Why did the parents kill their daughter?

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They didn't.
She is still alive and the elites are feeding off her blood

This. I'm pretty sure an American politician matches the description perfectly of the alleged kidnapper.

Anyone old enough to remember Jameie Bulger?
And how they tried to pin it on movies? Fuck's sake no wonder we rebelled against it. Colombine High was an equal clusterfuck.

it was a different time

That's not possible, she would be 16 now

whats with her weird eye?

They didn't. The child was taken from them. Ever see Eyes Wide Shut?

>Americans believing the McCanns are guilty, but Knox dindu nuffin.

She had a weird eye. Which means she'd still now be easily identifiable.

Look, if you had to choose between getting to Little Caesars before the early bird closes or letting your kid die, you'd do the same

John and Tony Podesta raped and killed Madeleine McCann

she was asking for it
did you she the way she was dressed?

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fair enough

the portuguese police inspector that got off the case and fired from the police wrote a book about it (that got banned from libraries) and did a tv show with a reconstitution of the night, where he explained all that happened based on the evidence they found and their confidence on accuracy on how that evidence was found.

the sniffing dogs (who have a 99% accuracy rate) found blood that had been wiped clean under the window inside the house, and in the trunk of their car.
the parents had left their kids drugged and sleeping at home when they went out to parties (their other children were still drugged when they were questioned the night of maddies disappearance). maddie must've woken up in the middle of the night, in a drugged stupor gone to the window to look for her missing parents, and somehow fell, hit her head and bled to death. parents found her body, father cleaned it up, took her body to the car trunk and disposed of her in parts unknown. many testimonials from people that were with the parents that night and from the parents themselves were incongruous when taken in different times, consistent with people covering up something.

thats all i remember from the case

someone give me rundown on this shit, the documentary i mean

Why are americans so self-centered?

gave her sleeping pills to keep her out of trouble while they schmoozed at the bar

came back to find her dead

bundled her in the car and dropped her down a well or dumped her at sea

blamed some non descript boogie man whilst pulling as many favours as possible back home to get away with it

Her genitals were too perfect

THey didn't, shill. The Podestra brothers did.

t. david cameron

>immediate response
fuck off FBI

Have you ever been around kids? They’re pretty annoying.

They didn't do it.

It was some puerto rican guy.

I binged through all 8 episodes today cause im a fucking loser

there's some interesting shit about orphanage donations around episode 7, if she was abducted it was likely these guys

but those fucking dogs BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK really makes me think it was an accidental overdose and coverup

Recommend everyone watch this

>and fired from the police
Sounds legit.

This theory is bullshit. They find their daughter with a head injury so they chuck her in the ocean? The Podesta brothers theory is more believable

are we in a true crime renaissance?

If the kids were really drugged, and the police could tell, AND the parents had thought this was such a bad thing to do that it would make them responsible for the death, then why weren't the kids tested for drugs?

Not of her, of her kidnapper.

portugal is a shithole and the police are incompetent.

they find their daughter dead from a head injury so they put her somewhere. a fridge. maybe a fridge in a building nobody was staying in.

then, when the media was obsessed with murat or whoever, they wrapped the body in a carpet, took it somewhere and disposed of it.

Cadaver dogs (the same ones that discovered evidence Chris Watts killed his family) barked eight times in relation to places or items of interest:

1. Gerry & Kate's bedroom closet
2. Behind the couch
3. On Maddie's stuffed animal that Kate carried everywhere
4. On the driver's door of their rental car
5. In the trunk of the rental car
6. On a child's shirt
7. On one of Kate's shirts
8. On one of Kate's pants

8 different cadaver dogs barks. Did all of these items and places come into contact with another dead body apart from Maddie? What corpse did her stuffed animal touch?

robert murat who is mentioned in: was a close friend of the mccanns who somehow got working as an interpreter for the case between british police/intellignece and portuguese and knew a lot of the details during the crucial early stages in the investigation. Here gerry mccann gets very defensive when he is mentioned: youtube.com/watch?v=fRpKThIO5HA

mate the only incompetence here is the McCanns parenting skills

What's that got to do with the kids not being drug tested?

doctors play God with medication and fuck up all the time

Yeah, okay. Take your pills, dad. We'll call you in the morning before church.

>going to church on a saturday

I don't understand how someone could harm their own child like this.

they sold her to clement freud

She was a sacrifice to the illuminati.

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Fuck Netflix

>the sections about the millionaire's son going on wacky adventures, chasing blonde girls through maroccan mountains, stirring shit up and tailing suspects who had already been ruled out

Based bumbling retard.
That must have been so fun.

the millionaire seemed off as fuck to me

something wasn't right about him and his motivations to help the mccanns

t. alberto barbosa

A ruptured intestine is a shitty way to die. Should've swabbed dad's dick for blood and feces.

