I cant read this without tearing up a little bit
And im a 6’4 guy
I cant read this without tearing up a little bit
Other urls found in this thread:
>And im a 6’4 guy
what does that have to do with anything?
t. Manlet
lanklets only have one thing going for them so they try to seamlessly bring it up in conversation whenever they can
this story is bullshit
No one only has $11. You can say, "i had around $10", or $0 or i was in debt…
But $11, come the fuck on... At one point of that day did you have $11? Was it before or after your lunch?
manlets have nothing going for them so they are constantly seething and never learning
triggered ya
Why didn't he grab some fast food with the 11 dollars
I never found this particularly sad, and I've got a nine Inch cock.
as long as they're on this board, manlets and lanklets are equally sexless
Different guy but Brando was ironically only 5'9.
>I've got a nine Inch cock
No you don't.
the 90's were a different time where people cared about the specific dollar amounts and the nitty gritty details that nobody really seems to notice or pick up on anymore
When you're low on money, every single dollar counts. It's always an emotionally taxing experience (especially on the long run). Plus getting his 1st paycheck might have been the exact moment when LeBlanc felt that he finally made it after all those years of struggle.
I balled my fucking eyes out and I've got an 8 inch cock. What does that say about me
seething manlet
we're both forever alone bro, it doesn't matter which one of us is taller
how can you still see?
i'm 186cm
ohnononono HAHAHAHA 190 is the cutoff in 2019
Sad thing is im 185 and I beleive this
>t. been rejected for being too short
The claim is how you know this is a manletpost of the shitposting variety.
What is it you think you gain for your height? it has little actual function whatsoever.
>i´m over 190 cm.
So what you could be easily dumb as a rock and your genes could be totally shit in every other way.
Fucking hilarious how let´s say people over 190cm think they are more masculine, also that masculinity is not showing any or having any emotions whatsoever. You really have the brain of a fucking monkey if you think it matters as much as you think.
I see '6'2 is the average where I live' over and over and over, including for my country (UK) and this simply doesn't hold water in real life, including overwhelmingly white high-tier university campuses and even sport societies you'd expect to be stacked with tallfags (rowing, lacrosse, etc.). The 'this is true. I'm [some height above 180cm] and I'm short and have been rejected because of it' comments are something I'm starting to think is a manlet shitpost of the subtle variety.
>inb4 'seething and coping'
I'm conscious about the importance of looks and height and sometimes when walking around I'll consciously taking notes of height, I can never in all honestly say it affirms the '6'2 is average' or whatever claims.
Also why the fuck did he only have 11 dollars. What the hell was he doing with his life? And why do you think it´s sad? Good thing he landed that part! Was a lucky thing for him.
Outwardly, being like 6'4 and having other things in check (so normal body, not a skinny one, etc.) does confer on a masculine vibe and image. They could be a complete pussy and pathetic joke of a man compared to some 5'11 whose a real man's man but 6'4fag has the advantage when it comes to first impressions and outward appearance.
I think most people just think they're taller than they actually are. Every 5'10" guy thinks he's 6' and this jives with the "average height in my country is 6'2" meme posts you see all the time.
Fucking hilarious i´ve never though about height whatsoever, nor have i been rejected because of it, i´ve been with taller women than myself quite a few times. No problems whatsoever. You people are fucking pathetic. Literally start a meme about height, and then go peddle it in real life.
>Outwardly, being like 6'4 and having other things in check (so normal body, not a skinny one, etc.) does confer on a masculine vibe and image.
Absolutely has nothing to do with masculinity with regards to genetic. You are a fucking moron with regards to biology if you think so. It´s a total fucking meme, it´s something i would expect a small child to come up with.
I'm a manlet and I've never once thought about my height as being some impediment to anything in my life until Yea Forums.
>the UK
where teh fuck do you live? In london 6'2 isn't even tall for a white dude
men rolling their eyes, well people in general rolling their eyes, is fucking revolting. with men especially tho. fag.
The average IS 6'2 in a lot of countries for YOUNG, WHITE men
You will never understand.
