Have you ever killed your own dog?

Have you ever killed your own dog?

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Not my own. But I had to put one down once.
It had gotten into some poison or something. These women called the police department about it. When I got there it ews breathing heavy but wasn't alert. Had flies around it's muzzle. Every now and then it had these painful full body muscle spasms.

I told the women they should take it to the vet to have it put down. They said it wasn't ACTUALLY their dog, just a dog they feed. So they shouldn't have to spend money to put it down.

I told them I'm taking it with me then. They assumed i meant to the vet. When I told them I was taking it outside of town to put it down they freaked the fuck out. "so you're just going to shoot it! That's horrible!" I once again told them they could take it to the vet to have it down. "lol not our dog though."

So I drove it out to a field, grabbed my shotgun and put him down.

Stoll mad at those useless cunts.

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Yeah, but to be fair I'd had a sprout curry and I really needed to fart. Poor guy didn't stand a chance.

yes and i've also spent $30 at a vet to have one put down

i recommend the vet

>Why won't people pay money to do something that I'm being paid to do for them?! WAAA


why the fuck would you kill your own?


Because it was "their dog" right up to the point that they actually needed to address the problem.
My job is not to put down animal's. My job is to quickly dispatch animals that are in obvious pain to end their suffering. Which is usually animals that get hit by cars.
Subtle difference.
Why won't people take responsibility for an animal they were previously taking care of. And then bitch at me when I tell them instead of having him "peacefully" put down by a vet, I'm going to carry it out to a field to shoot It and let it be eaten by turkey vultures.

You did your best, Anun-kun.

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Coworker I knew grew up on a farm and was told to by his dad--easy quick and cheap way to get rid of a farm/hunting dog that's past his days and needs to be put down. Coworker said it's not worth the $$$ savings and just spend the extra few bucks and get it done at the vet.

Kicked a pitbull to death. Was an enjoyable experience

Old Sneeder


I had to stomp a pit bull once who was going after my kitter, mr. mouse. Steel toes. Yep.

What type of shell, distance, did you blow the head off? Really not trying to be edgy, but curious about getting it right, just in case.

Not yet, will most likely get her put down at the vet though.

only my gf

Not directly, no. But my dog suddenly got acute leukemia and she went from being a healthy active 5 year old dog to lethargic and whimpering over the course of a couple days. Took her to the vet because I wasn't sure why she was actingly strangely. Blood test indicated leukemia and she was getting bruises everywhere from the inability to produce clotting factors. The decline was so rapid that I had to take her to be put down the very next day.

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1) they were doing this schrodinger's dog bullshit where they conveniently stick in limbo. They'll say the dog is theirs until something inconvenient happens, in which case they wash their hands of any responsibility
2) if you don't want to pay for euthanasia, that's fine, but don't then act all indignant that someone else is going to take it out to a field with a shotgun. If you don't want him to go out that way, then pay for euthanasia, if not fuck off.

Bird shot, like a foot away, tried to hit hearts and lungs. Aimed just up and behind front shoulder blades.

Slug, head, point blank. Wasn't even enough left to make a chinese chicken salad.