I'm honestly upset that they didn't ship them

I'm honestly upset that they didn't ship them.

That's all.

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They will. He is going to knock her up so the next generation of Skywalkers are nigglets

Would you say that you got your expectaions subverted? Asking for a fren.

They probably would have done if it Johnson hadn't wanted a black guy to fuck the representation of a girl who rejected him in school.
Guy has some serious issues.

Of course they didn't. Because romances are oppressive to strong, independent women.

Or maybe they're just planning to make Finn gay with Poe.

>THIS is a 10/10 Aryan specimen according to white people

mace dindu

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That's not how representation works for women. Rey is the self insert for WHITE women. Despite Yea Forums's memeing they by and large prefer white men exclusively (as far as relationships go). The diversity characters like Finn, Poe, and Rose exist to be supporters and friends of Rey. That way white women can see themselves as saviors and allies of POC.

Reylo is OTP dumbass

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>According to Anglos

why did they cast 2 ugly people in fucking star wars?

>He thinks It is only 2 uggos

>Or maybe they're just planning to make Finn gay with Poe.

Straight interracial isn't progressive enough anymore.

I already feel fucking awkward on the scenes just after they escaped Jakku, it's not enough for you?

And Rey the white savior will get fucked by Kylo the last (white guy) Skywalker.

And then Kylo dies and Rey's white DAUGHTER becomes the new Skywalker Heroine of next trilogy.


She looks like she fucks WHITE guys

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Go back to Tumblr.

Jedi aren't supposed to have relationships, just one night stands to keep midiclorian counts up in the population.

They have brother-sister chemistry. Because the actors are like that IRL. Daisy and John has a sibling like relationship.

Whereas Kylo and Rey have total sexual chemistry. Because the actors are fucking IRL. It easily translates on screen.

That's why Reylo suddenly became so popular among general fans and their scenes were so believable. Driver and Daisy's chemistry was a hit among majority of the audience.

JJ noticed John and Daisy's bff relationship and made FinnRey friends in TFA. And Rian noticed Driver and Daisy's sexual tension and made Reylo real in TLJ.

>doesn't fuck his sister
get a load of this fag

Boyega's ship's been in Daisy's dock, that's for sure ;)


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Boyega is a fag. He only fucks little boys.

Leia ended up with Han Solo. And Luke ended up with no one.

That's what.

This was before the retcon.

>Luke, Did I ever tell you that you had a sister? We separated you because your father was a child murderer. She grew up to become Princess Leia and you as a slave farmer. He was a good friend

>If only I had some ability to use the force right now

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Romance in Star Wars is a big no-no after AOTC.
Besides, JJ tried to make them act on the MF like Leia and Han, but the result was disappointing and he scrapped the idea.

>The diversity characters like Finn, Poe, and Rose exist to be supporters and friends of Rey.
I really don't like how they made Finn an actual space janitor. They could've made him an elite trooper that became disillusioned, but instead they made him comedic relief with a space janitor background that serves as nothing but support to Rey while secretly chasing after her only to be cucked by Kylo. I would've preferred Finn to have no romance and just be a cool character, but white women like to see themselves as the most oppressed group while simultaneously being the "chosen saviors"

>Romance in Star Wars is a big no-no after AOTC.

Nerds can’t handle teenage love

lol cuck

Rose Tico will die sacrificing herself or some gay shit by midpoint of the movie. Boynigga and Mary Sue will become a thing again by the end and it will be heavily implied that the next generation of Skywalker's will be mutts. In 5 years when the next trilogy begins (and people are further desensitized to race mixing), the new protagonist Jedi will be a negroid mutt. Don't think Disney would let an opportunity like this go to waste, not considering the amount of money they pumped into it. Rian Johnson tried to stop this

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Only Ki Chadi Mundi was allowed to do that, in fact he was allowed to keep an entire harem of his own.

>(and people are further desensitized to race mixing),

Romans fucked moors

Spaniards fucked Natives

Irish criminals even fucked fucking abos

Race Mixing will always exist