Gunn is re-hired

>Gunn is re-hired
>Captain Marvel does exceptionally well
Yea Forums literally could not be more BTFO even if yall tried

Attached: james-gunn-has-been-rehired-by-disney-to-direct-3-2-13167-1552678464-0_dblbig.jpg (625x415, 299K)

Other urls found in this thread:

When did gunn turn into a middle aged lesbian woman?

Attached: 1552399949818.png (352x264, 67K)

I love how the left are pro-corporation and pro-peadophile.

Its fucking strange. Im ashamed i was ever naieve enough to believe in that shit

Can’t shun the Gunn

Sure, the left are pro pedophile, meanwhile poltards are doing everything to defend MJ, a degenerate nigger pedophile.

>Disney hiring pedophiles
>Disney spending their own money to deceptively inflate a shit movie

Wow, Yea Forums btfo. How will they ever recover?

I'm sweaty, Yea Forums had a huge victory just yesterday when we literally killed 50 of you.

yet you fucking love and defend michale jackson


Every kike producer at Disney is a pedophile at a monstrous scale. Gunn's edgy jokes don't really compare.

why do we keep losing, bros?

Amazing how you guys are more and more accepting of the truth. I guess losing the culture war so catastrophically has just broken you, now you no longer need to pretend the shooter was actually antifa, or a false flag. You're just accepting he was one of you and you're happy he did it.

This was the price of getting Trump in the office, sorry

Incel cope

>using the word n***er
>calling others degenerates
Bad look my guy

>lol you're a hypocrite by my standards also you wear a fedora
The absolute fucking state of internet discourse. I'm just so tired.

Attached: 1546554512637.jpg (379x568, 27K)

Worth it imho

Trump hasn't done shit

it's pretty obvious they need him now since captain marvel is underperforming

Trump 2020 faggot. Trannys btfo

It's a meme. Being pro MJ. Its retards like you who don't understand how memes work that turn into terrorist killing 49 people. Dumb fucking nog

Attached: Stop_acting_like_a_fuc.jpg (125x66, 2K)

Considering this is the first incident of its kind after hundreds and hundreds of incidents where it was a Muslim attacker and white victims, this is hardly some kind of monumental thing to admit.

Was there any evidence of Gunn wrongdoing?
Or is it guilty till proven innocent and mob rule in action where he got burned for those tweets?

Gunn himself was a proponent of "guilty till proven innocent". Until it bit him in the ass, of course.

SJWs will openly say that thoughts are more important than actions and having an opinion alone should get you fired even if you never act on it.

So, no to the evidence?

>Was there any evidence of Gunn wrongdoing?

20K tweets

Attached: sam hyde.png (500x433, 192K)

The white guy obviously needed help. We must be more understanding

How damning.

>Sure, the left are pro pedophile

We know you are.

You see people weren’t really upset about the pedo jokes, not as much as the media
The left was mad because they like his GOTG movies and also liked him shitting on Trump
The right was mad because he didn’t give Roseanne a chance (they dint actually care about her either) and shits on Trump

Basically it always come back to Trump, even when he isn’t directly involved

I haven't really been following the news, is he still doing the new suicide squad with Bautista?


>Basically it always come back to Trump,

In your fragile mind. People should be disgusted by peadophilla, any ordinary person wouldve been jailed for Gunns tweets

>the amount of cope in this thread
the right are LITERALLY shaking

Do you know where you are faggot? go back to r*ddit

>left are pro-corporation
?????????????????????? literally the straw-man leftist caricature is a Communist that abhors corporations.

He still looks more effeminate than Hannah Gadsby

You know its the right who are portrayed as children diddlers right? Especially the libertarian right. Everyone memes about it

because he said kike once, to boot
It's fucking pathetic. You simply have to play off their race war bullshit and you can INSTANTLY make them defend someone who invited little boys to sleep over with him.

In addition to the 30,000 Tweets about fisting toddlers or giving children HIV, he also literally, unironically attended "Pedophile Parties".

That's not a meme. It's shit he really did. Attending """"""theme parties"""""" based around pedophiles raping children.

Totally not a pedophile, though. It's all just pretend, goy.

Attached: James Gunn Pedophile Party.jpg (3275x4792, 961K)

>any ordinary person wouldve been jailed for Gunns tweets
>unironically believes this and calls others fragile-minded
top laughs

Gunn doesn't need evidence to condemn other people. Why should it take evidence to condemn Gunn?

so everyone else at that party is a pedophile too? How come /pol/ isn't going after them?

What happened to pizzagate again?

Alright grandad, take your pills

Remember when Yea Forums tried to railroad this guy into being fired from everything just because he made edgy jokes and was liberal? The same Yea Forums who makes edgier jokes and promotes a narrow worldview through confirmation bias that made a man attempt to start a race war just yesterday?

I wish I hated white people and free speech so I could get off this retard train called right wing politics. Why do the leftists have to be so much worse?

wait is being a pedo bad now

>Leftists can't be hypocritical

Why do I keep seeing leftcucks use this canard?
Leftists routinely bemoan the evils of Capitalism but as soon as they get rich they become miserly little Champagne Socialists.
Hypocrisy is nothing new to the Left.

Why are you defending peadophillia?

>Why do the leftists have to be so much worse?
Because your political compass is centered and entirely encompassed by Twitter screenshot threads, ridiculous caricatures and compilation videos. If you think the "leftists" in America are even that far left, you are ridiculously out of your depth having any sort of political conversation.

>this retard train called right wing politics. Why do the leftists have to be so much worse?
In this era they are trying to one up each other

>so everyone else at that party is a pedophile too?

No no no, they're all PRETENDING to be pedophiles. Get it? That makes it totally OK and not fucking suspicious at all.

Remember when Yea Forums was so convinced that a pizza parlor was the gathering grounds for pedohiles and managed to convince people to shoot up the place, endangering civilians, and then light it on fire while employees were still working there. Note that this is a small business, not a chain, owned by a regular American.

>Leftists routinely bemoan the evils of Capitalism but as soon as they get rich they become miserly little Champagne Socialists
Name literally even one person who did this.

And here’s a textbook example of a strawman

>Remember when Yea Forums tried to railroad this guy into being fired from everything just because he made edgy jokes and was liberal?

Remember when that same liberal tried to railroad non-liberals into being fired from everything just because they put edgy jokes or wrongthink of social-media?

Why do you faggots keep failing to mention this part?

>the right did this shitty thing

Attached: sunny.jpg (264x240, 14K)

>that made a man attempt to start a race war just yesterday

Yeah bro, Pepe the Frog and edgy YouTube jokes made a guy shoot up a mosque.
Just like videogames caused Columbine.

Because normal people don't live to the standards of animals. I'm not an animal. I went act like one. You shouldn't lower yourself like that.

Answer the question. Why?

So is it just that whoever discovers the tweets becomes the attacker and then the other side defends him? I thought rape and child touching tweets bury your career, but the left is defending this.

I'm fucking confused.

>Gunn is re-hired

Alt-right thought that the left was so pure that they'd turn on eachother over tweets.

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There’s nothing to answer because I’m not defending pedophilia

Pretty much every rich leftist, faggot.

People like George Cloony who demand America take in more refugees while he lives in one of his SIX mansions.

>innocent until proven guilty becomes acceptable and the norm because "they do it too!"
Good job.

>every rich leftist
Name one.

Where's the evidence?

Because stating your unironic opinion that certain people are subhuman isn't the same as joking, you fucking retard

>If you think the "leftists" in America are even that far left, you are ridiculously out of your depth having any sort of political conversation.

Typical Eurotard dribble.
"If you're not shoveling Christians into the gulags you're not a REAL leftist! 30-million genders and a complete destruction of borders is not far left enough!"

