They couldn't even be bothered to get the rights to the Chemical Brothers soundtrack which is what made the film good

>They couldn't even be bothered to get the rights to the Chemical Brothers soundtrack which is what made the film good
The absolute state of Amazon Studios

Attached: hanna_amazon.jpg (800x1190, 111K)

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They couldn't even get a qt like the original

why the fuck are they remaking this?
does anything original get made anymore? everything is a remake, reboot, sequel, prequel or a re-imagining.

This without young qt Saoirse it's just a Bourne rip off with a teenage girl.

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literally soul vs soulless

Quick run up on the sitch?

The trailer for the original was the best pulp action trailer. Too bad it was nothing like the movie.

Was this the last Eurokino? It was beautiful.

The movie was so weird and unique, I can't imagine this show being any good. Wouldn't mind being wrong though.

Is the original movie actually good or has it just been like 6 years since I've seen it, guys

Nah it's much better than it had any right to be. A very special feel to it.

Why does she look like a neanderthal?

It's a great film as long as you don't think about it too hard. The visuals and music are incredible and the fight scenes are cool, the problem is that the plot is retarded as fuck. But since every other aspect of the film is top notch it ends up not being that big of a deal

Here listen to the soundtrack:

Why? It was totally forgettable

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this sounds really really... gay.

So was the 10th showing of captain marvel as good as the first?

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Watch Dirty John.

>Not superior palindromic Hannah

Fuggen dropped

How so? It works pretty great in the film

without the cute girl, what's the point?
teen albino sersha was perfection

Watched the pilot, nowhere near to the movie.

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Pale skin/ light eyes/ light hair combo is too high powerlvl for modern hollyjew.


Dirty John is fucking kino
I want a 3some with Juno Temple and Julia Garner

How lewd she get?

You too?!
I could absolutely swear the title was pallindrom as you say, spelled HANNAH. They even make mention of it in the movie. I was disappointed when I learned the Amazon title would be Hanna. But then I did a Google search and turns out it has always been Hanna.
This is the first time ever I'm experiencing what people call the Mandela effect. I guess when you're approaching 30 your brain just starts to rot slowly and this happens naturally...

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But it isn't really erotic. The first time she kisses a guy she just awkwardly jamms her tounge in his mouth and while I can see how this would turn on quite a few guys it was a turn off for me personally.
And the travelling friend she encounters is a massive thot paki girl who is about the most unlikable female specimen you could possibly imagine...

Superior genetic makeup.
There's been evidence to suggest that Neanderthals were not only more physically strong but more intelligent on average than the sapiens who invaded their European territories. The Neanderthals went extinct by being outbred.
As one says, it really makes you think, doesn't it?

>The first time she kisses a guy

The bleached hair/eyebrows combo wasn't on the script, it was a suggestion from Ronan that stayed.
Another of her suggestions: Hanna making out with her UK traveling friend.