Alita: Battle Angel General Discussion

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Other urls found in this thread:


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your c*** has the power to light my d*** for months

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>tfw went on a 20-minute tangent about how wonderful this movie was and how in love with Alita I am, and that I think it change my life
>psychiatrist just brushed it aside
They'll never understand, will they?


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Oh shit, forgot I wanted to make this into webm.

alita is cute!

Did you tell your psychiatrist Alita healed you and you won't need to see them again?

"I will never unite you with this body"
*cue music*
"Ido unites Alita with the Berzerker body"

Attached: cast-crew-bigollaugh.jpg (1950x1303, 324K)

give loli-alita some love!

Attached: I will not stand in the presence of evil.jpg (500x406, 29K)

i need this in my life

Attached: arita.jpg (750x792, 479K)

your memes have come a long way, kid

>”Ido, Can a human love a cyborg?”
>Why... Does this cyborg love a human?”

Attached: IMG_7427.jpg (2048x2048, 328K)


>take pic of your Alita can with last posted can
>make infinite chain

Attached: 1552690163575.jpg (2016x980, 467K)

we are changing day to day

hey remember when I said makaku was a jerk?

but tell me, where do the children play?

Welp I tried scanning my art book but I think this is the best that it's gonna get. I don't have a big enough scanner to cover the whole page, sadly.

Attached: img6.jpg (3300x2550, 3.1M)

'tis good

>for me Christoph Waltz lines are nearly all bad, it might be because i watch the german dub
Don't worry, each time a French actor dubs himself in a foreign movie it's atrocious, it falls flat, because it's just not their job. And it feels really weird because you recognize the voice but it's lifeless...

Mangafag here and the movie was excellent and much better than I ever thought possible. Bravo Cameron and the Rodriguez!

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this user sounds healed to me

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>No panzer kunst
>No elbow blades
>No Zapan
>No Jasugun
>No funny Desty Nova
>No flan
>No werewolf
This isn't Gunnm!
If you like this flick you are not a true Gunnm fan.

Attached: b9fd4cbe947739c28d7e021e2b3ccbf4.0.jpg (1200x800, 66K)

*takes off glasses*

>y-you still like me even though i lost.. r-right user?

Attached: alitano.jpg (480x369, 35K)

>So this is... Alita: Battle Angel

Attached: 1552184671527.jpg (531x576, 53K)

to be fair, you have to a really high IQ to appreciate Alita

Attached: you2.png (626x459, 269K)

I'm thinking of taking requests to any images people might want from the art book. Here's a higher res pic of the motorball crew.

Attached: SCN_00012.jpg (3840x2445, 3.95M)

Good to see you're still around.

For drunk-user I didn't see this new thread so here's my thank you!

how are you doing? finally got to read the manga for real?


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Attached: gangsta.png (647x1120, 748K)

when I first met Makaku he was jerking punks off in the underworld for 15 credits a man

>have to wait at least two-four years to see him eat flan
It hurts

Attached: 1551713757229.webm (870x720, 2.23M)

>Alita becomes a rebellious cunt ag'inst Ido's well wishes
>Could have lived a cosy life

Made me sad desu.

ITT: Times you acted like Zapan

Attached: BF47DB34-0D60-4672-8644-ACAD8364404C.png (490x735, 206K)

It's really distracting when a famous director shows up in a movie they produced.

>spending money at the (((psychiatrist)))

>>No panzer kunst
There is.
>>No elbow blades
There is.
>>No Zapan
Literally the second role.
>>No Jasugun
There is, short but there is.
>>No funny Desty Nova
He was sadistically funny though.
>>No flan
That's right.
>>No werewolf
What the actual fuck ?

thank YOU again!

(in case you don't see my reply there.)

A girl told me I had a cute face so I threatened her with violence but then I let her beat the shit out of me instead.

Attached: 65D26EDA-574B-48E3-99A2-268EB10401AD.jpg (400x350, 27K)

>No funny Desty Nova
>That looks fatal.

>empty theaters because Disney bought all the tickets themselves
Alita will be remembered long after Captain Fungus is forgotten, that is true victory

Guys when is Alita coming out in br? I need to see her again bros

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>Houston, you are not gonna believe this shit.

Attached: 41774.jpg (600x450, 49K)

pretty much the first guy Alita kills in the manga is a dude who injects himself with a drug that turns him into a werewolf

stupid complaint though

Good night. I could not stand it, and go to bed. The strongest 0.5 liters of coffee did not help me.
Instead of solving my problems, I will wake up tomorrow and reopen this thread, and in the evening I will go for alcohol. Again. Thanks google translator, you help me communicate.

