Jesus fucking Christ this was scarier than any horror I've seen

Jesus fucking Christ this was scarier than any horror I've seen

Attached: Alex Honnold.jpg (1920x1080, 1.1M)

Other urls found in this thread:

>white people

Yeah. Free Solo was also better than Solo.

As someone who climbs rocks myself, people like this are just retarded. It's the same as a professional stunt man doing his thing with out any helmet or safety gear, stupid attention seeking.

As somebody who hates heights , I found it strangely without much tension. You knew in advance he wasn't going to fall.

It did seem like an attention whore kind of movie.

this x1000

They've been doing insane PR for it. Honnold was walking around during the Oscars doing interviews and everything. He even met Taylor Swift and she said she enjoyed the movie. I see a future in Hollywood for him

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he's literally just hanging onto rocks. what's the big deal
>but DUDE he's really high up too
so are birds

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It was kino when captain Kirk did it in Star Trek V

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it doesn't really matter to me that he's an attention whore, watching him do that has been more exciting than anything else mountain climbing related

He meticulously planned out the route down to the last detail. Every crag and pebble mapped out, every change in weather. This was far from a haphazard climb.

does anyone else get a painful tingle in hands and feet when watching someone climb heights?

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Give me the whole enchilada. What is this?

i dont believe that you actually climb

Are out there singlehandedly eliminating 49 of you cockroaches.

I climbed out of bed this morning, where's my movie

I see a future of him falling to his death. Not even memeing, and I actually like Alex. His bravery is incredible, but almost all those free solo guys end up falling eventually.


It's not a matter of "if"

inb4 seething denial brit comes in posting about his ascent of El Capitan was actually through a hiking trail

risking death probably makes him feel alive. dude is autistic probably looks at regular 9-5 people like drones

autist climbs a 3000ft (1km) vertical rock wall with no safety ropes.

>are natural explorers, innovative, and the smartest of all humans

"rock climbing in movies isn't realistic"

wonderful insight

He's probably not gonna solo again for years, if ever. He's clearly settling in after a decade of climbing and living in a van, and is happy for it all to finally pay off and to have a house and potential life partner in his girlfriend. I've read unverified speculative sources that the film and sponsorships have made him a millionaire. On top of that, he's funneling money to his non-profit, so has huge tax breaks.

guys like that don't settle in

anyone got a link or something?

He has black hair and black eyes. Therefore he is not white and that’s a good thing because most inventors and geniuses have all been hazel eyed and haired and we don’t want them associating with retarded blondies.

>mentions having a family in recent interviews when asked about the future
Think again.

Attached: Free_Solo-injury.webm (640x344, 2.99M)

this dude probably got an inch shorter because of all of this.

>using special sticky powder

>trusting a woman with your life

yeah he's been doing it just to make this documentary to get attention. fucking sheltered retards

i loved how autistic he was and how terrible his relationship with his gf was
literally all he cared about was his next climb and she doesn't even give a shit
an absolute basic thot just hanging onto the chad autist who is 1000% more interested in doing a stupid dangerous climb up some rocks than her

i love when he finished and he doesn't even seem to have any euphoria he's just like 'what's next then'

I had 2 compression fractures just like him, in about the same place, and I did get about half an inch shorter

Is the Dawn Wall any good? Seems to be getting similar critic and user reviews but isn't getting even half the press or awards?

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He supplied the rope, he should have known it was too short, and should have tied a knot to stop it running out.

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Yeah I get that too

Whenever I see anyone high up especially on top of a skyscraper I feel dizzy and a little sick

imagine looking at a mountain and just having strong urges to climb it without any reason to. and after you finish a climb you feel nothing until you see another mountain and then the urges creep up again

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>life insurance
>wait in the wings for the inevitable fall and death
hmm i wonder why she is with him

Yes. It's a completely different film, actually about persistence and climbing as a sport rather than "muh danger" and other melodrama. Reminder that the route Honnold climbed is the easiest route on El Capitan, and anyone can climb it with ropes.

dudes based as fuck albeit a little bit retarded

It's scary to think about it, anything can go wrong at any possible second, you could slip or you're holding into something that isn't solid as you thought. As much confidence and mental prowess that it takes it's a bad idea to do this kind of shit unless you have nothing to lose I wonder if he has any relatives, though.

wow, a mediocre family with mainstream products. Guess they should be out there killing infidels, huh Ahmed?

