Michael Jackson suffered from the skin discoloration disease vitiligo...


>Michael Jackson suffered from the skin discoloration disease vitiligo. Jordie Chandler drew a picture of the markings on the underside of Jackson’s penis. His drawings were sealed in an envelope. A few months later, investigators photographed Jackson’s genitalia. The photographs matched Chandler’s drawings.

>Jackson had an extensive collection of adult erotic material he kept in a suitcase next to his bed, including S&M bondage photos and a study of naked boys. Forensic experts with experience in the Secret Service found the fingerprints of boys alongside Jackson’s on the same pages. Jackson also had bondage sculptures of women with ball gags in their mouths on his desk, in full view of the boys who slept there.

>The hallway leading to Jackson’s bedroom was a serious security zone covered by video and wired for sound so that the steps of anyone approaching would make ding-dong sounds.

Do you stupid niggers honestly believe that MJ dindu nuffin

What is with the concentrated shilling effort to protect him? I've never seen Yea Forums so passionate about protecting a child predator.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>imagine believing this

Yeah, I'm getting pretty sleepy

i wish my ding dong made dong noises whenever anyboday approached me and my ding dong

>el Biliyin

can anyone tell me why mj defenders are so opposed to MJ being a pedo?

same reason that Flat Earthers believe what they do

They're just in too deep to ever admit they were wrong. Instead of looking a the broad evidence, they nitpick inividual details and act as if this invalidates the entire idea of MJ violating children.

it amazes me, on the mj reddit, these people act like they knew MJ personally and pull out all the bullshit. its a good laugh and extremely sad humans have come this far to act like such imbeciles.

The only reason he wasn't convicted at trial was because Robson and Culkin both went before a grand jury (at the age of 13, remember) and testified that Michael never touched him inappropriatly.

Is it really that hard to believe that 2 child actors could be groomed to give convincing evidence? Robson has since come around and said that was exactly what happened.

Niggers just believe what they want to believe.

it's because it's their cozy nostalgia place because they were raised by the media and MJ was a media staple. I don't know what's worse really, defending a textbook pedo or having your fondest memories be Buzzfeed tier remember-the-90's-huh tripe.

Because he’s been proven innocent thrice times but the liberal media needs a scape goat so they can let 11 year old “drag queens” pose next to grown naked men. The sooner liberalism eats itself the sooner we can become better.

I'd be fine with it if he was, all men are pedos, but he wasn't a molester. And I'd be fine if he molested kids, plenty of kids get molested and DON'T get to hang out with michael jackson and their families don't get a hundred thousand dollars for it

yet you're here defending a monster mash up face who slept with children. if he wasnt MJ, just a normal bloke who did everything Mj did you would easily call him a pedofile

Show me the pictures of these things.

Also anyone can buy that erotic material.

Expand on this. How does falsely accusing MJ being a pedo help the liberal agenda? Wouldn't they want him to not be a pedo?

>Because he’s been proven innocent thrice times
Would you find him innocent based on the objective evidence presented to you?

Why did he have pornography in his room with child-sized fingerprints on it?

>but he singz dat song i lyke

Or perhaps he decided not to groom a couple just so there'd be convincing reasonable doubt.

why did my uncle?
because I was a nosy kid who wanted to look at dirty magazines

>Show me the pictures of these things.
The police report isn't evidence enough?

Keep moving those goalposts, retard.

I don't trust Australians.

Ok see, that I'll believe.

No, he’s the scape goat to hide the real pedophilia that liberalism loves so much.
Prove he had sex with children. For fucks sake, one of the “accusers” testified in court years ago that Michael never touched him. Why are you pushing this narrative so hard? What about this shit? Gonna ignore this?

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I love how the day before he died you could not mention MJ without someone saying he touched little boys and vice versa. His entire career was done for and his music was not played anywhere then the day he died everyone conveniently forgot everything all of that as if someone flipped a switch and now the world has been worshiping him since.

>No, he’s the scape goat to hide the real pedophilia that liberalism loves so much.


Do you even listen to yourself. You are doing EXACTLY what you accused the SJWs of doing.

proven innocent three times.

Is it really that hard to believe that 2 child actors could be groomed to give convincing evidence? Wade Robson has since come around and said that was exactly what happened.

Do you think its possible that you might just be an easily-manipulated brainlet?

>he drew it and it matched!
Oh please. I bet you couldn't even draw a map of Greenland that would match, much less, the splotchiness on a penis you've seen once.
That shit is fishy.

How many splotchy penises do you see in your day to day life?

Liberals own the church who raped kids for centuries, what?
>you:I'm against pedophiles
>what about those who always get away and never have face any consequences, don't pay any taxes
>you:NO, I prefer talking about 3 dozen kids in the last ten years who are trans and were never molested
>you:because.... reeeeEeeeeeEEEEEEE

>That shit is fishy.
elaborate on this

Were the judge, prosecutor, child psychologist and police all cooperating to in order to make the two pictures match up?

