How did he even put up a fight?
How did he even put up a fight?
Other urls found in this thread:
He didn't, he got fucking wrecked. Thanos was curious, like you'd be a curious if an ant tried to stop your foot
by being himself, bro
What are they going to do after all of this cosmic marvel shit ends? Aren't the stakes so high that everything that comes after should feel like a breeze to the Avengers?
If you casually just reach to touch a toddler it can grab and stop your arm too retard
my guess is that theyll bench all the heavy hitters for a while
kill off the main cast
then they'll do solo movies and build it back up again
repeat until the end of time
Why did hulk hold back against Thanos? If Hulk punched him at full strength then Thanos would've been shot through the hull, into the vacuum of space.
>Why, Mr. Anderson? Why do you do it? Why get up? Why keep fighting? Do you believe you're fighting for something? For more than your survival? Can you tell me what it is? Do you even know? Is it freedom? Or truth? Perhaps peace? Yes? No? Could it be for love? Illusions, Mr. Anderson. Vagaries of perception. The temporary constructs of a feeble human intellect trying desperately to justify an existence that is without meaning or purpose. And all of them as artificial as the Matrix itself, although only a human mind could invent something as insipid as love. You must be able to see it, Mr. Anderson. You must know it by now. You can't win. It's pointless to keep fighting. Why, Mr. Anderson? Why? Why do you persist?
>Because I choose to.
Either Dr. Doom or Galactus
The best MCU movies are street level down to earth stuff. Winter Soldier, Ant-Man, Iron Man. They got back to basics, have Ross build the Thunderbolts/Dark Avengers in post-snap world, that's your future arc wide antagonist(s).
And why does he choose to?
>Iron Man
>Street Level
Iron Man is shit because of how inconsistent his suits are. In Iron Man 1 he takes a shelling from tank with no damage and in Iron Man 3 getting hit by a truck at a moderate speed destroyed it beyond repair, and I doubt they got shittier the better he got at building them.
Big difference between a bolted on suit being hit by flak and a modular suit being hit by a truck. One of them is designed to come apart piece by piece.
USA USA USA ~!!!!!!!!!!
that's how you motherfucking wetback
Illusion of free will
It was not a direct hit from an ATI shell. Seemed to be flak. The first suits are much more durable, but less advanced and flexible. The nanomachine armor can do a lot of things, but seems to be rather fragile. Thanos grabbed Tony's head and ripped off a big part of the armor.
Michael Korvac, Galactus, Beyonder
Thanos wasn't trying to kill anybody there, or at most points of the film. He could have killed the Guardians at Nowhere, could have killed everybody again on his home planet, could have killed all the Avengers on Earth.
The point was to have the Snap do the work by being fair and random, by killing people himself it was no longer random.
>based retards still thinking a sand nigger could snipe a man sized target out of the air with the main gun of a tank
It's a reference to the Infinity Gauntlet comic where all the remaining heroes go to fight Thanos, who intentionally nerfed himself to fight them, and Steve Rogers was going toe to toe with him.
because it's written by trannies
What happenned to Abomination tho? If they dont have Hulk, the Abomination is the next best thing, and i doubt he would like more Thanos than the humans. I hate how villains are so disposable in the MCU.
Thanos felt pity and curiosity. Like the Angel who let Jacob wrassal him for all day instead of snapping him like a twig.
never understood why people thought he was holding thanos back, thanos's face obviously isnt one thats struggling, hes more perplexed that hes putting up this much of a fight
Galactus, then Doom, then God Emperor Doom, then start over.
>best MCU movies
He didn't hold Thanos back. Thanos looked at him like some mad faggot and then laid him out with one punch
Post Credit Scene
>Maria Hill drops Nick Fury off at his home/a safe house he's currently staying at
>He goes through a length security unlocking scene that's played for laughs
>He gets inside and does some normalish type of things, like sort through mail or something
>He notices the door to his liquor cabinet is open
>He hears a noise behind him and turns around with gun drawn
>A man sits in a chair in the shadows
>"I thought it would be harder to get in here" he says as he takes a drink
>Fury demands to know who he is
>The man leans forward into the light, revealing he's played by Michael Biehn wearing an eyepatch
>"I'm Nick Fury, director of SHIELD! And I need your help!"
Next phase/few phases build up to some sort of threat against the whole multiverse.