You guys should read kikou no hitou. Goes more in-depth on the autism required to climb. It's also really fucking good.

Are you a woman?

that's autism for ya
instead of playing vidya for hours each day he just climbs mountains, trapped in the cycle of habit that clearly doesn't bring joy anymore

Great argument. Too bad there aren't any unflattering pictures of non-whites out there or I'd totally post one.

Getting a direct shot of adrenaline would have been safer and more convenient, no?

Go put hot sauce on your pig knuckles.

>he's Jewish
Ruined the movie for me

In proportion to population?

you're either a woman or a beta fag

birds can fly if they fall

Well thank god he doesn't have an urge to kill people and just wants to climb

>one of the greatest physical achievements in human history

>this is just attention seeking
this comes from people who never achieved anything

It's terrifying that something as mundane as losing a shoe would completely fuck you.

Yeah, that relationship is doomed. The guy's in love with climbing, not women. Also, that Caldwell cunt was fucking insufferable and I hope he falls off a mountain.

I talked to a pro kayak guide about someone who kayaked from san diego to hawaii, after I said something positive about the guy he told me
>who would kayak to hawaii?
>somebody anyone would miss?

I just feel like it's one thing to do something that no else has ever been able to do, and something else entirely to do something that people not only can't do but WOULDN'T do even if they could.

Not to take away from the "achievement", but it doesn't really achieve anything other than to push a boundary that pretty much no one has ever cared about pushing.

Hey now, I won a drawing contest in elementary school. Can this faggot say the same? I think not.

I stopped climbing mountains when I developed agoraphobia that made me more afraid of falling up into the open sky than down to earth. The idea of gravity ceasing to affect you while you're standing on a summit or in a wide-open field and you falling up into space where you freeze and your body can't be recovered really gives me the willies

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Hahahahaha silly goy

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weak b8


So stupid. I wouldn't be able to watch or take part if I was that crew.

Damn, that's infuriating. He should've broken up with her immediatly.

>edgy mass murder is funny xd

all the greatest explorers were meds

>tfw 2 autists meet

I thought I was the only one that got this feeling in wide open spaces like that. Freaks me the hell out.

Yes, I just opened the OP picture and I felt this odd painful sensation in my soles, then I watched the video and now I hands are sweating.



You gotta watch the movie dude. It's un-fucking real.

Indo euro meds are white ya dingus

Dude, get out of Australia. Get on the right side of the planet and you won't have to worry about that shit.

what's so scary about it? you know he won't fall and die

it would be scary to watch it live

>movie wins Oscar because one dude climbs rocks
>they thank women of color

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I'm sick of hearing from this guy. What he did was obviously hard, but I don't care about literally anything a guy who climbs rocks and lives in a van has to say about anything, especially politics.

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fuck brainlet. You are probably alt-kike anyway.

t. non-white

Doesn't matter. But if you don't have anything else to go in your life.

You tried calling me a brainlet, and you can't even speak English. Stop replying to my posts.

>too stupid to understand the meaning behind the rope
Do you check your brain at the door when you become a rock climber?

You haven't achieved anything in life yet, let alone physically worked out. Otherwise, you wouldn't resort to inane drivel on a board about television, in a thread about a chad climbing a mountain. Pathetic of you söyboy.

Just off yourself, discord tranny.

infectious shingles is better than Solo

Are you a woman by any chance? You act hysteric for no apparent reason.

Ummm actually he like doesn't exist and shit


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Yes it's a good movie. Obviously not quite as tense or as much of a spectacle, but the main two guys seemed like good bros.


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watch meru

What's wrong with that badge, lmao? I'm guessing everything is meant for climbing for him.

They go into a lot of detail about what motivates him in the film. He doesn't seem to care whether the climb is filmed or not, in fact there are parts where it's clear he'd prefer it not be filmed. He didn't seem like an attention seeker at all.

Never relax around them they’ll shoot you up

He's sponsored by North Face and they made him a custom Tux


The worst part was his roastie gf who is trying to turn him into a normie.

>He has black hair and black eyes. Therefore he is not white
strange gatekeeping, but okey.

