See a few threads about it here

>see a few threads about it here
>decide to check it out and see what the fuss is about
>put on the first episode
>not even 5 minutes in
>muh strong female character
>muh evil white man villain
Are all of them ideological propaganda? Should I just save myself 4 hours and stop watching right now?

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Other urls found in this thread:,_Death_&_Robots

>Are all of them ideological propaganda?
yes. it's in their interest to walk the line and publish the propaganda of the times.

Yes. Most of the threads you speak of are bot and shill threads

I skipped to the final episode with the Russians, which is solid. The episode with the 3 robots is annoying but has its moments, almost all coming from the female non anthropoid robot.
Then I checked out the episode with the farmers in mechs, which if I'm being honest sounded like something I could really enjoy.
INSTANTLY there's some kind of impossible qui-racial black woman who--I'm being totally clear with you here--simply could not exist in any relatable human form without gene therapy and experimental cosmetic surgery. This is not prejudice. It was abject frustration at this boob-clad homunculus designed to offend no one. These fucking pedophile gutless animators and creatives who just want to see fire and death and 'happy anger' at play. Fucking horrendous.

I honestly loved most of the shorts. Didn't mind female protagonists as show was full of violence and sex that is OBVIOUSLY not targeted at SJWs, and any neckbeard here that will say otherwise seriously needs to dial down on the redpill consumption.

It's by far one of the best things that came from netflix and it deserves every view.

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I enjoyed the one with symbolism of China modernizing itself to take revenge on Anglos

It looks shit

Definately one of the better ones, theme and story considered.
I also enjoyed the alien spacestation although it was pretty obvious. Still quite pleasing in execution.
And the first one was pretty great as well, with the really top tier fight scene and the ending.

That first episode definitely was. I decided to keep watching, second one wasn't, but that's not saying much, because it was otherwise quippy, unfunny Reddit trash. I'll watch all of them because I haven't got anything better to do, but I have very low expectations.

It has highs and lows, like any series that has short stories in it. There will be a couple that should match the first episode, depending on what's your cup of tea.

I hope people realize that 16/18 of the episodes were based on existing short stories.,_Death_&_Robots

If you liked it it, you can read the original short story or other work by the author.

Personally, I was rather disappointed by it all overall, for various reasons. I had already read quite a few of the stories the episodes were based on long ago.

I'm on third EP now and wow, was it bad. What the fuck was the twist supposed to be? It's a time loop because... ? Robots? It's the future? First one might have been SJW trash, but at least the twist made sense.

3rd is probably one of the weakest ones


Worst episode are by John "Belarussians live on easy mode compared to Japanese because they are white" Scalzi

Not worth it OP, you should never watch a movie or browse the internet or talk to another person so you don't run the risk of seeing a strong female.

I don't mind strong female characters, but there's a way modern media has of doing it where it's just so blatant and obvious that it's annoying. It's a cliche example, but Ripley from Alien is a good example of how to do a good female lead. Don't call attention to it. When you make your female lead a lesbian rape survivor who's out to beat men, and your villain is a stereotypical rich white dude, it's blatantly obvious what your doing.

Incidentally I'm on episode 4 now and it wasn't bad.

PART 1/2

Almost all of these tried to do too much in too little time and were far worse off for it.

Barely Decent
Sonnie's Edge - I may have read this story by Peter F. Hamilton but forgot, because I apparently read the anthology in which its featured. Then again, maybe I just like it more like this, but even so, only barely decent. Though, what it mostly was remind me that I should read more Alistair Rennie.

The Witness - Mostly for the art style, didn't really care for much else.

Three Robots - I read John Scalzi blog from time to time, but I don't really care for his works much. This was him being silly.

Suits - This is barely mediocre, considering the ending reveal. It could be been done better in a lot of ways.

Beyond the Aquila Rift - Rather generic, but functional. I don't expect much in terms of my enjoyment from Alistair Reynolds generally.

Lucky 13 - Seeing Samira Wiley, or really just someone I recognized instantly, was off-putting in comparison to the other episodes. Almost decent.