Where are you from user?

Maybe its me but these generala are starting to get filled with posts that are not inlign with Alita’s core pronciples...idk its hard to describe, maybe I need to take a break from Yea Forums

Attached: B3E1A391-ACC5-49A5-9C62-9ACF0AB2D6D4.jpg (1280x720, 328K)

Based ^w^ poster.

Attached: BasedAndAlitaPilled2.png (591x379, 109K)

Northern Nigeria. Russia.


>No werewolf
>What the actual fuck ?
In the manga there are mutants in-addition to the cyborgs, one of them turns into a werewolf.

Attached: Battle Angel Alita Vol. 02-040.jpg (1920x5486, 3.04M)

Alita's heart is big enough to welcome everyone.

Attached: watching angel.webm (960x402, 2.86M)

Gonna post a couple more.

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Did you see a sign out front that says dead cyborg storage?

That should be England.

>oh, man... he took the werewolf pill
based and werewolfpilled

Nobody was expecting Alita to outperform captain manvel.

Ahh. Get some sleep and come back soon!

Sometimes it can be hard to keep up with such strong principles. Take a break if you need and come back whenever you want. We'll always be here for you.

Attached: do ray egonnn.jpg (945x576, 88K)

I love the hair on the far left and far right, shame they couldn't do that for the movie.

Did anybody else love how she had a different outfit on each day? It's amazing how rare that is lately especially since it was all CGI clothing.

Werewolfpilled !

Attached: SCN_0003.jpg (3840x2356, 2.87M)

We jokingly call our country northern Nigeria, because there is a very poor population here and there is no comfortable life, unlike other civilized countries. No offense to Nigeria, of course.
Thank. Good night.

>There is.
No Hertz Haeon no panzer kunst
>There is.
Where the damocles blade is a sword now
>Literally the second role.
Oh really? Where is the beard and the URM body?
>There is, short but there is.
Really why he got wrekt and looked lame
>He was sadistically funny though.
You have a weird since of humor
>That's right.
That's shit.
>What the actual fuck ?
Read the manga pig

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>He built all of me... except my core. That's mine.

cursed image

Nice to see Dave Chappelle working

Why is she so perfect



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hahahahaha very good pic

Zapan doesn't have the berserker body for literally years after this point in the story. He still has to get killed and have his parts bought by Nova before any of that happens.

Probably gonna upload all of these to a zip file so they can stay in their original resolutions.

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URM doesn't exist in the manga, didn't I told you already? Go read it for real ffs


Attached: 4F420121-302B-4E06-962D-C4DB32255FF8.jpg (559x294, 25K)

huh? It was after she did motorball which she did in this VERY movie. Zapan should have had the URM body already!

To all the manga lads

does vector come back as anything or is he super ded?

How does the buttcrack work? It looks like it's solid, but shouldn't it spread so her legs have the same mobility as muscle?

>Mars doesn't exist in the manga
Try again movie faggit

Attached: ce9e3ab1c6f9ca04de8ca88f03b95eed.jpg (500x378, 31K)

ok, i'll try this again, here we go.
Is there a self contained manga story written by kishiro, where the protagonist is recluted and his brain is put in a soldier/machine?

He doesn't even die in the maga.


Thanks for uploading these, man


>The Fall... now THAT was a war.

Attached: 1551831184120.png (449x519, 209K)

The faction United Republics of Mars doesn't exist in the manga, why don't you take a picture of your manga instead of getting pictures of the anime.

Alita is LOW END boomer, maybe even greatest generation

Wut well damn

That's just the art book, these are preparatory sketches.

imagine having to recut this shit again

Attached: salazacutie.png (631x1335, 637K)

here, go berserk

Attached: whythis.png (776x1762, 822K)

well... new information has come to light and...

>needs capt marvel needs 750 million to break even
>Disney spent as much as Alita's total earnings on buying tickets, I mean on advertisement

She's not done with motorball, we haven't seen her play any actual matches or go up against Jashugan.

Literally several years pass before Zapan gets the berserker body. We haven't even seen him with a new face or a girlfriend yet and that's a big part of his story.

>Hey user why don't you feed me some chocolate, I love it when you do that

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Fresh /cozy/ incoming soon. I hope you guys like BR2049 because this is heavily inspired by a certain scene.