Why would they all do this?

Dude, what's your problem? He's dead, it would be different if he wasn't bones in the ground. What are you hoping to accomplish? When you're dead I'm going to accuse you of being a child molester, I'm going to plant childrens fingerprints on your fucking iphone 68 full of porn and you'll be dug up and hanged

>What are you hoping to accomplish?
justice for the children that he abused

What are you trying to accomplish by protecting a dead man?

Why now? They already got their money and the guy is dead, what other "justice" can their be? The battle is over, I'm not sure you realize how much money he had and how much he could blow on keeping families quiet. They need to keep their end of the agreement or I'll want justice against them.

Go shoot up a mosque or something, /pol/fags. Mj did nothing.

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>When you're dead I'm going to accuse you of being a child molester, I'm going to plant childrens fingerprints on your fucking iphone 68 full of porn and you'll be dug up and hanged
Gasp! But I was just having hundreds of innocent sleepovers as an adult with a 7 year old boy!

If you plant all that evidence then somebody might think I was doing something weird!

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How many times have you seen Greenland?
Get to drawing, fag. Show us how easy it is to remember the basic shapes/contours of random splotching.
Hell, even try drawing Hawaii for us. You've seen that on every map of the USA since you were born. Just Molokai, Oahu, Big Island, Maui, Kauai

>why would they do this?
Fame? Money? Confirmation bias? How "closely" is "closely matches" when you want it to match?

pedos get no rest, not even in death.

I think being molested as a child might leave a greater impression on you than the shape of Greenland.

Do you agree or disagree?

Can anyone tell me why this documentary is such big news?

>literally 2 faggots trying to be relevant again (their whole relevance in the first place was being a fucking imitation of michael jackson)
>a few sad song tracks
> a few close ups
>a few long pauses
>"he sucked my dick"
>reddit/twitter/normies all lose their minds as if these allegations are new

What the fuck am I missing? Dude got dismissed in course. Almost everything leveled against him got debunked ("muh nude kid pics" - turns out it was popular art, "muh penis description" - even the prosecutors thought this was weak evidence and didn't use it in court)

What the fuck am I missing? Is it because Oprah is acknowledging it or something?

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Imagine for the sake of argument that MJ actually dindu nuffin to those kids even if they slept in his bed. BTFO, bitch.

>Fame? Money? Confirmation bias?
Does "wanting to protect a child" ever enter into your mind?

You kind of sound broken, user.

The jews bro, it's always the jews

>the liberal media
I'm so sick of dumbass redneck Americans

Listen and believe. In this new world, anybody with even an ounce of power or influence is fair game for life ruination.

>I didn't like his music thusly he's a pedo

The probative value of testimony is gauged on credibility and consistency.

The majority of the people who viewed the documentary felt that the Robson and Safechuck provided credible evidence consistent with the evidence found by police, which includes kiddie porn next to his bed (although his kike lawyers got the court to interpret as (((nude anatomical studies))).

Same here. The media is garbage regardless of partisanship. It's not that the media is the enemy of the people, it's just the mindless puppet of evil.

Same thing Bill Cosby. It's literally hearsay evidence at best. These black men were tried by the opinion of a mostly white mob. Nothing changes.

They want the blacks more under control to their opinions.

>, anybody with even an ounce of power or influence is fair game for life ruination
Does it not cross your mind that a person with power and influence would use that to indulge in their criminal fetishes?

I hate when I can tell that a nigger is posting on Yea Forums

>I've never seen Yea Forums so passionate about protecting a child predator.

You must be very new.

Nice try goldsberg

Get me source on the kiddie porn found near his bed.

literally in the first post

You sure are passionate about something you know so little about.

Hey retard,
I'm not talking about remembering "getting molested" you stupid motherfucker. I'm talking about remember random, arbitrary information.
What's easier to remember: Something you've seen 20,000 times over the course of your life, or something you've seen once?
That falls under "confirmation bias", dumbshit. You might be "protecting" a child that didn't need to be protected. Did you think of that? Fuckers like you don't understand what's wrong with the court scenes of To Kill a Mockingbird.

>dumbass redneck Americans
you know that's basically a stereotype created by the liberal media to dehumanize those that disagree/distrust them, right?

>it has been confirmed via a statement issued by the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Department that several pages of the document ― which originated with the publication Radar Online-appeared to have been falsified


>> The photographs matched Chandler’s drawings.
Clearly this couldn't have been the case, otherwise said evidence would've later been relied on in the criminal court case. What credible source is claiming these photographs matched the drawings?

