If seinfeld was filmed in front of a studio audience, then what'd they do for this episode? Was she actually naked for everyone to see?
If seinfeld was filmed in front of a studio audience, then what'd they do for this episode...
this most virgin of questions
I prefer friends. it's pure comfy.
>thinking the jews care about the modesty of some goy
They were told to cover their eyes
they make special bras and undies that stick on for it.
She likely had pasties or some type of covering on.
no, they have discreet clothing for scenes like this, pasties, panties that dont go around the waist ect
I’ll bite for this shit thread, she’s probably wearing some protective cover that just shields her front without being visible from the back.
this thread reeks of incel
have children, roast
thankfully she was born with no genitalia at all so the crowd saw nothing
Then get out of it and stop stinking it up.
>protective cover glued to her pusy
imagine the smell
>anyone does anything
>/pol/incel schizo: DA JOOOOOOOZ
gravy or ketchup
doesn't matter
'cept to you
dig in
>t. incel
>If seinfeld was filmed in front of a studio audience
it wasn't though
Was it really filmed in front of a studio audience?
pasties not pastries you illiterate mong
No he's correct. You're the illiterate one.
>be you
>is a dumb faggot
pottery. kys
What do breasts feel like?
have a toast, low-carb
You're fat enough to feel your own.
Depends on the breast. but the average decent sized ones feels like bags of warm water.
That is called a Cornish Pasty, its a working class British thing.
that's an empanada
Bags of sand
like bags of sand
Though seriously they feel like nice sacks of fat nice and warm and if they're big enough they're hot on the bottom since they sit so close to the body. few things are sweeter than lifting up a titty to sniff underneath and feel their weight
And in Britain they call pasties, "itty bitty tiddie hiddies."
are we brothers?
Not all scenes were filmed live
this thread reeks of 30 something virgins
>Seinfeld/Larry David aren’t Jewish
It was a fladhback so they just put it on some screen.
Puff out your cheeks and squeeze them,
You are so right.
It's for 90s born queers and women
never at any point did they say it was filmed in front of a live studio audience
>If seinfeld was filmed in front of a studio audience, then what'd they do for this episode? Was she actually naked for everyone to see?
In the beach episode, you can see the breasts of the "topless" girl are actually covered while there's nothing in her back.
There's a beach episode!?
>implying there is anything shameful about the naked female form
Taking off a woman's bra after a long work day and rubbing the imprint it leaves on her back. Wrapping your arms around her on the couch and feeling them rest on your arms. Few things sweeter. God I need to get a gf
eww gross boobs are hairy!?
it's definitely shameful if your pussy looks like that, please do not post it
no bueono con tu hot pocket mexicano
I'd eat that pussy like my life depended on it.
Scenes in Jerry's apartment were.
>What do breasts feel like?
Pic related.
Fattier/larger ones just feel like skin-covered balloons full of pudding.
This made me look up if women like resting on mens chest.
nice bait
pasties are nasty, I'd rather eat a chicken pie.
I live in southern West Virginia and pasties never caught on here, which I think is weird. It was designed specifically for poor Anglo miners to eat with their hands, yet they emigrate here and don't bring them along.
It was never actually filmed in front of an audience. The show used laugh tracks.
We don't get to see much of the beach, but yeah, it's the one about the ugly baby and Kramer stealing lobsters.
chattin' shit m8? come 'ere n' i'll bash yer 'ead in la'
Pasty is more of a Souf thing though
...You don't think Seinfeld was written by Jews?
It's cornish not english. Cornish were the best miners of copper and came in droves to South Australia where they pasty is still huge
Im allowed to chat shit about the pasty, my surname starts with Tre
>implying Greggs isn't the King In The Norf
What the FUCK did he mean by this?
Cornwall is in England.
You mean to tell me that all of our Bongs that came here in the late 1800s to work the mines are from the Norf?
It used to be a separate kingdom so there's still cultural differences. Sounds like it although I just read west virginia does have some copper deposits, do you know what your miners were digging up?
Like disappointment
This vagina has caused PTSD and turned many men gay
have sex
Would you be saying "Anglos don't care about her modesty" if Jerry wasn't Jewish?
If Jerry weren't Jewish he wouldn't have had a show.
Pitch an episode
Does rape count?
I was raped
Jerry gets a gf
George recognizes her as an ASMR thot from internet
Jerry watches her newest episode and sees she's in Kramer's apartment
There was an episode in season 5 where the gang went somewhere and George's girl was topless and you could catch her tits, so I assume it's the same here.
George gets mistaken for a school shooter
Best Fanning
by Seinfeld?
The audience closes their eyes
nice digits
You cunts made me curious, post it
Elain's non-binary "partner" is too androgynous and she doesn't know what to get them for christmas
they feel like nothing. there's no resistance, it's like pushing against cotton candy. the user who said bag of warm water was pretty close
>anyone says anything
why doesn't he just go grab a stranger's titty
Cornwall is actually still it's own kingdom by law but they don't enforce any of it.
YOU post it
Imagine being this new.