Blindspot - What is this? Red Ash? Mega Man? Might Number Nine? Something similar. I was confused, but was otherwise meh.

Secret War - I binged all 18 episodes in a row and by the time I got to this one, I just wanted it to be all over, so may have caused some problems with that. It wasn't anything particular in any way.

Sucker of Souls - This is the first one where I thought, it can't get worse than this. How wrong I was. It failed to capitalized on basically everything and went wrong in every way. It could have been decent.

Good Hunting - I generally like Ken Liu's works and those that he translates, but I had so many problems with this one. I hadn't read the original short story, so I don't know where the problem originates.

PART 2/2

The Dump - I wonder if this inspired the character and area in Borderlands. It just was just bad though.

Shape-Shifters - I don't think it did well with its concept. It was rather ridiculous.

Ice Age - Greg Egan's Crystal Nights is a much better version, which is too bad, because I also like Michael Swanwick.

When The Yogurt Took Over - This is John Scalzi just being dumb to prove a point.

Helping Hand - This is a joke made into a serious story that needn't have been done.

Fish Night - I couldn't suspend my disbelief at the absurd logic.

Zima Blue - Worst art style by far and already knew I didn't like it from reading the short story. Then again, I like very little from Alistair Reynolds in general. I disagree with everything about it.

Alternate Histories - This was awful and repetitive.

why are you incels so sensitive?

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I forgot to mention that Sonnie's Edge graphics reminded of Final Fantasy and similar, which may actually have been the strongest thing going for it, even though that's more the idea of them now than the actual games themselves, at least for a long time now.

Pretty sure if you were to do a "who gets offended at more things and reacts to them with more tears and bitching" contest, lefty cucks would win every fucking time.

And how's that related?

I liked the space station, werewolf and demon episodes, probably for most part they were pretty looking with fantasy/scifi element. Would've loved to read more about spacestation and the aliens.

I don't remember them going on a shooting spree of people they don't like.

last guy was ecofascist though, who didn't like immigration

Because they're pussies who would never have the courage to take action for what they believe in, and just holding the gun would give them PTSD.

Wow I guess I thought much differently than what I see in the thread. I thought Zumi Blue was the best and Witness was the second best. A lot of the shorts seemed to be total show-offs as far as technical animation went but the story was pretty uninteresting or wasn't paced out correctly. I don't care about nudity but a lot of these seemed to just cram in crude humor for the sake of it, like having some guy walk around with his pants down or making a monotone robot call another robot a "pussy ass bitch." I really liked Zumi Blue cause I like the idea of this super old artist who was a master and made art bigger than the world, who seemed to understand the galaxy more than everyone, come to the conclusion that his whole world just began with a blue pool tile. At the beginning, the woman who is interviewing him asks herself where the shade of blue came from - the sky or the water? It's not either. It's like some ethereal color that only he can understand. But it turns out that it's a manufactured color. His universe is that blue tile color, and our universe, as complex as it is, could be as simple as that color of blue.
As for Witness, I saw someone in the thread earlier asking what the point of the twist was. It didn't really make me think of the cause of it, but rather the result. Were they trapped in this endless loop? I actually really liked that the whole time she seemed like a victim, but actually they were both victims in whatever this was they were trapped in. I thought that it looked great too because while it was semi-realistic, it was stylized enough that it stayed out of the uncanny valley. I thought the scene where the murderer guy got dragged into the sex apartment looked stylish and grimy in an awesome way.
I really, really hated the one where the farmers are in the mech suits fighting the monsters coming through the portal. The style was ugly as fuck and the story was derivative and boring.

The first one is the only one that's really feminist I found

Yeah fuck those beta non-murderous cucks

>as show was full of violence and sex that is OBVIOUSLY not targeted at SJWs,
Then why do SJWs love Game of Thrones so much?

He wasn't, that was just part of the disinfo he wanted others to spread. Don't fall for the memes.

What did you think of Shapeshifters?