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>all the woke normalfags eating up every new shit documentary and mirroring the same theories
>"They drugged their daughter and tossed her in the ocean!!"
>"These parents aren't grieving exactly the same way as I would have hypothetically if this had happened to me!"
>"the dog barked! Lock their asses in jail!"
You think normalfags will look back on this and realize they are wrong like they did with OJ

>>"These parents aren't grieving exactly the same way as I would have hypothetically if this had happened to me!"
KEK. British people are morally obligated to be hysterical about death since Diana.

Anybody else absolutely shocked about the Portugese state orphanage they briefly touched on where they just stated plainly that US millionaires would fly in for the weekend to fuck some poor kids? Maybe elaborate on that more than two minutes? Maybe do some basic background checks on those planes or investigate to find the identities of those individuals?
Everything they mentioned about that seemed as ridiculous and far-fetched as the Pizzagate conspiracy yet it's accepted as fact while simultaneously being completely brushed over...
Weird and creepy as fuck.

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the police chief who investigated the whole thing, did the tv show and wrote the banned book investigated and explained everything scientifically. no incompetence in this case, but there is a lot of corruption throughout, i'd rather attribute it to corruption from higher ups. the parent have high level connections, they even met with the fucking pope. and the mother has always displayed behaviors of guilt and of someone being silenced

>they even met with the fucking pope
Before the disappearance?

watching the first episode now. when exactly would the parents have had the time to discover their dead child, get rid of the body, and then get back to the restaurant table?

>sniffer dogs have a 99% accuracy rate

holy fuck you're full blown retarded

It's called coloboma. The elites seeks that shit out because it's symbolic and they like unique qualities. Soros has it too. The girl that gets murdered in Chinatown by her elite pedo father has it as well.

That and the secret abducted child database was more interesting. Also that "famous" female Portuguese reporter seems like a massive misseading cunt. She says "I went to the resurant the macanns were at that night and because I'm so famous they let me sit anywhere I want (did I mention I'm a big deal) so I sat where they were seated and theres NO WAY they could see the apartment from there! There was clear plastic for God's sake!" And then it pans to a shot where you can see the apartment just fine

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oh we've been selling children to americans for decades. the us airforce base in Lages at the Azores islands that had been there since the 60s and was closed by obama a couple years ago was a place where american couples could purchase children from poor families or whores that got pregnant to sell their kids (one confessed to doing it 6 times) to take to the us without going through any law (the church was involved as middleman). not to mention an unrelated event of radioactive samples that were found on the abandoned base recently... basically dumping ground. all illegal i'd imagine.

i was always against foreign bases in national soil, and so should you

I once read an article by a Japanese journalist that said how Madeleine was a good candidate for some kind of role in occultic practices because of her zodiac. It's a bit "out there" but interesting read

no afterwards, when they went on their globetrotting world tour, meeting with the british queen, the pope and other awesome publicity stunts

>dog going near cupboard
>voila, it's the little girl's doll

In awe of these sniffers. I would have been inclined to believe that the dogs were indicating correctly and the lab fucked up the testing. But the parents killing the girl just doesn't seem very feasible within the established timeframe. And the fact that the moron investigator simply copy pasted all his assumptions (including the freezer) from his other case doesn't help either.

With all these shows, Making a Murderer, Madeleine, Murder Mountain, the one thing that really sticks out regardless of who is guilty or not, is the local police instead of following leads they come up with a theory early on, then completely give up on investigation and simply do everything in their (considerable) power to make that theory a reality no matter the cost.

Yeah it was totally the parents...

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Then how is their meeting in any way indicative of them being connected?!

If she died by accident while drugged and they just owned up, what kind of punishment were they looking at? That's assuming that with a body they would have tested for drugs, even though they didn't test the 'obviously' drugged siblings. So the parents decided 'Well, if she's just disappeared, we'll only look like bad parents who went out and left the kids alone, and nobody will ever know different...as long as they don't drug test the other kids'.

I don't understand how it could have sniffed out the doll if the mom had kept it and brought it everywhere with her. And supposedly it found traces in the rental car they had rented it 25 days AFTER she went missing?

negligent homicide or manslaughter.