>Why do you faggots keep failing to mention this part?
Probably the same reason others keep up the moral posturing instead of admitting they were out for revenge

I mean it's tangentially related but Colin Kaepernick. Where is he after his payout?

Dont argue with idiots user...

I love how everyone is just conveniently pretending this didn't happen.


I mean if you just ASSUME other people's motivation then they literally can't win with you. Why should they care about your opinions?

He didn't get picked up by any team, iirc. I don't watch handegg, though. When did he lobby for Socialism?
>30-million genders and a complete destruction of borders is not far left enough
Can you name even one place that features these two things?

If you read his manifesto you can tell he took Yea Forums and *chan very seriously. He literally thought that the US is seconds away from civil war. It's called confirmation bias. That's what every political bait thread is trying to do to you. If you go outside and engage with society, you realize no one cares. Niggers don't care. Whites don't care. They're just living life and want to get by.


Oh, right. They did by murdering a bunch of people in a mosque. But ofc. these people need to have a platform here.

It’s terrible, you should take that picture to Mike Cernovich and help him #BoycottDisney

Al Pacino
Brie Larson
James Gunn
George Soros
Conan O beta
2 scoop man
Steve Rogers
and many more

you're just too retarded my dude.

>The Left enforces shitty social rules but then should be exempt from them when it's convenient.

Every single one of you brainlets pushing this narrative has got to be inbred or something. It's not this fucking hard to understand the difference between equality an "hypocrisy".
Actual hypocrisy would be what you keep claiming to want: Liberals to be immune while Conservatives aren't.

>Can you name even one place that features these two things?
Great Britain you utter shitstain of a retard, try telling a tranny that he's actually a man pretending to be a woman here.

>He literally thought that the US is seconds away from civil war.

Yes bro, Yea Forums is the only place that thinks that.
It's not like we have liberals, including high-level politicians, openly calling for a Second Civil War or anything.

Attached: Liberals Calling for Civil War.jpg (640x300, 67K)

>If you go outside and engage with society
He’s just gonna call you a big city out of touch elite or something

Everyday I realize that the kike plan the bring the population to sub-500k according to that statue's prophecy is the right plan. The vast majority of you are too stupid to live and if I happen to fall into that category then so be it.

Funny how this is all coming out now after it was shown MJ was againt ((them)).

I willing to trust McCauly over kikes.

>Gunn makes pedo Jokes. Is bad.
>Alt Nazis follow attack against Gunn by actual rapist Mike Cernovich
>Alt Nazis all supported actual child fiddler Roy Moore

>>Alt Nazis just murdered alot of people and we still talk to them as if they don't need to be gassed

Attached: Cernovich quality posts.jpg (1024x762, 107K)

>I thought rape and child touching tweets bury your career, but the left is defending this.

It's called hypocrisy through unequal enforcement.

Death-sentence when you do it, slap on the wrist when they do it.

None of these people have ever advocated for Socialism and Champagne Socialism. Did you forget your initial claim? It's understandable, you're more than a little bit heated. Let me grab it for you.
>Leftists routinely bemoan the evils of Capitalism but as soon as they get rich they become miserly little Champagne Socialists
I hope you can understand your own post!
>complete destruction of borders
>30-million genders
>try telling a tranny that he's actually a man pretending to be a woman here
What does that have to do with 30-million genders? Do you think you've got the backing of psychological or medical experts with this statement? Would be curious to see how you substantiate your claim beyond just your feelings!

They go up the capitalist ladder, and lift it up from others beneath them.

>Disney fucks up and fires Gunn
>now it's doubling down and re-hiring Gunn back, probably gives him a raise as well
>somehow it's Yea Forums who's been BTFO
Really makes you think.


>high level politicians
The guy in your pic is a screenwriter

>leftists are alarmist retards too
I thought leftists were wrong? Why are you agreeing with them? Also, the fact you used an internet screenshot proves my point you retard.

If it's not acceptable then where were you when non-leftists were being subjected to it?

Why is it hypocrisy to hold people TO THEIR OWN RULES?
That's the OPPOSITE of hypocrisy.

>try telling a tranny that he's actually a man pretending to be a woman here.

How did you get this dumb, user? Are you from the US south? Do you wish it was still 1950, user?

Lobbied for it in 2016-2018. Didn't deserve to get picked up by a team and got paid out for it, then cancelled his entire campaign after the payout.

Yea Forums wanted Gunn to fail, Yea Forums has no real animosity towards Disney despite the moaning

And somehow Gunn being a pedo makes him exempt from all of his wrongdoing? You retards can't even post proof that either Moore or Cernovich are pedos.

>Can you name even one place that features these two things?

Leftist tweets.

The war just begun though.

>Lobbied for it in 2016-2018
Can you provide proof that he lobbied for Socialism?

>your unironic opinion that certain people are subhuman

Yeah, imagine if leftists did that.

Attached: Moviebob is a Nazi.jpg (2085x1485, 762K)

Right, but I mean don't shy away from the fact that they're supporting pedophilia. An evil somewhere else in the world doesn't negate an evil that's being done here.

/pol/ got people who did this fired.


I was calling out those retards just the same as I was calling you you retards now.
Guilty till proven innocent is fucking stupid and not something I would ever lower myself to doing.
If you're okay acting like an animal, then you're no better than an SJW.
You're trash.

>Do you think you've got the backing of psychological or medical experts with this statement?
No legitimate psychological or medical expert actually believes that Bruce Jenner is a woman you twat. Did you seriously fall for the "trannies are ACTUALLY women!"-meme?

Can someone answer a question for me?

Are there reasons to think that Gunn is a real pedo or did he just make pedo jokes?


I am exceptionally angry how these so y faggots on Reddit are okay with Gunn despite his tweets about kids pissing on him and blowjobs
how does that compute? Really I mean.

Just pedo jokes/tweets

Calling people out on being retards does nothing though.
They always justify it with "BUT THEY DID IT!" as if that makes them less retarded somehow.

>Guilty till proven innocent is fucking stupid
Lol, tell me more about about that white social construct that is Innocent until proven guilty.

Attached: leftist.jpg (720x405, 44K)

That's not Socialism, though, those are all facets of social democracies. Did you link the wrong article?
>No legitimate psychological or medical expert actually believes that Bruce Jenner is a woman you twat.
Do you think you could back this with scientific or psychological consensus, or hell, in any way that isn't your feelings? I'm waiting for proof since you've clearly got it.

>my guy
Holy fuck could you be anymore of a faggot? Kill yourself disgusting nigger

He went to pedo themed parties and shared a link to a video that was seemingly CP but was actually a Rickroll of sorts
At best he has an unhealthy obsession

>I’m angry at this thing on Reddit
Why don’t you go show them who’s boss you faggot redditor? And stay there

They weren't just jokes, it was stuff akin to 'I like blowjobs from 8 year olds'

>I thought leftists were wrong? Why are you agreeing with them?
How fucking stupid are you? I'm posting proof that leftshits unironically call for Civil War. What are you not getting here?

>Also, the fact you used an internet screenshot proves my point you retard.
Was your point that people post evidence of their claims?
Something doesn't cease being true because it's in a screenshot you fucking tard. This is like saying "lol you get your information from photographs of events!"
No shit, retard. Photographs are a method of documenting reality and the things people say and do. Like Internet screenshots.

This is why people shit on the left. You're so fucking stupid that you need basic shit like this spoon-fed to you, while you pretend to be mental giants that stride over the inferior masses. It's fucking laughable how far up your own ass you are when in reality you're this fucking stupid.

You aren't making a good case for yourself, justifying your actions by comparing them to that case. You are literally the same as that roastie whore.
Your single sensationalist case doesn't make "innocent until proven guilty" wrong. It just makes you look more retarded.
Stop acting like an SJW.