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oh boy

Attached: Baseline_Test_Interactive+LightMix0000.jpg (1500x627, 81K)

Fresh OC
Idea inspired by user's meme .Webm here

Attached: It's Always Sunny In Iron City.jpg (1280x538, 44K)

Sure but you have to feed me oranges.

He’s also not really a bad guy, just a cog in the machine. One time he attempts to evacuate the scrapyard after Alita tells him its targeted for destruction and he’s pressured into not doing it by deckmen

>those opening credits
Stay classy Peaches.

Attached: 1552430523049.png (960x540, 413K)

Reminder: it needs 2 billion shekels and the whole energy of the sun, otherwise's a flop AH HAHAHAHAHA

bravo user
very cool
can't wait for the remaster

Attached: 1552255475078.png (533x720, 430K)

No. No please God don't. Not again. You hurt me bad last time.
Prepping for feels with this song...

Attached: thegoosetears.jpg (1280x720, 109K)

>after Alita tells him its targeted for destruction
Wrong that was Koyomi the baby that Alita saved from Grewiska/Makaku. She also grows up to be a sociopathic criminal.

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Wonderful as always, Peaches

Amazing choice of credits shots Peaches.

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Okay, opeeeeeen wiiiiiideeeee...

Attached: ahh.png (764x681, 603K)

Where can I get one? My local wawa doesn't have it.

>user, what's wrong?

Attached: 1552206344283.png (828x976, 325K)

Check your local shitty supermarket / dollar store, anons have been finding them at c-town, walmart, and dollar tree

yeah she'll do that
be careful

I found mine at a CVS, so try a drug store.


Went to Alita 6 times (created a few posts here), bought novelization. Waiting for the digital release

Hoping for a sequel.

Have been reading these threads for a month.
Love Alita

quality work, I expect nothing less.

Attached: i-like-it.jpg (750x471, 42K)

Fuck that faggot Figure Four. Retarded ugly monkey looking piece of shit.

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Love you Russian fan!

Ebin as always Peaches

Attached: Cute_angel_big_smile.jpg (838x439, 33K)

You the guy who bit the orange?

Welcome back brother. You have read the Manga right? I have no idea why anyone would read the Novelization.

notice me senpai >also, based af.

you too,


Attached: 1551717362490.png (2048x1536, 1.87M)

I did notice you, I think I didn't have my name on. Love you dude!

>Worked sucked as usual.
>Get home and /alita/ is comfy as always and I forgot work already.
Never change.

Attached: smile.jpg (309x293, 27K)

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same. /ALITA/ is the comfiest gen on channel 4

Yoink! Oh, you wanted some?

>I have no idea why anyone would read the Novelization.
duuuude you're robbing yourself of comfyness

Attached: alitanov.png (574x168, 60K)

I'm glad there's another user like me.

Attached: sure-why-not.png (502x488, 302K)

aw, man! uh...
^w^ (is that how you do it?)

Welcome user. Sorry to hear about your work. Everything is fine now, bask in Alita's comfyness

Two very interesting things about hugo in this pic.

Attached: SCN_0010.jpg (3496x2536, 3.97M)

Is there porn?

>You the guy who bit the orange?

This shit sounds amusing, do tell

here you go friend

Attached: Alita.jpg (724x800, 209K)

So, is that 4 confirmed deleted scenes now?


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Attached: zapan2.png (1279x534, 820K)

don't you even think about it you brute

Thanks! Love you too

Nope, it was another guy from 2ch (Russian Yea Forums, current Alita #21)

I haven't yet, looking forward to do it

I was creating posts like 'Doing my part' to support the movie. Also brought ~20 people, created a bunch of posts on a few important social networks, added reviews etc (as many of us did)

Hope we're getting the sequel.



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Attached: DELET.webm (1280x720, 1.14M)

You don't deserve those dubs

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This is a good one before bed. I hope you stay safe in the storm.

Attached: 1551319091297.jpg (1277x719, 90K)

Here I go...

Attached: blue if i was green.jpg (2560x1440, 801K)

I'll give it a shot tomorrow thx.

Attached: 1552337814091.png (595x595, 434K)

Is she the cutest protagonist in all of cinema? (Or at least cyber punk?)

Attached: fucks given 0.gif (297x229, 2.39M)

Alita is pure

why does he look like he's on a treadmill at first there

>tfw finished reading it
Someone call the police. I've been murdered by a broken heart.

Attached: blue if i was green i would die.jpg (2560x1440, 754K)

Thanks, I was going to make some based on the movie design because I draw lewds, but now I don't have to.

