Last weekend, “Captain Marvel” scored $455 million in box office cash, the sixth biggest global movie debut to date...

Last weekend, “Captain Marvel” scored $455 million in box office cash, the sixth biggest global movie debut to date. The myth that female- or minority-led films struggle at the box office has been debunked again.

“Captain Marvel” succeeded despite right-wing calls for a boycott. Alt-right movie outrage has targeted several films now. Right-wing activists called on moviegoers to skip “Ghostbusters,” “Wonder Woman,” “Black Panther,” “Aquaman,” “Mad Max: Fury Road” and the four newest “Star Wars” films — all films in which the lead wasn’t a white man. The fact that these boycotts have fizzled reveals the alt-right’s limited influence on conservatives offline.

The alt-right label is applied to a variety of causes, from men’s rights activists to neo-Nazis to Internet pranksters. One segment of the alt-right opposes liberal politics in stereotypically male-dominated parts of popular culture, such as video games and comics. The best-known instances are Gamergate and Comicsgate.

Alt-right Internet activists get particularly annoyed by action movies that cast a female or nonwhite lead in what was once conceived of as a white man’s role. Academy Award-winning actress Brie Larson is the lead in “Captain Marvel,” even though the first superhero with that name was male. (It gets worse; spoiler here.) Aquaman, a native of Atlantis, was a pale blond character in the past. In 2018, he was played by Jason Momoa, a descendant of Native Hawaiians.

On the Internet, the alt-right harasses journalists, actors, creatives and fans and tries to influence public perception of the quality and popularity of media projects. Criticisms of popular culture are an entry point to the alt-right, offering fun subject matter and a jokey culture that obscures commentators’ far-right politics. People with extreme alt-right ideals build camaraderie with newcomers who do not yet share their views.

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Other urls found in this thread:

On the Internet, the alt-right harasses journalists, actors, creatives and fans and tries to influence public perception of the quality and popularity of media projects. Criticisms of popular culture are an entry point to the alt-right, offering fun subject matter and a jokey culture that obscures commentators’ far-right politics. People with extreme alt-right ideals build camaraderie with newcomers who do not yet share their views.

Mainstream media heavily covers alt-right campaigns against major studio films. Before anyone knows if the film is good or what the politics in the film will be, left and right begin battling for and against it on social media.

But is the alt-right getting any purchase offline — influencing some potential moviegoers to stay away?

We already know “Captain Marvel” sold a lot of tickets. That doesn’t rule out a conservative backlash; maybe the movie drew in more people than it pushed away. Did the film underperform in conservative media markets but make up ground elsewhere?

To help answer that question, I looked at Google search traffic for “Captain Marvel” and compared it with that of other Marvel films. Search engine data is a tool to study behavior in contexts in which people might not tell the truth if asked directly.

I recorded opening weekend searches for “Captain Marvel” across the 210 U.S. media markets. Marvel’s ensemble films are its most popular — interest in an ensemble film indicates how well a Marvel movie should do in a particular market. And so, as a point of comparison, I measured the “Captain Marvel” search traffic in relation to opening weekend searches in the same media market for the 2015 Marvel ensemble movie “Avengers: Age of Ultron.” I also benchmarked against other films in an analysis you can find on my website, along with more details on the research.

how do we turn captain fungus into a white supremacist

Nationally, “Captain Marvel” generated about one-third of the search traffic that “Ultron” had. To find out whether the alt-right campaign influenced conservatives, we would need to see whether the drop-off was more pronounced in conservative areas.

I found no evidence of conservative outrage. “Captain Marvel” actually got less search traffic from more Democratic than Republican areas. In markets where Democrats won more votes than Republicans in the 2018 midterms, “Captain Marvel” had 34 percent of “Ultron” traffic. In the markets Republicans won, that figure was 35 percent. If anything, conservative media markets were more interested in “Captain Marvel” than we would expect based on past films.

