So who killed Hae min lee?
So who killed Hae min lee?
I turned on the original podcast but I fell asleep during the first episode while listening to the woman.
Adnan Syed.
>not an unsolved crime
Why bother?
sarah has a hot voice desu
is the show any good?
why is it that whenever an Asian woman dates outside her race, she gets killed?
case closed boys
His friend is trying to get him out of jail.
How can he have so much influence to be able to do shit like this?
his cousin is a lawyer iirc and she's trying to get him out which is obviously never happening
i think he was black though so accusing a black man of murdering a random Asian woman would be racist. It was probably a white guy who was in the KKK.
>So who killed Hae min lee?
Hmmmm I wonder.
>adnan syed
her ex before adnan
Man I could just never bring myself to give a FUCK about this dude or his case
adnan sneed
shame about her fucking face
>Falsely accuse a dead pop star
>Try to exonerate a convicted murderer
What the hell is HBO's problem?
wait for their Elizabeth holmes docu on monday
rabia chaudry fucking sucks.
That fat piece of shit Don obviously.
mj did that shit
Are they defending her?