Why was this scene so brutal?

Watching Spiderman getting his ass kicked and face blown apart while screaming in agony, was horrifying to me as a child.
Imagine a Marvel movie doing this to one of their hero today.
Fucking Raimi.

Attached: sploderman.jpg (658x334, 42K)

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It was literally a different time.

i would have went to captain mary sue multiple times if that happened to her in the movie

The hands that typed this post will never touch a woman

The hands that typed this post will never get litty

because it was made by a real filmmaker

There are a few scenes that look like they belong in Darkman.

Because there was no stock action music during the fight. The punches had impact and spiderman actually looked vulnerable.

This was really genius on Raimi's part, having all the other fights be light, comic-book action really made the brutality of this one hit harder.

>Imagine a Marvel movie doing this to one of their hero today.
that would be great. no stakes, no tension = MCU bubble gum movies (aka shit)

It really hit home how actually vulnerable and fallible he was. Raimi understood that you can't give any sense of drama or urgency without having your superhuman-strengthed main character actually have the threat of death. You grow to love him as the film goes on and the sense of there being an inevitability of death makes the scene feel impactful. That and the fact there was no music during this sequence made the blows and hits more deafening and upsetting.
>remember people crying in the theater during this scene
>recent post 9/11 world where everyone was still emotionally vulnerable looking for something uplifting
>yfw never feel that in a theater again

Attached: sad.jpg (900x460, 85K)

> We will never get a completely dialog and quip-free mad dash through the city from a resurrected Lizard like it was Apocalypto.

Attached: spidey.jpg (480x360, 70K)

>see Spider-Man in theaters in NYC
>scene where people are throwing things from the bridge at green goblin
>”you mess with one of us you mess with all of us”
>people are literally crying in the theater
It was quite an experience

Fuck I remember that. My theater cheered and were crying (Connecticut, lots of NY transplants)

Different time, nowadays this scene would make the movie rated R

>”you mess with one of us you mess with all of us”
>people are literally crying
>the next day the TV tells them they have to invade Iraq
>everyone claps
Burgers really are slaves to Jewish media control

A few MCU scenes are comparably brutal.

For example Civil War's
>"Let's kick his ass"

Here in Canada you got the same feeling. Spider-man was the right movie at the right time and that end swing through the city was fucking epic and overwhelming with that sweet Elfman crescendo!!!FACT!!! youtu.be/5n8bMuZGipU

Especially goblin getting impaled by his own glider.

I'm glad for that one gleaming moment when lightning was caught in a bottle.

Christ you’re an idiot. Your understanding of the timeline and events is completely out of whack. Lots of media, lots of people from NY were strongly against the invasion of Iraq. Do you not remember “my grief is not a war cry”? Of course not, because you only know what you’ve been told though biased media lazily telling half truths to make their point.

Zoomers come out of the woodworks to pretend THEIR capeshit that they watched as a toddler was "impactful" and not the same praises and tones every fucking capeshit has today, including the scene where the hero is seemingly screwed but everyone turns out fine in the end.

>everyone claps
buddy the country (and the world) was intensely divided over whether the iraqi invasion was necessary
zoomers too young to remember

>s-s-some people were against it!
No shit, doesn't mean there weren't tons of americans supporting it and were retarded enough to get convinced to do this. Even the vietnam war had more opposition.


Not americans for the most part. That's the point, not the rest of the world's reaction.

>everybody claps
>tons of people
Already moving those goalposts.

>Not americans for the most part
you have no idea what you're talking about
> According to a Gallup poll conducted from August 2002 through early March 2003, the number of Americans who favored the war in Iraq fell between 52 percent to 59 percent, while those who opposed it fluctuated between 35 percent and 43 percent.
read a fucking book

>Lots of media, lots of people from NY were strongly against the invasion of Iraq.
Kek, no. They went against it after it was already done, after Israel got what they wanted, then they used it as a weapon to demonise the dumb rednecks they used to fight their war. The American media and urban elite were screaming for the invasion when it happened. It was one of the most appalling about faces in history, your smug liberals had the arrogance to tell everyone afterwards that it was all the fault of the rural bible thumpers.

The hands that typed this post sweep the pillow clean

That’s not how it felt in NY

The media and congress not so much.....

>The American media and urban elite
these goalposts are moving so fast the players can't keep up

>Peter, don't tell Harry about the fact that the wooden doors in Auschwitz were probably installed later. I don't really believe it either but frankly I'm relieved, it means they really did gas all those kikes and I couldn't be happier about i- *dies*

How new and retarded are you to not recognise the
>everyone clapped
meme? Why are you here and not on reblit?

Attached: 4.jpg (900x900, 38K)

that's an epic bane jpg, mind if I save this image?

nice deflection

Saving images is forbidden under New Zealand law, you will get 10 years in gaol

Attached: HONG.png (479x479, 131K)

I was it as a freshman in high school in 2002 and saw this in Ozone Park,Queens which is like a five minute drive from Forest Hills. People were fist pumping on their feet and shouting at this scene. Raimi nailed it. My friend saw it in Sunnyside just off of Queens Boulevard at this small local theater and people were losing their shit cause there’s scenes in the beginning where they drive through that neighborhood on the school bus. There were tons of Queens references people smiled at. I remember seeing the teaser for Spider Man 2 before Return of The King. Amazing times to be a movie fan.

>The hands that typed this post will never touch a woman
We know you are gay. Saty woke and sexless.

That scene stands out to me as really good because it emphasizes how dangerous superhero work can be. Very few of the MCU movies have that and it's not because the heroes aren't put in danger but because the way they're directed. They're more cartoony than Raimi's trilogy so the danger and hits don't feel as real.

that's tame compared to the hospital scene from 2. didn't think twice about it as a kid but watching it today just shows you how watered down the marvel movies are.

Their house is exactly like my parents house in Jamaica. That movie definitely nailed feeling like queens.

I don't know, the hospital scene is great but it's over the top enough (like Raimi's early work) to not be too scary. The scene in OP really catches you off guard because of how relatively gore-less the rest of the movie was, plus there's a lot more emotional investment in Peter than some doctors.

what works about both scenes is the lack of music. the raimi spider mans are pretty heavy on the score especially during the action sequences but during both of those, nothing. it works to really heighten the impact of the violence