The easiest explanation is this:
>dog picks up the scent of the parents in the appartment
>indicates parents semll on the doll
>indicates parents smell on the car

Now the trainer says the dogs wouldn't do that. But they're animals, not machinery, I'm not sure how properly they can be interpreted.

parents are innocent, none of the evidence adds up against them

*yawn* Im getting sleepy

This image only works so strongly because the perceived similarities in the pairing of faces is striking, The idividual faces themselves look totally different.
It's pattern recognition.

portugal is a fucking joke of a country from the looks of it.
i thought they were more "advanced" as a society.
reminds me of some south american shithole.

those 2 top pictures aren't meant to be a literal representation of the perpetrators though...
you're true but also them not being identical doesn't play too big a part

They didn't. They sold her.

for example, pic related is an actual "suspect" description they put in their papers.
what the fuck is wrong with these retards?

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This. Even if it did sniff out decay there's no DNA evidence of it being maddy. The trainer says the dog has been able to point out smells from 40 years ago so it could even be the smell of blood/decay from a different individual/case altogether. Why are people putting so much faith in such circumstancial evidence?

two politicians who were in Spain that week match the description of suspects in the area

Why did I find that so funny

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bruh if they speak a romance/latin language it doesn't matter which continent it's in, the country is bound to be a breeding ground for corruption and incompetence.

Podesta looks like literally every Portuguese man ever

they didnt kill her faggot they just sold her to some kiddy ring, i dont blame them if you have a sexy little girl might as well utilize that

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Isn't evening mass on Saturday a thing?

Who's worse, Portugal or Italy? which would you rather be killed in?

simply because i'd kill myself if i had to listen to the god awful language that is portugese.

People still believe that
>they overdosed her after presumably drugging her and her siblings all week
>the entire restaurant group was in on it
>the father carried the daughter on foot to an unknown location and stashed her in a freezer
>the police didn't find her, nobody saw shit
>he was back not long after
>her dead body was in two different rooms, nowhere in between
>over 3 weeks later, under constant media attention, they retrieve her body, throw it in the back of a rental, and dump it somewhere

seems more likely that she was abducted by aliens, or raptured

does anyone who lose their kid go on tv, meet the queen, meet the pope, have their own country's police come in and override local police?

jesus christ user, aren't you a bit old for me having to spoonfeed you

police inspector explained the dogs are trained to detect definitive cadaver smell, and they don't bark unless they detect it. it's not "mom smell on doll" it's "someone was dead HERE"

>police inspector explained the dogs are trained to detect definitive cadaver smell,
and the expiry date on this is what exactly? Hiw about the fact that the rental car they rented 25 days into her dissaperiance was the one the dog indicated had smell but never indicated any smell on any freezer. Where they just letting her corpse rot out in the open or something?


Kek. People are now saying there's a massive government conspiracy to cover up all the DNA evidence because the dad is 1 out of 300 cardiac surgeons in the UK

the dad's accent is insufferable.
what kind of british accent is that? sounds like a fucking retard.

They didn't, it ws the Podesta brothers

>Portugese state orphanage
which episode was this in? i remember reading a story some months back where some creepy Belgian and Dutch pedophiles would go to madeira in the 80's and 90's and molest the boys giving them money to keep their mouths shut.


3rd or 4th episode.

maybe madeline mccann is a shapeshifter who murdered her mother and took her place. did anyone think of that?

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I wanna put another little Maddie in Kate desu bros


they discuss this theory in the 7th episode.

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If they were drugging their children so they could neglect them this is exactly what such people might do.

I'm giving away my age but yeah I just barely remember it. I remember the UK papers blaming the Chucky movies.

Decades in a Portuguese prison.

Almost no one thought OJ was innocent.

ITT: actual discussion about television and film

What the fuck.
Are capeshitters and sneedposters asleep?

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She's surprisingly fit. I was confused when the Portuguese people where calling her cold. What was she supposed to be wailing hysterically 24/7 and having fainting fits?

cunt barely cried at all.

Knox lacked the motive and wherewithal to successfully kill anyone, all she's guilty of is burning the coal.

she's a cold hearted bitch, just how bad are you at reading people?

>Knox lacked the motive and wherewithal to successfully kill anyone
why, because she's a roastie?
lol fuck off.

Nah m8 that's how upper middle class broads act, it's called restraint and composure. My mother is the same way.

>mother loses her daughter
>barely shows any emotion
>she's just aristocratic user!
yikes, your mom sounds like a cunt as well.

>police inspector explained the dogs are trained to detect definitive cadaver smell, and they don't bark unless they detect it.

Dogs aren't geiger counters, it's impossible to know what they do or don't pick up. Since there were no DNA samples found, it would be fair to dismiss the dog indications altogether. However, there is one thing that's peculiar: the dogs being occupied with the rental car. Since all three locations the dogs pointed out were factually connected by the parents pressence it seems prudent that the dog's indications are a reflection of a tangible connection. As I explained above, this needn't be the smell of a cadaver but simply the scent of the parents itself. Dogs are faliable. Their trainers certainly are, It's impossible to know what the dogs picked up on and without producing any forensic evidence this avenue of investigation is undoubtedly without results.