Could Internet traffic in conservative markets reflect anger rather than interest? Probably not. Conservative rage on that scale would have shown up in mainstream conservative media. According to the TV News Archive, last week Fox News had minimal but positive coverage of “Captain Marvel.” Fox viewers skew older than the superhero movie demographic. Even so, Fox commentators regularly decry liberalism in other parts of young adult life, such as higher education. The alt-right’s concern with diversity at the movies has not won similar coverage.

In fact, none of the superheroes protested by the alt-right underperformed in conservative markets. I gathered opening weekend Google traffic for “Captain Marvel,” “Black Panther,” “Aquaman,” and “Wonder Woman.” I benchmarked the first two films against “Age of Ultron.” The other two are compared with “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice,” the earlier ensemble film in their cinematic universe.

In general, conservative audiences have not penalized female and minority superhero movies. Conservative audiences were no less interested in these movies than in ensemble superhero films.

On the other hand, all four films drew people who might not have seen a traditional superhero movie. “Black Panther” matched and even surpassed “Ultron” in media markets where a large portion of the population is black, such as Atlanta, Tallahassee and Birmingham, Ala. “Aquaman” overperformed in markets where Hispanic and nonwhite people are larger demographics.

Did “Captain Marvel” and “Wonder Woman” draw women to the theater? That is harder to gauge using geography, as women are spread fairly evenly across media markets. College-educated women have the most liberal attitudes on gender. I found that “Captain Marvel” and “Wonder Woman” enjoyed a boost in media markets where a higher portion of women have some college education.

Female and minority superheroes got the attention of some people who ignored Marvel and DC ensemble films, without turning off conservatives who would otherwise watch this genre. Movie studios have seen nothing but upside from diversifying their heroes.

Culture wars are an animating force in conservative politics. For example, controversy over players kneeling in the NFL was a case of conservative anger that had a measurable effect on public opinion. Activists have tried and failed to harness similar right-wing anger for boycotts of high-profile films. The alt-right’s pop culture activism is a fringe cause even among conservatives.


I logged onto my Internet Movie Database account for the first time in ten years, to give Captain Marvel 1 out of 10, despite having never seen it.

Come at me.

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Drumbf bad

No one saw it

>The myth that female- or minority-led films struggle at the box office has been debunked again.
I seriously want one of these jerks to find a single instance of anyone saying a female or minority lead movie fails because they are female or a minority. I am sick of that strawman.

There’s no such thing as the “alt right.”

imagine being this based

>Alt-right Internet activists get particularly annoyed by action movies that cast a female or nonwhite lead in what was once conceived of as a white man’s role
So why aren't they going after Alita, an action movie with a female nonwhite lead? Really makes me think.

It’s less an alt-right talking point and more one from inside Hollywood’s boardrooms. It’s why it’s taken 10 years to get a female led MCU film.

This is the damage control line /pol/tards started using when the alt-right started getting out of hand and shooting up mosques and pizza parlors.

Why do liberal media outlets not acknowledge the real reason for why rightists go after Disney movies, specifically? It's because they perceive Disney as a jewish company. That specific movies have female or coloured leads is simply an arbitrary pretense.

Your little /pol/ circlejerk doesn't represent the entire alt-right. No one cares about the Jews.

Fuck these people shilling this terrible movie by trying to hide it behind Black Panther or Wonder Woman. The real issue is about Brie’s agressive sjw politic while being a dislikeable human being, Disney’s balant injection of underserved character and and the film being a terrible feminist uninspired corporate trash.

Atomic Blonde seemed popular with hardcore alt-right (Yea Forums)

god i love this guy

The shills are working hard to erase history while pushing their narrative forward after they have silenced the audience with Rotten Tomato and Youtube’s manipulation. These are tactics used in political campaign and now used in the culture war to push their toxic ideology down people’s throat.

Just because the alt-rights major difference to the regular right hates muslims slightly more than jews doesn't mean that it also hates jews and that it also pushes the narrative that jews are somehow responsible for every single problem in predominantly white societies. To them Disney is part of some jewish syndicate trying to take over the world.

