Gender reassignment surgery scheduled for tomorrow

>gender reassignment surgery scheduled for tomorrow

Movies for this feel?

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hehe Congrats! HAHAH ahahah HAHA HAHAHHAHAH ahahhhahhhahaaaa

Have sex

If you gonna cut off your own dick at least have the balls to do it yourself

You getting dick cut off or put on?

How do you make a dick?

what are you a tranny or something lol?

You know the rules faggot, post asshole + timestamp


The Thing, so you can get used quickly to your new genitals.

The doctors cut off some flesh from your forearm and mold it into a phallus and stick it on. Wish I was joking

You go girlfriend! (formerly boyfriend)

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>someday, we'll be able to grow vegetative human bodies in a lab and surgically connect someone's brain to it
>you'll be able to transfer yourself into a real female body
>2050s /pol/ will still seethe about this

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Nice Shteeve

>implying /pol/ won't be thrilled about being able to be reborn as white

The brain is nonwhite, not the skin.

Happy dilation, OP!

Don't forget the thigh graft to cover the skinned forearm which is rolled up like a sausage and sewn to your groin to make the """penis"""

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/pol/ btfo’d the fuck out

that's sci fi bullshit. you will NEVER be a woman

It won't be sci-fi 30 years from now, brainlet. I'll never be a women, but if my grandkids want to be, they'll probably be able to be.

yea but at this point why the fuck would your grandkids want to be a gurl or a dude instead of a badass 12 limbed compound eyed cyborg squid monster?
I want to be squid monster

penis and vagina for me thanks

hold the tiddies

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big yikes

Alright I'll give you that

Sounds based desu

I mean, I understand wanting to be a girl but you have to know that with current technology, you'll at best be a freak of nature that everyone has to pander to for you not to kill yourself, right?

then find out hell was a real place and your pathetic non guaranteed 80 years (50 functional) wasted being an ungrateful piece of shit

most people get ready in their 20s and 30s for a family to take care of them, now its people wanting to be a different sex for a few years until they kick the bucket

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Shit thread

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Interesting narrative you've weaved, but the problems started when you said "hell was a real place".

how is it a narrative

life is not that long, once you figured out and completed what gender you are a quarter of its gone then you will spend the rest getting angry at people for not feeling how you feel when they just want small windows of fun before they expire