The prosecutors themselves didn't find those as pornographic.

Try again Bernstein

>The prosecutors themselves didn't find those as pornographic.

You're right. They were just (((nude anatomical studies))) of young boys.

This is how the system works for the rich and powerful.

>Clearly this couldn't have been the case, otherwise said evidence would've later been relied on in the criminal court case
The evidence was presented to the brainlets in the jury and they rejected it, just like you are doing now.

The case turned completely on the testimony that a then-13 year old Robson gave to the grand jury. Robson has since come out and explained that he was coached through his testimony.

>he’s the scape goat to hide the real pedophilia that liberalism loves so much
Someone, somewhere out there actually believes this retarded logic

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>The case turned completely on the testimony that a then-13 year old Robson gave to the grand jury. Robson has since come out and explained that he was coached through his testimony.
This pretty much confirms that Culkin was raped too, huh?
Kinda explains his obsession with cheese pizza

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forget "someone"
There are millions of people who believe this shit.

The real blackpill is that the vast majority of people won't believe something unless they actually want to believe it. There isn't a shred of evidence you can present to change their mind.

Holy fucking shit, it's like arguing with Razorpiss himself. Who fucking cares if they didn't find them pornographic? If a single liberal was found with books like that you'd have a riot.

>If a single liberal was found with books like that you'd have a riot.
This kind of riot?

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>one of the “accusers” testified in court years ago that Michael never touched him
He was still a kid when he testified, and he later said he'd been coached through the testimony by Jackson's lawyers. Did you never tell any lies as a child?

even with nig iq he wasn't stupid enough to do something with a child celeb. All the shopping sprees and shit that dazzled the normie parents wouldn't have worked with Mac so he probably laid off him. The idea that pedos are always on full blast and rape every kid possible is dumb.

>court exonerates defendant of child molestation
>court declares defendant guilty of child molestation
AHAHHA YES THAT PROVES IT THAT ABSOLUTELY PROVES *autistically flailing hands while jumping up and down and soiling himself*

>medical and art books factually are not pornography by both law and common sense
>his precious loli gets banned in yet anpther country for factually being a form of child porn

robson stood up to hours of intensive cross examination from the prosecution then and his story held up perfectly, then given the biased platform of the documentary his "truth" contradicted itself every five minutes

>Michael Jackson suffered from the skin discoloration disease vitiligo. Jordie Chandler drew a picture of the markings on the underside of Jackson’s penis. His drawings were sealed in an envelope. A few months later, investigators photographed Jackson’s genitalia. The photographs matched Chandler’s drawings.

So why the police didn't arrest MJ for this? What was MJ's defense argument for this? That maybe some employee or doctor told to Jordan Chandler how his penis looked?

that's when he paid off the Chandlers

^^^^^^ fuckin' THIS righht here

Can we just pause and laugh at the expression on that lil niggas face XD?

>the grand jury felt there was no clear match with Jordan's description.


Use your head, user.

Flat earth is a thought experiment, so is this.

Facts don't lie
People do

>The FBI has monitored MJ for over 10 years and they haven't found anything suggesting child molestation
>They didn't even find anything that would make him look like a bad influence whatsoever
>No porn, no mistreatment, no videos, nothing

>Safechuck one of the two guys accusing MJ of molestation claims that he had a wedding ceremony with MJ in Paris Disneyland in the 80s
>Paris Disneyland only opened its doors 1992
>the wedding story itself isn't even his story - He stole it from a book written by a scam artist who fled to Chile
>Safechucks mother said that she celebrated the day MJ died and that "Her sons molester is finally in hell"
>Safechuck himself said that he only revealed his story to his family after MJs death

>Wade Robson was THE FIRST DEFENSE of MJ in the early trials
>has been defending MJ for all of his life and only stepped back after the Jackson Estate refused to hire him for their circue du solais MJ event in Las Vegas
>suddenly claims that he got molested by Michael
>says that Michael maybe did not molest all children but that he definitely molested him and Safechuck
>"Why would MJ pick a kid he molested as his first line of defence when he has 1000 kids to choose from"
>Robson lost the first trial against the Jackson Estate because mails revealed that he offered other people to twist "his backstory" in order to fit theirs so everyone can cash in on it
>now owes the Jackson Estate 100k dollars because of this trial
>makes this movie and opens a donation platform for his family with the node that this is going to make him rich and relevant again

>no (((clear match)))
spot the jewspeak

Clearly the system works for the rich and powerful

That kid is like :
Please no

>If the dick don't fit, you must acquit
God I love the American justice system

He also claimed he Jackson was circumcised when he was not.

lol, he said he had a mutilated kike dick but michael was uncut master race

Essentially this.
While I still have had my doubts about MJ over the years, the fact that this all started again because Jackson's estate refused to give money to a family claiming something happened is fishy.