What about nips?
jew bad
me no watch jew on tv
Depends on the time of the month, and even the day. They can feel firm and them suddenly at night turn really soft. They're quite something. That being said ass>tits
dick is best tho
Imagine hating Jews yet having no idea what they look like.
thanks for the red pill I had no idea there were jews on Seinfeld
bags of salty sandy coins
You absolute madman
im thinkin arbys
I'm gay now
it looks like its screaming for help
>mfw Elvis Presley's "Don't Be Cruel" is playing when i clicked on this
It's been confirmed 90s born queer
who is this
Why is she so smug about it?
Reese witherspoon
Come to Arby's and get our Mega Beef Burger
i want to eat it
One could even say this is quite Lynchian.
who actually is this?
Hope Solo
>Kramer is Elder Maxson
At last, I truly see.
does she have turkish ancestry?
it looks like a cockroach
>Kramer convinces George to invest in his new bitmining operation
>Jerry discovers he's been the unwitting participant in the scheme when his PC gpu dies, PSU goes bad and HDD gets fried
>He tosses the computer since nothing of value was left on the HDD not realizing it stored all of Kramer's dish
>Elaine discovers her bf has been posting her nudes online with her face photoshopped off when she snoops on his computer. She takes his HDD out and breaks up with him but accidentally leaves a jacket she picked up for Jerry from the dry cleaners
>Kramer spends all week rummaging through the dump until he miraculously finds Jerry's PC with his HDD
He comes by and leaves the HDD with Jerry until he can find a PC to borrow
>Elaine comes over and realizes her mistake... accidentally switched exes HDD and makes an agreement to trade with ex for Jerry's jacket
>End of episode is Kramer and gang getting an eyeful
usually the human body is disgusting
>Hope Solo
I'm thinking Arby's
I choose to live my life as a gay man now
You all are seriously a bunch of virgins of the sight of a nice healthy vagina grosses you out, how would you like it if someone stole picks of your tiny dick and spread it all over the internet?
Olympic goalkeeper for US soccer team and she was briefly famous
You're just such a desperate incel that the sight of any vagina turns you on
hey Hope
So... my new girlfriend was born a man.
Pre-op or post-op?
Jerry! You can't go back from this. That unequivocally gay, Jerry.
It's not gay!
How does this very heterosexual liaison work anyway?
Well she goes down on me and then...
And then?
I'm not having this conversation anymore.
hard to believe jerry going down for anybody women or men, he is a germaphobe
the humor is really feminine.
it's definitely written to be watched by females and homofaggots.
Why do Americans make such a big deal about nipples?
Why do Rutland make such a big deal about getting run over by trucks? Shut the fuck up, degenerate.
This. The show is gossip office lady type drama and I never understood the appeal of that shit. Rachel is naturally unfunny along with Cox btw.
i have nothing to be ashamed of
That's because we West Virginians have the based pepperoni roll.
if not for the cankles she'd be perfect
There's a scene later in the episode where you can make out her skin-coloured underwear.
Why are they all spics???
jery get ipad
Seinfeld is black, idiot.
His family were cotton pickers in Alabama.
nipples are evil
Why does Krammer look like his dad was a kebab salesman?
That's right, enough jizz will hold anything in place.
Jesus. That's why. If you had Jesus in your life, you'd abhor sexuality too.
>sitting bare-assed on my couch.
what the fuck is wrong with you?
that stereotype of millenials is already dated tbqh
>Mary was a virgin
>Gave birth to Jesus
>Jesus took his own mother's virginity
soft, sweet, warm, thin
>If not for the the thick legs shed...
stopped reading their
Do people really have funny life adventures like this? I thought people spent most of the day at their job then come home and sleep, especially in new york
Based Kramer
does god promote incest?
All this time I thought Kramer was a Jew and Jason Alexander was Italian. But it was the opposite.
Like Teen Spirit.
*michael Richards. I have a hard time separating them from their characters
They put stickers over her nipples
look, i love you guys over the pond, but your child names for body parts disturb me a little, they are breasts, boobs or tits. Tatas? sounds like something a nine year old would say, seriously off-putting. Like when your dating someone and they refer to dicks as "willies", i know i will never get a erection in their company again.
America was founded by Puritans/
do it
Next you are going to tell me that Larry David is one of (((them)) or Mel Brooks
Jerry milked her for the crowd during the commercial breaks
Yeah it was. And for scenes that couldn't be, they would play what they filmed or just plain reenact the scene to get a real audience reaction. Every bit of the laugh track in Seinfeld is genuine.
There was this guy on voicechat on Xbox in a game I was in who kept saying nigger in his sentences edgily during the whole game. All I could think of was how real the "have sex" meme is.
i want to eat it
Who the fuck eats pasties with sauces? The whole point is it's portable. Stupid fake Brit.
Cornwall has its own independence movement. It truly did get fucked by the English government, in fairness to them. On the other hand, they're inbred poorfags so fuck 'em
Cute pussy desu
Was it me on your xb chat? 360 NO SCOPE NIGGA
Like bags of sand
Also a thing in Michigan for some strange reason
>Do people really have funny life adventures like this?
They used to, but then the Internet was unleashed on the world.
That's a pasty from Michigan's Upper Peninsula brought by miners from Cornwall and now made by the Finns who live up there. Great with either gravy or ketchup.
What was it
did the audience really have to walk all the way up to the apartment?