Is it even possible to survive this situation?

is it even possible to survive this situation?

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she was already going to fuck him. god knows why he was such an ass

hold her down and make her eat your shit then piss in her vagina and sew the vagina shut

Run away in panic desu

Never get in position to have to hear this question.
Works for me so far

I missed it, what did Yea Forums think of S3?

better than 2

What show?

Faithful Investigator.

Authentic Examiner

Not even close

as bad as season 2

both were different in style. season 2 was fast paced dogshit. season 3 was slow paced dogshit

you only fail the test if you let yourself be affected by that question.

>(Lie) i dated someone 1 year ago for a bit.

>how did you meet
>and why did you break up

Indefatigable Scryer

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if a girl asks you this question it means she is interested in being your girlfriend

I met her at a bar. She ghosted me after seeing my 20inch dick for some reason. Made me really depressed, you know? Like it's not my fault my dick is enormous...

he was hesitant about the life change
thought that was obvious

I lied about being a virgin on the job once but i'm pretty sure everyone saw through it.

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she's like 40 or something isn't she?
lookin good

Legit Inquiry Agent : Chapter III

>Dehm Keez
>Disk Kaze
>Sallacan Tinkhab'ao

really ?

I might actually watch this pos now.

>it aint me starts playing

yes. you very obviously check the watch on your wrist and sigh.

Laugh it off, insisting that (let me quote it:) "single as a motherfucker" is your normal state and just because you're seeing someone it doesn't make her your girlfriend. That's it, if you can pull this off.

Don't you guys without girlfriends get lonely? Does the thought of growing old and alone depress you?

Honest Examiner.

this, go find your dream girl Yea Forums

i'm self sufficient and my life has enough happening in it to be happy with a small circle of irl friends

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Romantic relationships are a basic requirement of life

for you

Sounds like you really require validation from others.

I'm a girl so nah

poast tits

what you see as a basic requirement of life i see as a constant need for external validation and attention. if you base your self-worth on how likable you are people around you, i think you're very insecure.

to people around you*
i agree that love is necessary for a healthy life, but it doesn't have to be romantic love. platonic love, understanding, and shared experiences with friends can be enough, and they're good enough for me..

she looks like she fucks policemen

i'm an agender aromantic

>I'm a girl so nah
this just proofs that he is right.

”don’t test me”

If you’re seeking casual relationships more than committed ones that’s fine, but don’t pretend it’s any different. It’s just a different type of validation.


Sexhavers get off my board.

>I am above my humanity, instincts, billions of years of evolution
you are full of shit, people like you always are

i don't seek any kind of non-platonic relationships. if your self-worth is based on many non-platonic relationships you have, casual or committed, you won't understand.

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Did anyone else think her acting was atrocious? She has the same forced dramatic voice for every emotion.

imagine actually valuing yourself based on how often people tell you what you are

I'm still alive so that's clearly false.

Why do you say that like it's something those people could change on a whim?

Trust me, this is chad central

Humans are social, tribal animals and you're never going to escape from that.

then i guess celibacy and incels don't actually exist
user romantic relationships and putting your peepee in a vagina isn't the only social activity in the world, don't be so primitive, there are such things as platonic relationships that don't require each participant to endlessly validate the other one

>user romantic relationships and putting your peepee in a vagina isn't the only social activity in the world
Yeah dude that's why most people in the entire fucking world, regardless of culture, get married and also tend to put sexual relationships above platonic relationships with friends...
> don't be so primitive
Humans cannot be anything but primitive, if they weren't they wouldn't be human anymore

Ironically you posting here is STILL seeking validation from other people, despite how much you are trying to act like you are above it all

i was responding to this post and this one and it's not seeking validation, no matter how much you project

Yes it is, otherwise you wouldn't be posting at all
t. somehow who discards 90% of posts they write up

>all my relationships are platonic so this gives me the high ground
>also I have a severe porn addiction but it's cool cuz I don't seek those sluts' validation

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Uhh, I dont remember my life

generally people don't give a shit so yeah, I tend to agree

i don't watch porn
good try though


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Do any of you know anything about girls? I'm in my late 20s and never had one. But I met this German girl recently. I think she might like me but I'm not sure as I've never had a gf. She invited me out for drinks and singing with her and some of her friends (all girls). She also invited me out again this weekend for a few drinks. I don't know if this is relevant but she laughs at my jokes a lot and yesterday she playfully hit me in the arm while laughing at something I said to her.

Female spotted. Please fuck off back to r*ddit

Actual Reasearcher

maybe physical affection, but not romantic relationships

It sounds like she's into you. You should establish that you're interested in her early before you become a friend.

she probably likes you
and follow this advice too

Make a few sex jokes, especially if she hits you again. Like "Stop, you're turning me on." or "Is this German foreplay?" Just change the mood to let her know you see her sexually.

