Why is basic instinct so kino? Apart from the pussy scene that is

Why is basic instinct so kino? Apart from the pussy scene that is.

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Gay actor Michael Douglas

>Apart from the pussy scene

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Most erotics films are kino. Add neo-noir elements, and it's a done package. Plus Verhoeven is a great director - I recommend to check out his recent work, Elle.

Erotic thrillers, even the bad ones, are kino. Best genre ever.

>Apart from the pussy scene that is

"Elle" got me into Huppert's filmography and it was one of the best things that happended to me

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I think OP meant what was kino about it besides the pussy scene, since the pussy scene is so obviously kino it doesn't need to be mentioned.

The sex scene with jeannne tripplehorn is dynamite - I’m erect just thinking about it

Her best is still The Piano Teacher.

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Because of that Espirit

It's basically Vertigo with sex, nudity and stylized violence. I mean that in the best way possible. Bizarre to think the same writer and same director would team up again to make pic related

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>It's basically Vertigo with sex, nudity and stylized violence.
That would be Body Double, actually.

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I've masturbated to that scene a lot more than anything else in the movie.

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Yeah but Verhoeven is far better at it than De Palma

It's a great thriller in it's own right


It was fantastic but the most moving performance of hers is in Things to Come. Watch it on the summer night when you will be feeling melancholic, it's fucking amazing.

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Anyone else think that Rosamund Pike would be perfect for the role, in that she has the same kind of charisma as Sharon Stone in this movie?

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she's ugly

That's why she was casted in Gone Girl