So many Disney shills today. Let's have a Chadzam thread

So many Disney shills today. Let's have a Chadzam thread.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I love Billy

>fornite dances
>zoomer dances
>anti-white apehop music
>youtube aesthetics
>videogame sensibilities
>epicureanism as social currency inverted through solipsistic reddit fetish
>jewish actor pretending to be a christian man pretending to be a jew
>funkopop collecting betaplay signaling
>trendy stranger things executive decisions
This is a capeshit made by reddit for reddit. Regular capeshit was always bad enough but at least it didn't self consciously strain itself to have "meme moments" like this and GOTG turned it all up to 11.

Why aren't the marvel family shown even once in the trailers?

>Found the mouse shill

Child actors grow up too fast, soon they will be the same height as Zachary Levi.

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Supposed to be a surprise I guess

On user(non critic shill sites) like Letterboxd, Captain Marvel(including other Marvel shit movies and even the new Star Wars movie) and Shazam are all on user created most anticipated 2019 movie lists. All of which rank usually in the top 5 with actual films coming after or not ranked at all
Get some fucking taste or stay on Yea Forums and sites like that

Yet Yea Forums has 20+ capeshit threads up at any given time. Seems legit.

it will be objectively the best capeshit of the year
it's gonna flop, tho

A gay thread then? Not my thing.

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when is this thing released?
why is there literally zero(0) hype?

Zack Snyder will NEVER be allowed to touch another DC project. Cope, nigga

So I'm right

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Mouse shills

Also April 5th

he said he was drunk while watching captain marvel

>man I love the new captain marvel movie but the captain marvel movie that comes out in less than a month is gonna be shit

>Disney shills
this place is hardly anything but shills anymore

Case in point: this thread.

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> supporting any product means your a shill
you keep using that word but I don't think you know what it means

shoplifters is cringey bullshit

>sam raimi
he's really going to say the word

that doesn't keep you from using it on people who support marvel does it, hypocrite?

pretty sure ~75% opening posts, and more than 25% posts are unironcally made by "social media manager" shills
disney already admitted they investing more in guerrilla merketing in 2019 than in 5 previous years together

Supporting anti-art like this does

There is hardly any positive discussion of marvel movies on this site yet the Disney shill narrative is always at full force which is then used to justify talking about capeshit like this zoomer trash.

any discussion is positive, marketing wise

>Chadzam thread
>ultimate basedboy director
>ultimate basedboy star
>protects capeshit Larson and calls everybody saying anything bad about her or her movie liar
>studio hopes to not flop completely

Can we ever pick not a shitty one?

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For the comic nerds do you have any recommended Shazam reading?

These trailers make me smile every time I see them. I’m going to see the early preview, and I’m taking a whole crew with me. They’re finally going to understand why I love this character so much.

Also, I hope Billy and Freddie becomes YouTubers so successful that they can support their whole family.

all the trailers look fun. all the reviews are positive. warner seems to trust its product. chances are movie is actually good
it's gonna flop anyway

Oh fuck yes.

>with special guest-star

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this dude shilled for brie larson then marvel straight up dropped a trailer on the day early screenings for shazam was happening.What a cuck little bitch. His movie going to fail. Trying to placate big bad Disney then disney shits all over him and he's like "tank u mr didney mai ay 'ave summore?"

Me personally, I haven’t read any of the newer stuff, but my suggestion would be read up on the lore, then just pick a spot. I enjoyed the hell out of the old “The Power of Shazam!” from back in the eighties. It had comfy quasi-retro artwork, too.

>marvel straight up dropped a trailer on the day early screenings for shazam was happening.

Shazam lifted their social media embargo on Captain Marvel's premiere day.

It's all part of the hustle.

Taking the high road doesn’t make you a cuck. Having no sense of honor does.

you talk like an idiot

but marvel wasn't over here telling people to not get mad at DC. Hell Disney would have fanned the flames to make as much backlash on Shazam as possible

there's no high road defending corrupt rich beaurocrats and shitting on the little guy trying to make some noise to have their voice heard

I get to see it on the 23rd.

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I'm glad Yea Forums supports this film

Because now I know it's definitely going to bomb

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Yeah, except he didn’t defend her. He basically said, “Don’t sink to their level,” in the most tactful way possible.

>but marvel wasn't over here telling people to not get mad at DC.
Levi did that, not DC. DC just wants to flex.

>Hell Disney would have fanned the flames to make as much backlash on Shazam as possible
So would DC. It's the hustle.

cry more

lel it won't even make it's budget back will it. WW should have released this in August or wait until December.

It's going to make its budget back 4x

>but marvel wasn't over here telling people to not get mad at DC. Hell Disney would have fanned the flames to make as much backlash on Shazam as possible
because they are the bad guys

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cute :3


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I can’t wait to see what they do with the Deadly Sins.

Fucking NICE!

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WB/DC owns and operates CNN

Disney owns and operates Vice/ABC

i don't give a flying fuck about your rationalizations about those companies, Shazam might be a fun movie, but your "this or that" company bullshit doesn't actually work when both of them are garbage fires

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Sivana is so fucking based.

I like that coat.

