They keep trying to get him to say he's chasing death/fame or suicidal when he is one of the few who is actually living...

they keep trying to get him to say he's chasing death/fame or suicidal when he is one of the few who is actually living by challenging himself & not slowly rotting away in civilized comfort

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woah!! you're such a deep thinker OP.

It's just people butthurt that they don't have the courage to do what they really want.

Why don't you make a YouTube™ video essay about it?

I think it's mostly this. We are so quick to tear someone else down to cover our own insecurities about ourselves. It's really quite extraordinary how that works, theres no logic to it.

>what they really want
And how do you know what they really want you stupid NPC?

>not slowly rotting away in civilized comfort
So deep, bro. That's why he rarely climbs outside the Yosemite Valley, shills for clothing brands, appears in sponsored YouTube videos, stars in a documentary film and attends the oscars.

do you enjoy having you soul slowly rot away in the hell of OP "civilized comfort" slowly waiting for the next movie or game eating better feasts thann the greatest kingsbut still feeling empty

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well a movie about him was nominated for an Oscar, he probably got some starlet tail while he was there

and I think that guy meant he's not sitting on his ass all day watching netflix, not that he's a hobo who shuns making money

One of the most impressive athletic achievements ive ever seen

His girlfriend is literally perfect.
Hopefully he continued to recover from his autism.

Seriously why is this so popular?

one of my coworkers was in an a cappella group at UNC with her

>Yeah, I don't know who I am, better go climb a mountain!.

He can challenge himself with ropes and support though. Doing what he does anyways but making it 100x more dangerous isn't a good thing.

The Lady of the Dunes murder
The Tamam Shud case

No he can't.

He has a similar view on life like the young Ernst Jünger.

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For the record, taking increasing risk until you die still counts as a suicide in my book. Yes I'm looking at you, european climber.

>free solo
is this the latest trendy normie meme after free running

Climbing culture has always been a huge cringefest. Even Barry Blanchard had to address how shit the scene for it was in his book about his life.

Remember the guy who tightrope walked the grand canyon? No? That's because he had ropes and it's fucking meaningless.
Any random fuck could try that shit with ropes. They are not at all comparable.
Watch the movie and listen to what he's saying.

Getting older is taking increasing risks of cancer and heart disease so you should probably freeze yourself right away.

But you are going to die regardless.

Roastie trying to turn him into just another normie.

I hate faggots who think doing dumb shit means they're TRULY living. I hope he fucking free falls off a cliff and rots away in discomfort on the bottom of a ravine.

He's not doing it for the risk, sweatie.
And you're a fag.

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I think you have to fight thru the bs and contribute something of some value with your life. Now I will say if you're 80 or you have terminal cancer obviously suicide is a reasonable move IMO.

Yeah my comfy life was so empty but then I climbed a tree and suddenly it was not so empty? Wtf I hate comfort now.

look at those creepy golum arms

see That was intended more for the speed free climbers

Still fucking pointless at the end of the day unless he makes mega money from the movie

>using sticky powder to climp
yeah real impressive

You must be very unhappy

It was honestly a great documentary. I love Camping and Hiking. I've done some bouldering before but i've never actually CLIMBEd but it's something that seems very interesting. I loved this Documentary.

Also his gf was def trying to kill him and was a plant by the film maker so they could get a great once in a lifetime scoop, and if he died it would have been even better. You notice how the GF was the FIRST Person she thanked when getting that Oscar?

>look at those creepy golum arms
That dude can do 100 finger pull ups in 10 minutes. Can you? Didn't think so you little BITCH

Not at all. She's a very good woman, and definitely in love with him. So he can get an almost perfect relationship from this woman if he plays it right. He's pretty autistic, but in theory he did most things right.
Women aren't rational-dominant as men are, and you cannot expect a person to be unconcerned about another dying (as he says, they will just immediately forget you and move on, but a few seconds later realises the coldness and unreality of it). I don't think she is trying to manipulate him or even really test him, it is just her emotions taking over. This isn't a good or bad thing, it's just a challenge for both of them to work out. Again, he responded in the right way, in theory (he could have worded it much better), by stating that he had to keep climbing, it's a goal of his and part of his spirit.
If he loses that then he essentially stops being the person he is, which is what she is attracted to: his status, his honesty, and his passion. Deep down she probably realises that, it is just not expressed in the same way that men would express it.
After this she is very good at supporting him, even standing by him in their troubled times. Excellent signs for a good woman/relationship, a woman who knows essential male/female differences, communicates, and is loyal and honest. If you want to see a cunt watch "The Dawn Wall".

>one of the greatest athletic achievements possible

I mean. He repeated this climb with ropes until he had it down pat.

>you want to see a cunt watch "The Dawn Wall".

Why? Haven't seen it yet.

Yeah and Football teams practice before winning Superbowls, doesn't exactly make them less impressive.

Youre saying that like its easy.

He climbed El Cap with ropes numerous times at a breakneck pace, which is incredible and monumental on its own, to climb it without ropes is absolutely unimaginable, it doesnt matter how familiar you are with it, the climbing is world class and a fall is certain death. What he did is literally one of the high points of human achievement. Only an ignorant fucking moron would be too blind to realize this

Fucking and?

Is this a Star Wars documentary?

Wow really!! Tell us more...

I have an uncle who works at Nintendo.

Bugmen BTFO

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They don't train against the team they'll be playing you dumb motherfucker. Man vs Man is totally different from Man vs Static Environment.

You know the story at all? It's quite interesting and you shouldn't spoil it.

Any of you fags watch Touching the Void? This scene is so damn good (shouldn't spoil it if you haven't seen the full movie):