
What is Japan's view on girls doing hostess work? So the family knows and obviously they are all ok with this too? How common is it for young girls doing this sort of work in Japan? I thought Japan was super honorable...

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There're sex workers in Japan, like anywhere else. Only samurai-descendants care (slightly) about about honor.


Yeah, it's hugely disgraceful and people look down on them even as they use them. Restrictive society is hypocritical as fuck, who could have predicted this.
Same thing happens (but worse) in Thailand btw.


Implying samurai gave a shit about honor even even they were around

Lol what

>t. Someone who's never lived in Japan

Noone gives a fuck, it's not America cucked by muh Jesus. There's love hotels all over the place, porn in every corner store, girl / hostess bars next to restaurants

In traditional Japan it was common for middle class families to send teenage girls to work at a brothel for a couple of months in order to punish them for misbehavior

Hostesses are not sex workers, their job specifically excludes the following:
- dancing
- prostitution
- stripping

What film is this from?
Image search is not helping.

The fuck is wrong with your people? Are you unironically retarded?

only during office hours

Hostesses aren't sex workers they are only played by sex workers in videogames.

How easy is it to hire hookers there?

Easy if you're japanese. Very hard if you're white.


Hostess bars in Japan are filled with scantily clad women who serve you drinks, make small talk with you, linger on your every word and laugh at your every joke. They are places frequented by salary men who have no social lives/no free time to spend with their families. Gaijin often go there expecting more.
Girls who work there don't talk about it to their families.
Sometimes it turns more into escort service/sex if a guys got enough cash.
Prostitution isn't legal in Japan, but soap lounges/massage parlours exist, and happy endings are a thing.
Source:Live in Japan, literally 5minutes walk from arguably Japan's biggest red light district. Have dated several hostess girls. Trust me, they fucking hate their jobs, but easy money.

>mfw still confused as fuck at the end of the movie about the 'family'

Old woman is the 'grandma'
Are the Husband and Wife biologically related to the grandma?
The hostess girl: at one point the film (at least the subtitles) referred her as the wife's 'sister' but they aren't biologically related either right?
Young boy is 'adopted'
young girl is 'adopted'

topkek no one in the 'family' is actually family. is that what poverty in japan is like lmao

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Oh fuck, why is it very hard? All they care about is money and white piggu is a lot more palatable than skinny manlet japs


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Do you have money?

>they fucking hate their jobs, but easy money.
I bet that applies to a lot of jobs, not just sex work.

Because their owners (the yakuzas) are racists. They don't really want to share their girls with gaijins.

So what the point? Got blue balls for an hour? Japs are sure weird.

Exactly. They're so alone that they pay women to LARP that they have interest in their customers. Really sad

>cuck themselves with pixelated porn
weird indeed

is it worth watching?
does it have nudity because I am on nofap

>Dated a hostess
Come on nigger. They only have sex friends, and nobody in the NE Asia upper middle class wants an ESL.

Two nukes wasn't enough.


They're not her real family and they're all low life scums

Fuck those assholes then, how am I supposed to fuck hot nippon women?

So you think America prohibiting degeneracy is being cucked? Glad to see people carrying more about their nut than the state of the country they inhabit

Japanese culture has never had many taboos about sex. Buddhist heritage basically says “Don’t rape people or lie to people about sex”.

Japan has a kinder climate than Siberia or Inner Asia so women were less dependent on men for immediate survival. Fucking around was less deadly.

In old japan the custom was for young men to literally creep into young women’s mats at night and pressure them for sex until she gave in or sent him away. And her male relatives didn’t care.

Bukkake used to be a punishment for adulterous women in some villages. Typically only nobles cared.

Something like 33% of Japanese women have cheated on a spouse or boyfriend before. And another 64% say they’d cheat if they knew they wouldn’t be caught.

Most Japanese women do not care about their husbands or boyfriends fucking whores or strippers or whatever because either

A. “It’s only sex”


B. “It’s just a simple service offered, like a therapist or masseuse”

Japan is an honor-shame culture. Meaning you can do whatever you want and nobody cares as long as you don’t get caught or make a huge public spectacle about it to be judged by.”

Only has like 2 minutes worth of nudity and about 2 boob shots in a 2 hour movie. You should be fine.

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Like 15% of Japanese chicks do some form of sex work in their lives. Warmer wetter climate = less sexual drama.

Kek. I saw a documentary about a Japanese hostess once. She was basically no different from your average western roastie working in a club.