Someone should shoot up a theater that is showing captain marvel lol

>Captain Marvel
Shit movie, deserved it, people targeting the movie were correct
Shit movie, deserved it, people targeting the movie were correct
>Wonder Woman
Average movie but never saw any outrage over it
>Black Panther
Shit movie, deserved it, people targeting the movie were correct
Average movie but never saw any outrage over it
>Mad Max: Fury Road
Saw outrage over it initially but it barely lasted because the movie was good
>four newest “Star Wars” films
Shit movies, deserved it, people targeting the movies were correct

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>It was the RUSSIANS!
>It was the ALT-RIGHT!
>It was the RACISTS!
>It was WHITE MEN!
>It was /POL/!
>It was Yea Forums!
>It was Yea Forums!
>It was REDDIT!
>It was DC FANS!
>It was BOOMERS!
>It was INCELS!
>"People hated Empire back then, too!"
>"Dividing the fanbase was intentional!"
>"It did something DIFFERENT!!!"
>"I love how it subverted expectations!"
>"It made me rethink my views on life!"
>"It emphasized muh diversity/inclusiveness/feminist quota!"
>"It was an 'intellectual' film!"
>"It made some people uncomfortable. GOOD!"
>"It was expected to not make much money anyway!"
>"lulz it's just a movie turn your brain off!"
>"China doesn't matter anyway!"
>"B-but muh sexist MRA cut!"
>"It makes some old white men angry online, but they're always angry anyway."
This is the most damage controlled Marvel movie I've seen since Avengers. The Disney shills are in desperation mode, and it's hilarious what lengths they'll go to. I haven't seen this much shilling since Hillary's failed campaign.
No amount of self-reassurance will EVER "fix" this movie. It was a complete abomination, and the defenders know that deep down in their hearts.
Disney's Basedvel was made to pander to SJWs/baizuo and it is this very pandering that will ultimately destroy the franchise at some point in the near future. Deal with it.

based and redpilled

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You are stupid. The right has little to do with backlash against CM. Peole of all backgrounds from comic book fans who hate the injection of a B-list hero, white men feeling insulted by Brie Larson, normal people seeing the manipulation of voting website and the terrible shilling from the corporate media, people who hate the false advertising of “first strong female-led superhero film” complely negate recent heroines such as Wonder Woman and Alita, people who hate sjws being injected to serve and protect a bland, boring, smug, uninspired, unoriginal, mary sue main character CM.

Take that to your boss who wrote this article. Study the whole thing properly before writing nonsense like this.

>agressive sjw politic
"I'm going to give people a chance to do interviews they wouldn't normally get."


0 0 0 0 0

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Oh shoot, I just realized they threw in Mad Max Fury road in there. How brazen. Also its hilarious to see this alongside Alita so you can see the hypocrisy at work in real time. None of these articles defending Captain Marvel seem to defend or even mention Alita besides being out in the theater at the same time (and her being a woman and hispanic (I think) lead actress).

There was no reason to bring race into that. She's a cunt.

She didn't bring race into that.

>hispanic (I think)
So you don't even know and yet you want them to defend it? Really says a lot.

Wr can’t enjoy anything any more. All movies now come with political baggage. Companies like evil Disney will continually use outrage marketing to get publicity for their films.

People are now supporting mediocre films because it coincides with their political agenda. Meanwhile other viewers will avoid a film because it contradicts their political beliefs.

And both sides are equally wrong and will never shut up. It’s a parade of human garbage caught in an endless battle to 1-up the other side.

It’s all a tedious endless drama that sucks the joy out of everything.

>I don’t recognize the virtual signalling advertising tactic from a privileged condescending person who just do that to feel good while following marketing campaign road map from Disney.
>be nice to people
>hey white man get out of the job for diversity hiring. You might be the best qualified for this position but we are on a quota now.
This is not being nice but trying to put down one demographic for others using less capable people. The whole soceity lose because of that.

Turn this into copy pasta and post it forever you magnificent bastard.