The three main characters: macho country dude who of course lives, wimpy dude who sacrifices himself, old hardened woman who smokes and aint got no man. Then of course the woman's husband dies and she's gotta avenge him and then the main character had to talk to her at the end cause she's sitting alone crying on a bench. I thought that at least the scarecrow would have some special relevance but the main character just ties himself to it and hopes it holds which it almost doesn't do - he could've ties himself to the fence and it would have been as effective. So the gift his now-dead neighbor gave him doesn't have any real relevance other than to just throw it back into the animation but now his neighbor is dead and he likes the thing now cause it "saved" everyone but it could have been seriously any other object.

everything on netflix is literally propaganda against men or the white religious family

Zima Blue was highly disagreeable because it declared that simplicity and non-existence was the highest form of art.

So he's advocate for privatizing or are you automatically far right if you don't want immigration from objectively detrimental countries?
Just be honest, you just name it far right, because it's the only thing you know what to do
Btw, left wing is shutting free speech, not right wing - Every communist state has had freedom of speech cut off by threat of violence, even now western countries that are left wing are contemplating tightening hate speech and internet

How does it feel to have an entirely reductive worldview where your entire existence is talking points given to you by others?

How do you reconcile your feelings of not liking alistair much while also wanting to read more of his work?

If you relate more with the manipulative corrupt bourgeois than the hardworking proletariat, there's something wrong with you.

Have Sex

I'm saying that his "manifesto" was entirely memes, copypasta, references, and shitposting.
If you believed anything in it, you're the idiot.
I have no idea why you've responded as you have though.
Seems to be a malfunction.

I didn't really like that one. That was one of the main ones where the animation really entered the uncanny valley for me. I saw it as a total animation flex and the story was like OK, the violence was definitely there in a cool and gross way but it was a little cliched with lines like "I may not be an animal but I'll no longer wear your leash!" I guess the end implied that there was some honor among the werewolf soldiers and they'd rather fight on their own terms than on their country's terms but then what is the point? The guy already avenged his friend and the only reason they are fighting anyways is for their respective countries. Unless the main dude just plans to run around the hills as a lone wolf fucking shit up. I will say that gore where his arm was just hanging off of his body was cool and gross.

What right-wing country is expanding freedom of speech?

Dude he has right the point whete everything is known and boring. Why would you continue existing when everything is fade and tasteless, when the words passion and interest mean nothing to you anymore?

I'm well aware it had large parts of satirizing but it also points he liked to make out, like demographics and his view on environmentalism, I read the whole thing and he didn't joke about environmentalism
I don't think you can create more free speech when you haven't banned it in the first place?
Though post communist countries in Europe would be a good example

I read short story anthologies a lot.
I don't bias them on previous feelings on the author.
I don't believe I said I wanted to read more from him.
For reference, here's what I've read and liked from him:
In Babelsberg
The Six Directions of Space

Maybe you misread Rennie for Reynolds at the beginning though.

Net flix.
Net Flix.
Nyet Flix.

You can thank me later, comrade.

Like Russia where you can't talk about gays?

Honestly the only thing wrong with that message is that it's been made decades before with like the original black or white canvases and John Cage's 3:33. There may be "nothing" there but there is still complexity in the nothing if you examine it

Well, Europe is more Asian country than it is Europe, but saying Russia is not what I had in mind

We can try countries in EU that were formerly under soviet union

say that to the commies

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Hot damn, alastair reynolds and alistair rennie. My mistake then.

Left vs Right is a terrible dichotomy and essentially worthless now.

I'm much more interested in Authoritarian vs Libertarian.
Why aren't you?

I think the twist with two werewolves was cool, and the opening scene was pretty Kino. Next to the Witness, I think it's probably the best shot one out of the bunch, especially with the transformations, probably the coolest I've ever seen done.

I think the reason Decker walked away was because unlike Sobieski, he didn't really see the point of being a soldier after Sobieski died and decided to leave. In the weightlifting scene he already was expressing doubts about it.

That one sucked, but it sucked for everyone. SJWs also hate it for using rape to build her character and all that in your face bullshit with lesbos, monster penetration and women being mauled. According to them it was a clear example of "powerful female" written by a dude.

What would you have wanted to see in Suits differently though?