Imagine being a member of law enforcement tasked with inspecting MJ's creepy transracial penis

thanks user, im getting tired of the accusers calling those of us who are just stating obvious inconsistencies pedo apologists, its sick shit, these people want to vilify people based on no evidence.

based and redpilled


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they know they can't win in a court so it's trial by media to get the result they want, the fact that most people have no problem with this is genuinely alarming to me

>they know they can't win in a court

They don't go to court because

there's no way a man who commissions art like this could ever be a pedophile. its totally unthinkable.

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>MJ was sexually attracted to children and touched or sexually abused them.
>The abused kids now are trying to get money because they are trash like their families that pimped their own kids to become rich.

Can be both true?

Of course they can but no MJ drone has the capacity to engage in critical reasoning

Most probable scenario, really. I don't know if there was buttsex but there was a lot of grooming going on

Is she about to break this case wide open?

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He fucked dem keeds

I don't know what happened. I don't think you do either.


MJ is hopefully the first domino that falls. He was connected to high profile pedophiles all his life.

Therefore we should harass and silence the people who want to come out and talk about their abuse?

You are so disingenuous.

Then will MJ defenders stop threatening accusers and acting like they’ve been conclusively disproven?

I have always wonder how MJ or any of the people around him didn't thought that having that close relation with children was a good idea. I mean you are giving your enemies just the best way to destroy you, accusing you of being a pedophile that is one of the worst things for society today.

It's like if any of us start going to the park and start making friends with the kids there. Maybe you just want to play with them because you think that kids are fun and full of innocence and purity, that is true, and they give you joy. But whatever your true intentions are, their parents and the rest of adults are going to think that you are a pedophile. And even if they don't think that, they would think that is not appropriate for an adult man to be playing with kids.

If MJ wasn't a pedophile he was either very very naive that his enemies wouldn't use his strange relationship with kids against him or a retard.

James Alefantis, James Gunn
>crude pedo jokes online

Michael Jackson
>sleeps with little boys
>dozens of special friends
>accused by 8 boys of rape
>paid multimillion dollar settlements
>fake marriages
>fake surrogate kids
>huge collection of porn, including legal pedophile art books, and Polaroids of naked boys
>kangaroo trial

MJ went to court twice and the charges were dropped.
Eat shit kike.

Flat Earth doesn't rape little boys, so it doesn't really matter as much.

>including legal pedophile art books
There are legal pedophile art books?

>Polaroids of naked boys
I haven't heard about that.

You didn't watch the documentary.

>muh 10 year FBI investigation
You know this isn't true, liar.

>Safechuck stole his wedding ring story from a scam artist who fled to Chile
What the fuck are you talking about?

All of this other shit is in the documentary. Watch it, faggot.

This isn't true. Nobody has seen the description except law enforcement who agreed it was a match. Jordie Chandler never said he was circumcised.

Why would a grown man sleep with a preteen boy for 30 nights in a row? Can you think of a Kosher reason?

>documentaries are fact
cool ancient aliens are real

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Don't know what you're talking about. I only see an angel in that picture.

>Schrodinger's bedroom
If a grown man keeps walking into a black box with a little boy each night, what the fuck do you think they're doing in there? What kind of quantum pedophile do you think Jackson was? Do you think his little boyfriends were both raped and unraped simultaneously?

they're called cherubs

>During the 1993 investigation, Jackson's hired private investigator Anthony Pellicano, released a recorded telephone conversation between Chandler and Dave Schwartz, the new husband of his ex-wife, June, and stepfather to Jordan. Jackson's defense cited this tape as proof that Chandler's allegations were nothing but an attempt to extort money from the star and regain custody of Jordan, especially considering Chandler was more than $60,000 behind child support payments and had already approached Jackson several times asking for money. Chandler was recorded saying, "If I go through with this, I win big time. There’s no way that I lose. I’ve checked that out inside out...I will get everything I want, and they will be totally — they will be destroyed forever. They will be destroyed. June is gonna lose Jordy. She will have no right to ever see him again." This phone call took place on July 8; Evan would claim Jordan had confessed the abuse to him on July 16.
>Similar allegations were made by other parties in the following decades, leading to a trial in which Jackson was found not guilty. In 2009, five months after Jackson's death, Evan Chandler committed suicide in his apartment in Jersey City.

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I think grooming kids with leukemia is a bad business model, don't you?
Not very penetrarion efficient.

credible, consistent testimony is evidence

If you disagree, you don't understand the court system.

oh, like the charges against him that were dropped twice?
OK, cool.

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okay but what if all that shit was made up or planted bros

>I know that if it was MY child being molested by a billionaire pop sensation I would have reacted completely different.