I'm surprised they still haven't been uncovered, though I know there's strong hints about the whereabouts of the one that's reoffended

She cried quite a bit actually, but if you were paying attention you would notice she quickly removes herself. Not everyone is comfortable having an audience to their breakdown. also fuck you my mom is the world #1 mom

Formerly awake

My mom's #1 you fuck.

well it's really just gossipy true crime shit and we know how Yea Forums loves that

Wife is gonna watch this shit, I just know it. Does it even mention Podesta?

They keep saying not knowing is the hardest part but FUCK the part where they show the mom confirming it's her son on the pedo database was rough. Knowing he's out there and being abused but not being able to do anything would be unbearable.

They didn't, Jimmy Saville bought her from them and raped her to death. Kevin Spacey knows and he will tell.

He's on Ancient Aliens now with that snowblowing Greek and the angry German and all the other Bozo people who make a career claiming aliens are everywhere.

She'd be too old now

Holy shit they broke it into season 1, episode 1 and shit, this is fucking absurd. There's no ending to this tedious shit, I'm 15 minutes in and it's fucking nothing. Fuck your shit trying to get me to watch this.

I'm going to watch a Real Man documentary over again, like People's Republic of Desire.

every african american believed in OJs innocence
like 99%

they didn't believe he was innocent, they wanted him to be found innocent

a big difference

No we're not, you don't know that of which you speak.

>Portuguese orphanage revealed to have been decades long pedophile den for the rich. >Government officials and police proven to cover up and use excessive force to coerse false confessions
>multiple kids go missing around the same time in the area
>One of the kids CONFIRMED to be abducted in international internet pedo ring.
It wasn't the parents. One of the pedoportuguese government lackeys messed up and abducted a foreigner instead of a local.

Name of the author?

yes I'm sure they could get away with snatching the kids of rich British tourists, the perfect victims

Is the documentary biased to make you think one theory is right or is it generally fair?

>both solve the case

fuck anglos

Yes, it was the Podesta brothers themselves that did the kidnapping. Great job, Sherlock.

You're the reason why pizzagate was so easily brushed aside by the mainstream. You're the reason why nobody asked Podesta what exactly a pizza related map is or what he mean by it's time Denny Hassert disappeared to that island.

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I mean, they did. If they were the ones

Even if they wouldn't have gotten jail time they would have had their other kids taken away. They would have lost their jobs as doctors and their lavish lifestyle would have disappeared.

the car that the cadaver dogs hit on and found DNA in was rented like two weeks after her "disappearance" though so he couldn't have disposed of the body that night. he would have had to have hid it somewhere and then done it two weeks later (when the media coverage was insane).

Who are these guys? Can you give me a quick rundown?


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No one was about to ask him anyway. The media was just an auxiliary of his campaign at that point.

This is why pizzagate was the wild speculative ride it was in the first place. It expanded to fill the journalistic vaccum. You put cart before horse.

Was watching the doc, but there is so much useless information. Not fucking watching 9 hours of interviews with random people.

parents didnt kill those kids

T. Burger

how can you be so old and on Yea Forums? absolute billy nomates sadcunt, innit m8?


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Their handler knew Maddie was dead the moment he got off the van with eddie and keela in front of of the McCann's rented chalet cause the dogs started going crazy.

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"If the glove don't fit, you must acquit!"

>a barking dog is evidence

no, sorry.

It's a fucking joke how much money the UK police has spent on this shit. She's dead now (or maybe has been the whole time) and no one will know what happened. It's sad but the police need to just give up.

>Yea Forumstards defended MJ
>Now defending the McCann's

Kek you absolute contrarian fucks

It's been under private investigation for a while aswell

Noone has even mentioned the book the mother wrote, and her mega creepy ass comments, such as about her daughter's perfect little vagina being violated. Seriously, that book, WOW.

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For a fun night out. Massy OD'd and the parents hid the corpse and made up a story to not lose theire jobs and other kid. Simple.

>Yeah, its not like the dogs cant sense their handler's tenseness and react hyperactively to appease their sensed handler's tenseness

You people really need to shut the fuck up. Dogs are social animals. As much as they can be great work dogs, they still are fallible, especially under "different" circumstances. If the handler's pulse went up on the way into the apartment, he already fucked up the dog's "efficiency".

gotta get that shit HOT

They sold her to the Podesta Brothers for over 200 000 dollars.

