God i wish i was japanese so bad. Shit is just too comfy living in japan

God i wish i was japanese so bad. Shit is just too comfy living in japan.

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have ___

>boss says he’s staying until 10pm tonight
>take a bathroom break so you can call your family and say you’re missing dinner for the third time this week

>surrounded by bugmen
picku won

living there seems nice, it's the work culture that i couldn't get used to

>be japanese
>commit suicide
well done

I heard you only get 1 day off a month working in japan

Say what you will, but Japanese do have a very unique style of living. They way they live in such small spaces, and yet make those spaces seem so inviting and comforting is really interesting.
I think that's why Japan seems comfy. Your house is like a little, warm cave.
But of course, Japan is the mecca of wageslaving. And the culture is pretty backward from a western standard, as well. Lots of government corruption too causes problems.
So I wouldn't want to live there, but it does look very comfy on the surface.

japanese are my favorite asians because they seem to be the least heavy on the plastic surgery

>be japanese
>work yourself to death
>lliterally no free time

>he wants to go drinking after work
>you have to comply
>miss the last train
>have to sleep on an internet cafe
>head straight to work at 7 am
>don't make it home for the 4th time this week

lmao fucking betas

t. Yukihiro Takahashi, NEET for 8 years.

>living in a small space is good

>be lazy as fuck
>never stay late
>never go drinking with my boss
>company won't fire me because Japan
>instead they shove me in a broom closet and give me a meaningless title
>they want me to resign but i refuse
>instead getting paid to take naps in the broom closet, shitpost on 2ch, and collect jpegs of my waifu in GBF

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Comfy, closetpilled pseudo-NEET

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japanese television seems based

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Have a warm soda, OP guy.

What did Japan mean by this?

>wake up at the crack of dawn after getting 3 hours of sleep
>get ready for work
>kiss the poster of my waifu goodbye
>got to train station
>delay because someone killed themself jumping onto the tracks, third one this month
>have to run to the office
>get there 2 minutes late
>avoid eye contact with female secretary like always, don't even know what she looks like
>get to desk
>boss calls you to his office
>"yamamoto, you were late today. that's the second time in 4 years"
>"you know what that means yamamoto"
>boss pulls out wakizashi
>forced to commit seppuku in front of office staff
>blood everywhere
>as i'm dying hear the boss call forth the secretary to tell her to bill my family for the mess
>finally get to see her face
>tfw she was korean the whole time

>tfw company has been subverted by japanese values
>60+ hour work weeks
>blamed for everything, credit for nothing
>have radical kneejerk over-reactions to incidents that punish the whole company and hurt production/morale
>abundant gratitude/apologies for anything raised by upper management
>squeaky wheel gets the grease
>raising concerns = you get the meaningless bitch work now
>best employees toil unthanked for years
>carrot on stick bs "hey we have this important position in the future if you just work harder maybe you will get it"

fuck japan and fuck large companies

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>you have to comply
that's where you fuck up. next time he goes to the toilet to take a piss go with him and twist his dick and balls full circle and tell him to fuck off and be an annoying fuck to someone else

this is also an option if you are too afraid that the boss will press charges

based comfort woman secretary

Too bad. You'll always be a nigger instead.

is your name Felix Shekelberg?

REMINDER: You missed out on peak Japan.


Remember that. If you go there now, all you will see is a shadow of what peak society was.

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This. My Uncle has a bunch of home vids of Japan when he was there from 95-2006. It looked peak comfy. Now it looks like some soulless nigger shithole.

Wait. Is the guy in the green robe white?

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>soulless nigger shithole
user, please, it's called "china"

When I was in Japan a couple years ago, I spent every night just watching random shows on the hotel TV.

One night there was a special about an animal sanctuary run by an old couple in rural Japan. They had a chubby cat who hated being around other animals. One day they adopted a cat they found who had obviously been hit by a car. The cat lost one of its legs, but still walked around the compound. The chubby cat loved the three legged cat the second it got there. They'd walk around the grounds together, and the chubby cat would bring it toys and food when he was too tired to move. The three legged cat eventually died, and the chubby cat goes outside and sleeps next to his grave every night.

I fucking cried myself to sleep that night.

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I just want a Jap gf.

>tfw learning hiragana
>can write せんせい now

Don't waste your life learning kanji, go straight into vocab/grammar books and focus on how to speak the language properly

why can't we go back? Its so damn close yet everything is so awful now what happened? The 90s are getting further away every second someone stop it, say we didn't mean it!

They've actually gotten more xenophobic as time has gone on if that is even possible. They seemed much more welcoming up until the 2000s.

I can see what he means. Go anywhere in Tokyo, especially busy streets like Ginza or similar and it's just weeb tourist and niggers everywhere.

