People are saying you got killed in Albuquerque

People are saying you got killed in Albuquerque...

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Cowboy movies are shit. Have sex.

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Yea Forums is dying, just like the rest of this shitpile website.

Fuck off, tranny

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ive been coming here since 2005 and people having been saying "its shit" and "never coming back" for awhile now its all so tiring.

So you'd take modern Yea Forums over 2005 Yea Forums?

things change, for the better and worse, grandpa. wishful thinking will not bring the good times back

I cannot imagine how colossal a faggot one must be to have this opinion

look at these kino expressions

not just for not liking westerns but also for thinking that just having sex will cure all ills men have. what a fucking retard man...

>wishful thinking
You don't come on Yea Forums with wishful thinking.

just took a wrong turn there once, doc

please explain what Yea Forums is for to you then... bitching? we have plenty of that youre right

If you work for a living, why do you kill yourself working?


2005 was full of child porn, gore and people trying to unironically get others to kill themselves. Do you not remember Snacks?

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>2005 was full of child porn,
we're (Yea Forums) full of child porn now... a bot reposts stupid "hey mister" child bait threads every hour. and this board has been notorious for years for just spamming blacked and blatant porn threads. i resent the fact that Yea Forums somehow got worse as years progressed. faggot OPs are more obvious but theres still a steady flow of child porn

That's part of it.
Yea Forums is a place where people say funny shit sometimes, memes get forced, people say racist and vulgar shit without fear of backlash (which can be good or bad), and for every smart thing someone says there are like eight other posts of something stupid.

ok, but how is saying vulgar shit without backlash sometimes a bad thing?

There is still plenty of loli shit, but there was straight up pics of baby rape and cheese pizza threads that would stay up for a long time back then. Shovel dog type gore was everywhere too. I’m not saying Yea Forums is better now, but it wasn’t any less shit. All these newfags always come in complaining that Yea Forums use to be good. Yea Forums was never good.

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What is tarnation is dilation?

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Sometimes you need a filter. You can't be 100% all the time, it's just not healthy.

>Sometimes you need a filter
Almost every other website, especially social media is heavily filtered. The appeal of Yea Forums has always been the lack of filter which has become exceedingly hard to find in this day and age.

And what's with these people who want every post to be an effortpost? I like the dumb posts.

Check out the screen cap this guy just posted I'm not saying to censor yourself or anything but there comes a point when the ironic becomes the normal.

>Check out the screen cap this guy just posted
I have some news for you, lad.

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Fair enough. God is dead and OJ was innocent. I'll see myself out. Have a good one.

nah, I just made a wrong turn

Come here when you want to wade through a pile of shit to find a diamond, but don’t complain about the stench.

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