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Give me the rundown

This. Every "southern" european country like Portugal, Spain, Greece and the southern part of Italy, is backwards and full of obvious corruption. Maybe the hot weather makes them lazy and more open to bribes.
Europe's good reputation (insert refugee joke here) comes solely from the middle and northern european countries and the Uk.
The east and south parts are barely first world countries.

>Dogs are social animals. As much as they can be great work dogs, they still are fallible
They aren't, they haven't failed in over 200 cases. Go choke on a dick, contrarian faggot.

She has strong Anunnaki blood


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hehe greatest ally

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What was up with the Russian guy and his dodgy harddrives?

Is this out yet? This is probably better than another Jon Benet doc. We already know that Jon Benet was killed by her family. Their timeline is objectively wrong (pineapple from the autopsy proved this) and multiple drafts of the ransom letter were found in the house.

Watch the portuguese docu, it's better than this shit and gets to the point instead of circling around for 8hs.



It became a meme because everyone knew it was weak bullshit.

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>Podesta looks like literally every Portuguese man ever

Poortuguese here i agree with this

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>Dog sniffing anti-science
>Blood supposedly in the McCann's car which they didn't even rent until weeks after she went missing

Yeah totally convincing

DRUMPF killed her

"If the dog yapp, you get the zapp"

Spain/Catalunya is fantastic. Barcelona is one of the most awesome and beautiful cities Ive been to.

>Barcelona is one of the most awesome and beautiful cities Ive been to.

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MJ being innocent is the normalfag opinion, just look at Twitter. I think he did raep dem keeds
>watching propaganda made to shift blame and restore Portuguese tourism industry

Based soulless user.

Those are two different composite sketches of the same suspect you God damned fucking retards, not of two different men.

I seriously thought this pizzagate shit was a joke for the longest time, it's embarassing that /pol/ is serious about it.

To any anons who are already familiar with the case but interested in watching this, you can skip the first 4 episodes.

fuck off, cameron.

>the voiceover says Praia da Luz instead of Luz Beach

Only just watched the first episode. If they killed the kid when did they do it and hide the body when they were at the restaurant all night? Are all the friends in on it? Seems like a stretch.

I'm 2 episodes in and it's so fucking boring


How did such a boring story captivate the world so hard?

>The elite police sniffer dog who found the body of murdered Sion Mills pensioner Attracta Harron has been drafted in to help the hunt for the body of kidnapped toddler Madeleine McCann.

>Specially-trained English springer spaniel Eddie and his companion Keela were flown to Praia de Luz complex in the Algarve region of Portugal last week as the search for the missing four-year-old intensified.

>The police sniffer dogs, which are trained to locate minute traces of blood, were brought in after the focus of the investigation again turned on the apartment where the McCann family were staying when Madeleine disappeared 97 days ago.

>The dogs, which have also been involved in the search for missing Castlederg teenager Arlene Arkinson, were yesterday still in Portugal.

>Used across the world for his accuracy, seven-year-old hound Eddie helped police put Trevor Hamilton behind bars in 2006 after the victim recovery dog found 63-year- old Attracta Harron's blood on the 23-year-old murderer's burned-out Hyundai.

>Eddie also located Attracta's body in a shallow grave in April 2003, close to Hamilton's home.

>The police dog and his handlers returned to Tyrone for a third time at the end of last year to help find the missing Arlene Arkinson who went missing after leaving a disco in Bundoran, Co Donegal, on August 13, 1994.

>The identity of the two hounds emerged as reports that sniffer dogs from the UK found specks of blood in the apartment where the four-year-old was last seen.

Fuck the eternal anglo

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They would have had their two other children taken away and would have had their medical licences revoked.

little white children go missing and the world stops.

the father and mother didn't even try to act as if they weren't responsible.
they both acted very strange and i truly believe they had a hand in killing their daughter.

Occam's razor, the simplest answers are that she got up when they were out fell and banged her head or she died because they gave her too many pills to keep her asleep. Police dogs detected they got rid of the body in the car. For whatever reasons the government decided to keep spending money on it to cover for them as there was no body

>For whatever reasons the government decided to keep spending money on it to cover for them as there was no body
Gerry is childhood friends with David Cameron.

This doc just makes me want to visit the Algarve even more. It looks like a beautiful place.

I'm pretty sure Maddie hated her parents and faked her own disappearance. Look how fucking unlikeable they are.

fp unironically bp

>so they put her somewhere. a fridge

Yeah whenever my kid gets hurt first thing I do is stuff him in a fridge. Just in case someone thinks I murdered him.

