The most unrealistic thing about this was Cypher seemed to be only one of the entire Zion population who is willing to sell everyone out and get back in the matrix.
The most unrealistic thing about this was Cypher seemed to be only one of the entire Zion population who is willing to...
>The most unrealistic thing about this was Cypher seemed to be only one of the entire crew of the Neb who is willing to sell everyone out and get back in the matrix.
The most unrealistic thing about this was the robots and flying ships and shit
I wouldve liked for the merovingian and his goons to be kind of like him, purple pilleds or something, knowing the matriw is fake but enjoying it and protecting it, I didnt like to make every character of the sequels a fucking program
idk people say that zion might be another simulation but i have a feeling that the "feeling" of being real as opposed to being simulated was conveyed if not outright stated in the films... or like the song says ain't nothin like the real thing baby. cypher was just the only asshole computer nerd incel who preferred a simulation where he's the boss to the reality where all he feels is real depression and inadequacy lol.
I imagine not that many people in Zion were directly freed from the Matrix, most of them were probably natural borned.
Also, you forget one thing, in order to free yourself from the Matrix you should have doubts about it's reality in the first place. Some discomfort. That is why most people didn't want to get back.
The people who got woken up where heavily vetted by Zion to make sure they'd be against the Matrix and would perfer being free and unhappy than dumb happy slaves. They talked about it in the first movie, how Neo was streamlined through the whole process because he was the One.
>I didnt like to make every character of the sequels a fucking program
I thought those characters were interesting. they didn't seem to strictly be protecting the matrix, but rather their status in it, which they enjoyed after their unique fashions. they were glad to have "intelligence" and to exhibit that intelligence through the matrix, they didn't care that the matrix was a simulation for humans any more than they cared that their intelligence wasn't born from human parents. they all rode, wanted or unwanted (like the ghosts), through successive versions of the matrix not as "the machines enslaving the humans" but as reincarnating sentients who got to keep their memories of the past life. what gives you the idea that they all are just mindless executables instead of individual AI's?
He was also the only white guy in Zion
If that's what was waiting for me back home in Zion I'd want back in the matrix, too
>Zion might be another simulation
If you actually want to make sense of the lore it's the only logical conclusion. Like Smith said, humanity's definition of reality is masochistic. Neo's kind exchanged a boring life to a life of great conflict against the big evil machines. The felt that one to be more real becasue they are warrior minded. They wanted a power fantasy. So the post-apocalyptic world is reserved for those that can't stay put and have to fight the big fight, against the big evil.
Machines don't need human bio-energy to survive. And they definitely don't need the human mind to be contained in a virtual reality in order to harvest bio-energy from the body. You wouldn't have easily detachable tubes in your body, or limbs to run away on, or any other way to escape. They are all contrivances that the character don't question because they anthropomorphize the machines in order to have an enemy. It's a narrative constructed for the humans, for those that can't stay put.
A scientific creation's interest in humanity is probably scientific. The matrix is a containment center, or a research lab, or a kindergarten, or all three.
And he was a traitorous piece of shit, funny coincidence.
the movie should have spent 4 hours explaining every detail
It's almost like the matrix was just a cool story written by some trannies and not meant to be taken seriously
The most unrealistic thing about Cypher is how he went back in to the Matrix only to get beaten to a pulp by Tony Soprano even though SHE WAS A FUCKEN WHOO-A and IT WAS JUS' A FUCKEN HOARSE
an interesting aspect that didn't really explore in the sequels but showed in some of the ancillary content (Animatrix and whatever that tie-in PS2 game was called) was the concept that they have personal inputs in their homes they can use to run their own simulation programs. It wasn't elaborated on but it was sort of implied it was holodeck tier
Anyone read that short story set before the lore was in stone? It's actually a better foundation imo, it's about an alien invasion if I remember correctly. The world building has some key differences.
>"I also want this girl as my wife.."
>shows pic
he was the only jew
Have you noticed how eating rare/bloody meat is always portrayed as villainous?
The animatrix is fanfiction
Not as villainous as Denethor from RotK eating grapes.
stop noticing things and eat your charcoal, goy
Zion was specifically made for the people who wanted out.
And lol what's a caveman gonna do, walk up to a squid robot and get killed?
hell, it's a virtual reality.
Just give me the 2D version and make it so nobody notices for some reason.