Leave DCEU to me

>leave DCEU to me
Holy mother of BASED

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Can Grant fix what was done to Superman?

Have sex.

>worshipping a pickpocket hack who's ten years past his prime
You can do better than this senpai

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>be Grant
>believe you're literally a magician
>put that shit in all your books
>still cannot manage to get any of your "ready-for-tv-and-cinema" stuff adapted, bar a 4-issue mini
>meanwhile Millar, the Mad Lad, is getting all the milk and honeys
>in a corner, Moore is worshipping his Snake God while getting cucked by his two wives
Literally WHY do they still buy into the Magick bullshit when they're getting fucked over so much?

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By mid 00s Moore had so much money from unauthorized adaptations of his past stuff that he could simply refuse the payouts for kitschy shit like V and Watchmen

And he wrote and starred in a movie of his own to be released later year. That's like 25 heads above of selling out to Netflix or Syfy.

>Alpha Moore
>Beta Millar
>Omega Mozz

Just make a silver age style Superman movie. People don't really care if it makes sense with some other movie (just don't do another origin)
Seeing as 99% of Superman comics aren't a reboot /new origin I think it's easy enough to do


There is no more DCEU, only individual unconnected movies.

Even better for based Morrison to do some good stories. DC wasn't really much of a universe until much later (unlike Marvel that started off as one)
All I want is Flash to go into the multiverse and end up in DCAU like its Roger Rabbit and have a chat with Cartoon Flash.

Grant Morrison is the biggest wannabe hack in comic book history. Literally thr only person who could make the DCEU worse.

The Invisibles is one of the edgiest and most embarrassing things I've ever read. Read Prometheus instead if must read metaphysical wank.

Grant can fix ANYTHING. Give him whatever you want and he will turn it good. You could give him America Chavez and he would turn it good
>now we wait for the X-Men plebs
Don't you have a snake to worship, Alan?

Wait what? What is the second best comic writer of all time doing for the DCEU?

Millar is a chad Roman Catholic. Anti-Christian stuff like the church massacre in Kingsman are from Hollywood, not his comics. Just another case of a Christian dabbing on pagan witch idiots.

Saving it

Like he did to Animal Man
To Doom Patrol
To Justice League of America
To Superman
To Batman

Yeah but how


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Millar is pure shit.

More like 25 years past his prime.

Go to bed Alan. Your wife left you for your gf

thank god he's not writing batman so bruce and dick won't fug

That was after him. There is nothing gay in Morisson's Batman