Height is relevant no matter what way you spin it, it's just that manlet shitposting takes it the extreme and twists people's perception, as it did with me. So instead of relying on Yea Forums manletposting claims about average, I simply used how I FELT walking around on campus and in the city as a way to determine what I was. Bunch of guys slightly shorter than me, bunch of guys my height, bunch of guys slightly taller, and turbomanlet and lanklet outliers. I resoundingly feel average in height.
Bongs have always been known for being small. Average height in UK is 5'9" which is similar to the average height in all anglo countries.
>And im a 6’4 guy
How tall are you?
Now he's back at having 11$ again
Average height for men includes 90 year old indians
restrict it to young white men and it shoots up
Imagine being 6'8" but with an average penis. It would look like a pinky fully erect.
I divide time between Oxford, York, and Norfolk, including the rural areas those cities are situation in in addition to the urban centres and, in one of the three, a university campus overwhelmingly white filled with people from all across the country and largely middle class as well as frequenting clubs, bars, and sports societies you'd think are stacked with massive guys. I'm 5'10 and, even as a guy very conscious about height, I always feel average.
>mention your height
>manlets are immediatly triggered and sperg out
wow, looks like the short man complex is a real thing
Now i know you're bullshiting. I lived in london for a good 2 years as a 24-26 yo and as a 6'1 dude I was always amongst the shorter dudes when we went out to bars and clubs
The reason people like you here on Yea Forums buy into this bullshit is because you're undesirable in general. You weren't rejected because you are 185 cms, user, that was just an easy thing for the person who turned you down to point to.
>Average height for men includes 90 year old indians
Vast majority of height studies only include the youngest adult generation but believe what you want.
Well that's part of my point: I live at a high-tier university campus that is overwhelmingly white and filled with 18-24 year olds and have frequented societies like rowing, lacrosse, rugby, etc. that you think would be filled with nothing but 6'2 at minimum (especially rowing). I feel average, man.
I didn't ask for all these feels
I don't live in London nor ever bother with it much, idiot. I'm saying this applies for where I personally divide my time.
Imagine this, you're an ugly as fuck Yea Forums poster, inside and outside. You're incredibly insecure. You need something to latch on to to feel good about yourself.
You look in the mirror. It turns out you're taller than the standard deviation. That's something! R-right? Sure I'm still a sexless virgin, but I'm totally better than all of these shorter sexless virgins!
It's really scraping the bottom of the barrel for something to be proud of
Nope, never had trouble getting other chicks, she was just a height whore. She's 4'11 but won't date under 6'4
Just saying women like her exist
I'm not tall. I don't cling onto height at all. I, if anything and contrary to your claims, cling onto the fact I'm handsome.
masculinity is directly correlated with dominating and intimidating and ultimately being superior to other men, so whatever physical and interpersonal characteristics relate to that are essential for a man to possess, and denying this and trying to spin into some numale redditoric where men can cry and be sensitive and there's no need for machismo is self deceit because the necessity for a man to look and act masculine is self evident if you want to be respected and successful and attractive
God I fucking hate her more than anyone else in Hollywood
>5'10 is average
only on Yea Forums
fucking manlets
>masculinity is directly correlated with dominating and intimidating and ultimately being superior to other men
guy who posts on an anime image board
Also, height is still relevant in general. The research about how much more people respond positively to taller men or perceive as more masculine and so on it all out there for you to reach. You really think Adam Driver would have the sex appeal he does were he 5'9 with narrow shoulders? Nah. Height does matter for men. It's a factual statement, even if ugly lanklets out do use their height to cope.
to surmise -- every secondary sexual characteristic and personality trait that results from high androgen exposure (within healthy upper range) is critical for a man's social success
No matter how high up in the air you hold up a bag of dog feces, it still looks like shit.
Your face is the bag in this scenario my dude
doesnt make anything that he said less true faggot
women are attracted to dominant men
and most of the time, that's gonna be men who are physically dominant
so I'm a loser who is aware of how social dynamics work, good argument nerd
Marlon Brandon is 5'9"
It's really not, though. Even the tallest whites aren't that tall. The average height of Danish males at conscript age is 5'11". But I thought the kids were all 6'4" now? Must be all the Arabs in the Danish military driving down the average.