>Too many white interviewers
This was her original tack.
Then she changed to to "need more non whites. this is achieved by excluding them from press junkets"
How is this not racism? Also how shit will those journos feel knowing the only reason they got an interview is because of their skin color?
There's a reason black people hate white leftists - they despise the idea of the "white savior", which is EXACTLY what Brie is propping herself up as.

Defend what? I am just saying there is a reason they are ignoring Alita and defending Captian Marvel and it has nothing to do with the lead characters sex or race. They won't acknowledge that though in any of the articles I have seen.

Simmer down, incel. You're not going to take back the House.

For those that don't know.

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Don't care.

Back at you sexless landwhale.

That post wasn't meant for you then.


>that deflection
Imagine getting BTFO that hard.

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Remember when alt right had a specific meaning but now it's just a person the author doesn't like.

>yfw feminist invested 150+mil globally in buying up movie tickets just so they can have their "success"

You will never win another election.

Alt-rightards intentionally kept their beliefs vague in an attempt to keep people from being able to target them for anything specific.

As you can see, it didn't work.

The neo-liberal is actually a racist one because they are hostile toward whites but condescending toward minority whom they think can’t be successful without their “helps.” That’s why the neo-lib never talk about Asians which is excelling in every areas thanks to their works rather than any diversity quota.

>Turn this into copy pasta

>H-h-h-h-h-have you ever noticed you guys are the true racists???

Every time.

>thinking empty platitudes will win the day
Well you are not wrong because Obama got elected.

She already won bros! No matter how you try to rewrite the facts, she earned Marvel Billions and will be in all future Marvel films.

No matter how much incel rage you show her nobody at hollywood&cinemas gives a shit.

You are a true racist. Does it hurt?

have sex

There we go.

Cope harder, incel.

You do that everyday?

>movie about a woman kicking the shit out of Russian scum
>popular with the alt-right
Seems unlikely.

There's no such thing as "pizza parlors".

>The myth that female- or minority-led films struggle at the box office has been debunked again.
Is this myth a talking point for the alt-right? I thought it was part of the leftist claim that society at large is so white supremacist and patriarchal that an ignorant and hateful public won't go to see these types of movies. So if the myth is debunked, does that mean that society is not as racist or sexist as the left-wing activists want us to believe?

It's almost as if different people write different articles.

Good luck finding another nonbinary deviant on Tinder, landwhale.

I can't believe Captain Marvel is the first movie in history with a female MC

It got baleeted, what did it say?


> in the end, we realized, that we had all become, captain marvels

What a loser.

But enough about you.

Because Marvel did well in America, not just China

>Captain Marvel is the only marvel film to be released concomitantly both domestically and in China
>a fuckload of pandering to idiots (literally released on international women's day)
>released in march aka a month with literally 0 competition
>marketed as a pre-requisite to understand the plot of the ending of a 10-year saga
>almost the same domestic NW (which is pretty much the only thing studios care about) as fucking Thor 3
>still manages to lose to fucking Shrek The Third when accounted for inflation
The absolute state of mouse shills.

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>all these people with no life who have been spamming their copypasta in every single Captain Marvel thread every day for the last week

This is fucking hilarious. They're so desperate for this movie to fail and yet they can't make it happen. All those hours and hours of work for nothing.

does anyone in the 'alt right' really care?
is this really attention grabbing enough?

whar ruined it for us, and none of these articles mention it, IS HER GODDAM FEET.

wheres the article that tells us that if a woman as powerful as captain marvel can't crack into a can of some tough actin-tinactin why hould we care?

What about all the blonde white woman actresses with nice feet? wheres the cutoff point??


The feet were a bad photoshop. I dunno why people fell for it.


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You're overstating your enemies because the entirety of your sense of self is derived from a sense of illusionary superiority

>caring so much about retards on the internet that you refer to them as "friends" and "enemies"
Disturbingly pathetic. They're just losers.

Movies have always been political, you fucking idiot.

Learn to code and have sex.

>no source
>badly shopped title
Tv is full of retards

Yet here you are, how many threads have you posted in user, how many posts have you made. You sure seem invested. Is this all you have? :^)

The source is washington fucking post and it's written by this tranny getting grants for shilling for Disney. Which is the real thing people should be upset about but you know.