>Actual hypocrisy would be what you keep claiming to want: Liberals to be immune while Conservatives aren't.

Like this? Reminder that the account that was collecting these tweets was banned across platforms while not a single one of these people were banned.

Attached: index.png (5000x5000, 3.98M)


>If you go outside and engage with society, you realize no one cares. Niggers don't care. Whites don't care.

Yeah bro, the whole SJW thing isn't a meme.
My city totally wasn't blockaded by screaming red-faced leftists demanding that men in drag be allowed to use the womens' bathroom, and before that it totally wasn't a place where blacks rioted after a black criminal got shot after coming at a white cop with a weapon. And it's also not where leftists are currently protesting ICE because laws are racist and illegal immigration is good.
It was all just a mirage. In real life nobody cares about politics and politics don't matter!


Attached: triggggg.jpg (800x450, 48K)

Not him but
>you pretend to be mental giants that stride over the inferior masses
I wonder what you do in real life if this is going through your mind

That's disgusting. lmao at whitey. You fucked up big time

It's not about proof. Roseanne got jobbed for far less. Making explicit kiddie sex jokes is just fucked

>If you go outside and engage with society, you realize no one cares.

This is how we know you are a NEET.

It's the people who go outside and engage with society, working jobs, attending classes, watching the news and paying taxes, that realize Leftists have completely lost their fucking minds.

You're either ignorant, or you're running damage-control.

Attached: Liberal Freakshow.jpg (842x1200, 233K)

no it didn't

>None of these people have ever advocated for Socialism and Champagne Socialism.
Is it possible to be THIS much of the most retarded man on Earth?



>Do you think you've got the backing of psychological or medical experts with this statement?
Obviously your retarded since you didn't have a single lick of scientific evidence of men actually being girls apart from genetic freaks.

Attached: Retarded and jedipilled.png (602x312, 40K)

>some guy did something bad! ban anybody i disagree with!

Cool. I look forward to Muslims being universally banned from social-media after the next monthly terror-attack.

>It's not about proof.
So you're an SJW then?
You're a disgusting subhuman piece of trash. Into the ovens with your pink haired friends.

None of those things are predictors for supporting conservative values. Why do you argue entirely from feelings and anecdotes, user?

>How did you get this dumb, user?
Oh the irony, where the fuck have you been all this years? Its literally haram and a crime to call an obvious mentally ill tranny his original sex in Britain.

lol, this deflection

Gunn is a skeezy pedophile creep and EVERYBODY knows it. And there's nothing you can do about it.

I tried caring for this shit but the wrong people are in power so I will disconnect myself from all this shit and live my life normally. Waste of time to get mentally involved with something you can't do anything about.

In real life I frequently have to deal with smug leftist millennials who are too stupid to recognize their own blatant hypocrisies.

Are you stupid? I never said they didn't. I said they exist in a bubble that makes them think civil war is needed or imminent, through confirmation bias, the same way Yea Forums does. You are proved my point here by providing internet screenshots, you dense nigger. The internet is not real. It is a radicalization tool for both sides. No one in real life gives a shit. 4 years on from a few hundred college kids playing soldier and still no civil war. No one who isn't an internet addicted kid, teen or young person wants or thinks civil war is coming. They just want to get by.

Holy shit you're so fucking dumb. You misunderstood every fucking point, even though it was spelled out simply. You're a fucking retard. I can't say this enough. You're a braindead fucking retard.

What are you on about? Jesus. I meant it's fucked to make kiddie jokes and it's even more fucked that he got away with saying shit like that in an environment like today. Would I get a free pass to make jokes about getting blown by a kid and pissing on him? Would you not give a shit at all? Fucking hypocrites.

>Alt Nazis

Nobody's going to take your fat ass seriously.

Attached: SJW Girl.png (444x368, 169K)

>That's not Socialism, though, those are all facets of social democracies.
Same shit and he wouldn't even have a problem if all the means of production are at the hands of the people since he's such a retarded nigger enough to support any Cuban policies.

keep in mind i did say it was tangentially related, and i probably did too much by responding to your previous post by replying without reiterating that.

i thought so too i thought it was fake but - call me shill all you want this is what i hear at the mall today
>ay bro yeah we just saw marvel you know. captain marvel. it was so full aye. i mean its been our for what like a couple of weeks but it was so full

>Is it possible to be THIS much of the most retarded man on Earth?
I don't know, friend, considering you cropped out the part where he was directly responding to somebody asking him to say it for his birthday. I wouldn't expect anything less from somebody who thinks Wikipedia is a source, though.
Where is the legislated open borders?
Where are the 50-billion genders?
>Obviously your retarded since you didn't have a lick of scientific evidence of men actually being girls apart from genetic freaks.
You made the claim, it's up to you to substantiate it. Why are you so upset? Do you need a breather so you can find the evidence you apparently have, we're only at 140 posts so I'm sure you have time to calm down before the thread 404's.

Don't even bother being surprised any more. Leftist logic makes no sense.

They also though Rotten Tomatoes censoring its own users to protect the profits and PR of a shitty capeshit movie was a "win" for Leftists too.

>Same shit
How is a democratic system with socialized elements that are better predictors of health and happiness outcomes the same as top-down, centralized flat redistribution with an authoritarian or vanguard party system?

>The internet is not real.

Honestly we just need to stop taking leftists seriously at this point. They post shit like this unironically.

Attached: What the Fuck am I reading 11.png (500x375, 237K)

>Let's play by their rules haha
>gets absolutely demolished once the left's insane ruleset is legitimized
Really good foresight and loss of the moral high ground, righties. I'm so glad to be on your side. Real proud.

That had nothing to do with leftism, it just so happens that most examples of brigading rating systems is done by far right dumpster babies hated even by their own parents. It’s wrong across the board though.

You're really this fucking stupid? You really don't get that holding people TO THEIR OWN RULES is the only way to make sure unfair rules change, do you?

You honestly promote the alternative: Conservatives being held to liberal rules but liberals getting to do whatever the fuck they want without consequence.

Disney plant obviously
no one who talks about movies mentions that the hall was full.

>Do you wish it was still 1950
You mean a time when they weren't pumping small children full of sterilizing 'transitional hormones' and mutilating their crotches so that they can pretend they are girls for Facebook likes?
What a horrible era.

None of that has to do with civil war. It's just people whining. The left always whined. I never said leftism wasn't real and that it shouldn't be opposed. I said we are very very very far way from civil war being a possibility.

>obvious mentally ill

How did you get this dumb, user?

>What are you on about?
You think someone is guilty before proof is given. You're an SJW. All SJWs must be baked.
>I meant it's fucked to make kiddie jokes
Cool, thanks for the tip, God. I'll make sure not to make gross jokes in the future either.
>fucked that he got away with saying shit like that in an environment like today
He didn't say them today. What you're doing is the equivalent of looking at a movie from the 80's and shitting on it for being racist or whatever - more retardation.
>Would I get a free pass to make jokes about getting blown by a kid and pissing on him
You're a nobody. You'd be fine. Assuming you WERE a sombody though, you SHOULD be fine, though I agree you wouldn't - BECAUSE OF OTHER RETARDS LIKE YOU. How can you not see that YOU ARE THE PROBLEM AS MUCH AS THEY ARE.
>B-but they d-did it f-first!
Fucking child. Grow up.

I have no idea what your response is trying to communicate since you're an incoherent brainlet, but you're also still wrong.

MJ has had multiple court cases thrown at him and he's escaped them all. His accusers are all shady as fuck and even the new doco (that is nothing but 4 hours of anecdotes from 2 people) are full of factual errors like the year euro disneyland opened. Why do people keep trying to push him as a pedo even after all this?

