The Mouse scares me

The Mouse scares me

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It's time to break up the media cartels. Too bad no one has the balls to do it

the only mouse mickey fears is the cute little electric yellow mouse

>130 billion
They could literally make 0 dollars on a movie and not be hurt. Wtf.

That would be anti semetic.

Disney is more than a studio though, they made like 70% of their revenue from cable tv which is a dying market. Netflix is going to pass them in market value without a single park or valuable IP

That's not how it works. Net worth takes into account all assets and equity. Many of those assets aren't liquid, however, such as their entertainment parks and resorts and even their trademarks. They also have a huge amount in stocks which can fluctuate and even tank if they're not performing well.

Don't just look at net worth for companies. Calculate liquidity and solvency of their operations to see where most of their worth is.

Why arent their entertainment parks and resorts not liquid?

Based retard

Because they fall under property, plant and equipment. That takes time to convert into cash, the most liquid asset of all, because they have to find buyers and negotiate prices and all sorts of stuff.

Now you see why would they dump a couple hundred millions buying their own tickets (which is like paying themselves because they own the distribution) to make Captain Flop look a like a hit right?

Because land and real estate isn't really liquid.

Even if only like 1% of their net worth is liquid, that's still an absurd amount of money. 1.3 billion is far more than most companies are worth. A movie costs, what, 400 million these days? They could literally eat the cost of 3 Solo movies and not feel it.

How is USA worth 11 billion? Do wrestling and Burn Notice really make thay much money?

>1.3 billion
you're missing a couple 0s there bucko

Bored soccer moms from 9-3

liquid means physical money or will be soon, dipshit. a fucking amusement park isn't liquid.

trust me I'm smart

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NOW do you fucking understand why all movies are shit? The next time a stupid rightist tries to tell you this is because of communism remind them to kill themselves.

Perhaps, yeah. With how big they are and with how much influence they loft around, you'd think they would be higher on the fortune 500, but they're not even in top 100 as of last year.

Why are you SEETHING about this basic bitch economics 101 tier fact? Are you a tranny shill by any chance?

cultural marxism

Ease down on the buzzwords

Kill yourself.

I'll take that as a yes, go easy on the dialation you freak


wow people here are really clueless about finance

Disney films cost about twice that.

The Schott scares me

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Disney is busy trying to tie the final knots in the Fox deal and sorting everything up.

Maybe in six or ten years they will consider it. But even then I don’t think Congress would allow Disney to own Paramount.

A very, very significant amount of Disney's value comes solely from owning ESPN.

They actually make less money on movies than they do on theme parks. Much less

>I took accounting 101 this semester
Please shut up, nobody likes a know it all. Disney is a mammoth powerhouse collection of companies and probably has $1B+ in cash or near-cash assets, they are absolutely unstoppable unless they destroy themselves from within


He's right

lol, movies are for loser poorfags

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No he's fucking not.

Lol you're already mad... Yes he is m8

Prove it. "Cultural marxism" isn't even an economic principle. Huge corporations bloating themselves on so much income they literally can't be stopped is literally the fucking end goal of capitalism and always has been. Only a fuckstupid rightist would try to claim that billion dollar multinational corporations are ackshually communism.

Sure shill I'm sure your manager has briefed you guys on all this bullshit but this is not a meeting with a Saudi trust fund where you can tell lies and expect financing for buying the tickets of your franchise movies so the value of your IPs doesn't go to shit. Some of us know our shit here

Their investment in media networks (ESPN, ABC, those Disney channel bullshit, all cable tv) makes them 2.5 times more than the studio and even more than the parks. Guess what friendos, cable tv is fucking dying. Last quater Disney reported LOSSES on their consumer product division, yep Star Wars is THAT dead they lose money on merchandising now. Why do you think they bought Fox for 10 to 15 billion more than it was worth? Because they need content for their DOA streaming service or else they'll be bought by Apple or even fucking Netflix at some point.

is this... the power of pajeet?

Apple is worth almost trillion motherfucking dollars. Mouse is fucking nothing. Get some perspective.

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They are also completely missing the video games market. Imagine the money they could've made with a proper MCU game tie in. Or an MMO with lootboxes and microtransactions.

The MCU has little to no cultural impact outside the movies. How is it possible that we're beholding the highest grossing franchise of all time at their apex yet the company who owns it is losing money on consumer products? Because the merch sells like shit, the comics sells like shit, that MCU vs Capcom videogame bombed hard, literally all ancilliary markets to the MCU are dead in the water. I'd argue Game of Thrones and Harry Potter are better performing franchises than the MCU all things considered, even if the last Harry Potter movie flopped (?)

How Adorable. AT&T who owns WB is worth 200bil

>the government siezing the means of production is bad because it's Communism
>one company controlling everything is fine because Capitalism is good

>The MCU has little to no cultural impact outside the movies
You can't go into any public space without seeing Marvel merchandise everywhere.

It's okay, anons. You can say "Jews"

>"Cultural marxism" isn't even an economic principle.

Hence the "cultural"

Everyone on here is a NEET. If they were good with money, they'd invest their time in working and learning new skills instead of spending hours arguing that Disney execs should just kill themselves because they'll never make billions of dollars like Apple does

I see ten times more Fortnite merch than Marvel everytime I go out. Ten times is probably conservative

In six to ten years Disney will own the Congress if they don't already.

>trademark laws

Net worth is equity. Assets-liabilities


no, equity is just the total that has been invested (like principle of a loan)

>pits The Walt Disney Co. as a whole vs. parts/subsidiaries of Comcast, National Amusements & AT&T/Warner
cosmicbooknews tier reporting