So why isn't this in the news?

So why isn't this in the news?

Attached: legit reviews.jpg (720x720, 112K)

Oh no XDD
Marvel is making things up XDD
Shills!!! XDD

Gas all Disney shills

they've already been exposed as paying for their own movie tickets, they are finished

Because "fake reviews" and "review bombing" is only worth blaming if they're NEGATIVE reviews.


Faggots will defend this.

You'll find something like this for literally any blockbuster movie or even any twitter trend to ever happen

So how many tickets did Disney buy for this movie ?

save hex

Because one of your DC boomers slipped up

Attached: 1552098571955.png (2000x829, 819K)

you are literally the same as the wh*Toid from NZ that killed a bunch of peaceful, innocent muslims in their holy place of worship you sick fuck. Don't have sex, unironically kys

You know, if trump can get away with using russian bots, so can disney.

Right. So where are those other examples?

Play Gex


Why is op ignoring this?

Because we have ammo that goes back for years.

Attached: CF377328-0E7C-416C-9F65-4EFD38712EFF.jpg (1352x903, 385K)

>implying it's not one incel trying to push his fake narrative
Nice try, have sex.


It's the 50 cent army. They have their supervisor give them a list of phrases that they will copy paste. They even have certain go to words like what they posted here in Yea Forums.

Good thing you brought that up. Chances are that was paid for by DC fans just like the OP was

>24 people found this helpful
you can't argue with that, tho

Expected much better from those $600 million invested in social media marketing
why don't they just use an AI to change a little the wording?

Most probably a false flag
i'll make it very simple and clear: Disney marketing is just the best, wouldn't commit such a rookie mistake