Steve's power doesn't come from the super-soldier serum it comes from the strength of his character and his living symbol of all that's good about humanity. When he confronted Thanos, Captain America was channeling the gestalt willpower, determination and bravery of all of humanity in that moment.
then why does he fight for america
Captain America's thing is that he can always go further than his powerlevel allows if it's for a good cause.
majority of people can't even bother to read faces or have the empathy of a potato
They'll make them fight themselves. I mean, actually fight themselves, not run around like on Civil War.
How strong is Captain America in the MCU? I feel like he is stronger than in the comics. Originally he was just a human at peak speed and strength but i dont think he could do pic related
He's superhuman in the mcu and stronger than in the comics (one of the rare examples of this). He prevented a helicopter from taking off by his bare hands
pic related
>Thanos is the very ultimate marvel villain
not even close
The only thing that I think could top it would be an X-Men vs. Avengers arc, but it doesn't look like there's any way that can happen.
Both Doom and Thanos have played Galactus on mupliple occasions.
Galactus is a reluctant planetary level threat. Doom and Thanos try and often succeed in shaping the entire universe to their whim.
Like the sun we will live to rise
Like the sun we will live and die and then ignite again
Like the sun we will live to rise again
If they're gonna do Galactus now that they have Fox, they need to do Silver Surfer. Those are two of the most kino characters, then again I love anything set in space.
What does it mean?
>after all of this cosmic marvel shit ends
the cosmic shit is just beginning
>stakes are the only thing that matters!
Just the type of brainlet who sees disney movies in droves
>right now jim davis is making us smile
Dr. Doom is fucking pitiful compared to Thanos, that's way too much of a step down. It'll be Galactus for sure. They're totally fucked after that though, and they won't be able to have one 'big' villain, it'll be stuff like the Kree Empire as a whole instead.
Autism incoming:
In the comics he’s “peak human” but Marvel is retarded with their power scaling. Marvel uses weight lifted above head as their standard for strength. The maximum amount a non powered human is able to lift over their head in the comics universe is 800lbs, after that characters get into low level super strength. So characters like Black Widow and Hawkeye wouldn’t be able to lift any more than 800. There are a Tonne of feats of Captain America lifting significantly more weight than this, as well as multiple feats that significantly outpace anything a “regular” human can do. He’s “enhanced” which essentially means he’s above a normal human but his strength is not so absurd it becomes a specific power, like Hulk or Aquaman.
In the MCU he’s blatantly superhuman.
What was captain lamisil doing while this guy was genociding people? I dont watch capeshit. Does it explain that in the movie
I wonder if Cap could actually take on Carol. His strength and agility strikes me as reactionary. He managed to stall Loki and Ultron - that was something.
Because it was all he could do
Why is nobody pointing out that he only has 2 stone where at this point in the movie he has 4 and only need the one from Vision
Dr. Doom next, followed by Galactus, followed by Kang the Conqueror, followed by Annihilus, then Hunger from the Thanos mini-series in 2004
probably from the trailer
Because this was from the trailer which edited out the other stones. We knew at the start he had the Power Stone and would be showing up to get the Space Stone, but they didn't want to give away that at that point he just needed to kill Vision.
because the shot is from the trailers, which had those stones edited out to avoid spoilers. not even the only one they did for that trailer, in the battle at wakanda Hulk is shown in the charge.
did the same thing for thor ragnarok as well- the last shot of the trailer when thors gone full thunder god he has both eyes. hardly a new phenomenon.
probs a spoiler free trailer
The Hulk thing in Wakanda was actully a change in Script
Not even. Thanos himself has joined up with the good guys to job against pic related on multiple occasions.
We need MCU Kang.
>Dr. Doom is fucking pitiful compared to Thanos
If time travel is indeed involved in Endgame and undoing Thanos snap, it could lead directly into Kang, where his future only existed as a fruit of Thanos balancing.
He is clearly superhuman in MCU, in first movie after Bucky dies he tries to get drunk, but it doesn't work, because his metabolism is too good or something
>Comments on Quill remorse to shoot Gamora
>No Comment on Cap
I might be the only one but I wanted Thanos to be impressed in Cap
Cap's true super power is his inexhaustible will. Much like how there is no upper limit to the Hulk's strength as long as he keeps getting angrier, if Cap believes strongly in the cause he's fighting for, he will find the strength to continue the fight.
Within reason. Thanos still fucking whooped his ass.
he did. just not with words
>t. man
He is, he just doesn't verbalize it and doesn't have time to do so. When Cap rises up and stops him, you can see it clearly in his face, through his expression and reaction, that he is impressed. In the structure of the scene they couldn't do it either because it would ruin the pacing - it's a scene of Thanos walking in a straight line to his goal and tossing everyone aside till he reaches it, to stop for a bit a dialogue would ruin it.
