"I also like to live dangerously"

>"I also like to live dangerously"

Attached: dangerously.jpg (600x499, 28K)

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allow myself to introduce....myself

>yeah buddy you show that turd who's boss!

How is Liz still so fucking hot?

Attached: lizhurleyson.jpg (1080x1080, 117K)

I suggest you hit, sir

Do you think her son being gay is just an act so he can watch her undress and take sexy pics of her?

facials are good for the skin

I wouldn't blame him if that were the case. She's still a fucking 10 as far as I'm concerned.

Attached: lizhose.jpg (1200x1200, 380K)

>tfw you will never drop a big, juicy load on Liz's beautiful face
Why even go on?

Attached: lizhurley_lovingmother.webm (640x1136, 2.99M)

I want that job, I want to be the celebrity facial guy. What would my job title be, Skin Care Specialist? That's my calling

your cum has to be rich and healthy, you can't just be some fa/tv/irgin, and bust a nut on famous bitches
you need to be lean, mean, clean, and have good genes. but really just being hot enough to show that you probs have healthy antioxidant rich sperm would be enough.

>kissing his mom on the lips


>not knowing that virgin sperm is the most sought after sperm in the galaxy
theres a reason romans use to bathe in virgin sperm

Nice trips.

Attached: liz hurley austin powers-2.webm (1280x544, 2.04M)

She’s definitely some sort of Victorian era Blood Countess

Why doesn't she get more work?

Attached: elizabeth hurley-5ins.webm (640x640, 2.15M)

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He realized no other woman could compare, and gave up.

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Would watch a full length film of this.


Attached: mission impossible 2 tom cruise-5.webm (640x266, 2.26M)

Do you like your quasi-futuristic clothes mr powers? I designed them myself.

Dr. Evil has good taste

Attached: Liz_Hurley_dat_metallic_dress.jpg (450x719, 36K)

Attached: liz hurley-45.webm (1280x720, 2.85M)

This and the Weird Science show on USA are what gave me a leg fetish

>gave me a leg fetish

you don't even know what a fucking fetish is
just stop
log off
kiss your Mum
and kill yourself
do us all a fucking favor

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Attached: Lucy-Boynton--248.jpg (2324x3504, 812K)

I have suddenly become interested in seeing the film Miss Potter

boynton a cute. A CUTE

Excellent trips.

Attached: liz hurley austin powers-3.webm (1280x546, 2.9M)

The first film is the best because it had heart and a decent story. The sequels were just collections of skits, 2 was funny but 3 wasn't.

She's got $50 million and I'm pretty sure she is content to just work occasionally in undemanding projects, travel and fuck 20 something Chads until menopause.

She reminds me of a far hotter Kiera Knightley here but with a woman's body.

>Kiera Knightley here but with a woman's body.

I see you're not a female abs kind of guy.


Attached: keira-knightley-g34g.jpg (1200x1124, 143K)

It's nice in its own way but not very feminine and doesn't come close to Liz's body now and definitely not in Liz's prime.

>belly button piercing
Lame, what if I want to lick her bellybutton? I don't want to taste metal

Attached: lucy boynton-28.gif (600x600, 2.31M)

based jude law

Attached: jude law2.jpg (1568x876, 189K)


She was married to a richfag for 10 years, during which time she didn't work that much. She also seems to have some lowkey unpopular political opinions (at least among (((studio exec))) types). Not sure if she's right-wing necessarily, but definitely pro-Putin.

>that build
is this hot or not? it's literally me

Piercings shouldn't taste of metal, they have to be completely corrosion resistant or they'd poison you

Even so it's in the way. If I get the urge to tonguefuck her bellybutton that's a problem

>Not sure if she's right-wing necessarily, but definitely pro-Putin.

wait, she is asking them to solve Fermat's Last Theorem?

It's hot yes. Like Jude Law having a good jawline helps.

that accent is also intoxicating. not even sure if shes english but i dont care

Attached: dominic west and daughter.jpg (683x1024, 120K)

>favorite royal
>like half of them said Harry
Based, they know what's up. New crusade when?

Attached: Prince Harry standing in front of his Apache Helicopter.jpg (1842x1227, 210K)

lol yes

He married a thirty-something D list American celebrity divorcee nigger. He's disqualified.


2 is the best purely due to Heather Graham

I noticed the other day while I was at Target that I can get the full trilogy there on either dvd or Blu-ray, I forget which, for $10. I don't like the third one, but do you think it's worth it? I don't usually buy physical media. I love the first two though.

I got it on Blu-Ray, it’s worth

Why is a teacher dressed like a student?

Attached: 81u3heu2.png (625x599, 722K)

Now evidently my cycloptic colleague informs me that that can't be done.

His chest hair makes it look like he drew tits on himself, how does that even happen? Is that normal?

R u funny?

She's not a teacher she's the Devil

Attached: Liz_Hurley_Bedazzled.jpg (2048x1356, 308K)

That's all I needed. Thanks.

I'd give her some work

I think shes hot but her forced accent gives me a floppy

seriously 90s movies are hella cringy now

I'd love to have this table just for theme even though there's way better tables

When I saw Goldmemer in the theatres the place went fucking nuts over this whole scene

Irrelevant because he'll never become King regardless.

Attached: the queen and striped socks.jpg (1600x900, 240K)

Yea they’re so transphobic

t. zoomer faggot

kys nigga dis shit be cringy af yall

the only thing hella cringy here is you faggot

Attached: 38838012_220397371920387_3347775231677693952_n.png (623x289, 256K)

Most quotable movie ever

>unfortunately, for yours truly, that train had sailed

wasn't she pro-brexit? if so, the fact that she's not an angry shitlib probably helps.

you just know.

*jay bauman gay laugh*

>only sailors use condoms

I rewatched this film a 2 weeks ago. Why do i not remember the scenes of the henchmen’s family and friends mourning them after they died. Did anyone else not remember these scenes. They were hilarious.


Attached: dr_evil5.jpg (2200x1400, 521K)

That scene was removed from certain US versions of the film

I've shaved my scrotum maybe hundreds of times and it became too much of a hassle. Now I just shave my scrotum and dick and trim the hair on my pubic mound and gooch way down with a mini electric hair clipper about once every 4-7 weeks. Inbetween these trimmings/shavings I just stretch my dick out and shave off any hair on my dick and any of the hair from my scrotum that appears on my dick as a result of this stretching. I also use the electric trimmer to trim pubic hair away from my shaft. Then I repeat the whole process.

Thanks for the info

I fucking love this scene


You're both quite welcome. If there's any other information you'd like from me, please let me know. I can't guarantee that I'll be able to answer your questions, but I'll try as hard as I feel like.

>I've shaved my scrotum maybe hundreds of times and it became too much of a hassle. Now I just shave my scrotum


I used to do it about once every other day and now I only do it about once every month or month and a half.

how do you not cut your bawl skin?

Is your penis feminine?

I prefer the shot where she accidentally flashes her panties to the camera

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Holy shit

How would LizSatan react if your wish was for her to be your gf?

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Considering the fact all his wishes turn out to have some unwanted silver lining I'm sure she would agree but would turn out to have a dick.

>LizSatan dickgf
Haha, ew that would be so gross, lol

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