Dear Americans, could you please not do this to the rest of the world? That term already exists and it does not mean what you think it means.

>he four newest “Star Wars” films — all films in which the lead wasn’t a white man.
doesn't the left think jews are white? wtf is this

>shooting up mosques
he shot people inside of the mosque, fucking brainlet

>Russian scum
they were commies back then,

Don't worry Disney is very nice, they care about blacks and women, they're not just doing it for the money.

Fuck off cis white male piece of shit. Everyone knows you are racist.

>Alt-rightards intentionally kept their beliefs vague in an attempt to keep people from being able to target them for anything specific.
imagine believing that the alt-right doesn't have a precise definition in order to "keep people from being able to target them for anything specific"
99.8% pure autism, good shit

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> articles
>alt right
why u dumb

>muh alt right bogeyman
It's all so tiresome

every single still from this movie is just cringe

They were communist

It's like they can't go anywhere to express their opinion because of the censorships while you drones sucking up to Disney's subpar movies.

>Last weekend, “Captain Marvel” scored $455 million in box office cash, the sixth biggest global movie debut to date. The myth that female- or minority-led films struggle at the box office has been debunked again.
So we'll ignore the MCU, Marvel branding, trust in said branding, and that you opened it fucking everywhere at once instead of staggering it out over weeks around the world. Got it.

Simmer down, incels. Putin isn't going to love you just because you defend him for free.

Have sex with me


>when your movie is so shit you have to hire an internet defense force to shill the international box office returns to make it look successful

You chimps are absolutely cancerous. It's amazing that western civilization hasn't gotten rid of you.

>when your life is so shit that it bothers you this much that a comic book movie is performing well

This guy fucks

have sex

Movies that are performing well don't need an internet defense force shilling international box office returns.

Take the L and walk away, Incel. You already lost this argument. Literally no way you can recover from this beating

Simmer down, incels.

Commies are greasy, disgusting brainlets

I said simmer down.

We really need to start locking you retards up.

Maybe this post confused me but isn't that #getwokegobroke?

Theater responds to backlash of women-only screenings of 'Wonder Woman'

Luckily WB nipped it in the bud but I forget how and people forgave it. I mean nerds.

Yeah, this. Sad thing is I think alt right could have been a cool thing but it got gay really fast when nobody would really step up to make a real political party out of it. Now all it is including the anti-wahmen stuff is just "couch protesting".

trips of truth, it took Aquaman what like 8 weeks to get to fucking Japan? lol

Good luck with that from your mom's basement.

>Yeah, this. Sad thing is I think alt right could have been a cool thing but it got gay really fast when nobody would really step up to make a real political party out of it. Now all it is including the anti-wahmen stuff is just "couch protesting".
It's just like GamerGate. Young right-wingers completely fail at any attempt at making a social movement.

It's sad that you aren't self aware enough to understand that your entire view of reality is projection.

It's sad that you have never once touched a woman.

You should really get some treatment for this mental illness.

Holy projection. Trannies are so pathetic.

GamerGate was doing fine until the more leftist types made it about them. Just like Occupy Wall Street. Opposing the system is hard when everyone wants it to be about them.

Seethe harder, incels.

No one here is seething, sweetie. Projection really isn't a healthy coping mechanism.

Take it easy, incel. This isn't good for your health.

We really need to reopen the mental asylums.

Good luck with that from your mom's basement.


I’m not a fan of comic book movies at all, but I took my elderly mother to see Wonder Woman a couple years ago and enjoyed it more than I expected, as well as Alita last month and both were very uplifting and had female leads that were likable and warm. It’s very interesting to see the narrative attacks against criticism of Brie Larson and her objectively distainful behavior and attitude. Everyone I’ve spoken to about this dislikes her to an unusual degree. It’s just a strange situation, all around. It’s like Disney is using this as a new archetype for indoctrinating children, as if they want all little girls who see this to emulate the abject shittiness of the main actress.