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Theres just one minor issue. Shes a co-worker.

Use that. Jokingly tell her to stop sexually harassing you. You're not a piece of meat and you want to be courted properly.

Disregard the other anons, she thinks you're gay that's why she invited you to sing with her friends.

Oh ok. That makes sense. Your probably right.

Just answer honestly
I got this question asked three months ago and I told her “a year ago”
If you never had a gf just make up and number and say “I dated but I was busy with my studies” or something

>playfully hit me in the arm
i love when they do that

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Why would someone lie that they are a virgin?

>Months, YEARS ago
>But i was busy being a neet

>get touched on my arm
>retract instinctively
im not gonna make it bros

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I feel like this is a loaded question.

this is the chad response, you don't have time for stupid questions like that

Uhhh ahh dun mehmba, memreez ov wimin gittin hayzee

Accurate Agent

Yes. Close the distance quickly, feign a right hook but land the elbow instead, then sweep her legs. Celebrate your victory and survival.

Well, as a KHV at 22, my plan, should such a question come up, is pretend that I never saw the point of “girlfriends” at such an early age, and imply that I’ve only had relations with FWB. If you manage to sell it, I think it’s the only way to survive this situation. That, or take a sad look and pretend the last tome was hurtful or some shit. Basically, as in most matters, I just ask myself; “what would Don Draper do”?
>inb4 r*ddit
Aside from his character arc and who “Don Draper” is as a “person”, what he represents and how he sells himself are worth being mimicked.

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You'll just come across as autistic if you say that.
It's obvious you've never had the chance of being witht a girl if you say that.
Her follow-up question might be "oh but you've been with girls though, right?".

Breaking Bad Season 4

Lie again and say yes. Like I said, depends on if you’re able to sell it. It’s highly risky. If you can’t do that, just go with the second option; the allusion to some heartbreaking romance that has left you numb or some shit. Lying works user; it just depends on your execution. Some fat, balding Manlet won’t be able to pull it off. But if you’re presentable and have done some rehearsing at home, it’s possible. Nobody’s interested in the truth. It’s a commodity that has lost its value. Don’t try and hang onto it; wear your mask and join the world.

Boku No Pico

Game of Thrones

I'll just give you this one: you're not getting anything real if you yourself aren't real. Unironically thinking that being like Don Draper is something to aspire to is fucking retarded. If you didn't get that from the show you're delusional.

She's probably fall for that.

Being in a poor family tramizited me because when i hear girlfriend or wife i hear a mouth i have to feed and money i need to spend on someone that does not really deserve it. Seriously being poor fucks you up and makes it hard to get a date. I am OK with the thought of growing alone because I only have to spend money on myself.

Ive seen season 2 being mentioned more favourably since its came out most seem to think its worse than 2. Most agree that season 3 had a terrible ending and way too much emphasis on Hayes and his wife arguing and too little on the case itself.


>being this thick
It’s not about idolizing him; it’s about admiring the good qualities of his persona. People will trust a presentable man who’s sure in himself. Whether you feel like a wreck inside is of no consequence. Show that to people, and you’re done for. And, whether you like it or not, not only does lying work, everybody does it to an extent. You just have to pick your battles, keep your stories straight, and not get carried away. The point of the show, the character’s arc, have no importance here. I’m talking about the fact that it’s better to have a fake, competent persona, a role, until you grow into it, than allow people to see the train wreck that you are inside. Eventually, you will become one with the “character” you’re playing.
>inb4 what if I’m naturally confident
Well then, you wouldn’t be here, and we wouldn’t be talking about how to answer OP’s question because we’re all at least in our 20s, yet never had a gf.

As for your “lies bring only lies” bit, I never said to lie about important stuff. Just twist reality enough. That’s basic stuff that everyone does. Nobody wants to come off as clueless or defective. So just find the lie that’s preferable, work on it, and that’s it. Now, if you want to answer OP’s question with “never had one; just never had the time or interest haha”, in your early 20s (because if it’s much later than that, you have a much bigger problem), be my guest. But nobody will appreciate your “honesty”.

hello me

she''s fucking divine

No, he's not right. Come on dude, you can fucking do this, I believe in you.

tfw you answer honestly and they lose interest or just laugh

>it’s better to have a fake, competent persona, a role, until you grow into it, than allow people to see the train wreck that you are inside.
It really isn't better to have a fake persona in any circumstance, you just have to unwreck the train inside before meeting a girl

>10 hours
>no discussion related to the show
>still up
Tranny janny must love this thread. And I know they're reading this because one post was deleted.

How do normies know if you havent had sex in a long time? I mean they always just seem to know it somehow

for me i know i tend to randomly sperg out at times, probably tips them off