None of those things are civil war. LEARN TO FUCKING READ

Attached: 1541857888399.jpg (1024x1024, 606K)

>That's not Socialism


Acting that way normalizes them.
You fucking imbecile.
The way you fix guilty until proven innocent is FUCKING STOP SUPPORTING COMPANIES THAT ENFORCE IT, YOU FUCKING TOOL.

Babies were too busy dying during childbirth to get dosed up in the 50's.

Move that goalpost even harder, comrade chop chop.

>Are you from the US south? Do you wish it was still 1950, user?

What is your argument here, brainlet?

That only people from the US south or people who want it to still be 1950 know and understand that men with mutilated dicks aren't women?

What must it be like to be obsessed with politics, zoomer?

the entire Catholic, white Church is a bunch of rapists and rape-funders, so far right incels are guilty of this regardless

Twitter needs to be shut down.

You're being fed confirmation bias by discord retards. I'm as far from a leftist as anyone. No one wants to engage in civil war. No one who isn't an internet addict being fed propaganda from either side.

The goal posts are in the same place they've been in the start. Maybe we should move you up closer so you can land a single point between them? Considering "every rich lefty" is a Champagne Socialist, you sure are struggling to find an example of even one.

>r*ghtoids shoot up black churches, synagogues, mosques
>yeah bro the left has totally gone off the deep end! muh genders!

So they held SJW's to SJW rules?

What a tragedy. Oh the horror.

Are the Scandinavian countries "Socialism"?

I never said his tasteless jokes are proof that he fucked kids. What riled me was that no one would get away with that shit, and he did because Disney is all powerful.

Are you capable of reading?

kek I never noticed the blacked poster in the background

The catholic church was proven to be covering up child rape though, MJ has been tried multiple times and found not guilty so how are these two the same?

He slept with kids in his bed and has a painting of himself naked with naked cherub kids. No smoke with fire, it's common sense. MJ was nutty

Yep. Like that.

I would love for one of the fat pink-haired blobs that is running damage-control ITT to explain this.

Conservatives are literally being fired for nothing while Liberals do whatever they want without having to worry.

>I just adopt the right ruleset I'll win and if i adopt the wrong one I'l loose facts and logic beep boop
If you think there are any rules at this late stage you're legit retarded.
There's only battle lines and agitprop.

>I don't know, friend, considering you cropped out the part where he was directly responding to somebody asking him to say it for his birthday.
Holy fucking shit the retardation of this thing. Out of all the birthday quotes in the world why the fuck do you think he chose that specific line? To make fun of socialism? Jesus Christ the retardation of this man

>I wouldn't expect anything less from somebody who thinks Wikipedia is a source, though.
I wouldn't expect anything from a literal retard like you though since its fun watching you flailing about trying to move goalpost and shift actual meaning and definition to fit your retarded argument.

>Where is the legislated open borders?
>say leftist support open border
>hurr durr no proof
>here proof
>hurr durr I mean actual legislation
Retarded to the core and I'm obviously not the one who you originally replied to retard.

>Where are the 50-billion genders?
Jesus Christ the amount of retardation in this man's brain when he can't even see hyperbolic. But if you want to play semantics.
>The title "Mx.", is widely accepted in the United Kingdom by government organisations and businesses as an alternative for non-binary people[8] while HESA allows the use of non-binary gender markers for students in higher education.
>Since 4 April 2005, as per the Gender Recognition Act 2004, it is possible for transgender people to change their legal gender in the UK, allowing them to acquire a new birth certificate.
Hence allowing them to identify any snowflake gender spectrum on the market.

>You made the claim, it's up to you to substantiate it.
Again I'm not the one who you originally replied to, I'm just supporting his point while you did absolutely nothing itt but moving that goal post harder.

He always looked like that. It's incredible he even got married

Two sides of the same coin; extreme mental illness.

Someone put this through the gender changing app

Attached: james_gunn-getty-h_2019.jpg (928x523, 52K)

>What riled me was that no one would get away with that shit
What did he "get away with"?
Get away with making tasteless jokes?
That's a crime worthy of punishment now?
>But other people would have been punished!!!
And the people doing the punishing would be just as retarded as you think everyone should be. You're arguing FOR people to act like retards.
Do you not see this?

Dude's deep in Hollywood with Disney backing him. Guys like him are intouchable, immense status and power.

Call me when the left starts murdering people in the name of 50 million genders

>top-down, centralized flat redistribution with an authoritarian or vanguard party system?
This is what made Fidel's policy happened

>socialized elements that are better predictors of health and happiness
This only exist in your retarded head.

Now think why would he prefer an authoritarian policies? Its not that hard retard.

>I would love for one of the fat pink-haired blobs that is running damage-control ITT to explain this.
They have arranged, or had arranged for them, echo chambers and walled gardens which ensure they will never, ever have to.

There will be a shooting war before they're made to answer.

>no smoke without fire
Fuck off with that bullshit. The smoke was thoroughly investigated MULTIPLE TIMES and no fire was ever found. And the people who claimed there was fire turned out to be shady cunts after a paycheck.

How did you? You've still not responded to the fact that you can literally go to jail for saying truth that trannies are either male or female. Why are you so dumbfuck enough to deny simple fact?

Someone already did.



>That's a crime worthy of punishment now?
funny how you think it's alright to make jokes like that. He's a professional, he's not supposed to spout shit and get away with it. Same way a McDonald's manager can't do it, or a receptionist at some hotel. Normal people with no rich friends and the power of Disney shielding them
if you can't see how hypocritical it is for a professional to get away with saying shit like that where others can't, you can't see much. That's all I was saying, please don't ree further

He's just a useful idiot, a petty pawn. No self respecting man would sell his soul to the devil for shekels & underage whores. Him looking like that is a reflection of his destroyed soul

they do if the movie itself has nothing to write home about
i think he actually said it full aye
like trying to change the subject

The leftist are too weak and too retarded for that as shown itt but don't worry, their Muslim and nigger brethren will happy to do that kind of job for them.

The internet has addled your brain. This is not late stage. You're not in an important time in history, everyone who has ever lived thought that. You're just a cog and rules still apply.

>why do you think he chose that specific line? To make fun of socialism? Jesus Christ the retardation of this man.
Why did the Socialist make the non-Socialist say a Socialist line? Because it was his birthday. Do you think that saying "the proletariat should own the means of production" by request turns you into a Socialist?
>move goalpost
They're the same place they've been since we started chatting, buddy. Try aiming between 'em!
>say leftist support open border
Do you need the goal posts pointed out to you again? Here:
>30-million genders and a complete destruction of borders is not far left enough
Can you name even one place that features these two things?
If the place you want to cite is "blue haired women's Twitter feeds" then you could have just said that, I thought we were talking about real life and not the opinions of some literal who.
>Hence allowing them to identify any snowflake gender spectrum on the market.
But that isn't "30-million genders" that's letting people identify how they like.
>That is what made Fidel's policy happened
Ignoring your inability to use past tense, what does that have to do with supporting somebodies policies? I missed the part in the article where he said 'we should use Socialism as the mechanism for obtaining these facets of Cuba' maybe you could point it out to me.
>This only exist in your retarded head.
Just so you don't wriggle away like a coward, do you think socialized health care isn't a predictor for better health outcomes?
>Now think why would he prefer an authoritarian policies? Its not that hard retard.
Do you have a native English speaker to communicate this point? I can't understand what you're saying.

I would post you some pictures of blown up kids at Arianna Grande concert that a leftoid shredded apart with nail bomb, but tranny mod would get triggered and ban me to keep you in your safe space.

Attached: leftoid terror attacks.jpg (831x542, 164K)

Said the Emperor who fiddled as rome burned

Yeah. I hope these fuckups get their comeuppance.