> White
> Blonde
> Strongest hero in the MCU
No idea.

That all you got, incel?

Is this some kind of tranny bot?

Is this some kind of incel loser?

Should someone who can't form a sentence without saying incel really be asking if that's all you have?

It's not the alt right, it's just manbabies that care about capeshit.

Should you? Incel.

>So why aren't they going after Alita

Because Alita was perceived to be a guaranteed box office bomb from the first trailer onwards due to those horrible cgi eyes. Plus it's a weeb movie.

Oh, not a bot then. Go dilate your wound you freak.

The incel cope is palpable.

You're not even coherent at this point. What exactly do you think you're accomplishing here?

What do you think YOU'RE accomplishing, incel?

Yeah, they always figure out a way to own the narrative. We had a legitimate point about corruption in journalism/criticism but probably got a little loose throwing around whore and tranny a bit too much then it got used against us.

Seems to be a repetitive thing because hate based groups are always vulnerable to lashing out and then people taking advantage of that loss of control.

I mean the funny thing is hate based groups are also on the left wing but I think they marginalize them better and the smart ones still get what they want. We need to have a group outside of the frogposters who still wants to stop immigration and protect white males from abuse.

The methodology behind this woman's reasoning is laughable and it's either disingenuous or stupid to exclude Larsen's comments on white males in the critical space, which is almost certainly the source of the majority of the backlash.

That said, the conclusion is more or less correct. Very few people really give any more or less of a shit about Captain Marvel than they do about any other MCU flick.

Can’t hear your whale talk sweetie.

If your point is so easy to undermine it may not be a very good point.

No it isn't Reddit. It's been a buzzword/boogeyman since 2015 or so when the media first invented it

I'm letting you run your mouth, look like a retard, and make everyone hate you.

It’s cute how lefty brainlets, defined entirely by their lack of skill and inability to compete in a capitalist system, call others “incel.” Lose weight and stop being a useless, greasy subhuman

You're working so hard, for free, on something that's already done. Sad.

I've literally seen bots more coherent than this.

You're sad.

>head in the sand

Try again, subhuman

i sure would hate to be captain marvel seeing this thread and how not upset we are yes sir. maga

>Le (((meme)))

You people are too fucking stupid to live. Did you seriously imagine doing the same thing again and again wasn't something even the most obtuse "commentators" were going to pick up on?

t. /r/le_Donald

Okay Plebbit

Are you even trying? No wonder you’re a loser

Butthurt much?

No because I’m not an idiot commie loser who has to cry and beg for the state to be his mommy. I’m also not a fat piece of shit

I'm not a communist lol

has shitposting gone too far?

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Bend over

Funny you don’t dispute being fat and stupid

>no one even comes close to mentioning trump
>altright weenie thinks it's about him anyway
Why don't you just suck his dick already?

Let me ask you one thing then. Is Captain Marvel the sixth best movie of all time then? No? Does that mean that tickets sold are not the same to quality? Yes.
So you are saying that a mediocre movie performed extremely well but that that performance is not related to the quality of the movie? Again yes, this is what you are saying.

This movie is not special. Is just as mediocre as Thor, Black Panther and any other capeshit. It´s almost as if the political ideology and movie crafting technique where totally unrelated...

Pretty disingenuous to say this is about movie quality when the rage campaigns start up months before the movies are even complete

>if you don't want to see a movie because you genuinely dont think it looks good your automatically an alt right, racist, sexist, incel, virgin

Yeah that wont piss of normal people who just didnt think the movie looked good. I guess i should let my wife know she also is racist and hates women because she too thinks CM looks stupid.

Im suprised they haven't used that to spin their narrative. Probably saving that for star wars 9.

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>Wonder Woman
No bias here.

I loved black panther and wonder woman but i think CM looks like garbage. But please Disney shills tell me why i hate women.

>focusing on the race and gender of the people interviewing for a movie

Whos the real racist?

This. But I blame society for being so easily manipulated. If your dumb enough to see or not see a movie based on what political ideology said movie pushes you deserve to be hung.