I just watched it. Fuck me

>t. basedboy pussy or mudshit

he wasn't trying to be funny

I love that feeling. Take me to heaven Jesus, I'm ready for the apocalypse

how do they get down? don't tell me they also climb down.

>doubling down

there's a hike from the top that takes about 2 hours to the bottom


fuck his attention whoring girlfriend. Hate how they shoehorned her in to form some kind of drama. Fuck off bitch!

hashtag not all whites

Jews are white, dumbass.

fuck off dummy

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Weak minded. Easily manipulated. Pathetic.

what a cHUNT

captain kirk is climbing a mountain

...why is he climbing a mountain?!

>Sperg uses radioactive spider powder to handily scale Big BIG rock
Whoa, so impressed by this godless male feminist robot

fyi, his route is a hiking trail just to put in perspective

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he's caught the scent of quim and is chasing it down ... duh

that's what a family looks like nigger, remember it embrace it

Agreed. He’ll fall and die eventually

he looks like an alien

Jews are the smartest actually.

Insubordinate. Churlish.

Explain this

Dude. Freerider (the route) is 5.12+, I've climbed for 10 years and I can't climb that hard. If you go to a climbing gym on any given day, about 0.01% of the people there would be able to climb at that level. It's also sustained for 3000 fucking ft.

>being a faggot

I get a strange tingling sensation in my balls

Nice, I was hoping some fag who can barely climb a set of stairs would chime in with his opinion.

>get a gf
>get 2 injuries in a row while she's present
>get her go away to achieve the mountain climbing


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>my hands get tired from using power tools
>this guy is holding his weight for hours climbing a vertical rocky surface with no problem

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she's trying to kill him for life insurance money

what does he do if it starts to rain?

but she's petite and cute ~uguu

so (((they))) keep saying

I have frequent dreams about being on the top floor of a tall building and the floor starts to get really soft or the building wobbles or I get really dizzy and can’t walk lol

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That's why you have a partner to cover your shit but he fucked up and made the mistake of trusting a woman with his life.

This guy is absolutely based and everyone who shits on him is jelly

The markup on that picture is insane. I can't even be mad because they're out enough money that I don't have to be.

Maybe he's really addicted to the adrenaline rush but free climbers tend to have a reputation as "the most badass" and they're always pushing their stunts like Alain Robert.

If it makes you feel better the chance of that happening is like 1 in 1000


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Yeah we do the amazing things, niggers and muslims just kill each other for no reason.

lame. its actually like only 3 stories high but the fish eye lens exaggerates it

editing, think reality show. Whatever you want to believe just don't get brainwashed by a bias doc.

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49 confirmed kills

Apparently most of rock climbing is done with leg strength but it's still fucking crazy.

what a retarded cuck

holstering your dick in a cunnie doesn't make you not impulsive and crazy. This should be real obvious.

lol in your dreams

Nah, it’s explained that if he ever feels an adrenaline rush while free solo climbing, at that point he’s fucked because he’ll loose his cool. He seems to genuinely enjoy climbing and does it to push himself

Is your bed unusually high off the floor?


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Fucking amateur

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>turning down free money to explain your favorite sport on a hollywood backdrop
he didn't make this by himself

that's zoomer thinking

There's an actual lack of a certain chemical or some shit which causes dear. Some people that do crazy shit like extreme sports and whatnot literally do not feel fear and many of them die at a young age as a result.

Because it was there.

El Capitan is technically a vertical rock formation. To find out why, you'll have to watch the movie. because it's there. also the name is a pun

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Got em

>You can still climb and have a life with me at the same time

Women can't ever understand the type of passion peopleike this have for the climbing. I was in a band and everytime the relationship got to being somewhat serious they always tried to pull me back a bit to spend more time with them. They can't understand the passion and love someone has for something other than them. This exact scene was exactly like several conversations I had before and I wouldn't be surprised if this bitch fucked up on purpose in an attempt to sabotage him.

Don't joke man. That's how my grandpa died. He was out mowing his lawn and just took off into the sky never to be seen again.