But I do get what you mean
>Metabolism too good
Too fast, same problem of Barry Allen.
Based and testosteronepilled
Only to Captain Marvel who has better things to do then sit around and babysit earth.
Well said
>peak of human capability
>wears gloves
reminder gloves are to keep your hands warm and nothing else.
Galactus will be the only thing having me halfway wanting to continue watching. Knowing Brie Larson is the strongest character in the MCU makes it pointless to watch this stuff any longer. I really wish someone else got casted.
IIRC he got his ass kicked pretty hard.
On this one I'm 100% positive that then Galactus stands up and rekts Thanos.
Anyway Galacus isn't really a villain. They could use him for a movie but he doesn't work as overarching foe like Thanos.
The next big thing I can think of would be would be the Annihilation wave.
How do you even fight a guy with time powers
Doom has trashed the Avenger single handed
in the 5th dimension
shouldnt he be able to rip the planet apart from outer space if he did all that
This, but unironically.
Galactus beats him hear and treats him like an irritation at most but hasn't Thanos killed off the Living Tribunal in the comics? Surely he's got to be basically top of the tree for powerful beings now and basically a god above gods.
>Shuma-Gorath is an ancient force of chaos, the immortal, nigh-invincible, and godlike ruler of nearly a hundred alternate universes, capable of energy projection, shapeshifting, teleportation, levitation, altering reality, and sympathetic magic among many other feats. He is described as being vastly more powerful than other mighty demonic enemies, such as Satannish and Mephisto, and is capable of automatically destroying multiple galaxies through aura-pressure alone.
It's never the real body.
Maybe they can tie it in with Cap and Thanos' exchange from the comics.
>Thanos: You know, I must say I was impressed that you were able to withstand my might, even if it was only for a moment. Ah, but it matters not, my victory was achieved.
>Cap: As long as one man stands against you, you'll never claim victory.
>Thanos: Noble sentiments from a man who is about to die.
>Cap: I've lived my life by those words. They're well worth dying for.
>Thanos: Then I will give you, your worthy death.
These characters' power level float depending on what tool they get their hands on. Thanos with the heart of the universe is literally invincible, but him and Doom on standard equipment are on a much lower level.
>there are people on this board that unironically want more dialogue in films
it's a visual medium retards
Lower the stakes and have interesting characters. If you are invested in the character the particular scale of the stakes is not really an issue so long as they come with a real and meaningful potential for loss.
Thanos is a universal thread when he want its just that after the gauntlet his arc was finished
He couldn't finish off Deadpool, so powerful thanos being cucked by a slapstick fool.
>couldn't kill deadpool
kek what a dweeb
very Lovecraftian
When needed for the shitty plot capeshits are always of nearly equal power (what a stupid fucking concept)
Because Steve is pure
It shows how white men are nothing in comparison to BBC.
>Harley-Davidson WLA - 540 lbs
>three thots - 6 x 135 lbs = 810 lbs
Mirin 14.5 pl8 OHP
Thanks had the power gem, we were seeing hulks full power against the power gem.
And they've already brought up The Living Tribunal, so tons of stuff to play with.
It helps to demonstrate at least some basic reading comprehension before calling someone a brainlet.
doesn't galactus always get talked down from eating earth? That's gay.
Hulk didn't hold back, he got fucking destroyed, Thanos demonstrated he's physically stronger by overpowering his grip before fucking his shit up. He wouldn't have been punched into space because they're in the same weightclass, if Thanos is braced he can take those punches no problem. Also the ship is made out of some Asgardian god-metal.
He didn't use the powergem, both confirmed by the Russos and shown. Every time he used a gem there was a clear indicator.
Replace biehn with idris elba and you got a deal.
Nigger the entire MCU is shit because of how inconsistent all the character's healths are. Seriously no one knows wtf it actually takes to kill any of these characters.
He's the one who cursed him to be immortal brainlets.
Literally dumped Death twice in canon, she came crawling back both times. But keep wanking redditpool without actually reading any of his stuff.
God capeshit is fucking retarded
Because Rogers will never give up hope, even when all hope is lost. Thanos is surprised that this one measly human put up the most resistance against him, simply through sheer determination.