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I don’t think it’s *that* disingenuous, considering the fact that Captain Marvel, of all the MCU films back to the very start, is the only film whose marketing didn’t rely exclusively on the strength of the film itself. It is the only one to date to use the original Avengers, none of whom appear in the film, to market a new character. That doesn’t exactly scream confidence.

Funny you don't dispute being an incel.

>If your dumb

Except the reason she gave the interview to the person is because the person was disabled.

Turns out you're the racist for assuming it was about race. Funny, that.

Here's a good question. Why is every liberal i know a massive hypocrite?

>parents both think trump is the epitome of evil and ive seen them talk down and be openly hostile toward anyone they percieve as being for trump
>both are raging alcoholics
>literally told neighbors wife who they had been friends for decades with "we dont associate with white trash" when her husband died and she invited them to the funeral
>emotionally abusive to sister and i
>lesbian cousin is your typical lesbian
>cried when trump got elected
>tried to punch a woman at her work for saying "why does trump bother you so much"
>perceives any criticism toward a woman as sexist and misoygnistic
>this same woman cuts down and berates waiters and waitresses because "they should get a real job"
>my mom said she saw her spit at burger king employee because he was taking too long with her order

These same people think trump is the anti christ

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Man its almost like DCucks are literally children who throw tantrums at Marvel movies while Marvelchads dont care about DC movies.

>It’s very interesting to see the narrative attacks against criticism of Brie Larson and her objectively distainful behavior and attitude. Everyone I’ve spoken to about this dislikes her to an unusual degree.

First marvel movie my mega left wing liberal parents dont want to see. And they saw all the other ones in theatres. They both think brie comes off as smug and unlikable. Keep in mind these same people LOVE TFA and TLJ to the point they saw them multiple times in theatres. My uncle is a mega onions boy and he said CM was by far and away the worst marvel movie he had ever seen and that brie came off as an unlikable smug jerk the whole film.

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If you notice though. These disney shills are easy to spot because they ignore legit criticism and just spout HAVE SEX, VIRGIN, INCEL. I was in another thread when some user said they were a black lesbian and though CM was the worst movie theyd ever seen and gave actual legit critiques as to why it was bad. And wouldnt you know not one HAVE SEX, VIRGIN, INCEL post.

>doesnt offer any real comeback
>"hahaha you said your instead of youre. Gonna disregard everything you said"

Whats wrong with you people? You realize this is why trump won and is going to win again.

Very true. I know of many such cases myself.
My brother is a communist yet is one of the most materialistic, manipulative, lazy and ungrateful people I've met. He hangs around with other middle class people exclusively and is incredibly bourgeois. He lives up to nothing that he preaches, has no intention of having children but wants a future run by people who all believe that "white people are inherently racist unlike non-whites" which will be just splendid for his future nieces and nephews. Ted Kazcynski talked about this, would recommend reading it.

What's this shit? Who didn't like Fury Road?

Congenital mental illness.

>The myth that female- or minority-led films struggle at the box office has been debunked again.

What myth? Obviously, that retarded doesn't know about Gone with the Wind.

Just have sex.

>muh Trump

>Maybe this post confused me but isn't that #getwokegobroke?
Get woke go broke is the trend of companies attacking their core audience to gain brownie points with people who don't consume their media in an attempt to net a new fanbase. The idea being that their core audience will buy it anyway, the new fanbase will feel more welcome without their core audience.

Minorities and women have never been the problem. Comic books and movies have had those since before you were born and Nerds love those movies.

But then there's say, Ghostbuster 2016. A movie specifically made with spitting in the previous audience's face in mind and specifically marketed to say 'fuck you' to anyone who complains about the extremely obvious marketing slant.

I just dont get how you can be so morally opposed to an idea or a person but do shit just as bad as them.