You need all of it, conversations are fun but you gotta be able to read things and for that, you need kanji

what happened to japan since the 90s to make it so unappealing to you?

who would win
stuffing tens of thousands of chinese characters into your language
adding spaces between words

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>They've actually gotten more xenophobic as time has gone on

You would too if all you saw on international news of America or UK is niggers chimping out and people getting shot everyday.

>be in japan, sit in a chair instead of on the floor
fucking ruined

>God i wish i was japanese so bad. Shit is just too comfy living in japan.

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I was just pining for the 90s in general, I went back in 07 and it was great

This living space would cost an insane amount in Japan. Especially in the city.


No. Every person on this show is a half mutt.

People just romanticize their childhoods regardless of the decade. A lot of older people in Japan hate the idol worship and otaku culture, but the adults of the 90s hated the video games, smoking, and the obsession with American pop stars.


>all of Japan is Tokyo
fucking stupid white people

in US you only get 6 days off a year

It is you stupid nigger. People outside of Tokyo don't matter. This is seen by all the laws passed that fuck over people in the empty countryside. Fucking retard.

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Even average sized homes in Hokkaido are pricey. Living in Tokyo is near impossible unless you're a permanent resident at a business hotel for salaraymen or fine with sardine can apartment complexes.

Economic stagnation

Matsuyama is where it's at. It's English friendly too.

Yeah, but in the likeliest scenario of not getting a Jap gf I'll at least be able to read manga.

Which company?

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He doesn't say that, he admires how the japs work with small spaces. Obviously they would like bigger spaces, hence why the japs don't fuck anymore.

>Be a ricecel

>still get to BTFO female weebs.



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>shitty work culture
>ugly ass woman
>land full of otaku
>no moral whatsoever
Nmhang yourself weeb.

only reason to visit japan is because their chub women are virgins

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even the fat pigs are better in japan

what does Yea Forums think of yui chan?

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Japan is absolutely fucked except for a lucky few.


She seems like a grandma. Minori from B&GITC, Lauren from Aloha State, and the titty model from OND are the hottest of their respective seasons.

my SJW friend went to japan as an english teacher. Loved anime and games, wanted to study the language. Changed his name to be more Japanese sounding. Eventually he got his wish went to Japan. Aaaaand immediately came back 6 months later shook. he wouldn't tell me why. Just kept changing the subject when i asked. but i got the impression they were extremely racist to him. His students probably told him 'fat waitu piggu go home'

made me laugh, because he's a stupid cracker. And now he wants nothing to do with japan and weeb shit. anime is sexist and racist too. he tells me to "watch steven universe instead"

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whoa a table

is this peak japan?


He got KANCHO'D by the children. You see, Japanese culture is so based and cute and comfy womfy that in every school there is the constant threat of getting fingers jammed straight up your asshole! It's like an express-wedgie! Two fingers, plunged right up your fucking asshole! Haha, funny prank I pway for you 100 times a day! Ho ho!

I don't think it's possible to like anime and be SJW. Even kids stuff is super racist and fan service filled

>not just living in the internet cafe full time
never gonna make it

I'd be ruined for days if I saw this. Is it anywhere online?

>Changed his name to be more Japanese sounding
So many white weebs doing this. It's super embarrassing to hear. Im black as midnight and the only problem I've had is one eikaiwa not hiring me.

Its actually kind of normal. Most animals enjoy smaller dwellings. It instinctually feels safer

>See video on Jewtube about Japan
>It's full of NPCs larping as weebs
>All say how great it must be to live in Nippon
>It's great to live there because it's a homogeneous country
>Same NPCs start talking about diversity is our greatest strength, but the west is garbage because of racism

I can almost guarantee you're one of them.

Most animals don't suffer from existential dread either


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Is this JAV?

what a comfy life

>all these, most likely Americans, talking shit about the Japanese work/life balance
>meanwhile the last job I got was talking about how there are 100 hour work weeks

Pot meet fucking kettle

That's what happens when you're a cuck. Meanwhile the most average of white guys get easy pussy just by being slightly confident.

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That doesnt have anything to do with finding tighter spaces cozy though does it?

No sags, no stretch marks, no varicose veins, no hairy legs
I'm going all in, boys!

Why are they using the western invention of chairs? I thought they sat on the floor like in anime

Only people who sit on floors are poor fucks with no money. If you are middle class to upper class, home typically look like any western home.

Traditional Japanese dwelling is whats comfy. Not the western garbage OP posted. This shit literally looks no different than your average house in the states.

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Neets hate fat weebs like you

My korean friend in kindergarten changed his name from "Doo Yung" to "David" and I told him that was not good and he got mad at me and I kept calling him Doo Yung

npcs wouldnt say japan is great because its a homogeneous country. they don't make the connection that its maybe great because its a homogeneous country just like the northern europe countries they want america to be. its really funny when you say some comments about how japanese kid walk alone to school and hw they cant imagine this happening in their city.