According to Sanders and Cortez, yes. Venezuela isn't and Soviet block also wasn't.

LGBTQP rights triumph against bigotry.
Thanks based Disney!

Based Poland

I forgot about that, wasn't it a regular Muslim bombing? Why would a leftie blow up a pop concert?

>funny how you think it's alright to make jokes like that.
I wouldn't make them myself and I think they were tasteless, but I don't think ANYONE should be dragged over the coals for making jokes.
Your argument that it's 'hypocritical' isn't even relevant. Companies are free to do as they see fit. THe fact that Disney rehired him is actually a step in the right direction. Maybe other companies will look at ths case and see "hold on, maybe we SHOULDN'T fire people for stupid jokes..."
This is what I'm arguing for. A resurgence in common sense. People should be free to make retarded jokes without fear of losing their career/livelihood at ANY LEVEL of employment.
Your argument is championing retarded actions of companies everywhere.
Stop giving Twitter so much social clout ffs.

Proved my point. Internet addled brain.

>Me no likey terrorism
>dat mean it left!
Good job buddy.

You're a fucking fool if you arent seeing the growing social unrest across the globe.

>Arianna Grande concert that a leftoid shredded apart with nail bomb
The Muslim terrorists are leftists? Are you Jordan Peterson now?

As a side note, many girls from that concert were never found. The BBC also reported on "heroic" Muslim uber drivers were giving the girls free rides. Do the math.

Omg guys fuck Yea Forums fuck /pol/ and fuck incels

THIS IS A WIN FOR CAPESHITTERS ALL OVER THE WEB, rejoice for we will now get more kids movies watch.

Attached: 1552686191393.jpg (811x900, 228K)

What do Sanders and Cortez have to do with anything? I asked your opinion.
>Venezuela isn't
It never achieved full Socialism, no, but it destroyed itself trying to centralize itself as a mono-export economy. Do you think it achieved full Socialism? If so, I'd love to hear how it adheres to the core tenets.
>Soviet block also wasn't
Has anybody ever claimed this? I see people *defending* things that happened there (often with flimsy excuses) but never saying it was never Socialist.

>Because it was his birthday
He would never say national sociaalist quote and you know it. Not even by an accident.

Have sex.

>He would never say national sociaalist quote and you know it. Not even by an accident.
This is a non-argument.

Lol, you are that gaslighter that will inevitably start sperging about Koch brothers, aren't you?

Except Gunn isn't a pedo. If he was i think we would have heard some actual victims speak out. He just made some dumb jokes, and because he is a white male that was enough. Now Disney realized that literally nobody is good enough to make GOTG 3 so they got him back, fucking losers lmao

Attached: 1551944045500.jpg (720x589, 41K)

You're a fool for thinking anyone is going to give in to actual violence not LARPs. You've been agitated by /pol/ aligned discord shills who post the same confirmation bias things every day. The same thing happened to the tankie niggers who got shilled by discord trannies.

I don't care about who or what the Koch brothers fund. Why are you deflecting?

Neonazi sympathiser mods delete all Cernovich pics proving his attack on Gunn and his own rape case.

Give me your ass then faggot if you want me to have sex so bad.

>a kindred opinion
At least I don't feel so alone, championing common sense now.
Keep up the good fight.

No. It was just dumb jokes, trying to gain attention. It's been fucking 10 years and in the METOO era not a single victim spoke against him. Isn't that fucking weird ? If he did something they would speak out 100 % unless they are fucking dead

Attached: 1551597605076.png (750x547, 357K)

>This is what I'm arguing for. A resurgence in common sense.
AHAHAHAHA You are EXTREMELY fucking naive if you really believe this. Gunn is absolved of his transgressions because he is on the correct, twitter mob approved side of the line. Start rejoicing the return of common sense when literally any of the people on the other side whose lives were destroyed are forgiven. Pro-tip, it will NEVER happen.

He's definitely a faggot though

>theres never going to be violence!
>literally 40 muslims gunned down in NZ yesterday when OP delivered

The Pope tongue baths Somali feet. Not sure what you're aiming for here bud.

>that photo
those people are 30 years old at least, and it looks like a halloween thing

Attached: image_2019_03_07T10_15_39_721Z.png (640x606, 30K)

Sounds like you're working through some repression issues.
Really. Honestly. Have sex.

>anyone is going to give in to actual violence
Around 50 kebabs removed literally right now you cunt. You are seriously trying to argue that because there aren't literal armies of men in trenches right this second that things are not escalating?

>Reminder that the account that was collecting these tweets was banned across platforms

I love how shit like this is happened and liberals are still in denial about conservatives being censored.

>Gunn is absolved of his transgressions
There were no transgressions, you peanut brained fuck.
This is my point.
And no, I'm not saying "all is resolved with this one case!". I'm saying that it's a step in the right direction. We're still deep in the muck, but it has to start somewhere.
If you actually think firing someone over jokes is a good thing, you're no better than an SJW and you deserve the ditch just as much as they do.

give me your ass then faggot



>I said we are very very very far way from civil war being a possibility.

Blacks literally turning cities into warzones for days at a time, openly committing assaults, and doing it with the SUPPORT of the leftist media is pretty fucking close to a "civil war" situation.

>There will be a shooting war before they're made to answer.
Absolutely. TY based kiwi nigger blaster for going full acceleration

No one pushing for his ouster actually believed he was a pedophile. We all just wanted to leverage the metoo hysteria to take down one of their own. And it worked for a little while.

Most of us thought he'd be back eventually, too.


Making fun of a Democrat was all the "proof" you needed that Roseanne was a "racist", despite her being a vocal leftist for her entire career.

Why do you hate equality?

>I'm saying that it's a step in the right direction.
There is no step in any direction you disingenuous fuck. A liberal got away with no consequence for something a right wing person would be crucified for. That is the fucking STATUS QUO, there is no progress

Eat a gigantic dick

Have sex, friendo.

They hate white people.

Goddamn the retard move even more goalpost just to fit his retarded idea of an argument.
>Why did the Socialist make the non-Socialist say a Socialist line?
Is this the hill that you want to die on? That somehow he's suddenly a non-socialist just because your retarded mind think he does?
>Do you think that saying "the proletariat should own the means of production" by request turns you into a Socialist?
SO now we turn from rich leftist celebrities who are retarded hypocrites espousing socialist values to turning into actual socialist? Are you THAT fucking retarded now?

>They're the same place they've been since we started chatting, buddy. Try aiming between 'em!
See above where all I did was provide you ample proof while all you did was playing semantic in a retarded attempt at playing gotcha! I've ever seen. Your post literally have no argument and no proof at all to the contrary.

>30-million genders and a complete destruction of borders is not far left enough
And I've told you that you're a humongous retarded who can't differentiate poster nor identify what a hyperbole is.

>Can you name even one place that features these two things?
I've did with the Brits which you conveniently make a half-assed retarded argument against.

>If the place you want to cite is "blue haired women's Twitter feeds" then you could have just said that, I thought we were talking about real life and not the opinions of some literal who.
So now you acknowledged that leftist do support open border. Glad we surmised that you're retarded to the core as I've said many times

>But that isn't "30-million genders" that's letting people identify how they like.
Take note of actual leftist retardation here folks. Somehow identifying anything that they like doesn't equate to a million snowflake gender that doesn't exist.

How does one rationalize tens of thousands of 'jokes' where hiv, dicks, pissing and children are used in the same sentence?

>None of those things are predictors for supporting conservative values.

What are you smoking?
NEET's are pretty much universally leftycucks. In addition to being human failures, they HAVE to be since the rely on welfare to live.
Somebody who actually works and pays taxes has a pretty good chance of being a conservative/traditionalist. At least far more so than NEETs shilling for Bernie.