And I don't think portugese cavader dogs are 100% reliable

>And I don't think portugese cavader dogs are 100% reliable
Imagine baiting this hard

Their children were exhausted from being taken sailing. Why would they need to be drugged?

If the parents were found guilty of criminal negligence by having drugged their children and it leading to one of their deaths then their medical licenses would have been revoked, their social circle would ostracize them, and their lives as they knew it would be over

Only cost £11 million of public money to keep them invited to dinner parties

Worth it.

>Yeah whenever my kid gets hurt first thing I do is stuff him in a fridge. Just in case someone thinks I murdered him.

I never thought of doing this. Great Idea user.

did david cameron rape maddy?

how the fuck would cadaver dogs get a scent frmo mcanns body if they had only been in town for three days, and she had seen alive like that same day. A body doesnt start decomposing that hard that fast.

Nah they did kill her if they didn’t have their friends in high places they’d be getting a length from Pedro in some shitty Portuguese prison. Do not email me about this.

Rui. Rui baby, won't you let me take you on a sea cruise. Imagine having to go to Geneva where the 7 Jews who run the world employ pedophiles to jerk off to videos of your missing child getting raped 24 hours a day and you're only allowed to see their face in agony like a blurry image captured from Hell with a special Hell camera, oh good he's still alive and in the greatest imaginable torment and they won't tell me anything else.

Maddy's mom is too busy jerking it to her perfect little genitals being all ripped up to check Geneva.

>does anyone who lose their kid go on tv, meet the queen, meet the pope, have their own country's police come in and override local police?
It became a high profile case, just like Foxy Knoxy, or the British nanny Louise Woodward in America 20 years ago. As far as I remember, she was a nobody, just middle class white girl. She could've met the pope if she was seen as a victim. Lots f anons here have made it clear why the British police would override the useless locals. Why do you need this spoonfeeding?

There was this US pre-Columbine shit where the kid seemed to see into the future many decades and thwart the narrative. That's why no one knows about it.

He wore a cowboy duster and used a lever action rifle and revolver or something. No semi-automatic assault death guns.

5 days after she went missing they decided to announce that she's easily identifiable because of her weird freak eye that pedophile cannibals praise for its "special" blood characteristics, their preferred diet. So basically they told the abductors they must kill her ages ago and she's dead. That's what's with the eye.

>Decades in a Portuguese prison.
When their lawyers would make the case that all they did was put the kids to bed and go out for a bit, with the apartment in sight? Ad the issue of whethter there would ever have been any drug test is up in the air? And they're sooo connected? No chance.

>Knox lacked the motive and wherewithal to successfully kill anyone
She looks like a psycho, though.

>her weird freak eye that pedophile cannibals praise for its "special" blood characteristics
I need a quick run down on the freak eye lore specifically

They cover the fridge theory in the 5th or 6th episode. The lead investigator, Amaral, pulled the same shit in a different case and beat a confession out of the mom. Amaral is sketchy as fuck and I wouldn't be surprised if is involved in the series of abductions in the area.

I imagine there's ways to get rid of your kid that are much more simple than taking it on a tourist trip to another country and then making it disappear.
The logistics of it and covering of tracks and removing evidence would be too much for a random couple of normies.
And if they were up to some freaky shit it would already surface.

Most likely some local human traffickers saw an easy target and nabbed the kid and shuttled it off hundreds of miles away before the parents even know she's missing.

Documentary spends 30 seconds on the fact that the Portuguese government sponsored a program of industrialized international child sex tourism from within their state foster care system, outsourced to millionaire Americans who go unnamed.

Someone probably saw her eye and got greedy as opposed to fucking up

It does send the message to Johnny Foreigner that you should leave Brits well alone.

It's true enough, even her lame GP mom couldn't be coaxed into working more than 3 months a year.

>Defending in BOTH cases
>Somehow contrarian

He killed his cheating wife and her lover crime of passion not premeditated murder

protip : a couple of normies in shock would never come up with a bulletproof plan in such a short amount of time to dispose of their own kid's body that died tragically

even if somehow cold logical reasoning kicked in instead of them freaking out from shock, they'd have to BOTH agree to dispose of their own kid's body like a piece of trash, never to be found again and do so without trace and all that in a foreign land where they're barely familair with the location and so on

It just doesn't add up.

They exported a bunch of those to Rhode Island. Their daughters are now whores as well.

This lmao, she's a sex slave in North Africa somewhere now

Like little Rui

You don’t know shit stop posting

Counteract via dingo baby

This is probably the most likely thing that happened. Not that I don't think her parents were involved in pedophilia and selling their drugged daughter off to rich pedophiles, it explains why the Podestas were in town, it explains why her parents were in correspondence with Clement Freud and why traces of her dna was found buried in his property.