He stuck his dick into its mouth didn't he

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Because we haven't declined to such extend in Finland that we should forego worker rights in hopes we avoid totalitarian future
Essentially all parties, all of media are telling us that mass immigration from Africa and Muslim countries is good and no one really gives platform to those who question that premise, while disregards all talk about such nonsense as far right fiction

Do you want to point to a specific one or do I have to go through the list?
I don't know which other ones are right-wing

Again, for what purpose?

Ok, I just started episode 8 and had to take a little pause to make this post... This is whoever made this's weird furry piss fetish, right?

Nice try, it's the third highest rated with normies

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Clearing your mind of all this negativity.
Your sexual frustrations are clouding your judgment.

The monster fight is the only reason why it's so popular.

Where is this rating, IMDB?

What dont you like about Aquila Rift? I have trouble understanding whats not relatable about the tragedy

oh c'mon, now. You must know that virtue signaling gives you bonus points.

I think it's more likely he just got the feeling transmitted through telepathy
If they can imitate touch and such, sex shouldn't be out of the question. Remember how malnourished he was and couldn't tell it in his dream?
What Poland has now, and even what you show are nothing to compare what they had during Soviet Union, do I need to spell this out to you?
Vandalizing public property is as much a crime elsewhere as well
Next time try to link actual news instead of garbage blog, okay?

Why zima blue is popular? It was outright visually and story telling wise most boring out of the lot

The ending scene, while it has the shitty dialogue between the lesbians, have a good twist with good payoff

I can find all the posts shitting on it in a quick twitter search, man. Normies get impressed by the style and cagefight. Like most people here that hated everything else about it. I'm not talking about normies, it's the wokefags rejecting it. Talking about female artists, bizarro Yea Forums the kind of people you'd think that short was made for. Most there are shitting on the majority of the shorts.

Monster fight was the reason it was popular and the twist, woman becomes monster
No one really was interest in the story in a episode with fucking monster vs monster smackdown

you'll get it when you get older

John Cage, Philip Glass, Marina Abramovic, many others that I can't remember at the moment, and similar are all terrible.

It doesn't work like that.

I have no idea how that follows from what I've typed.
Is this some sort of post generating AI?

Tries to do too much too quickly is my main problem, which is what I said at the beginning.
Most of them are "stuff just happens because there's no time to elaborate".

I didnt like it much as well but the written story seems interesting at least. Someone mentioned it was about memory.

Well you wouldn't know since you've never head it (sex).

I'm showing right-wing restricting free speech. You made a stupid statement that it is a left-wing thing to stop free speech and right-wing wasn't. Near enough every government wants to limit free speech nowadays.

Visually it looked great

In a series were most of the styles were CG and a good part of them aiming for realism to the point of being uncanny a styled 2D short really stands out. And frankly while it wasn't the best thing since slice bread at least it went slightly beyond surface level. Like the timeloop story, the one with fridge, alternate stories, arm pun, the list goes on.

One thing I can say positively about that one is that is was memorable. I've also never been a fan of war films so just it not being my preferred genre personally low-listed it for me. I think the story could have been longer - like give the other werewolf guy some kind of backstory like in other anti-military media. The only way they really did that was when they both sniffed each other out and waited to fight each other in their true forms at night. But still the middle eastern dude brought another guy to the party to fuck up the american guy even though the american guy conspicuously did not give him up to the army so it was between them but he didn't have the decency to do a wolf-on-wolf fight. The animation was trying to say that the war was stupid (the main guy said "they don't even know why they're here!" referencing the americans) but the middle eastern guy was still inherently bad and went in to fuck him over

Link real news and not proapganda you need to pay for

Oops, missed this one.
It's mostly about the ending.
Maybe if read the story it's based on it'd make more sense.
I think was also too much disconnect for the characters and what they were doing as well, but I assume that was the point.

Good to know.

"You haven't lived long enough to truly understand the desire to stop living." is a terrible argument.