It's still in theaters here til next week

Alita is always there for you if you want her to be user.

I figured this would hit the BR2049 fans especially hard.

Muh heart can't handle this. This is the big one.

Yeah, it hit me hard. Damn you.

Attached: blue if i was green i would die dobedobedoo.jpg (2560x1440, 645K)

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Attached: hiiiyyyyaaahhhh.png (2560x1080, 776K)

>She’s never looked more beautiful. You stare in to her eyes, and you barely have time to notice the lip quiver before she kisses you. Hard, passionate. Warm. Cold.
why must you make me suffer

Attached: GOD.png (1920x800, 1.3M)

>don't do that!

Attached: wtf.png (463x440, 211K)

Anyways I got to go to bed. I won't be on until later tomorrow. Don't die on me. Love you guys.

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Setting aside the extreme comfy of these little stories, I love when you post for the flood of Ks that always follow. I will never not laugh my ass off.

Keep 'em coming writebro.

Attached: 53300164_170003820654911_6139026230688568235_n.jpg (1080x1080, 138K)


Not having Peaches around is almost as bad as not having Alita being real. Almost.



Seems like it. I haven't found any other like it yet but I am not done going through the book either.

Attached: Alita will never offer this to you.jpg (3496x2488, 3.35M)

The Ks are especially appropriate here so props to everyone for having them.

these are nice

Now everything makes sense.
Vitaly Bulgarov designed Alitas heart.

looks cool but who the fuck is that Hugo, looks like he aged 20 years

Are these art book pics?

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Attached: baseline.jpg (1500x627, 101K)

Nothing. Because she's not real. Just like my soul.

Attached: fall.png (718x460, 457K)

No but this is.

Attached: SCN_0007.jpg (2955x2280, 3.87M)

Challenge accepted

Dollar tree had plastic bottles. I cannot find cans. Ive tried one meijer, two or three kroger, one walmart, 10+ gasstations including a Shell

Attached: 20190315_bottl.jpg (4032x3024, 3.36M)

No, found these on Instagram by this guy


They're cool but weird he didn't make Hugo accurate at all

Time for bed frens, good night.

Attached: cute_cyborg_falls_asleep.webm (960x402, 1.61M)

Good night NotPeaches.

God, that's so beautiful. I can't wait for mine to come. Also I hope they eventually release the raw images for the concept art to download. They're just too good not to.

Comfy Alita

Sleep well!

Goodnight, don't die in your sleep.

Have a new Alita to share.

Attached: Alita Chill.jpg (742x1052, 72K)

I can hear the synthwave


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>that third concept art
Would have easily pushed it to R if he really was put into the movie.

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her big eyes look stupid
this fucking movie is stupid
you're all stupid


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I just realised that since me and Peaches live on opposite time zones one of us will always be here lurking.

Is it normal that I want to dedicate myself to moviemaking after watching this film three times?

Not that I have high chances. Quite the contrary. I'm a third-worlder and my country has little to no cinematic culture. But reading some bits of Cameron's origins as a director kind of inspired me.
The problem is I just started Law school a year ago and I don't want to quit. But I must admit that I have problems with the career. For instance, I'm pretty shy while my classmates are what you would expect from a lawyer: charismatic, extroverted... I've always felt as an oddball among the classes.

What should I do?

We love (you) user.

Attached: images.jpg (259x194, 11K)

we can do it

Attached: can.jpg (2000x2156, 1.9M)

fuck, that black line
here is something that came along by itself

Attached: arm.png (1881x489, 1.18M)

Bless you writefriend.
Like I said last night, reading these fanfics really takes me back a decade to simpler and happier times.
Maximum comfy.

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>Dad says no to his little girl.

Unfortunately I couldn't fit the wrist into the scanner so that's missing from that. I could get another scan with it when I go back to scanning more pics though.

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holy shit

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Comfy is the goal. This thread is for everyone who ever needed someone to share their lives with.

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I'm stealing these

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Is the guy in Melbourne still here and keen to go tomorrow? If you are I'll be under the clock at Melbourne Central. I'll be holding an orange to make ID easy.

that looks terrifying, I love it

Attached: 1552420930520.png (479x424, 258K)

Just bee you'reself

>her big eyes look stupid
Fuck the haters.

For what it's worth I'm way too far in to law school so I recommend getting out while you can. Maybe I'm just emotionally over it though.

go mad

Attached: 1552508603085.png (512x512, 222K)

way too long. cut it down to 10 seconds max

Yea Forums, asking all the right questions.