You're missing the part where the very point of my comment is that it's anecdotal and I'm stating how I, someone conscious about how important is, feels when going about my business. I'm not making an sweeping claims you brainlet, only how '6'2 is average' claims is something I can affirm based on experiences.
Why are you so buttmad about the fact that you're not tall?
Yeah there's ugly tall people, and yeah, theres beautiful short dudes. But the fact remains that ceteris paribus, taller > shorter.
Doesn't mean being short is a game over, but it's still something universally desirable
Yeah but he's definitely not one of the dominant men that he loves praising
I wanna move to these places where "5'10 is average".
6'1 master height here. also im not ugly
>When Chuck and Dick (the rooster and duck) were written off the show, Matt LeBlanc requested they be given to him. The following days during shoots, Matt would bring home-made dishes for lunch, which consisted of rooster and duck. The cast were disgusted.
M8 i'm with you on that, it's your average "reeee manlets" poster that I'm taking shots at. Yeah it's better to be tall, but you get basement dwellers on this board who act like being over 6'1" redeems them for how they look, which it doesn't
formerly sneed and dick
'Height is relevant' =/= 'Height is the only thing that matters!'
Face matters for men too. So does height. Also, prime Brando was a handsome fucker. Driver can't compete. His height and broadness assures he has sex appeal. He'd lack it were he 5'9.
Move to any Western European country.
I respect the hell out of 5'10s and belows
I'm 6'2 and regularly feel short, i don't know how someone that height would cope
The average for men in most parts of the U.S. is under that disabled-world.com
Except the Netherlands, land of the goofy lanklets.
t. manlet
Yeah but your average Yea Forums poster isn't some tall, handsome alpha male. The ones who are drawn to this thread are usually tall basement dwellers who hold onto height as their only redeeming factor -- which is why they keep tr
Keep in mind manlet threads are filled with shitposts. You have to decipher which is an attempt at a real conversation and which is a shitpost. Some are obvious though, like '190cm is king of manlets'.
--ying to move the cutoff
>list claims BOSNIA is the tallest country on earth
gr8 b8 m8
Look at the ages used in the studies and the year the studies were conducted. Almost all of them use the youngest male generation.
>dat 1990s NY subway grit and grime
damn, it's like a different place
My experiences have taught that personality and good decisions definitely matter even if handsome despite how much incels meme about handsomeness rendering personality irrelevant and so on. Also, never get wasted every single time you get drunk.
TIL: When Matt LeBlanc auditioned for the role of Joey on Friends he sucked off homeless men for sheer nourishment. When the cast got their paychecks the first place Coutney Cox went was the car dealership, Matt went to the spermbank.
Thats only for a handful of them you eyelets
Most of them go up to 70
but whatever, keep insisting reality is wrong and that you're tall
Matt LeBlanc is just a character played by Joey Tribiani
Look at all those unhappy, poor browns to her left. Hilarious lack of self awareness when the comment is a 'I'm so brave and have struggled so much against oppression!' shit. She is an ugly cunt indeed.
TIL: When Matt LeBlanc auditioned for the role of Joey on Friends he lived in a crack den with 8 other junkies. When the cast got their first paychecks, Courtney Cox bought a car, Matt finally started paying his share of the rent.
t. middle class white dude who got handed everything on a platter and still fucked it up
sure you are kiddo
Actually king kong came out in '76
2000s movie?
TIL: When Matt LeBlanc auditioned for the role of Joey on Friends his only source of entertainment was watching the display TVs inside electronic stores. When the cast got their paychecks, Courney Cox bought a car, Matt bought a Betamax.
TIL Matt LeBlanc walked into the audition room for Friends after mistaking it for a food bank.
it's called flirting, incel.
jesus christ manlets are easily triggered
>n-no its lanklets that are insecure
No, the 1976 movie.
Why would it matter how ugly she was? She would just be wearing a mask and suit.
TIL: When Matt Leblanc auditioned for the role of Joey on Friends he didn't have a pot to piss in. When the cast got their first paychecks, Courney Cox went to a car dealership, Matt went to the Cookwear aisle.
>>n-no its lanklets that are insecure
seems like you're the triggered one
6'4 of being a pussy.