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wow holy shit kermit suicide

Everybody is being unfair to the billionaire pedophile

He dindu nuffin

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hollywoods is all pedos, if these kids' parents weren't pimping them to mj it'd just be to some greasy kike and at least mj had a roller coaster and free ice cream
also thriller really is a masterpiece

what is her problem

So Evan Chandler was plotting with the new husband of her ex-wife to take his son from her?

I don't understand it. Was that Dave Schwartz a fake boyfriend put there by him to spy his ex-wife?

that makes much more sense that Michael sexually touching the young boys that he frequently slept with

Also, to say you have shit taste would be an insult to shit.

>user presents viable refutation to your post
>cherrypick your reply so you can go "umm no sweaty" and post a smug avatar
At least give a citation to the scam artist thing. Sounds like hearsay bullshit to me.

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He didn't think it was wrong. He was brazen about it and didn't give a shit what the world thought because everyone was ignorant.

He's been dead for 10 years faggot.

kike me faggot

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Even if there was no molestation, it was abusive and traumatizing. He fawned over these boys and played them against each other and eventually dropped them when they aged out. He also broke up families and insinuated himself where he didn't belong. Do you think it's healthy for a man to do this to little boys and their families? Even without the molestation, is it healthy for a grown man to have platonic sleepovers with little boys he treats like lovers?

according to last thread it is "artistic" book about photos of naked boys taken well-known pedophile who molest and fuck most the boys he worked with

He wasn't bald while Jacko was sleeping with him. No baldies allowed in the Neverland bedroom.

>consistent testimony

yea no, their story has changed so many times, its why a judge literally laughed these dudes out of a courtrooom

You can find pics online but I wouldn't recommend looking at it. It makes you feel like a homosexual pedophile.

>defender a child molester so future children are kept safe

this is truly 7D chess

reminder average people know nothing about law enforcement, evidence, etc

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You're talking shit about a dead man and trusting the slander of two 30 somethings desperate for money. There were hundreds of kids at Neverland Ranch and they have no reason not to come forward now, yet they defend him.

If any of you think you can come to any conclusions at all about his guilt or innocence you're retarded

>defending a pedo who was in the pocket of jews
>calling anyone else a jew

strange times

Is it surprising that a child's story would change as they come to understand and face the abuse they've lived through?

Have you ever been abused, user?

you seem to fall back on what the law thinks of something and are completely unable to inject your own morals and perspective into this. I hope you’ve never called anyone else an npc because this is embarassing

Chandler also claimed that Jacko was circumcised wich was proven wrong bis his autopsy

read again pedo kike, he said even if you dont believe the rape/molestation, he has boys in his bed, broke up their families, had pictures of nude boys

forget the law and those two faggots in the documentary, the above stuff was and is true. How do you take that information?

Pedo or not I’m still going to enjoy his music stay gay Yea Forums

There are 8 boys who say Jackson molested them and many more who all fit the same exact pattern.

>Jackson is obsessed with boy
>sleeps 1-on-1 in the same bed for many nights
>calls every day, talks for hours
>pits them against other boys
>stops sleeping with boy after a few years
>stops calling
>moves on to another boy

Is this not abusive?

>dead man slander
Someone of Jackson's stature isn't going to be convicted in their lifetime.

hard to tell when you’re a kid and his erect penis is in front of you

>based amoral consumer

>There were hundreds of kids at Neverland Ranch and they have no reason not to come forward now, yet they defend him.
mate he only sleeps with cute white tight ass boys
he still love all children though

And why he didn't say that he didn't know if it was circumcised then?

if he had fucked only little black kids, no one would care about this now

well yeah who gives a fuck about niglets?

>The photographs matched Chandler’s drawings.

You're taking their word for it but you havent seen his penis or the drawings so you dont actually know if they do match.

Perhaps if we saw the picture and the drawing side by side we would say, "wait a second, these dont actually match like weve been told."

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We have higher powers of observation and understanding of the world than you. We can see what you can't m8

Then why is R.Kelly crying on TV about getting assassinated?

but but the court who was wooed by master lawyers decided that he was innocent that means nothing he did was questionable or that the courts were even wrong! also he been dead for long time!

I take it as baseless assumption and irrelevant to his art.

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What did the police said about the drawings?

that they were sorta shit

I never mentioned his art and the things are said are far from baseless. He has even admitted to sharing his bed himself with little boys

deflect more

I dont know. But instead of calling the police or taking Jackson to court, the Chandlers asked Jackson to settle the issue for money.

So Jackson paid the Chandler family $23 million dollars and there was no further LE investigation into the matter.

>sharing his bed himself with little boys

That's not against the law and it happened with parental consent.