3:33 out of context is totally not pleasurable to listen to, but it was the needed "black canvas" of the music world cause visual art had already walked that ground to ask the question "what is art?" and 3:33 asked "what is music?" I had more to say but my mom just called me and I haven't talked to her in a couple of months

he didn't stop living you fucking moron

>stuff just happens because there's no time to elaborate
In that case, this makes no sense. What is there to elaborate more on? The point was simple, the impact was felt, the rest is up for discussion.

I agree with the critiscism in many different situations, but i dont feel this story needed more pauses and elaboration

>seething /pol/cel can’t handle a few strong women
Fuck off with your pathetic victim complex.


>sucker of souls
>alternate histories
>the dump
>the witness
>helping hand
>when the yogurt took over
>three robots
>sonnie’s edge
>ice age
>fish night
>lucky 13
>beyond the aquila rift
>good hunting
>the secret war
>zima blue

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Sure, a person in a vegetative coma is technically alive, but are they really still living? Or similar diminished consciouness.

What I meant is that felt more like a storyboard than a finished product. Just quickly going from scene to scene. I agree that it did what it intended to do.

Why is sucker of Souls so low?

>seething /pol/cel can’t handle a few strong women
nobody wants your shit opinion

It was just shitty writing. The character wouldn't feel nearly as bad if they left out mr and ms exposition.

Do you have any suggestions for short stories should they adapt for season 2?
Here's some off the top of my head without going back to look at stuff that I think fit thematically:

The Gutter Sees the Light That Never Shines - Alistair Rennie

A Thousand Deaths Through Flesh and Stone - Brian Trent

ICU - Edward Lee

Meathouse Man - George R.R. Martin

The People of Sand and Slag - Paolo Bacigalupi
Pop Squad - Paolo Bacigalupi

The Indifference Engine - Project Itoh

Bad meme dialogue. Dumb cat jokes. Vampire and art was good but overall not worth it
No, incel. Outside of Yea Forums, literally nobody agrees with you. If you can’t watch a show without immediately hating it because it doesn’t agree with all of your far right viewpoints, you are a homo. You should just stop watching tv altogether because it’s only going to get worse from here. Accept that and stop being such politicuck.

>Outside of Yea Forums, literally nobody agrees with you.
Not true, there are several like-minded communities outside of Yea Forums that would agree with him. It's all essentially the same userbase spread over multiple sites though.

>"I-If you dont like what I like that means you're a far-right incel bigot nazi, because I know everything."
>Outside of Yea Forums, literally nobody agrees with you.

You're the one bringing politics here, and making assumptions that you know everyone's opinion about a episode of a series, talk about being this pathetic, brainlet.

Attached: brainlettttt.jpg (800x450, 44K)

>>muh strong female character
>>muh evil white man villain
>Are all of them ideological propaganda? Should I just save myself 4 hours and stop watching right now?
Yeah bro this isn’t political at all, OP probably has a very moderate and reasonable mindset

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It's okay Piglet, there's no monster out to get you, it's just your imagination.

>"Oh no, someone doesn't like I like"
Making assumptions again, not even defending the OP, just saying that nobody wants to here your shit option, at this point you're just looking pathetic.

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Maybe eventually you'll both admit that you derive a lot of enjoyment from this playacting.

alright user, lemme break zima down for you:
the guy had literally seen the entire universe, had more power and influence than anyone, built the biggest art projects ever known but the one thing he found most fulfilling was the simple act of performing a simple menial task for someone he cares about and was willing to throw it all away to return to that.

Yes, I know.
That's utter idiocy.

you'll get it when you get older

and again, I say that's a terrible argument that's both in bad faith and disingenuous.

I thought his reasons could be
>beauty through simplicity
>evolution and increased intelligence makes it harder to be satisfied
But I’m sort of a brainlet


seething retarded

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Brainlets have the most satisfied lives.
Feel blessed.


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Most viewers don't care about virtue signaling, they care about monster fights.

Most viewers don't even know what virtue signalling is, let alone would care about it even if they did.
They care about it being GRIMDARK POKEMON.

episode 3 is good

nice try discord trannies

The visual aesthetic is anyway.

That's a misfire.
You need better aim.
Check your logic board.