zero trigger discipline

The by volume biggest factor for success is falling into lockstep and becoming a replaceable part bugman. Step up your knowledge of literally every subject on Earth before ever posting again.

Then let her poop my pee back onto my face

Get out.

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no u

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Delete this brazen anti-semitism immediately

she cute

Shame is beat out of you in school after many nights of crying.

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Attached: Like Crazy 2011 Deleted Scenes-[07.44.464-07.51.721].webm (1920x1080, 2.99M)


Attached: Felicity Jones hugs.webm (1280x720, 1.2M)

If you see them in interviews it's pretty clear they don't. It's a job that attracts people who like to be seen and be the center of attention.

some of you need to have sex

i cry every night and i am ashamed

seeing interracial couples makes me physically cringe

What did these two even talk about?

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Chalet Girl was a good film.

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Why should anyone feel ashamed of their naked body or their sexuality

Seriously give me a reason

I'll tell you why I should:

>Extremely pale chest and back because I haven't taken my shirt off outside in about 9 years
>acne on chest and back
>very little hair on upper body but extremely hairy below the waist, all the way to the ankles
>stretch marks on back because I didn't hit puberty until I was 15 and when I did I grew almost 8 inches in a year
>dick is of reasonable size when hard but EXTREMELY small flaccid

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