Reddit humor:
>pushed by corporations
>safe, middle of the road, insincere, appeals to a wide variety of interest groups
>glorifies the image of the product it is pushing
>conforms to corporate and elite interests
>created by committee to sell products
>tries too hard to become a meme and in the process embed itself within the minds of consumers to sell more crap related to the franchise

Yea Forums humor:
>anonymous origins
>free, democratic, open source
>subverts corporate interests and intentions (Bane in TDKR used to attack the movie, not praise it)
>not created to push a product or message, but rather to amuse and humor individuals
>created for a specific group of enlightened users, not dumbed down for the masses
>memes are not forced by corporations, but rather become popular due to their innate appeal

>From Chad to Gigachad

it's an Arthur Dent tier coat

seriously. like do people actually think a jew in a padded suit is going to bring in numbers just because they tried to add some Deadpool humor? i don't think it will get more than 30m

Levi is DC. He never would have made that statement without prior approval from DC. In fact i wouldn't be shocked if they were the ones who told him to do it

who the fuck cares. Armie Hammer is complete trash

you seem to think WB is as much of a dystopic company as Disney

look, this is basically a hope that DC makes some money and don't give up entirely, so maybe a sliver of hope actually good shit gets made in the future.

i don't think that, i believe Disney is the Devil, and WB is Mr. Dice man

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Why is Freddy such a faggot, Mary is perfect

>Taking the high road doesn’t make you a cuck. Having no sense of honor does.

Like Captain Marvel shooting an unarmed man!!!FACT!!!

Mary is straight-up wife material.

marvelfags will be finished

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Well said.

I will never get tired of these.

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Is Black Adam the villain or did they use someone else?


Very cute

>jewish actor pretending to be a christian man pretending to be a jew
so THIS is the power of a brainlet

Sivana. We’re getting Sivana, and it appears to be the one who can see magic.

Since that user is already posting Thunderworld Adverntures, might as well post the whole thing here for my favourite superhero since I was a kid.
Here is Earth 5 Captain Marvel and the Marvel Family!

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They used someone else because Dwayne Johnson wants nothing to do with this dumpster fire

>a jew

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Nice dog

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I love how Sivana calls this shit “easy.”

mark strong
adam is next in line

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He produced it.

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This is awesome.

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Don't forget which movie made Star Wars tremble

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if they wanted that they shouldnt have cast a jew

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The only Jew here is you, shill.

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Freddie’s pretty slick.

Damn nigga I took a dump after my last post and there's 60+ new replies? Rip Captain Toe-Fungus

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i saw that tactic coming a mile away, and i still enjoyed it

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>epicureanism as social currency inverted through solipsistic reddit fetish
Explain this

I remember when you morons tried using Jumanji to say Rampage would crush Infinity War

How did that work out again? Or does your tiny goldfish memory not remember that far back?

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Still made 428 million when you said it would flop, mice
At 428 million Shazam would already be a success and Shazam is a beloved 80yo character

I like how this all has a sort of Incredibles vibe.

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Trippy af.

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is that a fake nose?

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Is that Adam Egret?

woah, Captain Marvel bleeding? i don't think i've ever seen that outside of injustice.

>35 ips

yeah nobody really cares about disney vs dc do they?

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>the wizard is white
>he's balck in the movie
oh nononononononono

>mfw I share my birthday with Dwayne.

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he's been black in the main comics for 7 years now


Well Asher Angel is Jewish, and Zachary Levi Pugh is a practising Christian who acts under the stagename Zachary Levi
for """Reasons""". So it's not an inaccurate description.

That shouldn't have happened either. I actually hadn't read any of the newer comics and mentioned the race swap in a Grace Randolph video. I think she blocked me after that.

This is Earth 5
I believe that's Prime Earth, where the New 52 is taking place from the emerging of Superman as the first hero to reveal himself to the world.

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if you put it like this then yes i can agree

And that's all folks.

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Awesome! Thank you for that. I really enjoyed it.

thanks for the dump, user

that's such a lame-ass version of Sivana, the comic in the thread has like a dozen cooler Sivanas, i HOPE this isn't the one used in the films

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it's a bit different

They uncomfortably remind me of one of those One Direction era boybands.

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Almost Heaven...

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from what ive heard he was declined by Shazam as a kid and then tried getting the powers all his life, finally succeeding
we'll see soon

Billy isn't as wholehearted as his past incarnations, when he meets the Wizard he gets rejected since he's not even pure of heart like many candidates before him.
He only then gets convinced by Billy that tells him that "There is no such thing as perfectly good people", arguing that he will never find a suitable replacement but instead sees the potential of Billy to be good.
Pretty sure this is what's going to happen in the film.

but at least he isn't as much of a prick as the new 52 version, he's just a doomer

I'm going to buy a ticket and relive my memories of watching Spider-Man in the theater, and there's nothing you can do to stop me, Disney

I think this is probably good but I won't go to see it on principle as it's capeshit

He literally ends up like the classic Sivana in the comic, which makes sense seeing how two of his kids are Stacy and Chad, while the other two are user and anonette.
He has Chad genes but he virgin curse is just too strong.

Do it for Yea Forums.

is the white mini-skirt cute little girl in the movie?

yeah but she becomes an adult when she transforms and her costume is red like originally

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Even better.

what a shame. contemporary american cinema it's in dire need of more flat chested cute little girls

Interestingly, she's one of the few female characters that Yea Forums forbids to lewd (despite the works they are portrayed in) and must be protected.
Her and Stargirl to name a few.

Yeah, very good Cap story. Too bad they never finished Multiversity. Most of them were great.


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he runs like a tard

i hope they dont kill him off

>disney tier cgi

Chadzam > Aquachad

He ends up in the loony bin with Mr Mind dabbing on him
According to spoilers from that dude that watched a couple of days ago.

That's called "true love."

Knowing this is from the seventies makes that even funnier.

Can't they both be equal Chads?

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Why does this shit make me so happy?

no, it's better

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Man the mousecucks are on full force.. Don't you have some empty cinemas to fill?



Imagine being in a deserted wasteland on a boiling day with that warm ass superhero suit and having to jump over a camera on the ground. You'd run like a tard too nigga

based Chadsis

i'd run like a t-1000 no matter the weather