Life insurance doesn't cover this shit or sky dives

does no one get this reference

I used to get sweaty in the palms, but now I think it’s the alcoholism

I just watched that today. It doesn't have the danger factor but some of the most respected climbers of all time were creaming their pants over the fact that they pulled it off. There were literally many spots where the mountain was straight up and theyre grabbing on to little nubs no bigger than a pea and traversing 300 feet. So it's pretty incredible. Also the main guy has a pretty interesting backstory that they talk about for the first 20 minutes that I actually found more interesting than the climb.

thanks for the response user

Average Pissraeli IQ is sub-100

Not gonna lie, whenever I’m falling asleep I picture myself climbing like this guy and it scares the fuck out of me

He started free soloing because he is an autist who didn't have friends and he loved climbing. So he just went by himself. He's a loner. He says this in the movie if any of you actually bothered to watch it.

because star trek V

>specialized powder that costs thousands of dollars per gram the average person can't afford
>free solo

yeah no

Are you retarded or is this a joke

95% of the 4 hour route is easy-peasy:
>The most difficult route Honnold has completed with ropes was rated 5.14c and without ropes was 5.13b.
>Adam Ondra and Chris Sharma are the best sport climbers (shorter climbs with ropes) on the planet
>Honnold is still an incredibly strong climber, but to put it in perspective, there are a few hundred people on this planet that can climb 5.14c. There are only about a dozen that can climb 5.15a and only 2 (the two in this video) that climb 5.15c.
Really puts things into perspective. Honnold is a fraud, the doc was a glorified Redbull GoPro ad. Honnold doesn't even qualify for the Olympics, he's that bad. There are teenagers right now who can climb harder routes than Honnold has ever completed. You literally can't fall in the crack even if you tried, zero danger of slipping if you wedge yourself in. That's why they cut out all of the actual climbing footage from the documentary, there was nothing to show besides the initial wall and the karate kick.

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I'll watch this when someone makes a cut without the relationship bullshit. That cringe fucking oscar speech really turned me off from watching it.

to hug the mountain... to ENVELOP that mountain

whats crazy is that that's probably easier to climb than some of the rock climbing gym courses

>niggers are so intimidated by the concept of a nuclear familly that they try to make fun of it

Are you a dumbass? Seriously, how could you ever compare a gym to a 3,000 foot cliff face? The psychological impact alone is night and day and that in itself surpasses any gym.

>revolts against all masters

yeah, that's a mark of a very bad person for sure.

is that a bible with an apple logo on it?

im not talking about psychology faggot, i'm talking about his training and the rock formation there. It's much easier to grip that, than some plastic mounds

Well you stupid fuck, it doesn’t matter how easy the actual route is when compared to plastic mounds because those same plastic mounds aren’t suspended thousands of feet above the ground

stop obsessing about the height and psychology, we understand it's scary you faggot. I'm saying it's physiologically easier to climb this, then to practice on difficult rock climbing courses.

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My hands were sweating non stop the entire time. I can't say I enjoyed it, I was too tense.

>Honnold is a fraud
>There are teenagers right now who can climb harder routes than Honnold has ever completed
free climbing? I doubt it
If they are/were people out there capable of doing what Honnold did and does they would do it.

Him being the first to solo climb El Cap is proof of that, you fucking gaslighting arm chair expert

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What the movie? I've yet to see "what if he falls" but I did watch this on yt

Free soloing isn't hard. It only greatly increases your risks of death, but the route is the same. Honnold practices every hold, every movement, the only hard part was the mental preparation.

You can’t fucking divorce the height and psychology of it from the climb itself, stop fucking trying you stupid fucking retard. That makes it more difficult, end of story.

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>attacking peaceful places of congregating

whites are such chimp niggers. they should sterilized white males already

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>haha whoopsie!

then if it isn't hard other people should do itt
his arguement is invalidated by him being the first to free solo entire routes and climbs

>they get married and he buys a new house
>she "slips up" on the rope and collects all his assets on his death

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First, you're a retard. Free Solo is objectively the best climbing movie made to date, surpassing Meru, Touching the Void, Hard Grit and The Eiger Sanction.
Second, noone claims Honnold is the best or strongest climber, he's the boldest climber. Climbing is a combination of Athletic Strength, Technique and Boldness. You can't be good unless you're proficient in each, and different people excel at different aspects.

>have children
>honnold keeps on running off and refuses to grow up and raise a family
>she does what's necessary to ground him
Literally nothing wrong.

>surpassing Meru
Wrong. I'd like to see Honnold have to deal with trench foot.

i'm glad

>and should have tied a knot to stop it running out.
there is no accident
only incompetence

he who denies it, supplies it

See: A Line Across the Sky. Being a bold mofo makes you a great alpinist.