Rogers has no clouds of judgment. That's why he was capable of lifting Mjolnir in Age of Ultron. Thor saw it nudge and knew that Rogers could have done it, but chose not to and laughed it off. Rogers is their captain, and a good captain does not brandish power in front of his soldiers. He knew that lifting it would immediately make everyone who couldn't feel inferior to him. And no, it didn't only budge slightly because he was "almost worthy." There is no gray area with Mjolnir. You can either lift it or you can't.
in the end? the ride never ends
Problem: all the most charismatic actors are leaving very soon. Do you really want to see an avengers mc’ed by tchalla?
i honestly don't mind the actor that plays tchalla. I accept that actors need to move on and phase 4 will probably not feel like phase 1-3.
>i honestly don't mind the actor that plays tchalla.
His charisma is in the negative digits. He's somehow more wooden than Keanu Reeves.
What if they bring the Phoenix and portray her well
But Phoenix is shit by default. Portraying her well is an oxymoron
>hurr look at me top tier cosmic entity bullying mid tier earth shitters
>hurr no consequences for any of my bullshit because i'm important to the fabric of reality
>rinse and repeat
The only good thing about Phoenix storylines is the drama it creates in Cyclops' and Jean's relationship, and that got old real fast.
Pretty sure he's Nomad at this point in time
Get the Fantastic Four in and give me a fucking Super Skrull. I don't give a fuck if they're a shattered band of refugees, one of them has gotta be kinda evil and get the powers of the entire FF.
Question to comicbook readers. Why does Thoe so easily accept Cap as the leader of the team? He is much more powerful, much older, has more experience than Steve. Wouldn't there be some kind of power struggle? In movies it's never covered at all. Sure after his first movie Thor became less arrogant but he was still pretty cocky and proud of himself, however when aliens arrive he immediatly follows orders from some guy whom he knew for like 2 hours
>Aren't the stakes so high that everything that comes after should feel like a breeze to the Avengers?
Shouldn't James Bond fight in Mars now that he fought next so many rocket launches?
>go to america
>a human being named captain america tells you what to do
>you do it
pretty fucking simple you coward.
Probably because Thor isn't from earth. He knows the team would have better reception led by a human than an alien. He also wouldn't know the culture or anything.
because Thor isn't the leader type, which is why in his 5000 years, Odin has never considered him fit to be king, nor does he considered himself to be king.
it doesnt matter how much power, older or experience people has, people generally tend to look out for leader types to count on and make the decisions for them, think of a metaphorical gun, thor is that gun, that could destroy and hurt, but cap is the person behind that gun to make sure that its pointed in the right direction.
Because he has an army serving him and his schemes usually involve the whole universe, not because he can blow up a fucking galaxy by pointing a finger.
Who cares, capeshit ends with Endgame.
>He also wouldn't know the culture or anything.
Neither does Rogers.
Doom wins that actually, though he breaks Earth in the process and he uses the last of the Beyonder's power to reset everything. It's a neat elseworld.
I think this would be most thematically interesting. The Beyonder's/Secret Wars if they want to bring in the former Fox properties
>Doom wins that actually
post a source because I remember crystal clear that the Celestials then proceeded to go to Earth to destroy it, and they are finally defeated by franklin richard
>Quicksilver has mid-tier superspeed
This will never not be hilarious.
he's a living bulldozer.
Some website broke down pic related scene by looking up the model of helicopter. That particular model of helicopter has a lifting capacity of 3000lb. Cap is able to overcome the lifting capacity and pull the helicopter back toward the pad using one arm. He's basically curling 3000lb. By contrast the world record for a one arm dumbbell curl is 135lb.
Wow that's one hell of a jump from speed 6 to speed 7.
It ran a bit deeper than that. Thanos is empathizing with Cap's struggle against all odds. It was supposed to be a show of respect, but autists misinterpret the scene like they always do.
Yeah, pretty much this:
he's the key to all of this
>"I'm Nick Fury, director of SHIELD! And I need your help!"
>Sam Jackson Nick Fury:
>tfw Endgame won't be about the last heroes and villains teaming up to beat Thanos
Unfortunately they’re going down a more cosmic route so expect all sorts of weird shit and weird new avengers
Sucks because the more grounded marvel movies like Winter Soldier are the best
Wonder where Warlocks gonna fit in all this
>It's never the real body
Except that one time when Dr Strange literally travelled to Shuma Gorath's dimension and fucked his shit up
Hulk wasn't angry, he was overconfident and when someone fought him well he became a depressed bitch
Warlock is going to show up in GotG 3
I completely agree with you. Steve Rogers is not great because he is Captain America, Captain America is great because he is Steve Rogers.