Unironically based.

he said he saw it hundreds of times and had perfect recall of it, and the best match they got was "one of the spots was in vaguely the same place i guess" from a guy who was hellbent on convicting him. colour me fucking skeptical

Could it be that Evan Chandler knew that MJ liked kids and told his son to become his friend because he knew that those things will happen (the touching, abuse, or inappropriate behavior like showering with the kids naked or whatever) and then get money from MJ for him (not for his kid that he didn't care about and was just using)?

>"muh nude kid pics" - turns out it was popular art

Anyone know what this popular art was?


So, why would Evan Chandler kill himself if he got what the wanted? The 20 million dollars? Did he blew it all and was having financial problems again? Did the fanatical MJ fans killed him? Or was it the Jackson Estate or family?

Attached: evan_chandler-300x3003.jpg (300x300, 17K)

Everything together is damning, but this by itself can have an alternative explanation. That's how a lot of evidence against him is.

The putto is a very old western cultural element that no one ever associates with pedophilia, until it's a weird painting with a weird guy.

Child molester or not the problem is michael jackson seems to genuinely have no understanding of how he is perceived by others. Go watch the original ending for the black and white music video. He grabs his crotch and thrusts with extended close ups. This was watched by hundreds of millions of people and MJ did not expect the backlash. He's socially retarded.

>son abandoned him
>entire family abandoned him
>MJ dies
>fans say that people like him are the reason why MJ suffered so much
>everyone on the planet things you are a gigantic greedy piece of shit

No wonder he ended up taking the gun

Cronos by Pere Formiguera

Yea Forums is a Michael Jackson board and he is 100% innocent.

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Both of these people are genetically black.

Yes he did, and the grand jury saw the description and was not convinced the description matched. I think michael jackson is an obvious child molester but there's no reason to lie.


>Jordan claimed that Jackson was circumcised.[15][34][56] However, Jackson's autopsy report showed that he had not been circumcised and his foreskin appeared naturally intact, with no signs of having been restored from a circumcision.[57]

>Sneddon later stated that "the photographs reveal a mark on the right side of Defendant's penis at about the same relative location as the dark blemish located by Jordan Chandler on his drawing of Defendant's erect penis", and that "Chandler's graphic representation of the discolored area on Defendant's penis is substantially corroborated by the photographs".[54] Sergeant Gary Spiegel, the sheriff's photographer, claims he observed a dark spot on the lower side of Jackson's penis.[55]

>Investigators made a probe into Jackson's history, including family interviews, to see if he had undergone procedures to alter his body's appearance, as the grand jury felt there was no clear match with Jordan's description.[61]

Agree it’s disgusting how all these Netflix shills are trying to promote this documentary of easily dismissed lies

And why did his son and family abandoned him?

But the documentary is on HBO not Netflix.

So HBO shills even more disgusting

Wow what a bunch of assholes for not including the title in the evidence description

I saw some webms of the queerbait shots in weird science the other day here on Yea Forums. Someone could hang on the textual description of that yet most people alive in the 80s and 90s have seen some of that movie and don't think anything of it.

The only post that matters in this thread.
What a great coincidence that in his 10th anniversary, they decided to bring this up again.

Son didn't want to brand MJ as a pedo and the family was already against him at this point.

He was 60.000 dollars behind on child support and it was obvious that he was only pushing his son on MJ in order to gain something out of it.

So it was his fault then?

Wade Robson's father also committed suicide. Two of MJ's boyfriends, both had fathers that killed themselves. What are the odds?

MJ died because his hackfraud doctor gave him Propofol. Something you should use with caution and only in a medical environment.

Murray is also one of those people who claim that it was all MJs fault and that he was sick in the head.
But people forget that Murray is a con-man who is several hundred thousand dollars in debt and a well known liar who still practices medicide illegally after losing his license.

Weird Science was specifically a sex comedy and the average person assumed that was the intent. Thinking that all young people in Hollywood are victims is a new thing.

>The hallway leading to Jackson’s bedroom was a serious security zone covered by video and wired for sound so that the steps of anyone approaching would make ding-dong sounds.

What are the real facts about this? I've heard about bells and one way glass. Seems like weird shit would be in the FBI findings or corroborated by someone else.

But this description is just weak as fuck. Rich people with staff that manage the grounds need cameras everywhere. Valueables are also kept near dwelling areas. "wired for sound" lmao. Just say video and audio recording because that's what surveillance cameras do.

>ive never seen Yea Forums so passionate about protecting a child predator
you can't be serious

>Knowing that all young people in Hollywood are victims or whores is a new thing.

Well, fixed

But my point was you could type "movie depicting young boy wearing small tight underwear and showing midriff. Suggestive shot of his crotch approaching the frame". Then a xerox of that gets in the news and you're fucked for having weird science on home video.

Nothing wrong here lads. This is totally normal.