>Expect to see a movie about an epic climb.
>Turns out 90% of the movie is about a tryhard autist and his terrible relationship with a heavily co-dependent dimwitted chick.
>Most of the actual climbing is brushed off and they mostly show the start, skip to a bit in the middle and go straight for the ending in a few minutes.

This was terrible.

>magic sticky powder
>sticky grip shoes

wow so good

lol and notice how she didn't take any of the blame as well

Agreed, fuck this dumb faggot

>does what's necessary to ground him
I laughed but that's still fucked

every time i see this shit my hands and feet sweat eternally

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solo will be dead within the year. calling it.

And when that happens, he will finally be truly... free.

Have sex

dumb bitch doesn't even seem sorry

>dumb bitch doesn't even seem sorry

Who the fuck cares, man. You don't put your fucking life in the hands of such a cunt. What the fuck was he thinking?

Attached: Better than Solo 2018.jpg (339x475, 40K)

Okay, you cunts. You made me find it:

Film was pretty good, tense as hell.
The guy is a fucking autistic dickhead though.

rest in peace gramps

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Well that's what they invited him for, to make a video debunking rock climbing scenes

>He wants to stay on earth

the fuck is your problem?

not a hiking trail. rock climbers carry up tents and set them up in crazy places like this. they also set up tents literally hanging in the air on the side of the wall as well.

would have been classic if his girlfriend then left him because he now a manlet but i think he's rich and famous now so she'll probably stay. hopefully he gets a prenup though.

his Girlfriend will force him to give up climbing because thats the "proof of love" she clearly seeks from the guy.

Then she will get bored and leave him because without the climbing he is really just a very weird guy that nobody would put up with.


I liked it. Its obvious the girl is only with him for the money though. Her excuse of why she first talked to him was weird.

This is so fucking kino

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atleast post the untethered record picture you nob

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i honestly do get pretty angry whenever this thead rolls around. i get that most of you guys are joking but it still gets to me.

Joking about his eventual death?

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if you spent enough time turning your hands into claws and building up endurance i bet a lot of people could do it. the only thing missing is the retardation.

t. Mike Pence

Now post something that actually happened.

>What the fuck was he thinking?
>"I'd really like to fuck her again after I'm done climbing today"
>"So stoked."

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nah i get it too bro

>I can go climb with you honey right?
>"blogposts in her head to her girlfriends about "how wet she gets when he watches him climb"
>doesn't pay attention to life-threatening activity she's undertaking right now at all
>almost kills him be cause she's oogling his ass and concentrating on getting horny
fuck women and their stupid fake interest in shit just because they are thirsty for cock
if you have a passion and somehow get famous along the way just stick to groupies. you know they only want to get dicked. there won't be a single woman that's interested in you and your passion they all just want to fuck.
this whore almost killed a man because she tires to lie herself into an exclusive sex deal with him by faking love
what a dick move

Damn look at the size of the dudes hands


Any relation?

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This. I'm not sure what the fascination here is?
>retard climbs stuff
>because he dosen't have anything important to be doing
>then retard climbs some really tall stuff
Like wow. So does my cat, not an accomplishment. Especially for a grown man who should have long since outgrown climbing up things like a 5 year old.

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You're not an athletic person, are you?

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>shitposts I’m Yea Forums
>chastises others for not doing anything “important”

Where the fuck where the cameramen in the wide shot? There is clearly a guy filming him close at times but when they zoom out the cameraman is nowhere to be seen.

I still can't figure out who would watch someone climb a rock for 2 hours.

women are so fucking useless

he dead

those cartoonish hands get me everytime

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did you watch the movie? he's more of a libertarian than anything. in one of the interviews he basically said abortion was murder but he didnt want to tell other people how to live. The tux was made specifically for the oscars by North Face so obviously that's their politics too.

>Touching the Void,
Lets not says things you can't take back now...

It's a dig at the boarder wall

His gf is top qt

Unrelated, but sitting on a motorcycle is an immediate +5 for women's sex appeal and +10 for their ass. No matter what, sitting on a bike gives a girl a better ass. Go look for photos, it's true. If Brie did photo shoots on bikes for CM in China, she'd probably sell more tickets.