ITT: movies that everyone told you was really bad but turned out to be shockingly good

ITT: movies that everyone told you was really bad but turned out to be shockingly good.

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It was better than First Class anyway, which was a movie that everyone told me was good and it turned out to be garbage

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this movie was really intriguing

It felt like there was tons more lore behind it than there really was. Which was upsetting.

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Master of Disguise.

london has fallen

>tfw no friends
Yea Forums told me BR 2049 was bad.

That movie sucked but it was worth it for the scene with Fassbender in the bar with the old Nazis.

Music made the movie. Fassbender pushing a coin through Bacon's head wasn't half bad either.

Dubs of truth.
Honestly, good movie, just a bit too weird. If it weren't for the controversial Luke's characterization people would unconditionally call it kino.

Fuck no they wouldn't. It sucked dick. Luke acting like Luke would've been a step in the right direction, but it's got a shitload of other problems.


Pic very related. Scorpion King was great.

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That was pretty fun

This is terrible just because of false advertising

Not a movie but still

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The greatest Australian kino

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Very underrated superhero flick, the sequel was a dumpster fire though

Recently dethroned of that title


false, pic related is the GOAT

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Scorpion King is sword and sorcery fun, one of the very rare more modern ones that works and captures the spirit of the genre.

Pic related, this movie seems like a pretty honest effort. I had heard it was originally supposed to be quite different and the crew was forcing themselves to not go full Guy Ritchie, but they ended up doing so because it felt right. It has problems, to be sure, but it's fucking fun.

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same here, one of my friends tries to defend first class but hates on apocalypse

second this

Hudson Hawk is a fucking classic and everyone needs to see it.

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Bullshit it really is a shit movie and you must have shit taste.
Now this was actually good. Only anti-Moore bonds fans dislike it because it definitely took a turn for campiness in that era of Bond. Doesn't make it bad though.

Hating Moore is so popular these days, it's pretty sad. The criticism I hear the most about Golden Gun is that the tone is inconsistent, but I've yet to see a good argument as to why an "inconsistent tone" is inherently bad. So it's a mix of comedy and serious spy thriller, big fucking deal.

I love all the 007 movies, with Connery being my favorite, but you can't really blame people for disliking a comedy filled Bond movie. Moore was great for the role, but the writers were retarded to try and make a clown out of him with some of the dumb scenes they had.

Moore wasn't a clown at all in Golden Gun, the way he is written is shockingly serious and mean considering Moore's reputation as "Clown Bond." Most of the comedy comes from other characters, not Bond. Honestly even in other films from the Moore era, Bond is treated fairly seriously as a character. Even the scene in Octopussy where Bond literally dresses up as a clown, it's not played for laughs it's actually quite tense

I watched it shortly after Batman v Superman and civil war so yeah it was more entertaining

The solar ray thing was dumb. Otherwise a good movie.

This. Such a great fucking movie.


You're right that Moore himself wasn't exactly the comedy, but the movies themselves definitely were full on campfest. Live and Let Die had the dumbest villain death, Octopussy had the badly inserted flute sound effect during the car chase, and the entirety of Moonraker with anything Jaws. Campiness doesn't belong in Bond damnit.

Bond had camp in it from the very beginning. Fighting a villain over an open nuclear reactor? Korean henchmen that kill people with their hat? Giant underwater battles between Spectre agents and the US government? Bond getting plastic surgery to pretend to be Japanese? These are all camp as fuck.

for me, it's (pic related)

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Well to me it wasn't as cheesy I suppose. Shits on a scale and in my opinion it went a little heavy. At least it never got as bad as Tomorrow Never Dies levels.

Meh...casual fans liked it, but hardcore fans know its trash in comparison to the original. Not even gonna bother talking about the trash cgi.

The Moore films were a bit cheesier, but not as cheesy as they are accused of being, imo. I feel that it must be a case of confirmation bias, people go into the Moore era already having been told that he is silly and stupid and so in their minds they exaggerate what they are seeing. Moonraker was really the only one that went full camp-fest.

>At least it never got as bad as Tomorrow Never Dies levels.
The problem with TND wasn't so much the camp as it was how generic and unoriginal it was. Just a complete copy of the Lewis Gilbert films with all the flavor removed

Agreed, the original truly is the best

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>room full of people talking over each other constantly the movie

It's called screwball dialogue and it's an acquired taste, watch more classics

i made it this far in the original. laughed, stopped then deleted it.

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I was just poking fun, but john carpenters definitely is superior. If you disagree, I'll beat your ass nerd.

I'm just a far bigger fan of Howard Hawks than I am of Carpenter. I concede that the Carpenter version is objectively better, but I find myself watching the Hawks version more often. It's comfy

>slut-seeking missile

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I unironically like it. You just don't get it. Its a parody like Scary Movie or those Leslie Neilson spy movies. Don't go into expecting dry witty snarky humor like in the original moves. Its a dumb campy movie with equally dumb characters being put in wacky cringey situations.

>round globe earth


Not based