I have no personality, no talent, and am probably a 7/10 in the face at best. I am however 6'4
how does it feel knowing this singular trait is enough for me to get a pretty steady flow of gash? that were you only a few tiny inches taller your entire life would be different?
>t. lanklet
So you literally did exactly what I said you'd do in my post?
Christ you must be seething
>tfw I'm 6'2 with size 13 feet and giant hands but a tiny penis
I am living proof the big feet thing is a lie.
friendly reminder: whenever someone says "I'm [above average height] and I feel short they are probably 2-3" shorter than what they claim.
it seems that the lanklets are seething hard itt. 99% of guys over 6'3" have shit tier proportions and look like lanky beanpoles
inb4 manlet, I am a 6'6" bodybuilder, most lanklets are not gonna make it and thus cope online. I see them in the gym all the time, they show up 4-6 months, realize they are not making progress and quit
>LeBlanc felt that he finally made it after all those years of struggle.
Fuck him, he was 26, that's nothing.
I’m 6’1 and taller than 90% of people I see everyday. And I’m in NYC.
6’4” niggas stay thinkin that because they tall they attractive baka
TIL: When Matt LeBlanc auditioned for the role of Joey on Friends he was enrolled in nearby highschool disgused as a student for access to the free lunch program. When the cast got their paychecks, the first thing Courtney Cox bought was a car, Matt threw a rad party and invited the whole senior class
>I'M 6'6 I SWEAR
kek, subtract one foot to get this guys real height
>friendly reminder: whenever someone says "I'm [above average height] and I feel short they are probably 2-3" shorter than what they claim.
This. I don't get why people insist on lying about shit like that, even on the Internet, even when they're anonymous.
Or more likely, they really do feel short. Humans are conditioned to always want more
Nah dude, having a 7/10 face is what's carrying you. If you looked like most of the people on this board, it wouldn't matter how tall you were, you'd be constantly getting rejected.
>tfw only 5'8 and skinny but with a 8inch girthy veiny dick
TIL: When Matt LeBlanc auditioned for the role of Joey on Friends, he lived in an abandoned mineshaft in the middle of a forest. When the cast got their paychecks, Courney Cox bought a car, Matt bought a helmet with a candle on it.
yeah you're probably correct about me underestimating my looks part of the work
I just want those manlets to feel so bad about not being a person yknow?
nice bro. manlets deserve it
t. 6'2
ITT we play make believe
>tall people don't exist
You think it would make them angry if they were to visit ladyboners and see them gushing over a bunch of 5'8-5'11 guys?
>googles ladyboners
>reddit dot com
oh no no no no no
TIL: When Matt Leblanc auditioned for the role of Joey on Friends, he was living in an abandoned warehouse on a homespun nest of discarded wendys napkins, dead grass and greasy rags. When the cast got their first paychecks, Courtney Cox bought a car, Matt incorporated the dollars into his bedding.
>unironically admit you use reddit
Short AND sóy? It's over dude
>tfw out to dinner with family last night
>friends is brought up
>brother unironically says its no longer funny cause its humor is based on antiquated values
>antiquated values means it isnt PC enough
I thought these type of opinions only existed on salon
Why don't you hop into a time machine, run up to Pitt circa 2003-4 when filming filming Troy and go
>'H-heh! Y-you're 5'11... you're not a m-man... f-f-f.. fucking manlet...'
Then proceeded to endure the room laughing so hard your head explodes.
I think it must make you legitimately angry when you see a handsome 5'8-5'11 guy with a beautiful girl
>inb4 'I never see that kek'. That was gonna be your response, wasn't it? Predictable and stale as usual.
I'm six foot four inches and those are two measurements!
I'm glad you finally discovered your sexuality :)
>Implying there isn't a massive overlap on certain subs
Go to braincels. It's damn obvious so many of them use Yea Forums considering how they understood the in joke about Robert when his picture was posted there. You're in the dark if you don't think there aren't a lot perusing both sites.
>just be one of the worlds most famous actors bro
fucking KEK
noone ever said short dudes can't get girls
why are you so buttmad about not being tall?
>manlets are unironically defending reddit now
holy shit this board has gone to shit
Time to change your wallpaper, then.
god damn you're triggered. why don't you take a break by walking outside for a few minutes. Oh, right, that'd shatter the illusion that people are impressed by your height
Called it like an hour ago, why are manlets so predictable?