Attached: Smug Peek.png (488x488, 193K)

Well why don't you go lay down the law tough guy.

This looks fucking horrific

>ITT: right wing faggots losing their mind that their retarded adobtion of SJW tactics didn't work
Glad your values are so easy to throw out the window.
This is how the left wins.

>The Muslim terrorists are leftists?

Which party is the pro-Muslim party, brainlet?

>A resurgence in common sense
Lol, get a load of this cocksucker.

Attached: gg.png (511x668, 360K)

Pretty thoroughly BTFO here. I'm surprised he bothered responding.

Are you retarded? He was exactly what I'm talking about. An internet brainwashed retard who thought violence was the only answer. Read his manifesto. He actually thought the entire world was on the brink of a race war. Lots of people are anti-immigration. They aren't suddenly turning back on that ideal. He was fed leftism through the lens of righties and he thought violent action was needed. All he did was make his positions look worse.

Why do so many people do this? Fixate on half a sentence just to shit out a retort that ignores the entire premise of the conversation

That's what I'm arguing for. What I'd like to see. Not what I think is happening.
Take things out of context less.

He wears a blue tie, that means it's all ok. If he wore a red tie though, that would mean he was literally a pedophile racist sexist hitler

>man that thinks he's a woman
>not mentally ill

Come on, manbabies need their cartoon about Rocket weasel, they don't care.

Attached: 1551463661529.png (1440x1620, 1.59M)

>Deep down in the Disney rabbit-hole
>Neotenous facial features, he wants to look like a kid himself
>Left Jenna
Faggot or pedo

This picture is complete bullshit. Anyone living in either of the pictured countries would tell you that.

And what about all the other violent actions that have been happening? all the protests breaking out into brawls? the yellowjackets? the antifa and anti antifa marches? Are they all 'agitated by /pol/? or do they not count because they only rarely result in death?

>adobtion of SJW tactics didn't work
But Trump is still for 5 years and the Senate couldn't do jack shit against Trump's veto

>B-but they d-did it f-first!
You keep saying this like it's an argument.

Leftists made this rule and enforced it. You don't get to set precedents and then play the "UR JUST AS BAD!" card when forced to abide by it.
That's called "equality". Why do you hate equality?

I just like when people get fired

>That's what I'm arguing for. What I'd like to see
You can argue for whatever you want on this irrelevant shithole website while the rest of the world flies in one, completely opposite direction.

Attached: Obunga's Legacy.png (542x688, 87K)

>he's suddenly a non-socialist just because your retarded mind think he does?
Slow down, you're barely coherent. You haven't demonstrated that he's a Socialist, he said a Socialist quote for some random retards birthday.
>SO now we turn from rich leftist celebrities who are retarded hypocrites espousing socialist values to turning into actual socialist? Are you THAT fucking retarded now?
Your original argument was they start out as Socialists, become rich, then become Champagne Socialists. So far the breadth of the "hypocrisy" has been a guy saying a quote for some dude's birthday. The goal posts are firmly planted in the cement where they have been since your non-arguments started.
>I've did with the Brits which you conveniently make a half-assed retarded argument against.
Where is open borders or 30 million genders in British legislation? Those were the original claims that you have failed to substantiate.
>so now you acknowledged that leftist do support open border
I never said leftists don't support open borders, I asked what place featured 30 million genders and the complete destruction of open borders? By the way, the "left" isn't a monolith which is why it's even more baffling that you can't find a single example to substantiate your point.
>Somehow identifying anything that they like doesn't equate to a million snowflake gender that doesn't exist
Do the genders exist or not, buddy? Like I said, do you have any native English speakers in direct proximity that can help you with your arguments?
>NEET's are pretty much universally leftycucks
[citation needed]
>Somebody who actually works and pays taxes has a pretty good chance of being a conservative/traditionalist
[citation needed
>At least far more so than NEETs shilling for Bernie
Do you think the stereotype of Bernie supporters is dudes living in squalor? The main straw-man I saw was a middle-class college student talking about revolutions on their MacBook in Starbucks, desu.

>brigading rating systems

Stopped reading right there.
You believe conspiracy-theories promoted by corporate PR firms. Your opinion on anything related to reality is automatically worthless.

>This is how the left wins
Nepotism and institutionalism?

go back to fucking reddit

>Let's play by their rules haha
>gets absolutely demolished once the left's insane ruleset is legitimized

If these rules actually became legitimized it's leftists that are the ones that are going to get annihilated.
They're the ones routinely calling for white male genocide on Twitter and getting away with it. Once Conservative bosses are allowed legally and socially to fire them in droves for "being offensive" then Leftists are fucked. I look forward to taking your job and your income.

Yes, they don't count, except for the yellowjackets, by the very nature of this reply chain. Just go up and realize you've moved the goalpost.

jokes are jokes, lol

How do the numerous riots/brawls across America not count as growing social unrest?


It's not always or only companies doing it you fucking drooling mongoloid.
How are you not getting this?
Witch Hunts only stop when the people in power can ALSO be accused and tried of being a witch. And you're advocating that they be immune from it because "bawwwww, that's playing by their rules", thusly ensuring that they remain in power and the corrupt social system endures.

Actually I'm not convinced that you're dumb enough to believe what you're saying.
I'm starting to think you KNOW it's bullshit, but you're a leftist retard that's trying to convince people they shouldn't bother putting up a fight by shaming them as "hypocrites" for enforcing equality.

We need more accelerationists like the haji slayer

>Acting that way normalizes them.
Being a cuck that lets Liberals do whatever they want without consequence while SIMULTANEOUSLY allowing for non-Liberals to be punished for wrongthink normalizes hypocrisy and discrimination.
You're a moron.

They only count if it supports his narrative.

They're already injecting little boys with estrogen to make them grow tits in the name of 50 million genders.

>You're arguing FOR people to act like retards.
Do you not see this?

Actually we're arguing for equality.
You're the one arguing for hypocrisy and selective-enforcement.

Do you have any idea whom this thread was about?

Are you a brainlet?

Are you?


No shit, retard. It's not hard to be an authoritarian. It's hard to be tolerant of other peoples' opinions.

For anyone thinks widespread violence is imminent I want you to think about going out tomorrow, on the street and engaging in fist fights with leftists. Not a fantasy, but actually putting on your shoes and doing it. Be genuine with yourself and think if you'd actually do it. If you still would, now think about if this continued and you had to bring a gun with you, and you knew the left would too. Escalate this until your logical breaking point, if you have one. Be truly honest with yourself and how much you could handle a bullet flying past your head.

Now reconcile this with the fact that you are among the most radicalized people in the US, just by virtue of being here and being semi-informed on the issues, and antifa on the left because you people are incapable of extrapolating my premise. You might take issue with the word radicalized but I'm using it on a very real US scale. Realize that most people are not like this. Those on the right, especially not those on the left. They have milquetoast opinions. They might be anti-immigration but pro-tranny. Pro-gun and pro-abortion. Realize none of these people would lace up. No matter what they fantasize about online. Everyone in public prefaces their most radical opinions with "I'm not X but...". They want to live their life more than they want any political change.

Stop buying into the narrative that CIA glowniggers and discord shills give you. They show you a narrow slice purposefully. There are now 9 billion people on this planet. Remember that when you're reading about 1 incident. This is how a crazy person buys into the option of violence. That he needs to kill the sandniggers, or that he needs to kill infidels.

inb4 ur a leftist. I am most definitely not a leftist and Ibet I have pushed the window further right in the real world than you, the person sitting online.

OK, so WHAT are you advocating?

The proper way to go about this is to allow the Left to persecute and punish anyone that says anything the Left doesn't like, while the Right just has to tolerate everything and let Leftists do whatever they want without consequence?