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Future SafeSneed

It's scary how naive some people can be, all under the veil of compassion and empathy.

Nothing suspicious here lads, move on.

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what the fuck america, maybe he just got changed in front of a kid, nobody seems to care when a bunch of homos are twerking naked at pride

I like women with ballgags, too.

And Sega arcade machines.

But that's where my similarities with him end.

Nice house Stephanie Safechuck.

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When someone uses this word, the other side is usually right

Cool pool Stephanie Safechuck.

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>kid's last name is safechuck
>Mike Jackson gives him suck and fuck

That was actually struck down in court too.
The kid just described MJ's penis as having white spots... like the rest of his body. He didn't say anything else about it.

I don't trust Australians.

"muh nude kid pics" - turns out it was popular art
Even if this is *technically* correct I refuse to believe you actually think that's why he owned it

James Safechuck, formerly Suck and Fuck.

Jimmy Safechuck like Wade Robson previously defended Michael too. Why if he had molested him? Not only he but his mother too, to whom he claims he confessed his traumatic experience in 2005 . But she remained calm. I don’t know any parent who would do that!!!He even incriminates his own mother because if that were true she should also be held responsible for withholding the key evidence from a criminal trial . The letters he presents Michael wrote him to approach him are clearly Michael’s reply to James’s letters whose poor family -his father was a garbage collector- was obviously cultivating MJ’s friendship. He also alleges that he refused to testify in 2005 and MJ threatened him when it was Michael’s lawyer who talked to him, not Michael himself. Among other lies he alleges he was hired by MJJ productions in the mid-80’s when MJJ Ventures did not file articles of incorporation until February 1991!!! James Safechuck defended Michael Jackson in 1993 and he refused to testify for the Prosecution in 2005.

What these idiots don’t understand is that by alleging Michael Jackson molested them they make their own parents seem like enablers and facilitators, as there is plenty of evidence especially for Robson’s mother, that they ‘’pushed’’ their kids on Jackson. But, obviously, there is no money in sueing them!!! Robson was so desperate that he tried to recruit even Jordan Chandler , who never had the guts to testify against Michael Jackson. And he even bullied other people like Jonathan Spence and Brett Barnes to co operate with him when the latter also defended Jackson and still do. If he were a true abuse victim he would respect other alleged victims’ wish not to testify. But he clearly isn’t.

Cronos is progression shots of people aging, anyone interested in the human figure for any reason could own this book

If we were accusing MJ of having this as *under radar* pedo material I'd expect to see a pattern of under radar pedo material. Did he have anything else besides this book?

Also it's dumb to lunge at his guilt or innocence relying on this. If he is a child molester, he has boy pussy on a revolving door. He's the dan bilzerian of child molesters. What the fuck does he need photographic material for?


>What the fuck does he need photographic material for?
Despite his best efforts he didn't have a literal harem of underaged boys at his beck and call at every second of every day

Relevant to thread.

so has Bryan Singer and Schneider

because we consider all sides of a story unlike you bumbling retards who take 1 fucking documentary at face value.

>Michael Jackson suffered from the skin discoloration disease vitiligo. Jordie Chandler drew a picture of the markings on the underside of Jackson’s penis. His drawings were sealed in an envelope. A few months later, investigators photographed Jackson’s genitalia. The photographs matched Chandler’s drawings
Isn't that the same kid who said he was circumcised when he isn't?


James Safechuck's father used to kiss MJ on the lips too.

Imagine having this father.

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......but the documentary and its claims are a new side to the story that you're refusing to consider.

Yeah, my son of 15 years old looked me in the eyes and responded "No", that is all I need to know if he was abused or not.

Imagine having this father.

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it's all a money grab by the (((abused))), it's obvious and so tiresome

if he was a pedo, where is the video footage? check mate atheists

ITT: Michael Jackson estate attorneys doing damage control

>Michael Jackson estate attorneys
Every single pro-MJ thread is run by Tito & Marlon Jackson

He was found not guilty. I guess your argument is invalid now huh, you must feel real dumb

Because MJ fans see MJ as a kid. He was abused as a child and never really grew up, a real life peter pan. He's innocent in every sense of the world, mentally he's a little boy

>new side to the story
>presented from the same people with the same arguments
The only thing new here is (You)

Thicc irony.

a guy can do whatever he wants to my asshole if he buys me a house, as long as i don't end up wearing a colostomy bag.

>legally of age to vote and drink
>already has own hit MTV show
>22 years old
Fuck off

Because it was never proven and because he is being sued by people about events that happened 20 years ago.

Do you honestly believe that a guy who was supposedly a pedophile would openly admit he was friends with all those little kids? He was a millionaire that traveled the world. If he ever wanted to touch kids he had plenty of opportunities to do that and he would never connect himself with all those kids in public.

He was a weirdo and thats it.