>broken family
>laundry list of sex partners
>wannabe celeb
>high school dropout
>violently assaulted her teacher and father in rage episodes then acted like she’s the victim

I think it ended with her hungover laughing at everything & babying her dog

>Bukkake used to be a punishment for adulterous women in some villages.

Prove it.

Do you have the sources on hand for those numbers? I don't doubt them I just want to look into it

Yeah, that bukkake story is completely false. It's a fun story to tell, in order to check the reactions of the girls in your group, but it's not true.

>forgetting that all women are whores

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Just looked for that sentence on Google, seems legitimate so far.
www asstr org/~akabax/the-history-of-bukkake.html

>Bukkake used to be a punishment for adulterous women in some villages.
>Source: hentai
I can't argue with that.

Except our mothers

I'm genuinely starting to feel empathy towards incels.
Also, I'm grateful for you guys, you made me realize that I do not have to be like you, the scum of society.

Do boys really do this???

Attached: Young boy.webm (886x480, 2.63M)

Maybe mine, yours is no exception

They actually should, otherwise there's something wrong with them.

Stare at tits? All the time


t. whore
It must anger you when a man doesn't worship a pussy. Let predict your response, incel, virgin, have sex, basement dwellers, ect

Incel, virgin, have sex, basement dwellers

In Japan it's extremely common to use familial modes of address for people you're not actually related to, including complete strangers. It's considered more polite to use something like "brother" or "auntie" instead of "hey you" which is considered very rude, and there's pretty strict social customs about how you can use people's names. There are many degrees of politeness in Japan, and it's only when you get really close to people they start peeling off and you can be more direct.

Just as an example, basically nobody refers to somebody by just their given name in Japan, that's reserved for a very small number of people including immediately family and very close friends or lovers. For everybody outside that small circle of people you have varying layers of politeness required.


I feel like men would be better off if they learned to just accept women for what they truly are instead of trying to make them match the dreams in their heads.

I wonder how many western kids come from single families and never really had this talk with their old man.

Do your research m8. Google is free.


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what the hell do you think the west have been doing for the last hundred years?
>oh no not those poor women
it must be nice being a dumb fucking animal like you

Very easy, go to roppongi and a nice Nigerian man will show you da way to some nice Chinese pussy

>Be amerimutt
>Believe in Jesus
>Mary was a virgin
>Gave birth to Jesus
>Jesus therefore took his own mom's virginity
>Mutilate baby dicks every day
And you call other countries degenerates...

what was the woman's job? it's like irl webcam?

Not really that. Women are simply frustrated when men won’t feed them attention.

What makes women so hateful and furious is when men start to note the patterns in their behavior and study them. That is unacceptable. Female and Male interactions are a fine tuned biological machine meant to maximize a given gender’s sexual success.

The female strategy is inherently more subtle. By ripping away the masquerade and openly analyzing them you’re basically screwing them over on a genetic level. The male herd must remain ignorant. Otherwise you create the negative outcome of lesser men faking their way into fertilizing eggs. Or men growing frustrated and abandoning women in need of their protection & resources.

When I lived in Tokyo couple of years ago my ex was actually working as a hostess. She's only half japanese so she was frequently asked.
Kinda weird job indeed.

How does it feel knowing the only pussy youve touched is your own mom's?

Women will be obsolete once wombs become a commodity.

It's a living

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Any "hookers" you find in Japan are not Japanese, they are chinese/thai. Japan doesn't do the L.A. image of a dirty, nasty "streetwalker". Instead you're more likely to find Japanese girls in a soapland or sekuhara club, which are all strictly regulated.

>All they care about is money
No. All you americans care about is money. Our society has been very different forever.

I think the grandma was the second wife of the hostess girl's real grandpa, she adopted her because her parents didn't want the roastie. I think the "mother" was adopted by the grandma and thus that's how they knew her, because the grandma "chose" her. Other than that there was no biological relation and the movie was about a family that wasn't a family.

>what the hell do you think the west have been doing for the last hundred years?
Pedestalizing women to obscene levels not seen since the Victorian era?

Right now women are experiencing a golden age of protection from both conservatives “oh women are poor helpless cute wittle angels that should be waited on hand & foot then treated like KWAENS N SHIEET when they become wives & moms” and liberals “hurr durr women are stronker and wiser than men and should get to do anything they want unless it’s too hard in which case we’ll lower the standards! free birth control and abortions for everybody!”.

Mine is a whore, she is with a married man and has a dildo in her closet.