That is what you're advocating here? Great gameplan.

>w-we were just pretending

the state of /pol/

>I'm saying that it's a step in the right direction. We're still deep in the muck, but it has to start somewhere.

It's funny how we're only "moving in the right direction" when leftists are benefiting.

Have sex.

>You're a fool for thinking anyone is going to give in to actual violence

Which people said right before Arab Spring.
And the Ukrainian Revolution.
And the riots in France.

Growing social unrest is where you moved the goalpost you fucking retard. Brawls also haven't been happening for years. Those are fucking LARPs, like I said and you know it. None of those retards would go outside the second a gun came into play.

Well duh, moving farther right is the antithesis of progress. The logical endpoint of far-right politics is just more retards like the NZ shooter

idk how these faggots can think Gunn is irreplaceable when Guardians 2 was a steaming pile of shit, 1 was infinitely better.

You're taking those blueballs into your grave about your day of the rope /pol/nigger

>Except Gunn isn't a pedo. If he was i think we would have heard some actual victims speak out.

You don't have to be a "Child-Molester" to be a "Pedophile", brainlet.

>I have pushed the window further right in the real world than you
Lol, no you didn't.

Attached: 1547486975529.jpg (524x966, 194K)

>Slow down, you're barely coherent.
Ironic coming from someone THIS much of a retard.
>he said a Socialist quote for some random retards birthday.
And out of all the retard's birthday why did he picked that one specifically my retarded friend? Is it to actually show the inherent dangers of socialism? God we have the most based retard do we folk? I'm not even saying he's a socialist, I'm just supporting that user's point that rich leftist are usually champagne socialist who spout retarded socialist lines while being a hypocrite. You literally show 0 proof that I'm wrong whatsoever and instead argue semantics.

>Your original argument
This is the most sad dumbfuck to have ever graced this board. You do realize that I've said many times that I'm not that original user right? You do realize I'm merely supporting his point that these champagne socialist exist and that the left support open borders and snowflake gender that doesn't exist right? Oh wait you're a retard who doesn't believe in anything factual.

>Where is open borders or 30 million genders in British legislation?
Where the fuck do I claim these thing exist you utter retard? I just showed you the fact that leftist do support open border and the Brits transgender policies reflect that the left actively push this shit in its entirety seeing that the Green and Labor overwhelmingly support it.

>Those were the original claims that you have failed to substantiate.
Look, I know deep down inside you know that you're an utter retard who can't debate since you fail to point out where I made such a claim in the first place.

>I never said leftists don't support open borders
and in the same breath
>by the way, the "left" isn't a monolith
Jesus Christ can you even see your own retardation at this point? By the end of this argument, even ancaps are leftist following your retarded logic.

>Do the genders exist or not, buddy?
The transgender policies allows them to identify any gender as they please you moron

Bet Gunn got a nice raise out of this too. /pol/ eternally BTFO

Where's the evidence that he's a pedo?

Respond to your opponent. Don't just post non sequiturs.

You nu-right faggots only ever remember tat "big corporation bad" when it's disney. Disgusting hypocrites

He was never actual fired retard

While the logical endpoint of leftist politics is eastern Europe or Cambodia.

Oh you mean the incident where your "le funny memes and le edgy racism" turned real and now they're going to shut you down? Wouldn't exactly call that a victory.

>Slow down, you're barely coherent
He's ESL and he's still running circles around you, dumb tranny.

Not buying into retardation, recruiting people further right, winning elections with your new base, enacting policies in line with your worldview, you know, actual politics. Also, not embarrassing your side. People were turning to the right, we all know that.

But then the left baited you into becoming their boogeyman and they turned the victory around immediately.

You're next bitch.

Yea Forums is not the place you want to go for political discussions, especially not on the television and movie board

Even if you consctruct a solid argument the other side will either ignore or call you some boogeyman because anonimity allows that

Projection. You could have a thousand images and posted them a thousand more and you will have done nothing.

>I'm saying that it's a step in the right direction.

A Liberal did something a non-Liberal would be permanently blacklisted for, and got away with it with zero consequence.
That's not progress. That's the same shit we have been seeing for YEARS.

>moving farther right is the antithesis of progress.
Then why are the USSR and every single socialist movement such a monumental failure?

>/pol/ was proven that pedos will always stick to their own and will do so openly and blatantly

I guess they got btfoed really hard.

Not any different from last week. The only thing that changed is you lost grip on the boiling frog strategy

Don't be so eager to declare victory on their behalf.

Take a lesson from this user.

>[citation needed]

The fact that if you live on welfare, you vote for the welfare-party.

sounds pretty based to me. Almost every criticism I've heard conservatives make about marxist countries, can also be applied to capitalism in some ways

Do it you pussy. Get your guns, blast those meme songs and come at me. You're just digging your grave and destroying your psycho fascist movement like that other faggot yesterday.

>This is how the left wins.

By being in positions of power with zero accountability?
True heroes.

>he says while defending Michael Jackson

>You're just digging your grave and destroying your psycho fascist movement
That's what they said about the 2016 election and look how that turn out for the left.

>They might be anti-immigration but pro-tranny. Pro-gun and pro-abortion.
These people don't exist anymore, per high profile surveys like pew people on either side overwhelmingly approve of the party line stance on every issue, to the point where prediction on a persons support of unrelated issues can be very accurately predicted from knowing their stance on a single issue. Political polarization is skyrocketing by any measure.

YOU are the one moving goalposts by claiming there is no unrest simply because there are not open firefights on the street at this exact moment. Think of any large war in human history, WW2 being the most notable, they didn't start overnight. There was a long period of growing tensions, rising political polarization, rising public unrest with rioting, extremists roaming the streets destroying property etc., sound familiar?

Here's the part where you strawman my post with some shit about how I think WW3 is coming.

Don't know about you, but it's about time white people demanded our welfare too.

I want my $1000

>haha okay but they're MORAL losers
Don't be a cuck, user.

>Glad your values are so easy to throw out the window.

Says the person who suddenly starts praising pedophilia rather than condemning it so long as it comes from a leftist.

>he says while defending Michael Jackson
But MJ is just a dancing negro turned white and not actually a pedo.

That doesn't really make sense but ok. Whatever, go get ready for le day of the rope in your mom's basement now, pussy.


If you actually followed your logic then the right won big yesterday. Not only killing their enemies but also had an impact on the entire world while right-wing belief are still staying strong.

Modern corporate capitalism is cancer, that's a deep redpill. But fascism and natsoc are also cancer.

US Constitutionalism, with the public execution of every currently appointed corrupt politician and the breaking up of every non-locally owned bank, is the deepest and final redpill.

>why did he picked that one specifically my retarded friend?
Because he tweeted at him, he does birthday messages for anybody who tweets him.
>You do realize I'm merely supporting his point that these champagne social exist and the left support open borders and snowflake gender that doesn't exist right?
Yet you can't prove the point, which is what I have said a dozen times at this point.
>Where the fuck do I claim these thing exist you utter retard?
It's the entire basis of the argument, you third world slime.
>can you even see your own retardation at this point
Describe the contrary statement.
>allows them to identify any gender as they please you moron
Hey dumbfuck, that isn't 30 million genders. Try to provide at least ONE point towards your argument.
>The fact that if you live on welfare, you vote for the welfare-party
[citation needed]

Don't choke on that gay cake, tranny.

>recruiting people further right
lol where
>winning elections with your new base
Trump is literally alone against everyone
>enacting policies in line with your worldview
Trump is literally the only one who does anything even close to center right and when he is gone it will be nigger dicks and people of the world from dawn to dusk
>People were turning to the right
pfffffff, sure, they were turning right the same way Candace Owens did
>But then the left baited you into becoming their boogeyman
Yes because all that leftshits are screeching about is clearly a new concept - pic related

Attached: Origins of hate speech.png (725x657, 148K)

The logical endpoint of far-left politics is Cambodia and the Soviet Union.
Fun fact: A lot more people were killed there than by some guy in NZ.