Thank Alita for small favors.

because of your post i sat on the still image for 10 sec
t. dumbass

Figured out how to put together potato gif versions of my dumb Metal Gear edits. They aren't much, but I'm happy with the result.

Attached: Les Anges Terribles.gif (656x329, 387K)

The Damascus blade being in there twice ruins it for me

These are great keep producing that OC.

im afraid im going to have to revoke your internet license, user

You could do both, but it will be hard.
Lawyer is a respectable job and well payed.
In today's age movie making isn't that expensive anymore, you could actually do it on the side and with the internet there is a global audience.
Read the book by Robert Rodriguez: "Rebel without a Crew".
I am 3D artist with ambition to do an animated movie by myself.
I have studied different kind of art-forms for the last 10 years without creating a successful project myself (only working for others).
Being a successful artist is really hard.
IMHO its better to separate money-making and passion projects so that you don't have to compromise.
No matter what you do...good luck, user.

>Alita as quiet
>she sings you her song

Attached: 1546053321618.jpg (590x419, 160K)

This is really good advice and a good reminder for me too thanks user.

Here's a zip of all the images I've posted so far, completely unedited. Go mad with these if you'd like.

Attached: SCN_0011.jpg (3496x2536, 3.93M)

Kinda brings me back to the mid-2000s when shitty gifs like this were everywhere on forums.
Likewise! I've never been one for fanfiction, but your stories warm my goddamn soul. Such is the power of Alita.

Attached: Les Anges Terribles PS1.gif (882x420, 452K)

Took me forever but here, have some oc

Attached: Rottenball.webm (960x540, 2.84M)

Thanks friend! It's funny- fanfiction gets a bad rap nowadays due to the communities surrounding it but when you look at it historically, some of the great pieces of fiction were essentially that. I mean for example Nosferatu was such a rip off from Dracula that Stoker's estate sued over it. I think as long as you don't do dumb shit with the characters that people have crafted for you then it can be a great way to live a bit longer in a world that you love.

Holy shit that being said though there is a LOT of bad fanfic out there though.

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Let your heart guide you. It whispers, so listen closely.

Attached: 1552680294313.jpg (2000x2000, 1.98M)

>la número 99

Attached: alita 4.png (1815x968, 361K)

Fucking A+

very nice friend
as a 13 year old I spent a ton of time on fanfiction.com and though most of the stories people wrote were pretty cool. I looked back a week ago and now almost everything is unreadable to me. You do a good job user

Attached: FCFAAFA2-45CD-435E-BBD8-AF7B0D159D2B.jpg (3264x2448, 2.06M)

Excellent. Have a rare party Alita that will see a great deal of use when the sequel is announced.

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Attached: IMG_5695.jpg (1130x756, 300K)

Fucking awesome.

Fuck me, that's hilarious.

Attached: 1548722692332.png (446x449, 369K)

Does this work? Please I need to know.

Kek, movie Zapan is like a carton villain.

pretty fucking good

Yes, but not for you since I already caught her.

I appreciate it. I have some OLD fics from when I was 14 that make me want to purge everything I've ever written from the internet but I guess that's the price you pay for learning.

Fucking Zapan behind the tree 99/10.



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release her now

Attached: 53287679_2330562073841481_7455047551989841920_o.jpg (1155x1080, 71K)

Surely no one would fall for that.

Attached: Pepita.png (249x249, 68K)

I can't get her to leave now and I don't bring more she treatens me with Panzer Kunst.

>Officer A-L-I-T-A, recite your baseline
>Oranges and chocolate taste so good. I do not standby in the presence of evil. Can a human love a cyborg?
>officer: Oranges
>A: Orages
>Officet: do you eat the peel? Oranges
>A: Oranges
>Officer: Are oranges like chocolate? Oranges
>A: Oranges
>Officer: Whats it like to hold a chocholate bar in your hand? Oranges
>A: Oranges
Officer: Standby
>A: Standby

Attached: 1552324875390.gif (500x248, 2.23M)


Is this movie legitimately interesting? Where can I watch it without spending any shekels?

>If a burrito was wrapped in orange peel is it still a burrito? Oranges.

Alita needs your shekels, don't rip her off.

>What's your favorite food? Oranges.

