Are we gonna see a live action 'Legend of Zelda' movie after 'Detective Pikachu' smashes box-office records...

Are we gonna see a live action 'Legend of Zelda' movie after 'Detective Pikachu' smashes box-office records? I wonder if we'll ever get a Nintendo cinematic universe.

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Hopefully Detective pikachu bombs, and hopefully nintendo stops allowing movies of any of their franchises.

>Nintendo cinematic universe

Bayou Billy

This needs to happens

No, since Sony has the rights to Mario and Legendary (not warner) has the rights to Pokemon.


Kino casting choice for Link, OP

>American Corporate Leftists raping the shit out of beloved franchises they don't understand or care about

Cool. Can't wait for the Star Fox movie with an abortion sub-plot and for Samus to be announced as genderqueer.

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>erasing trans characters

Nintendo please.

Or cast Samus as a black woman. Lupita Samus would be cool, but she's a bit on the smol side.

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Trannies still have Birdo

>genderqueer Samus
Tumblr is way ahead of you with this one.

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Dobson already spazzing out

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>Nintendo Cinematic Universe.
Phase 1 is pretty much money
Two movies a year:

>Mario Bros Movie written and directed by Lord & Miller
>Donkey Kong Country with the CG tech from the Planet of the Apes movies
>The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Part 1 (ends with Kid Link raising the sword and going to the future)
>The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time Part 2
>Earthbound directed by Wes Anderson
>Star Fox
>Super Smash Bros, which is also Kirby's origin story. Captain Falcon gets introduced in a minor role, may get his own solo film later.

We just a need a cast and directors, Yea Forums
I'd like to start with pic related for Samus Aran

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But Samus being female was already an intential diversion from the norm. Have we gone full circle where we need her to be a he in order to be inclusive ?

Fucking disgusting

Why can't the attractive woman be tough and strong? Why do they think only the uggos are worthy?

I got Link right here

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Neo-Marxists unironically want to destroy anything beautiful.
They unironically view classic, traditional beauty as a sin and want it to be destroyed, replaced by ugliness.
It's a baffling form of moral confusion.

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Zelda should be played by a white dude. Im sick of black characters.

>he thinks inclusion applies to men
You’re adorable, sweetie

Elsa as Zelda

Give the people what they want Ninty.

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user... that is a "she".

>Why can't the attractive woman be tough and strong?
Because I can't be attractive, so I shouldn't have to exist in a reality where people who are more attractive than myself are allowed to exist.

I would unironically be down for an animated Metroid movie.
Hopefully made by the Japanese.
Because you know that Americans will turn it into another politically correct Aliens rip-off.

Tell me he isn't perfect for DK.

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it's called Hook.

>Zelda by WB
>Everything is grey and black
>Link actual costume is only seen in an easter egg scene

Please tell me Universal has the rights.

>>Earthbound directed by Wes Anderson


Whut das meen?

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Idris Elba as Ganon would be money desu

Lupita as Zelda

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>EarthBound directed by Wes Anderson
Yes please

You dipshit, you realize Nintendo franchises don’t all take place in the same universe right?

I would like an F-Zero movie starring the main four.

With lots of really fast-moving hovercars created with practical effects.

>being skinny is disgusting
I mean I can somewhat understand calling slutwear disgusting if you’re prudish and it’s certainly not child-friendly, but to imply becoming fat makes one less disgusting is bafflingly absurd

That’s not what neo marxism is you mouthbreather, have you read a single piece of neomarxism?


The Frankfurt school criticized popular media as suppressing class consciousness, you’re confusing it with intersectionality + third wave of feminism

Dark Link?

Get them on board

Metroid is heavy inspired in Alien
Contra is Arnold and Stallone

Movies were first, then videogames

Multi-verse, whatever. Some of them can legit share a universe though.

The 'Smash Bros.' event can be the Avengers movie for Nintendo. Fuck! Just thinking about it gets me excited.

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>American Corporate Leftists
Not such thing you delutional cunt

Shut up you fucking commie, I do not care about your semantics, you gonna get shot no matter if you call yourself sub-maoist or meta-thirdwaveist.