A case in Canada comes to mind, where a gay porno actor committed a livestreamed atrocity upon his lover. He of course ate the man alive on camera, devouring his viscera, drinking his blood for the Satanic nourishment that only the truly genius can appreciate and the insane lament. His screams only seemed to make the man hungrier, thirstier for his blood. This is possibly the only known public photographic evidence of these Elite blood orgies, as he choked down his still-alive lover's vital organs like the Lawnmower Man slurping up grass. That guy was a real jerk!

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Ftw because I’m a mom

Also — any of these eurofags know how to interrogate witnesses using tools such as lie detector tests? Good cop/bad cop? Why am I feeling like Americans might have dealt with this shit better?

It really is but the Africans that hang around trying to sell you crap get annoying at times

Karl Pilkington makes me want to go to every single dirt island and coast in Portugal and Spain and hate every second of it and fucking love it. It's way cheaper to fly there for UK Bozos though.

I believe they can do exactly that. Bodies put out a VERY distinctive odor quite soon after death. Humans can smell a dead body within half an hour — dogs can smell them 10 minutes after, I’ve heard even 5. That’s normal dogs. Trained cadaver dogs can smell them almost immediately after death and up to ten years later.

/pol/fags are literally retarded.

Because you're a brainwashed normie soccer mom who thinks getting people to manufacture false statements is good police work.

Nah he’s into fucking animal corpses

Pay attention, the dog is trained to alert on human blood and to not alert to corpse smell. It alerts to the spot by the couch, the doll, the car trunk (boot in UK talk). If you know dogs you'll see it alert way before he tells you it's alerting. It's a smell hound. The oscillation frequency of the tail is the first indication, the pointing with the nose is only second.

that would make the documentary 10/10

You’re talking about Magnotta the chink he killed was already dead when he tries eating him he was just a deranged fag who wanted to be famous

Lie detectors are not reliable and no sane legal system allows them to be used as evidence

>t. Albert Fish

There were two dogs, a blood dog and a cadaver dog. They both indicated on the same two spots inside of the apartment.

It's 2 dogs, they work in tandem. Eddie is a corpse and blood sniffer while Keela sniffs out blood to double check.

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Be honest, would you actually rely on a dog to solve your murder?

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qt doggos

They are.
>success rate of 99%
>hasn't failed in 200 cases
>worked with the FBI
>one of scotland yard's most prizes assets
Yeah I trust Eddie over the McCanns

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what breed?

because white people literally hate themselves, their families, and their species as a whole. there is a reason so many whites kill themselves, overdose on drugs, and commit acts of terrorism.

Do britbongs hold animosity towards the Portuguese because of this?

>lie detector
>Good cop/bad cop
Sound fucking examples of good police work, go back to watching movies

No. Some of us (not me) just hate all foreigners.

Woof justice is better than none.

Yes, according to the police dog that smelt blood in the boot of their car.
And the fact Kate REFUSED to answer like 50+ questions.

They are guilty as fuck for something.
At the very least they should have been put in jail for negligence for leaving her alone in a room whilst they went out to get pissed.

English springer spaniel

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Why did this case blow up as much as it did?

The girl was Caucasian, blonde, and cute

They were BFFs with the prime minister I think

>Cute kid, Gerry. Can I have a go, mate?

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I have said from the beginning it was the parents and I still believe it now.

The public crave justice

>They literally fucked her to death



Black people did, now not so much
and it was more the prosecution bungling the fuck out of the case

>trusting a human memory which have been proven to be flawed most of the time over a dog's nose

Of fucking course I would.

Welcome to Yea Forums newfriend

I can't watch jeopardy anymore

>Welcome to Yea Forums newfriend

Eye of Pedorus

Here you go, new friend

It's Heather O'Rourke, from poltergeist


Reminder that we're still one of the safest countries in the world
>*dabs safely*

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Podesta! You think you're hot shit don'cha?

thanks, babe.

probably one of the dumbest as well.

Dogs can't lie

Just remember, McKenna wasn't in ready player one because she's a good actor.


>safer than Spain
Based and Toalhapilled

>all that early stuff about the pedo club for the wealthy and elites in Portugal

Bill Hicks was right all along. Interdimensional child molesters.

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i havent watched the doc but will this improve the market value of the two properties I own in algarve to the normie market or decrease it?

most certainly decrease it.

Decrease it. The reporter and chief both admit that Algarve is a major port for human trafficking in Europe.

increase it, all the perverts will want to go there

Please kys

Alfred Molina did nothing wrong.