Is it true Japanese men are "intimidated" by foreigners, whether they're men or women? Yet they seem fascinated by half-japs, like it's a safe way to approach something exotic.

funny, a lot of yakuza are of korean background (also burakumin, jeesh, burakku man can't get no break, brotha)

Based Boomer references poster

Meh, never felt like that, quite the opposite since I've found them incredibly friendly towards me. But that was Tokyo and it feels like they're quite used to foreigners, maybe outside the city it's different.

Anime porn isn't nearly as popular in Japan as it is in the west, apart from maybe some NEETs at most. Hostess clubs on the other hand were (and probably still are) very popular in Japan despite their age or social standing.

Pretty much. Japs have insular dwarfism so most gaijin look like big goons to them. But half-japs are commonly sought out for sexual relationships.

>”Like fucking a gaijin but not as scary”

In my experience though Nips are TERRIFIED of Flips IRL for whatever reason. Like even a relatively aggressive Japanese is not gonna mess with any Flip, whereas they might gladly confront a european or african or chinese.

Not at all, lol. Go walk through kabukicho and see if anyone feels "intimidated" by you, gaijin

I'm pretty sure that's because they're horribly insecure in their English and dread a foreign might actually ask them something. And to be fair they're not wrong. Their Engrish is not conversational at all unless it's what you learned in school as well.

You need to be fit and cute to get a fit and cute gf. Or you need to be rich. Outliers are very, very rare. If you are fat and ugly, that's all you'll get (or nothing).

There's no arbitrage, chads are fucking even the uglies. You have no sexual value. Go get fit and rich.

prostitution is illegal in Japan but blowjobs are not considered prostitution
so blowjobs are 100% legal
but like Any society the payment for sex in all its forms will never stop

Hilarious thing here is that I'm a male virgin loser myself, nor am I "libtard".
I'm not telling you to worship or like anything, just saying hating half the population because of their genitalia is quite childish and petty. There are so many better things to direct your anger towards.
Please, do this for yourself: become a decent human being and drop the misogyny.

no one thinks anything even remotely similar to that you imbecile
circumcision has absolutely nothing to do with Mary or Jesus you ignorant buffoon
it's like you just made up whatever you thought sounded right
never bothered to even do 30 seconds of research or ask anyone in your life and decided it was correct
>idc shutup christcuck REEEEE
if you can't even take the time to be knowledgeable about topics you're arguing about you're as stupid as a woman

Eh. You’re being too black & white about this. Value is sliding scale.

1. prohibiting prostitution doesn't stop prostitution
2. all it is is feminist BS because the average women will be forced to compete with prostitutes and won't be able to get the average men to accept their BS attitudes and entitlement anymore

A lot of hostesses are also porn actors, so basically same. A lot of women will take money from.patrond for extra services, hang out with them out of work hours and such

do you assume people like that are actively hating women to the point it consumes them in some way? not the case, though it may appear so online. with the descent of society it's only natural for women to follow, and it's important for men to realise their true nature because that's most of whats on show in todays world.

no one hates women because of their genitals
their genitals is one of their only redeeming features
it's the biological differences in their brains that makes them less intelligent and less logically oriented that makes me realize the truth That they are inferior mentally and of course physically and they should not be allowed to vote or make decisions for anyone including themselves as they are most self destructive
but the thing that I hate is not women itself but the western feminist brainwashing that is ingrained in our culture that turns them into lazy worthless entitled irritable walking bags of slutty human garbage obsessed with social media and money and sex
the ONLY intelligent conclusion is that feminism is a cancer to society and that women's rights must be removed
the more you deal with women the more this should be apparent to the intelligent man

>t. English teacher in Nipland

Get a black girl, it’s super easy, they love white men. They act like they don’t but it’s just a front. Trust me, they’ll suck your soul out through your dick.

All porn is pixelated in Japan, mandated by law. Some lady got in trouble for making a canoe shaped like her gash, and not pixelating it.

Is this Tokyo Decadence?

source? sounds like bullshit 2bh

And half of them have herpes. Not risking those odds.

What does this feel like?

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dude it's japan

And it's much moreso like that in Thailand
What's your point?

Yeah, and massage girls are exclusively limited to working your back muscles

See Abe Teruko (Sada's sister)

I feel like this movie has been out but i can't find it on any torrent sites. What gives?

kek, it's the absolute opposite, you jealous tiny dicked chink.

Japan is an honor-shame culture. Meaning you can do whatever you want and nobody cares as long as you don’t get caught or make a huge public spectacle about it to be judged by.”

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The entire point of the movie was that you can be a family even if you're just a bunch of crooks who aren't even related, you dumbass.