I like this version

Attached: 1552452085209.png (1280x538, 1002K)

>collect your chocolate

v nice

>Did they teach you how peel off an Orange? Orange
>Do you dream about Oranges? Oranges
>A: Oranges
>What's it like to be fed chocolate by the one you love? Chocolate
>Do you feel that there's part of you that's missing when there is no more chocolate and oranges? Oranges
>A: O-Oranges

Attached: minelita.jpg (1200x634, 124K)

>boop my nose will she? Well...revenge is a dish best served...sweet..hehehehahahah *rubs hands*


>Alita! It's not possible to recover those oranges and chocolate!
>Alita: No, it's necessary.

It's worth the money. Go see it in a theater.

Hey, Alitans. I just came back from my fourth blessing. How about we talk about little details and stuff not mentioned enough, like:

>that based transition from the 20th Century Fox logo to the “26th Century Fox” logo
>when Ido has entered the Kasas bar and apologizes for the mess Alita started, he goes to flip up right an overturned glass, in an attempt to spruce up.

That part always made me lol.

You'll regret for not seeing it in 3D

>Where can I watch it without spending any shekels?


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Can't argue with anything about this post.

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Truly blessed digits

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there is only a shitty camrip.
if you really want to see it without going to the theater, at least wait for a better quality option

Yeah that cracked me up too lol

Why are you faggots torturing yourselves shitposting and daydreaming about some waifu when you well damn know nobody will ever love you? Like why put yourself though this?

>The way Alita kicks that one bar patron, Ido stares at her like, "WTF you're in deep shit," and she glances at the floor.
It's refreshing to see real humor in a movie and not a quip.

Ironically you wasted as much energy as we did.

The lady at my show laughted so loud when Vector got stabbed and Nova said "that looks fatal"

Dumb roastie.

>the nervous smirk Vector makes as he's trying to bullshit Alita
>the way Grewishka's cybercore dangles around when they remove it from his body
>the little hop Alita makes after she impales that dude with Gangsta's arm
>Ido biting his lip throughout the film
>sunlight refracting through Alita's hands in the beginning
I love details like that. It makes the movie feel natural.

>Be 30 years old
>Never had a girlfriend
>Last 2 years got /fit/
>Got a high paying job 2 months ago
>Saving money, increasing my work out routine since getting more inspiration from Alita
>Getting own apartment soon and will live by myself
Can't find anyone to love me despite massively improving myself, but I love myself at least.

Just got back from the movie
I didn't hate it
Would watch a sequel
I enjoyed my experience
Hated all the previews
Christ there is a lot of (((propaganda)))

Attached: are you for real.jpg (703x376, 105K)

what in the fuck, that's not the pic I had

You still have us, user. We love you too.

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are you the user from before?

>Christ there is a lot of (((propaganda)))
you must be joking

>Did you set this trap for me?

Attached: 1551643077037.jpg (960x402, 85K)

Fatal keks

Because it makes us feel something which is an important part of being alive.

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I said I was going by myself and have a couple drinks at the bar

That was in reference to the previews, not Alita

OC creators are cookin' tonight.

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Lmao saved

Love you too user. Going to see Alita again tomorrow, I wonder if she'll inspire me to increase my workouts again.

>That was in reference to the previews, not Alita
oh ok

Damn, I'm almost the same as you except late 20's and without the high paying job lol, puting on some muscle is fun!

Attached: YOU WILL NEVER FEEL HER.webm (720x400, 2.99M)

We're making Mr. White proud

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We always keep our "eyes on the prize."

Attached: I figured out the secret of your power.jpg (1200x634, 157K)



>two 77s
even the gods of digits are amused at this

I just got done watching it. I had a few questions:
1. Why did Nova had those body parts in the case at the end? I didn't hear what he said.
2. Why didn't Hugo connect 2 and 2 that the finger weapons he stripped off that one guy was being used against Alita in that other fighter? Or did he and that is why he decided to quit?
3. (This may be me looking way too much into this because of the whole political ham-fisting culture in movies lately) Was that "that was 300 years ago, get over it" comment to the black friend allusion to getting over slavery?
4. Is there a sequel planned in the works or was it implied that she triumphs?
Awesome movie, easy 8/10 for me, maybe more. I still need time to digest it.

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imagine coming into a comfy thread and trying to uncomfy it

More Yea Forums related, but should I stick to the old scans or read the new ones? I want to go through the first series again. Christ it’s been so long ago that I first read Alita. It’s hard to believe they actually made a solid adaptation. Of course they had to streamline things, but what do you expect?

those body parts belonged to Chiren (Ido's ex-wife)


Lol I'm not complaining.