While it's true that the sketches were put out as two different sketches of the same person, the one on the left especially was clearly made from blurring and removing glasses from a picture of John Podesta. Maybe someone wanted to frame the Podestas, maybe someone suspected the Podestas, but to act like the sketches are a coincidence is pretty dumb when the Podestas have a place in the area where she disappeared and were friends with confirmed kid rapist Sir Clement Freud who also interacted with the parents.

For a netflix doc this documentary is pretty fair. It's more biased to making them seem innocent of course but it does present opposing arguments frequently throughout the show.

there are chemicals that dogs can detect by inhaling a single molecule, and not necessarily large molecules, either

but the dogs can also be trained to signal whenever a cop wants, too

There are some really shady idiots supposedly training police sniffing dogs, but well trained ones handled by people actually looking for the truth could theoretically meet or exceed 99% accuracy, because dogs are definitely capable of detecting blood in a spot where it's been wiped to being undetectable to human eyes or noses.

Actually still a more believable story than the official one.


>white people killing their kids

In other news water is wet.

In the UK they allow pedo rings so I guess is not much concern to them.

>In the UK they allow pedo rings
what the fuck!? why are brits so heartless?

why do you think south america is like it is now rather than being Incan or Mayan? because it was colonized by the Spanish and Portuguese. Think, dipshit.

t. José
no one cares about your shitty history or countries, faggot lmao.

>why are brits so heartless?

Funny enough there's another documentary on Netflix about Brits explaining why they're heartless pricks.

They aren't geiger counters but they can detect even a single molecule of some substances. If they are properly trained, they are reliable. But there are a lot of fake trainers that sell shitty dogs to cops looking for real dogs. And I don't have to tell you that there are cops that intentionally misuse dogs.

doesn't italy make ferraris?

Of course

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some real bad shit could be happening in greenland and no one would know

Whats it called

wtf would Spacey be watching a girl for?

exactly, people lie to pollsters. I know I do.

fake scientists that are brothers who spew pomo gobbeldygook and are famous for looking ugly

what's she got to do with Trebek?

Very British Problems

Eddie and Keela at work

The 48 questions Kate didn't answer

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bump for sweet maddie's soul.

the dogs are cute

i am not so fussed about the blood dog barking, it's a holiday home and so many people have probably stayed there that i assume as some point someone has gotten blood somewhere. nosebleed or a cut or something.

but the cadaver dog pretty much seals it

>there are dogs that have achieved more than I ever will
I don't know how to feel about this

meow meow

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It happened on the jeopardy soundstage


Fuck that journalist who turned the spotlight on Murat lol

Libellous bitch

Earlier in the documentary it said they were trying to get pregnant so I'm wondering if Maddie isn't even her father's but a child of one of the elite. Either that or one of the elite's sperm got mixed up in the system and she ended up birthing the child.

Simple as.

He did it so..

vampiric elite feeding off the blood of special children is a pretty fucking funny theory not gonna lie

I was thinking the fatter one looked a little bit like the McCann's PR guy who was strangely very smiley throughout an otherwise somber documentary.

>love gossipy true crime shit

Fucking hell I'm becoming a boomer.

Why do people say this everytime?

Not once has anybody saying this provided a source that it was actually supposed to be two different interpretations of 1 person.

Could you provide a source?

he's a DNC shill, just ignore him.
he says the same shit in every McCann thread.

It is pretty interesting. I like the podcasts Casefile and last podcast on the left. They really got me into it

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Best analysis of this case is True Crime Garage.

The cops, yes.

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The prosecution having an excellent 'OMG - racist' figure didn't help.

This a new Dockino?

You're a literal retard brainwashed by chekists if you believe this shit. meanwhile in reality Drump's campaign chairman is going to real jail in the real world for real crimes and conspiring with real Russians

This is the dumbest shit
>No smell on the bed she supposedly died on.
What they hid her in the closet and then tossed her out two different windows twice just for kicks?

>millionaire finds a photo of a girl that looks just like your daughter
>he calls you up and asks if you want him to go look for her in that country
>say yes and don't ask if you can go to because he's a millionaire and can easily afford to buy a ticket for you

If she was so intent on finding her daughter, she sure doesn't take every chance she gets.

I’m talking about the use of lie detectors (pseudoscience) as a psychological mind-fuck. No, they shouldn’t be used in a court room.

The parents are deeply weird. Something is very off about their behavior. The clutching of the child’s toy (a piece of evidence) is particularly off-putting. The husband just comes off as an asshole.

>10 socialists credit points added to your profile!

It's the posh lot.

She was ritually raped, tortured and MK Ultra'd and now has become an alternate personality hollywood poster child for occult child abuse.

"Ziegler" is a jewish name meaning "brick maker".

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