Where were you when Netflix was kill?
Where were you when Netflix was kill?
Thanks guy from MTV2's Guy Code.
Fuck off, Schulzy's dope AF if anything he'd be able to know since he's done been in the belly of the beast... He has both outside adn insider perspective.
>Where were you when Netflix was kill?
Did you even listen to that retard? Whether he's right or not, his arguments are god damn stupid.
I watched that. That guy is a retard. He lives in a comedy world bubble. He's implying that people don't wanna watch movies and tv shows anymore.
>Netflix pays Sorkin 100 million for a show people watch for a few hours
>YouTube pays Rohan nothing to put out two hours of content per day
Except Netflix get 13 bucks per month from each of its users (ballpark 140 million) and YouTube has to pay content creators something. This guy is dumb
One of the dumbest guest I can remember.
And that's really something.
this guy makes flat-earthers seem rational.
His arguments are not that bad. The environment is changing, new players are coming in.
i think you're missing a few figures in that equation there, sonny.
So Joe finally found a guest that can make him look intelligent.
Can I get a quick rundown? I literally watch NEETflix everyday
>Schulzy's dope AF
Why do American whites talk like this?
I thought thats what all those low lvl comedians are for.
This guy manages to be even dumber than them. I'm impressed.
Some retard doesn't understand how businesses operate. The end.
Dude says Netflix will go out of business because they're 10 billion in debt and people rather watch youtube for free.
he also claims the only thing people watch on netflix is FRIENDS.
>no body watches netflix
>everybody listens to youtube content
I don't fucking fink so, mate.
He also begins by telling joe he is the modern day Letterman
Netflix is for poor people
This was probably the most stupid comment on JRE this year, and that's an accomplishment.
then it is guaranteed to be around for a really long time
Quit spamming this shit
At like $13 a month it's a bargain for (((cheap))) people like myself
why? what is there to watch besides Buster Scruggs
joe rogan still makes him look like einstein
Jojo’s bizarre adventure
Death Note
One punch man
Neon genesis evangelion (someday soon)
You gotta go back mein Bruder.
Joe isn't Carson. Probably impossible for a modern Carson
it really is a feat. We just had a 3 hour show with Alex Jones.
Hasn't Youtube been on a down slide?
Fucking yuck. Imagine respecting this giant douche faggot. You need to reexamine your life.
I dropped Netflix after that
I fucking hate all those shitty originals they keep pushing and now that everyone has a streaming service they're losing/lost a ton of shit
Everyone knows Alex Jones is an actor. This retard in OP actually believes this dumb shit.
Good episode, they talked about comedy and how the market is saturated and the ways to distribute specials now.
He's literaly right tho.
Yfw Schaub considers him top 5. Of all time.
kys pls
Amazon was massively in debt for over a decade and people said the same shit
Netflix isn't looking to make a profit yet. They are just looking to gain market share.
Its true though, the long form stuff for tv was refreshing but american tv adds too much filler and agenda. Its just not entertaining when there are thousands of hours of uncucked shit from the past.
Amazon is extremely diversified and can print money with AWS (even Netflix uses it). Netflix is very one note.
i don't even have netflix but this guy sounds retarded
so you're saying this only works at this time, right now as in say 20 years when the well starts to run dry because you've used up all the material from the 70's to 90's
Amazon has diversified you, pleb. Netflix does one thing. Their problem is people consume the content too fast. Eventually, people will just sub for a show and then unsub. Meanwhile, they pay 100mil for a show people will watch once maybe and has no way of recouping most of that post the initial watch. At least TV can sell DVDs and such still. People see the cracks starting to appear. Man, I bet people like Roger Corman really hate not having a straight to video dumping ground like Netflix in his heyday.
plus competition
HBO keeps their shit to themselves but I don't see whatt hey'll have after GoT finally dies, Disney is about to make a huge splash with Disney+, Hulu found a niche with current airing crap but now Disney is going to own them basically since they had a huge stake and just got Fox's
Amazon prime gets HBO content.
why would I listen to someone who has an 80% chance of lying about what they say?
I watch Star Trek TNG, The Last Kingdom, Berserk, The Raid Kingdom.. there's lots of stuff dude besides My Dear White People
Shitload of good stuff there.
That is maybe 1 month of content.
He’s a wigger and is a goy that looks like a Jew.
i can't stand this fucking guy. he doesn't know shit, and yet he is so committed to his own bullshit. he needs a good beating.
Yeah let's find Jamie and fuck him UP
>T. Strangerthingsfan99
Your reddit handle is showing.
>with AWS
what's that? the server thing?
>why would I listen to someone who has an 80% chance of lying about what they say?