ITT: Movies that most probably don't know are coming out this year

>ITT: Movies that most probably don't know are coming out this year

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Wait, why is Sarah Connor old, but John Connor is still a kid?

Some sort of time travel shenanigans?

All I want is a single future war pre-quel full of night battles and lazer guns and terminators and HK's and fucking mountains of human skulls and I want it to end with kyle stepping into the time machine. Loop closed. Series over. Why is this so hard?

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>the guy who made Deadpool gave up Deadpool 2 to make this piece of shit


Yeah, the future scenes from the first movie were fucking awesome.

More money he has on his paycheck if this does well because they have 2 sequels planned already.

We already had Salvation though. That was dull but I don't see another full length future war movie working.

>dark fate
I can already picture the moment the execs realized they are bad at coming up with titles and started throwing random titles around, until they decided to go with the "least bad" one.

Why do movies like these already plan sequels when they aren't sure if they will bomb or not? Or is Terminator guaranteed to make money no matter how many movies they make?
I understand for example Back To The Future having guaranteed sequels because it was groundbreaking and could not fail, but this is yet another Terminator sequel.
Also do women/feminists even care about Terminator?

Salvation didn't have the same style of the future scenes from the old movies, which was what everyone wanted. I have no idea why they went with a brown desert style when everyone was wishing for a dark blue, nightmarish future like the other movies had. How fucking stupid can Hollywood be?

>Gave up a piece of shit to make another piece of shit
Sounds like an average day in hollywood to me.


he wants to direct Neuromancer after this one

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>I have no idea why they went with a brown desert style when everyone was wishing for a dark blue, nightmarish future
Re color the movie in premiere

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how would you sustain the future war stuff for 2 hours? it worked as short flashbacks but a whole movie of it would ruin the setting.

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They're going to fuck it up aren't they

>How fucking stupid can Hollywood be?
the director unironically calls himself "McG"

It's still daytime so it's not the same as the old movies.

Simon Kinberg is the producer. You figure it out.

This is 5 seconds so I haven't played around with day time but you get what I mean. Anyone can easily re colorise the entire thing to be dark and blue

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It actually looks good in those two pictures

Its actually for shitty lore purposes. The Terminators have night vision in the Salvation 2019 era so Kyle says that it is safer to move during the day.

By the time of the T-1 flashbacks 2029, the terminators have upgraded to Infra-red which somehow means its safer at night like he says in T-1.

If I remember rightly they planned a sequel to Salvation called Terminator: Dark Days which was going to be at night and half Plasma Rifles, but it was canned after Salvation.

A lot of things have had sequels planned

Is that really the title? "Dark Fate"?

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why does she look exactly like the boomer meme

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>he doesn't know they're killing off John for a new female lead

wow this looks really good guys

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>Cool Wine Aunt

Make it like any other movie, some squad of humans has to get some specific item, like some chip for the time machine, and they fight their way to it. At the end they get it and Kyle gets in the time machine. Not very original, but as the other user said, all we really wanted was a vehicle for a dark, nightmare hellscape with skulls and blue lazers

Someone shop the Monster logo on those cans she has strapped on.

>If I remember rightly they planned a sequel
iirc they wanted a future war trilogy.

>how would you sustain the future war stuff for 2 hours?
Make it about a small team of fighters. Film starts with them in the middle of a mission. Things happen. They complete the objective but lose a few soldiers. Back at base get told to rest but to be ready to suit up in a few hours. Tempers flare but get told that something big is going down and everyone is on a need to know basis. Down time is spent fleshing out characters etc etc have kyle in the background as an easter egg talk rumors about Connor. Get mission brief. Told the team is tasked with taking out one of skynets communication towers. But a communication disruption could only mean one thing :^) the resistance will be attacking skynet. Go thru mission with the wae going on all around and get near the end where one if the new members of the team turns and starts killing the squad mates. He was a terminator the whole time! Wat a twist. Kill him destroy the tower making it harder for skynet to direct units and the last couple squad mates join up with the final push to end sky net. Film ends with John Connor asking for volunteers to go back in time and kyle stepping forward.

Maybe it sounds dumb but that was just off the top of my head.

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Itll probably be a hack cash grab

Ahh, now the T101, there was a good Terminator

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Comes out in less than three months and NO ONE cares. Many normies aren't even aware of it.

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Be creative, like black ops team hunted down by a T-1000 in the shithole that is Los Angeles in 2029

He picks them one by one, try to infiltrate the resistance or whatever while they try to carry on their mission

Cameron really picks retarded actress.

Like she didn't wanted to be in T3 and now she's part of this after 2 shitty movies.

Just like Sigourney Weaver didn't wanted to be part of Alien vs Predator and yet she played in Resurrection

why they don't just make a terminator movie with 0 plot that is nothing but machines murdering humans for 3 hours?

Movies and TV are like music for me now. I barely ever get excited about something coming out unless its being made by someone I already know can make good things. Like, who fucking cares about another Terminator sequel. Yeah, I'm really clamoring for more shitty Terminator movies. Please tell me about the latest in the long and endless line of superhero movies!! Who fucking cares, 99% of what's being produced across the board is fucking trash.

seriously i want a hard r terminator where machines are ripping humans apart and blowing them to bits.

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>full renders
Rendered as digital paintings for color guides maybe.

Salvation was shit tier man. We need T1 and T2 future.


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I won't believe this is coming out until I see it in the theater schedule

Why the FUCK are hus arms blue?

deadpool reaching its 4th movie is less likely than Terminator movies stop being made.
he made a safe move, a dick move, but a safe one.

might as well not call it terminator and save on the royalties, the franchise isn't even good

Just watch Inception