>I took a deep breath and said
>"Would it help if I suck your cock?"
>Today I have 18 Academy Awards.
"I'm not angry YOU are angry"
nice one bro. this guy called it out before you though:
I don't have anything to be mad about bro. Tbh i wish i was a little taller but 6'2 is fine
How tall are you?
seems no one is admitting their real height. I am 5'6".
I'm 5'4, and I bet I'm still better looking that you
>hurr i wasn't cast as character whose most important trait was her beauty
Interestingly that's also why Steve Buscemi almost didn't become an actor.
>btw i'm really insecure and awkward
What the fuck did he expect saying this to some thot?
self deprication (when done by an actual male) is actually a great tactic
>all these angry manlets seething
Feels good to be 6’2 with a 7 inch dick. Thick, too. You’ll scream and cry that it isn’t true but it is and nothing will ever change that.
>all these replies
Lanklets btfo 2bh. He's right though, look at Owen Benjamin, all that cock-eyed schizoid can bring up is his height, like how a black dude brings up his dick, constantly.
>good looking
It won't work on soulless thots though.
>having good height and penis genetics
>STILL browsing Yea Forums together with manlets and uggos
you are even more pathetic than we are
>NOOO Yea Forums is my super secret special friends club!
He's a manlet user
He wanted you to know that he almost made it
don't strawman, i'm simply stating that at least turbomanlets and ugly people have a reason to spend all day on Yea Forums, if you're so tall and handsome and have a big dick then why are you here instead of enjoying life? pathetic
how new are you
it's not real messaging, it's written like the manlet version
It's an ancient reddit/imgur meme, the idea of a large burly "manly man" having a teary-eyed moment is meant as a juxtaposition that enhances the intensity of the emotion he claims to feel. It's meant as a form of signalling for social credit, he hopes that other people will see his display and think he's one of the sensitive, "good" males, and it will up his standing in the community.
nice lingo, incel
so this is the power of a college education
lankies btfo
lmao, forget all the reddit memes youve heard, Yea Forums(nel) is fucking normie central
>Height does matter for men. It's a factual statement, even if ugly lanklets out do use their height to cope.
Just one digit away from some good trips of truth
go drink some milk and hang off a monkey bar lol
What's the point of having a 7 inch dick if no one wants to go near it, user? Good set of consolation prizes you've got there, though
>mention your height
>horde of manlets rush in to insist that you must be ugly and an incel, and that height doesnt count for anything
You’re much more likely to be rejected as an astronaut for being too tall (NASA’s cutoff is a little over 6’) than being too short. When the colony ships are finally made, all the lanklets will be left behind as everyone of worth will colony space. Enjoy being left behind with the rest of the third-worlders though.
Ok who's more likely to bring up height out of autism?
Why are you so triggered by people mentioning their height? If height doesn't matter why are you so buttblasted that there are people taller than you out there
Very true. I have a friend that's a tall fag and he constantly talks about it.
Matt LeBlanc is 5'9"
I'm 5'9
weird fag
When i was broke AF between jobs and barely paying rent I had $23 at my lowest. I know i had that much because by then i had cashed im my coins and scraped everywhere for every cent. When youre that close to $0 you know exactly how much you have.
And women do have the brain of monkeys so cope harder manlet fag
I only know height in freedom units
that's like 6'1" i think
He was so fucking hot, dear god
>t. never wanted for anything in my life
true, lol
It's amazing to think Marlon Brando once looked like that.
>tfw 6'2 but proportionately wider than shorter people
Lmao get fucked manlets and lanklets
>tfw 6'2 and 120kg and 6" girth but 6" lengthlet
TIL: When Matt LeBlanc auditioned for the role of Joey on Friends he was stealing hubcaps off of cars. When the cast got their first paychecks, Courtney Cox bought a car, Matt got her a great deal on rims.
TIL: When Matt LeBlanc auditioned for the role of Joey on Friends he was living in a discarded hazardous waste container near LA. When the cast got their first paychecks, Courtney Cox bought a car. Matt bought sheet metal for an addition.