Listen. Close your eyes, Yea Forums. And listen. Calm down for a bit.



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Kids walking home alone has become a problem.
Last year kids were getting snatched up and killed by crazy fucks who just wanted to rape a loli. Kids getting abused by their parents is also a problem here.

If you’re lucky, they haven’t even let me out my wage cage since November

based on what i've heard from friends who became English teachers, the racism is usually not that overt. it's usually very passive aggressive and rarely will people be openly rude to you. on the bright side if you're a not-disgusting looking gaijin man you'll probably get eye-fucked at least once on the train.

no this is


But I though asians worshipped whites?

Tell that to Junko Furuta.

Ive lived in Japan for 10 years, don't be deluded by a shitty show. The reality is you'd be living in a 1 bedroom apartment that they have the cheek to call a mansion. Your kitchen will be 1 hot plate and a sink. You will hear your neighbors phone the walls are so thin. All of this will most likely cost you at least ¥70,000 ($620) for rent alone if your in Tokyo/Osaka.

It gets better but you gotta work hard for it. Most come over as English teachers and last a year. Their time mostly spent at home or dancing Infront of a bunch of kids who know that your an idiot and enjoy English because they can slack off and relax.

Are there any good tv shows from Japan besides animes?

>$620 for a 1 bedroom in Tokyo
Sign me up.

some anime has strong females / femdom shit. sjws would like those

Japanese here
Lol you can't be more wrong
The image you have of Japan is the boomer age view of Japan when Japan was prosperous (at 80s we were tied the richest country in the world)

Nowadays Japan is extremely liberal and working condition is hell, marriage rate dropping and everyone wants to leave Japan

I live in a suburban village and we already have tons of migrant workers everywhere because youth does not wanna do construction/healthcare/other shit job.

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based twist

It's their organization methods

Japan was literally the richest country in the world
53 of top 100 company in the world was Japanese

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>¥80,000 for rent alone if your in Tokyo
Fixed that for you. My rent is Osaka is much more affordable for less space. My apartment has 2 floors, 2LDK and my rent is only ¥50,000.
> you'll probably get eye-fucked at least once on the train
Getting stared at everyday gets old.

Don't forget gas, electricity, water, internet, municipal tax, health insurance and pension.

>All of this will most likely cost you at least ¥70,000 ($620) for rent alone if your in Tokyo/Osaka.

Hey, cheaper than here in Australia.

Wow! Really?! I have to pay for that stuff there too just like I do in America?! No way! Whoa! You're kidding me!

It's still a hell of a lot cheaper you dumb bastard.



I legitimately wouldn't even know how to search for it. It looked like a local news report, so I doubt it's readily available anywhere

>everyone wants to leave Japan
Where would you want to live instead? I have weeb friends who genuinely can't imagine that anyone would want to live anywhere else. It's kinda nuts.
>Getting stared at everyday gets old.
oh for sure. having Japanese old men stare at my dick while at a hot spring was not my favorite thing in the world

Where in Osaka? I'm ¥110,000 10min from nakatsu 3LDK

As beautiful as this is, I'd kill myself if I had to live through those Summers with no A/C

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>peak anything
Nah that was already after the bubble burst.

This is one of Japans serious faults. Its work culture can be really awful.

It seems like a very comfy place to live, but everything about the work culture seems so awful. If not for that I might consider trying to get a job there

Party was already over by the 90s. They just hadn't realized it yet.

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Also bad thing about being English Teacher in Japan is you are not inside the Japanese 'social circle', you will always be hanging out with open minded Japanese who hang out with foreigners or other foreigners.

I know a few English teachers because I lived abroad for a long time, but most of these teachers never get to really get inside the social circle.

Lot of romance/history stuff is good... if you want more normie taste Lonely Gourmet I recommend

we had education reform 1x years ago, now we adapted Western academic style (lots of "out of class" activity, think very liberal) but we are pressured by the society to either get into top financial firm/tech company or work to death. So many like to go study English abroad, get jobs.
My friends want to move to places like Europe, Australia, etc. We make decently high wage working part time compared to other countries, so if you save up you can live overseas for long time.

Hokkaido has that vacation home mystique that drives up prices near civilization. Tohoku is much cheaper and Hokkaido itself is cheap if you really want to be in the middle of nowhere.

Japan is nice to visit but I don't know if I would want to live there
What I really miss is the efficient rail system and just walking the streets, always finding something new to explore without getting stabbed or heckled by some asshole
There's also a lot of elderly homeless people wandering around, but people just walk right past them and ignore them. It was sad