>Gunn is re-hired
The controversy now is that he was never actual fired and Disney was lying to the public the whole time. You can't re-hire someone who is still hired.


You need evidence when someone posts 30,000 tweets with HIV, dicks, cum, piss and children in the same sentence? It's like some dude who writes 30,000 posts about how he hates gays and when you tell him he's a closet faggot he goes 'where's the evidence?' numbnuts.

>That doesn't really make sense but ok.
Mass shooting and murder by white supremacist and right-wingers have happened before and that have never stopped any of their movement whatsoever. You're a retarded incel if you believe that terrorism stops any political belief.

>the window flies to the left so fast it caught on fire
>I moved overtone to the right

>Almost every criticism I've heard conservatives make about marxist countries, can also be applied to capitalism in some ways

Yeah, if you're stupid.
>Sure, the objectively most murderous people in the entire 20th Century were Chairman Mao and Stalin, but in the US they have POOR PEOPLE. Two sides of the same coin!

>man makes pedo jokes
>"eh he's just being edgy"
>man makes anti-trump comments

Attached: 510AN8racGL._SL1200_.jpg (1000x1200, 40K)

Haha wow, totally BTFO.

Attached: a liberal society.jpg (960x955, 160K)

30,000 tweets of him obsessing over sexually-abusing children, and the fact that he regularly attended Pedophilia-themed """"""theme-parties"""""", which we have documented proof and photos of.

>US Constitutionalism,
why not just say democracy? To me, an international coalition of worker unions would be the best and most productive (anarcho-syndicalism or environmentally conscious democratic socialism)

These fuckers won't relent, forget it.

>You only complain when corporations are actually corrupt or amoral or destructive, unlike leftists who literally just complain about corporations when they make money and provide jobs.

Fixed that for you.
Apparently it's "hypocrisy" to not be retarded.

so edgy jokes and the photos of one cosplay party he went once

Shit, we're all pedos by that standard

>sounds pretty based to me.

Yeah, I bet you think that.

Attached: SJW Thug.jpg (549x683, 69K)

>impractical or irrelevant shit

Great strategy.

But again, please stop dodging the question:
The proper way to go about this is to allow the Left to persecute and punish anyone that says anything the Left doesn't like, while the Right just has to tolerate everything and let Leftists do whatever they want without consequence?

well what are you defining as "death from communism"? If death from a food shortage or a government prison is communism's fault, then it could be argued that deaths from a war for trading access or corporate corruption could be capitalism's fault. The difference is that capitalism exports its death so the native population doesn't notice at first.

I am not a communist, just posing the hypothetical

>The fact that if you live on welfare, you vote for the welfare-party
>[citation needed]

Why would someone vote to end the stream of free money that keeps them from being homeless or having to get an actual job?

>international coalition of worker unions
So you want diversity hires to lord over you? Did you see the unions lately?

It's edgy when you do it on Yea Forums
it's not the same thing when you're a public figure
and kiddie jokes are out of bounds for normies, the fact that they let it slide just like that says it all

That's not a citation, buddy. Do you have anything but your emotions to back up your argument?

>sounds pretty based to me.

Why should we take you any more seriously than some /pol/-LARPER that thinks it would be "based" to live in Nazi Germany?
And even Nazi Germany was objectively more livable and less genocidal than your socialist shit-holes.

You are the "moral losers" and anyone outside your extremely tiny club is disgusted by that kind of morality.

Im pretty sure most "diversity hires" are to non-unionized businesses like corporate offices and media

>If you actually followed your logic then the right won big yesterday.
It did, pic related, the fire rises. Can't wait for the cycle of revenge killings to finally spark a real war.

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They started this shit though.

You very clearly don't understand how arguments work.

Dubs and Gunn gets AIDS.


And when you do something like this, you typically announce it on a day where people are distracted by something else so it gets less critical attention, like on a day where a large or traumatic event happens somewhere in the world.
And they just announced it earlier today....

>man makes pro-Trump comments

So if a controversial right-winger had 30,000 "jokes" about gassing Jews and raping black women with bayonets, and he also went to """""theme parties""""" where people dressed up like Nazis and saluted Swastika-flags and marches around goose-stepping "for fun", you would defend them as "not suspicious at all".

You can claim you would do this. But I doubt you're being honest if you will.

Hit it on the nail.

Welp you got thoroughly BTFO here retard. It's just sad seeing you moving goalpost without fail.

>Because he tweeted at him, he does birthday messages for anybody who tweets him.
That doesn't answer the question at all. Again out of all the retarded birthday quotes why did he specifically chose a quote that somehow espouses a controversial ideology? Again and again you fail to even refute the fact that he's a retarded champagne socialist that support and spread socialist values and ideals.

>Yet you can't prove the point, which is what I have said a dozen times at this point.
I've proven leftists do support those things numerous of times itt by giving ample amount of proof. You on the other hand fail to argue anything and just move goalpost even harder.

>It's the entire basis of the argument
And I've told you that you can't even point out where I've made that argument in the first place you utter retard. The fact that you can't even point it out makes my argument true.

>Describe the contrary statement.
Show the contrary. You won't

>Hey dumbfuck, that isn't 30 million genders.
>But that isn't "30-million genders" that's letting people identify how they like.
You know how much of a delusional dumbfuck you are? By making retarded non-logical post such as these. Letting people identify what genders they like means that these fuck can identify which gender they want without impunity. By God people are seeing through your retardation retard. No matter how much goal post you moved you'll still proved you're even more stupid than before.

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>not an argument

Why describe your previous post?

Well, I just read every single post in this thread and I'm going to weep for the state of humanity and then blow my brains out. Bye!

Ah yes I remember simply posting the word "Cringe" in an Indonesian gamelan banging forum is peak debate skill.

whose side are you on?

The side of people with IQs above 65 which only maybe 3 people in this thread have. The fact you asked this means you're not among them. I mean, no one here even seems to be properly replying to their quoted post. Going off on tangents, specious reasoning, seemingly zero reading comprehension.

Do people here do this literally all day every day?

Holy shit, imagine being this stupid. YOUR previous post. Not THE previous post.

You're THAT slow aren't cha? I was responding to you post saying that shit heap is somehow better than this
based patrician post.

>all these fired up radicals ITT ready for the racewar
>in the thread about a soiboi capeshit director who is only probably a pedo
>talking like getting someone fired for 6 months was a massive victory
o i am laffin

Go whine some more, Gunn.

The jokes weren't funny.

That fuck thinks it's okay for a public figure to tweet Yea Forums tier shit. What a faggot

He's a pedo like them all, but he didn't deserve to be fired because not only has it not been factually proven, it's not even been socially proven. He's a pedo, but there's nothing to do until we can prove it in a court of law or opinion.

That doesn't change the fact that everyone in here has massive critical thinking flaws, and zero reading comprehension.

>captain marvel is so mediocre that Disney has to buy its own tickets to make it look successful
>know they have nothing left after EndGame so they sheepishly hire back James Gunn
Hahahaha, I love it.

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If they were funny I think he would never have gotten fired in the first place. But they weren't even unfunny jokes, it was just him posting random offensive statements

What happened to professionalism? Making child sex jokes is serious shit. No regular wagie can say that and get away with it. Don't be ignorant, it's amazing what he got away with.

It's like the 'tarts and vicars' themed parties in the UK.

Haha is that real

We will never lose.

Not surprising. Hopefully they realize now these people will play as dirty as possible and omit anything to be “on the right side of history”