After the cosmic shit ends, we'll get kino small-scale 'Save New York City'-tier shit instead of 'Save The Universe'-tier shit.
He can use both arms to pull in that position, and it would definitely use his lats/back muscles as well
In Iron Man 3 the suits were so fragile because nearly all of them were prototypes he kept getting bored of before moving onto the next one, so none of them were given the time needed to actually be durable
Hulk killed it.
But does Thanos have the willpower to eat Green Arrow's chilli?
Not true, in agents of shield Coulson threatens someone with being sent to the arctic iirc to be on Blonsky watching duty implying he's locked up there
What the hell is he going to do after this ends? Has he even made any other movies while being Captain America?
At the first part if the movie they are going to battle with thanos, brie goes again away. The second part will be about time travelling.
Thor doesn't follow orders from Captain America, he does what the team needs. The only yes men are Barton and Banner
Stupidest post on all of 4channel
Probably retire
Goddamn it bros. Cap changed my life. I stopped doing drugs. Lost 100 lbs, went to OCS, almost a Captain myself. Got a GF. Got /fit/. Nobody has ever inspired me as much as this fictional character. It's pathetic, but I'm so sad to see him go. Made me proud to be a man. Proud to be American. Proud to be white. Damn, this character means a hell of a lot to me.
RDJ said the same thing about going away after iron man 3
Because marvel is low effort trash
He does theater.
He's made like 5 other films during Avengers time. He has 4 films and a TV show in pre and post production. He'll be fine.
They'll battle their biggest, most powerful foe yet:
The White Man
he answersThanos is like "this guy has balls"
They are killing off the old cast. The movie is actually set in 3 times. Right after civil war, a couple months after and nearly a whole year after.
Ant Man pops up back in time in 1983, they see him, eventually track him down to tether him back in time, then they go into the quantum realm (hence the armor) to jump in a time vortex to go back in time to stop thanos.
Rumor is they'll go always the way back to avengers one where they take on thanos back there.
after that they'll start pushing in silver surfer, galactus is for sure coming up, same with fantastic 4
adding on this, the time jumps are even obvious in the trailer, watching black widows hair is the easiest example. anywho when they go back to stop thanos Cap will die off in a glorious way where he and peggy can do there thing, and Iron man will finally retire.
Thanos will be in future films based on contract
>"also I pick and eat my own boogers"
god, those perfect teeth. He probly never drinks mountain dew.
Not Another Teen Movie 2
Perfect and completely natural, just like Tom Cruise.
He's basically Goku.
Then it's retarded bs by the directors. Thanos can't even beat Gamora hand-to-hand in the comics.
Thor was never much of a leader, he just likes to hit things. Cap is much more tactically minded, and since a lot of his plans involve "Thor, hit that thing with your big fuck off hammer", Thor is fine with that.
In reality they've worked together for so long and respect each other enough theres rarely a need for Cap to order Thor to do anything, Thor will just do what the team needs.
Well, he did have a couple infinity stones so he figured he stood a chance against captain america
You're thinking of two different storylines. The one where Doom lost was where regular old Doom sacrificed himself to hold off 4 Celestials and buy time for the other's to enact their plan (he survives, though he is defeated). This one is an elseworld where Doom keeps The Beyonder's power, makes an infinity gauntlet, creates a global utopia and then wages a 200+ year war against the entire Celestial race because they wanted to take his power. He eventually wins but the gauntlet is destroyed and most of Beyonder power is gone. The was shifted the Earth out of it's axis and created a permanent ice age. Doom sacrifices the last of his power to fix it, and the final page shows he is now going to lead humanity into rebuilding civilization from scratch. It's an awesome story.
>>hasn’t read the comics
Kinoest scene in the whole movie, plebs think its thor coming down with stormbreaker but thats just boom boom lightshow for brainlets
A man standing defiant in the face of a God is kino
Then why kill loki?
Thanos is as strong as the hulk but with far better fighting skill.
Thanos has “Monstrous” Fighting and the Hulk only has “Remarkable”.
This. MCU Cap has always been about choosing to fight against all odds.
"I could do this all day."
Obviously when Thanos is defeated the enemy for phase 4-? Will be Galactus.