>uncle and aunt voted for trump
>they never talk about it or bring it up
>my parents find out
>openly hostile toward my uncle and aunt
>mom called my aunt a stupid bitch and threw a soda at her
>dad got on facebook and kept making posts tagging my uncle calling him a fucking racist and piece of shit trump supporter
>uncle and aunt havent once said anything and just ignore my parents
>parents are starting get hostile toward me because i don't hate my aunt and uncle and could care less about politcs

I swear my parents were normal people. The second trump got elected they both turned into raging lunatics who do nothing but watch cnn all day and yell at the t.v..

If CM doesn't do $1 billion then I could see Iger being upset. But we both know that's not going to happen at this point.

>proving his point

I have a similar thing with my parents and Brexit, though they don't have social media so they haven't done anything with that. I think it's a mix of boomer individualism and compensating for being horrible people. They think that they're good people simply because they stand in opposition to what is 'evil' without actually doing any good deeds. They just simply don't recognise that they are bad people by what they're doing.

I think I figured it out, what we have a problem is sacrificing quality of films for diversity brownie points. If a movie is acceptably good we start shutting up. The fear and mania is that studios everywhere will start replacing all white males and give us garbage movies in exchange.

Once Fury Road was awesome we had to admit that it wasn't THAT bad that Mad Max was almost a cameo in it. Lots of other examples.

But when a movie like Ghostbusters or Captain Marvel comes out it validates our fears that is whats happening.

Honestly its dropping really hard and feels very BvS to me, we have to see Saturdays numbers but its down 67% already.

That makes sense. I also think they're being manipulated via media to act and think a certain way. For instance my mother has always been a "normal" woman in that she understands men and women are different and have different roles in society. Like if you're a 5 foot 1 woman who weighs barely 100lbs you shouldnt be a marine. But after that whole #metoo shes turned into a raging feminist overnight. Everything is sexist and all men are rapists. And all she does is watch the news all day. Its scary how easily manipulated people are.

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It is easier to draw parallels from the current times than come up with original material yourself. What you're seeing is the unoriginality of most filmmakers currently trying to become relevant, not through their own ideas, but through the events and overall social sphere of today. Also, more often than not, the political messages embedded in the film are the opinions of a person who doesn't have the faintest idea of how things actually work and correlate with each other, they're just propagating an idea they formed in a stupor which was subsequently kowtowed by yes-sayers.

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Yeah entirely. There's a thing called 'Lemming' theory which is people will believe and support fully the system that provides them their way of life. Media is the mouthpiece of this system so whatever it says goes if you're a lemming. The only thing that shakes them out of this stupor is uncertainty that the system can provide these things anymore. An interesting question is why is the media suggesting this insane bullshit? I believe it's social engineering to create the perfect consumer class whose whole identity is simply wrapped up in the shit that they buy. If you look into the economic activity of people it suddenly makes sense why certain groups are more targeted in the media than otherwise. (hint hint:white males tend to make smarter economic decisions and don't just mindlessly buy everything they see).

get litty

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it seems like it's gonna get close at least. Idk if it'll do 1b proper, but 800-900m seems very possible now.

God I love how Yea Forums pretends not to care about this movie and yet every thread gets hundreds of posts. Streisand effect in full force.

made a lot of money in china
chinamen love capeshit apparently

>Yea Forums is two people

lots of people on here like the MCU and this is an MCU movie. Don't let a few shit posters mold your perception.

How much exactly do Hollywood films get from Chinese box office income?
I'd assume the rate is max 40% and min. 25%

income from Chinese audience ration box office has already dropped like 70% and there has been loads of demand for refund screaming viewers posted across Chinese social media

?? "Strength of the film"? There is no strength of the film, tons of marvel movies have been worse than captain marvel, like Thor 1/2, captain America 1, the later iron mans, etc. none of the people bitching about these movies ever saw it before bitching, advertisements are just clips of scenes from the movie that can be completely different from the trailers/press/etc, the actual strength of the movie has nothing to do with anything because when the initial advertisement comes and when these retarded hate campaigns started the actual movie didn't exist yet.

>The myth that female- or minority-led films struggle at the box office has been debunked again
How many times does it need to be debunked so they stop pushing that nonsense?