What did you think about this iconic scene?

What did you think about this iconic scene?

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Anyone who likes that scene is literally the devil

If it was 2 hours longer it would be as bad as Episode II

I think she died at the perfect time and this scene just makes me more gleeful. Fuck you Disney, enjoy CGIing the coke whore into your big finale that must conclude the story which has moved 0 inches since the first minute of the first movie! Suck a cock!

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How did Disney manage to fuck up the most valuable property in cinema so quickly?

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I cried it was so epic Rian Johnson is an artistic mastermind honestly just so incredible

hillary is honestly lookin a lot better

>Most valuable property in Cinema

Hasn't been for a while

I walked out of the theatre

It totally seemed like that was going to be how she died, but then it wasn't, so it was just pointless. Like, "Ha, psych. You thought she was dead.", because "Ha, IRL, she's dead".

Not sure what they were going for.

it was the worst thing to happen in a theater since Aurora

She's Mary Poppins, y'all!

it was before Disney took over

We both know you didn't

The disney trilogy really has been pure shit, huh?

I cannot remember a single iconic scene across all 4 new movies

This scene was the ultimate insult to fans. Even worse than the treatment of Luke.

Much like Carrie Fisher, Star Wars is long dead and carried along by cgi.


Rogue One had a really cool iconic scene...
Unfortunately it was only in the trailer.

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>raise up Leia by having her manifest force abilities as an old woman with zero training and escape death by a hair's breadth
>cut down Luke by making him a strange jaded hermit/coward and practically a murderer


Many people in my screening laughed. That's when I knew Star Wars was dead. When the Boomer MILF in the row in front of me started laughing at the character meant to target her.

The salt flats were memorable - not because the scenes were actually good, but because the scenery was unique

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