WONDER WOMAN 1984 Not A Sequel. Will Be Standalone Adventure Like JAMES BOND films. DCEU DEAD

>Have you been wondering how Chris Pine's Steve Trevor returns? Well, it may not matter because it's now been revealed that the Wonder Woman follow-up isn't actually a sequel

>Jenkins] was just determined that this movie should be the next iteration of Wonder Woman but not a sequel. And she’s definitely delivering on that. It’s a completely different time frame and you’ll get a sense of what Diana-slash–Wonder Woman had been doing in the intervening years. But it’s a completely different story that we’re telling."

>stand-alone film in the same way that Indiana Jones or Bond films are, instead of one continuous story that requires many instalments."

The DCEU is dead and buried. They dont give a shit about continuity any more. BVS and JUSTice league about to be rendered non canon BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


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I'm okay with that. The story was pretty much concluded. Aries is dead. I don't give a fuck about Steve Trevor and am fine with him dead. I hope they remember to use color this time and stay far away from Hack Synder's influences.

I can't wait to see her in her cute 80s outfit, bros

Feels like it's been so long since we've had a movie series like this.

>Standalone Adventure Of Skipping Leg Day

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You losers are obsessed with superhero movies, yet you're so miserable and bitter that you take spiteful joy in the notion that they'll fail. How do you cope?

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Fucking retarded, if it has the same character and takes place after the original film, it's a sequel. These imbeciles need a dictionary

Snyder is based

So Diana is gonna be meeting Steve Trevor for the first time again? Even though they're played by the same actors?


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>80s floof hair and spandex

Star Wars "Universe"
Marvel "Universe"
DC "Universe"
grow up, have sex
some of you invest wayyyyy too much thought and effort into low grade entertainment

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I hope they keep doing this, because it sounds like a good idea. Just have all the DC movies be stand alones instead of trying to do "le EPIN XD story arc" (which is mostly just Thanos appearing for a second at the end of each film). You can still do the big team movies, but worrying about canon and shit is fucking stupid and bogs the story down. I mean, the smartest thing the FOX X-Men do is not give one shit about canon, and it works well because it means they get to try new ideas and abandon old, dumb ones. Imagine if they said "well we can't make Days of Future Past because it conflicts with X-Men Origins: Wolverine." Just dumb.

>Kristen Wiig is cheetah
>not Charlize Theron
It's over folks. This is gonna be Captain Marvel levels bad

Ok so then the third one can be about Giganta.

>caring about continuity in comic book movies
If the movie’s good who gives a shit if it doesn’t fit in with the timeline

You actually went to see Captain Marvel? What a fruit.

Carol is a killer

>lost Batman
>lost Superman
>lost Mera
>have 500 actors signed up as Joker for 1000 different films
>swaps directors all the time

It is actually good move. You can start up without A-listers (just look at phase one of marvel, that's just B-C characters) but just losing you A-listers in a process because you fucked up with contracts, ye. Better salvage what you can as standalones and wait 30 years for another go and cinematic universe after all companies in the world fuck up with those.

Imagine coming up with that and actually thinking it was a good idea to post it.

Sarah Paulson would’ve been good too.

This is what DC should have been doing since the beginning. They are way too inept to do the Marvel cinematic universe formula.

Well it's 1984. If Steve somehow survived the explosion he'd be in his 90s. I don't even understand how this is something.

Imagine coming up with that and actually thinking it was a good idea to make a picture with that sausage legs

10/10 casting

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We are obsessed with seeing them fail.

oy what appears to be the problem goyim?

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>continues to support them by going to see every single one of them

Reading must be hard for you

It's saying it is a sequel but not a direct sequel

>And she’s definitely delivering on that. It’s a completely different time frame and you’ll get a sense of what Diana-slash–Wonder Woman had been doing in the intervening years. But it’s a completely different story that we’re telling."


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Typical white boi.

But I don't.
Last one I paid for was Iron Man 3.

It better be. I'm tired of two hours trailers with Stan Lee cameos

Sure it was.

Damn, you got me, I went to watch every single one of these 2 hour long toy advertisements.


a little problem between the top of the head to the feet

they are stupid and believe people think sequels are the same thing as part 1 and 2

I know.

There's literally nothing wrong with that. Too late did I realise that the entire sequel crap was tiring in the MCU and that none of the movies could be consumed without having watched multiple other movies. Not saying that it's outright bad but it's annoying as fuck and really hinders me from showing the MCU to other people
I highly doubt the movie won't mention the first movie at all though

The vast majority of movie series are like this. Every single Marvel movie has been except infinity war. Series like LotR, Star Wars, Hungry Games, etc. where multiple movies tell one story are the exception.

>really hinders me from showing the MCU to other people
I just threw up in my mouth. How delusional are you? Everyone on the planet is watching this garbage.

>none of the movies could be consumed without having watched multiple other movies
This isn't even true, though.