I disagree. Thor's arrival was the culmination of his entire character arc and redemption. It is the quintessential Thor story:'' Thor gets dragged through hell, humbled and humiliated, nearly loses everything, puts himself through an insane trial and kick serious ass, proving that it's his heart that makes him who he is and not his power''. It's even meta as fuck, as early Thor movies and appearances had him nerfed and made into almost a comic relief character, and then IW redeems him in a big, BIG way. It's pure kino.
>A man standing defiant in the face of a God is kino
It's overplayed as fuck but i agree. The scene was even more kino in the comics, but i understand why they couldn't adapt it.
what a load of bullshit? Paul Rudd comes back a few years after Thanos' snap, they get their shit pushed in by Thanos and then they go back in time. They do revisit the battle of NY of the first avengers.
Cap is not so weak in MCU, peak human bullshit from comics. He's strong enough to wreck Iron Man's armor but of course much weaker than Thanos
winter soldier is retarded infantile trash that doesn't even have decent visuals or entertainment value to compensate for its lack of intelligence
I hear they want to do Kang next.
>Kang the Conqueror
Ah the problem that has plagued super hero comics for more than a decade.Yes everything after thanos should feel like a breeze but comics have been regurgitating the same world ending events every year for the past ten years and the target audience still laps it up.
Because he's Captain Fucking America, bro
What did you expect? Consistency in the MCU? Literally every movie they're all random power levels
did any of the 'original' avengers negotiate residual contracts? you can obviously live a very good life making "only" 20m/movie for 5 movies, but if they had royalties as well, they'd make bank for the rest of their life
MCU Cap is inspired by ultimate Cap, so he has superhuman strength.
Give me a single reason why Ant-Man doesn't become microscopic and run up Thanos' urethra then expand into Giant Ant-Man?
because he was trapped in the quantum realm and everyone forgot he existed
That’s 8.5 pl8 you dyel
Thor is a child
That sounds like pure shit.
And yet I suck in MvC
fucking based
i love you user.
Because if he tried to expand, Thanos's urethra is strong enough to keep Scott from growing. Scott would be crushed and his guts would come shooting out of Thanos's cock until Thanos power-pissed out 200 lbs of Paul Rudd.
Now that I say it out loud, that's something I'd really find humorous to watch.
An establishment of his free will.
The opposite of the ending of Blade Runner, but the same point.
I forgot that was a Marvel comic.
Except Thor still fucked up. Maybe in Endgame this scene would have been the most kino. Here though, I agree with the user that standing against all odds, even when defeat is certain was based.
Absolutely based
Reminder Comic Thanos without the gauntlet can still kill the avengers.
What the hell, this isn't how I remember Infinity War at all?
What are T'Challa and Bucky doing here? Just whapping their dicks against the back of Thanos's head?
>have a skill that takes long years to master, especially drawing muscles and people at steep angles
>draw shit like this
wtf is wring with people
Great art, Based
ever heard of commissions moron
Fucking race traitor. Or someone who doesn't belong on this board.
Michael Biehn is an American hero.
Fuck off, child.
Another victim of forced diversity. I bet you want him to play James Bond too, don't you?
No he only draws shit like that actually.
That pic is mostly harmless too. I remember one where Venom fucks Spidey with his dick bulging through his torso until Spidey pukes cum, and then Spiderman shits out a load of cum that takes up his shape and fucks him again.
They will be doing both.
wait theres another doom movie coming out?
Steve Rogers is a big dumb mary sue and nobody cares because he's so charismatic and entertaining.
That is all.
>The maximum amount a non powered human is able to lift over their head in the comics universe is 800lbs
im pretty sure anyone can understand why the mcu doesnt follow this rule
>t. fat nigger
Russos confirmed Thanos admired Cap's will in that scene
whats stopping some obsessive fetishist from developing his artistic skill? if anything it might have been his main motivation for getting this far.
Can't imagine, I mean Captain America so fucking powerful, Thunder somehow managed though
everyone above and below this post is a söyboy manchild, no exceptions.
Not immediately, they actually clashed at first. But by the end of the film, Thor realizes Cap is a military strategist and respects his calls in battle. The mark of an intelligent sovereign is following the calls of your General. Anyway it's a moot point because by AoU they are bros.
Not that user, but I just rewatched the scene and I can't think of a good reason for why he did. Maybe Thanos despises trickery? Perhaps he truly is /ourguy/
>t. brainlet bootlicker
Future story where BS happens. Doom has beaten Galactus though, and the Beyonder, and others.
Seems like people still dont know that originally he is the second villain in the avengers. He is like the muscle for loki
well, arent you gonna post it dude??