Tfw no Aunt Sally to boss me around

>tfw no Aunt Sally to boss me around

Attached: Sally_Solomon-1.jpg (657x794, 87K)

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It always amused me she would fuck Newman.

I bet she sucks a mean dick.

>tfw no woman at all of any kind

34 year old boomer here. I'm pretty sure this dress helped kickstart puberty for a lot of guys my age.

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the scene where she sneezed and acted like she'd just had a mindblowing orgasm for me

3rd Rock is such a good show.

She’s a beautiful ugly girl

>January 9, 1996–May 22, 2001

This show is the epitome of pre 9/11 entertainment. If anyone ever asks what life was like pre 9/11, tell them to watch this.

She looks hideous these days.

I always wondered, how fucking BIG was that attic they lived in, man?

tfw she never got her tits out at any point in her career

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Not big. Harry had to sleep in the same room with Tommy on the washing machine.

Still comfy.

>it's a shatner episode

I'm the same age as you, and I can confirm that is true.

my dick is nukes

this, it's matured into peak 90s kino on top of being actually funny sitcom kino in its own right
based Dick

>She mentioned that at the height of her addiction she drank on average two bottles of wine per evening.
Literally the cool wine aunt

I drink abottleof vodka per night

she's a horribly ugly woman

i forgot how fucking milfy dicks love interest was what a babe

I cap out at around 6-8. Make sure to start early and drink tons of water so work isn't terrible.

I know how it goes, i have a schedule ;)

My man

what is it like to be gay? honestly curious.

dunno you should ask the fans of this big jawed, big nosed "woman"

Watch the show and youll see

she's ugly you have low standards probably because you're ugly yourself

It always amused me that she's a he in her original species and that makes Newman gay.

I always thought Nina was hot

Attached: 3rd_rock_from_the_sun.nina_campbell.jpg (224x300, 13K)

I'm a year younger than both of you and for me it was Peg Bundy. Is there something wrong with me?

>this linebacker played Wilma Flintstone

>Peg Bundy
Yes and no. Peg wasn't attractive to me when I was younger, but now I can see it. You were just ahead of the curve.

>Dick says something offensive to a woman without realizing it
>she slaps him
>he slaps her back twice as hard with a huge smile on his face because he thinks it’s Earth custom

This show was so much better than it had any right to be

>slutty woman turns young boy on

Yur fine

manjaw tranny get some taste faggots

>tfw no Aunt Sally to step on my nutsack and rip off a chunk of skin

Why live?

duh, you dunno Jane? good ol' 3Jane


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Literally my parents before they realized they had a problem and were fucking up my brothers and I.

For me, it's Caryn

forgot pic

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Hey, remember when she sneezed in that early episode and came? It was kinda hot. And yeah she looks like a tranny, because she’s a man in a woman’s body. Don’t you idiots know anything.

For me it's Larissa Olenyk

Attached: 1621f54ba5d18a24fd12336fbcf15ad7.jpg (333x500, 24K)

All humans look the same, and she is unaffected by human pheremones.

If he weren't an authority figure, he would be invisible to her.

Speaking of, same goes for choosing Albright instead of Nina...or the fat lesbian chick.

did leslie ever get his sticky?