Cinematic universes are a lazy gimmick that only produce bland, formulaic shit
Independent, director-driven films is the only way to go

op. we already knew the DCEU was dead, it was said months ago, then "confirmed" very recently. Why is everyone acting like "NOW the DCEU is dead!!" Its been confirmed dead for awhile now..

based in shit.

this has nothing to do with cinematic universes
they think sequel means parts of a continuous story but 90% of all sequels have always been their own story set in the same universe

gees oh fuck she is so pretty

This is actually how I largely prefer (not)sequels. I wish videogames were more like this. Then we wouldn’t always be disappointed by anticlimactic final battles

>Kristen Wiig is cheetah
you do realise that she has like 10 minutes of screen time right?

If DCEU is dead what does that mean for Birds of Prey (filming), Suicide Squad 2, Aquaman 2 and Shazam?

not connected to each other in a "cinematic universe"

What’s funny is I would kill for a 70s WW movie where she faces Dr. Cyber, and it has more of a Bond/espionage theme.

Pine as Trevor was the best part of the movie, though. Dude oozed charisma.

BoP is connected to SS while AQ is to Shz considering there are frames of news articles in the movie showing the battle of JL

who would you kill?

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The first anorexic Amazon


Trevor was good

>those disappointing quads
Just do more squat and oats bro

It's a sequel, these idiots don't know what the word "sequel" means, so they're confused and talking nonsense. It'll pretty much be part of the DCEU in the same way as Aquachad was, but instead of relying heavily on previous movies, it will just make passing references to it. It'll be it's on stand-alone adventure without requiring the viewer to have watched all previous DCEU movies. That's what they wanted to convey.

Imagine being this retarded. Tell us more


Heh there is no dceu jimbo. Accept it

Fish, and plankton, and sea greens, and proteins from the sea.

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And she probably won't be a naked hottie covered in fur.

My life is a stand-alone adventure

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Just like Aquaman was standalone right?

yeah but bringing him back totally nullifies the emotional impact of his death

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the color pallette was fine for the setting but the 80s definitely needs something more vibrant

I'm okay with them taking a Highlander approach to Wonder Woman.

God I wish they were my step mom and wife

it's time for Idris Elba to be Wonder Woman!

>stand-alone film in the same way that Indiana Jones or Bond films are,
So, just like old sequels, then.

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I'm disappointed that they fucked up the DCEU so badly, and I'm sad that Batfleck is gone, but I won't complain about getting good DC kino on a regular basis even if they aren't explicitly intertwined

Maybe in 20 years they'll try again

I can't wait!

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This picture makes me so hard
the look in her eye, you just KNOW they banged.
Gal Gadot and Lynda Carter are known to be THE best strap-on tag team in Hollywood, possibly the best in the world. Their cocks have been described as "like engine pistons", with a stroke game that would rival Lily Cade and Sinn Sage. Im estimating their sizes to be at least 13 inches insertable length, with OVER 9" of girth. they would have absolutely destroyed Patty's holes.
They would have spent hours and hours on foreplay, getting her wet enough just so she can take it. I can just imagine her begging for it, with Gal and Lynda barely able to force it past the heads, and Jenkins moaning and squirming, demanding them to force it in deeper. she would have orgasm'd within seconds of taking the entire length, being filled and stretched right up to her cervix and small intestine, her g-spot getting pounded to the rhythm of a Hewbrew darbuqh. The orgasm would have been powerful, with her vaginal muscles clamping down on Gal's gargantuan dongus while her anus chokes Lynda's magnum cock, her whole body quivering in euphoria..
I bet she still masturbates to the memory of it

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Of course the DCEU is dead. I assumed that was going to happen when Cavill and Affleck quit. They can't suddenly recast Superman and Batman between movies. That would be like showing up to see Avengers: Endgame, and Tony Stark is suddenly played by Charlie Sheen instead of RDJ.

I unironically liked that movie, it was very light and hopeful in some way, reminded me of the old Superman films.

>reading comprehension

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I've warmed on Gal. I hope WW84 is good.

shill post

is it common knowledge that Lynda Carter is Mexican?

Is anyone else disappointed the new movie is set in the 80s? Feels like a major missed opportunity.

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I'm too old to be wooed into writing bullshit on the Internet for pennies, friend.
It was really a good movie for a cape shit production.

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dceu hasnt lost shit
affleck is still present-day batman
cavill makes cameo in shazam

I absolutely see what you're going for but there's plenty to do in a 80's setting. Just imagine WW vs Black September or The Ayatollah

If they actually went there and made Muslim extremists the bad guys and had Muslim women rise up, I'd go see this movie in theaters to support the seething t b h

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That would be absolute kino. Too controversial for capeshit though.

yesh, extremist antisemites such as those Palestinians

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>doesnt like capeshit
>posts in capeshit thread

you're a cuck

>affleck is still present-day batman
Nope, Affleck himself confirmed he's done playing Batman during one of the interviews for Tripple Border movie he's starring in.

when has lack of continuity and stand alone series ever not been kino?

Gal is unironically more attractive

wtf? I love nazis now

you always post this but it'll never be true

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No shit it's not a sequel. It's still set in the past. A sequel would be set after the events of the main story.