I can't go to Yemen!
I can't go to Yemen!
I never liked The Office.
turned jack ryan into soi bullshit theres even a cuck subplot
*smugly look at the camera on his plane trip to yemen*
Fucking hate this faggot, and hate getting ads for his faggot show before my Amazon Prime kinos
No analysts allowed.
>Amazon Prime kinos
bosch is unironically based
Clearly it’s been a while since you checked Amazon Prime, because the movie selection on there is excellent now
Bosch is great
>I can't go to Yemen
>goes to Yemen
>because the movie selection on there is excellent now
It's fucking awful here.
Not american btw, so that may be why.
more like a great bore
Such an awful show. They make his boss a muslim as a cheap attempt to add nuance. There's even a scene where he prays over the bodies of dead terrorists who have killed innocent people, fucking retarded
Get in the plane
dont forget john clarke is gonna be black
I would say that probably is why, unfortunately. It used to be terrible here in America but a year or so ago it suddenly got really good. Lots of old classics, a good amount of obscure kino, and they even have some decent currently airing series like Dororo
I love having Prime, my only issue is you never know what quality you're gonna get. With Netflix and Hulu you know it's going to be 1080p high-def, but with Prime they have a lot of movies and shows that look like VHS rips
John Kraskinki should be cast as Nova/Richard Rider
>Jack Ryan
>ME: Andromeda
You'll go where to tell you to, goy. You must go to Yemen and fight for us. Am Yisrael Chai!
>I would say that probably is why, unfortunately
And it pisses me off, since Amazon of all places has the largest and most comprehensive library of found footage movies.
And I don't get any of them north of the border, Canadian Amazon sucks donkey balls.
They're fucking awful. I saw threads about this before and never paid much attention until I had to sit through one. Holy shit is the lead miscast. Zero charisma or acting skill.
>Make Jack Ryan series
>cast the stupid fuck from The Office
>Islamic terrorist plot that is done to death at this point
>Half the show is about humanizing muslims and trying to make you care about them
Yeah, I’ve sort of run into that too on there with some older stuff.
Man, that BLOWS, you guys don’t get to watch most of the FF movies on Amazon Prime up there?? You’re right, I’ve watched a ton of them via Prime here in the US. Do they at least have the major good ones like Savageland?
White bigotry made them terrorists
Casting that smug smirking faggot John Cuckinski as Jack fucking Ryan is about as egregious a miscasting as I’ve ever seen
he's only human after all
>Do they at least have the major good ones like Savageland?
We don't get any of them, zero. Not even the mainstream ones.
I'm not so disappointed about the lack of a proper Rainbow Six adaptation because it's incredibly dated in terms of actual security threats.
>East German radicals
>Basque separatists
Based Popov and being the inspiration for video game tropes keep it above some of the other schlock Clancy dumped out.
It would've been shit no matter who they cast. The writing's the issue.
Terrible that they would do that to based Canada.
>>East German radicals
>>Basque separatists
What? There are still antifa and basque separatists around.
How else would you modernize it? Truck attacks?
white supremacists like affleck's sum of all fears lol
>Terrible that they would do that
Terrible, but not surprising.
>based canada
I wouldn't go that far. We're basically paying more for less here, for everything.
It'd be the only politically correct option, that's for sure.
Gotta protect those muslism radicals and commies.
>kino about national Spanish CT forces trying to put down separatist movements
The twist is they lose and all Spanish provinces are better off for it.
>Spanish provinces are better off for it.
Factually wrong, but ok.
I was thinking in terms of the novel and the setting
>>East German radicals
>former Soviet operatives trained to create terror incidents in the West
>>Basque separatists
They may not have been Basques (I can't remember) but definitely loyal to Carlos the Jackal, so my mistake, but I thought the ETA disbanded recently. I'm an American, so I don't know anything about the reality of European political movements.
>but I thought the ETA disbanded recently.
Sort of, but they were given seats in government in exchange for being asked politely to stop killing women and children.
Works everytime I suppose.
>I'm an American, so I don't know anything about the reality of European political movements.
All you need to know that extremes are pushed out even further, much of Europe is still full of commie shills and ethno-nationalist shills within government.
I'm done after this, but Spain was deploying riot police against people voting for secession. voting. If the ballot doesn't work, the rope will.
>I'm done after this, but Spain was deploying riot police against people voting for secession.
Literal fake news.
>voting. If the ballot doesn't work, the rope will.
Fraudulent vote to begin with because it goes against the Spanish constitution.
And to top it off, only 42% of the Basque province voted, so the vote was twice null.
The leader of the movement is on the run and is wanted for sparking political dissent. Serves him right, but the separatists memes have died since then.