MJ liked to romance little boys, seduce them, and get them to submit willingly, which all took time. He also used the porn to groom the boys.

It was two books, 'Boys Will Be Boys' and 'Boy: The Photographic Essay'. Michael left an inscription on the first one.
The first book has photos of naked German boys in erotic poses and at half mast taken by a German pedagogue Hajo Ortil (who openly admitted to molesting them on scouting trips). The second is photos of boys doing vaguely cutesy and erotic stuff. Both were published by Martin Swithinbank (the primary NAMBLA bulletin writer) and Ronald Drew (a teacher who got caught spreading CP to kids). Oddly both were quite mainstream books in the mid 1960s


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He testified once when he was a kid and once when he was an adult, user. I think he's talking about the first time.

Fun fact: These are Michael Jackson's nephews.
You might have seen some "erotic" photos of them together. It was entirely the band's idea.

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>Michael Jackson suffered from the skin discoloration disease vitiligo. Jordie Chandler drew a picture of the markings on the underside of Jackson’s penis. His drawings were sealed in an envelope. A few months later, investigators photographed Jackson’s genitalia. The photographs matched Chandler’s drawings.
I have doubts that a child was able to accurately draw a man's penis with the wording implying that the fact it was/n't colored what you expect.
>Jackson had an extensive collection of adult erotic material he kept in a suitcase next to his bed, including S&M bondage photos and a study of naked boys. Forensic experts with experience in the Secret Service found the fingerprints of boys alongside Jackson’s on the same pages. Jackson also had bondage sculptures of women with ball gags in their mouths on his desk, in full view of the boys who slept there.
That's circumstantial evidence, it doesn't mean he diddled kids only they found his stash and didn't keep it appropriate for kids
>The hallway leading to Jackson’s bedroom was a serious security zone covered by video and wired for sound so that the steps of anyone approaching would make ding-dong sounds.
The fuck is this implying?

I couldn't draw my own dick from memory. How could a kid draw the specific blotches from the underside of someone else's?

>The photographs matched Chandler’s drawings.
>according to his lawyer who said they had 1 spot kind of match
>forgot to mention how part of the description was wrong

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Good point.

>little kid sees erect unhooded penis and thinks its circumcised

Either Jimmy and Wade are gay or they are lying

Both can be true. It's said that Wade fucked Britney Spears though.

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I think it's weird how they say they were in love with Michael and are now married

whyo you find that weird?

Do you have much experience with childhood sex abuse?

do they?

>Michael Jackson suffered from the skin discoloration disease vitiligo. Jordie Chandler drew a picture of the markings on the underside of Jackson’s penis. His drawings were sealed in an envelope. A few months later, investigators photographed Jackson’s genitalia. The photographs matched Chandler’s drawings.
Sensationalist bullshit. The prosecution photographed Jackson's donger, got the kid to draw it and wouldn't you know it, never entered the results into evidence (which is something really suspicious, almost like the drawing didn't match the dong...)

>Jackson had an extensive collection of adult erotic material he kept in a suitcase next to his bed, including S&M bondage photos and a study of naked boys. Forensic experts with experience in the Secret Service found the fingerprints of boys alongside Jackson’s on the same pages. Jackson also had bondage sculptures of women with ball gags in their mouths on his desk, in full view of the boys who slept there.

Lies from a redacted article. Wikileaks published the Neverland Raid FBI inventory and found nothing.

>The hallway leading to Jackson’s bedroom was a serious security zone covered by video and wired for sound so that the steps of anyone approaching would make ding-dong sounds.

He was the most famous man on the planet and believed Sony was going to him him killed for his rights to the Beatles song catalog.

>Wikileaks published the Neverland Raid FBI inventory and found nothing
Found literal legal child porn and NAMBLA books kek

>el gringo bailarin...

>The Chandlers stopped co-operating with the criminal investigation around July 6, 1994. The police never pressed criminal charges. Citing a lack of evidence without Jordan's testimony, the state closed its investigation on September 22, 1994. According to the grand juries, the evidence presented by the Santa Barbara police and the LAPD was not convincing enough to indict Jackson or subpoena him,[69][100] even though grand juries can indict the accused purely on hearsay evidence.According to a 1994 report by Variety, a source in contact with the grand juries said that none of the witnesses had produced anything to directly implicate Jackson. According to a 1994 report by Showbiz Today, one of the 1994 grand jurors claimed they "did not hear any damaging testimony" during the hearings.

So as soon as they got their money from the insurance settlement (for negligence, not molestation) they peaced the fuck out and stopped trying to brand him a pedo. Really makes me think.

[citation needed]

See, that's the biggest red flag of all. The FBI tried for ten years to investigate a rich, black American and came up empty? Truly the most innocent man in the world.