If you like super hero films you are literally retarted

If you like super hero films you are literally retarted.

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that's a little harsh don't you think?


No, I think it's fair. You are stuck with a child's mentality and a child's taste. That makes you "retarded".
Think about it: you're invested in watching people identifying as "good" or "bad" wearing garish costumes fighting it out with each other using extra special powers.
At leasy wrestling doesn't have super powers. That makes you more of a retard than wrestling fans.

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You literally need to get laid, you ugly virgin.

That's what I've been trying to tell people but they keep telling me to go back to someplace called pol or to have sex. I'm married with two kids, its fucking ridiculous.

With you


people in their 20s or older who still consume young adult media are a HUGE red flag

imagine dating a girl whos in her mid 20s and still obsessed with harry potter or twilight or something, thats what normal well adjusted people think when they hear about an adult watching capeshit

if you get mad about people liking superhero films you are involuntarily celibate

>normal well adjusted people
Normal well-adjusted people don't really care much about what other people watch.

>source(s): my insecurities

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The fact that you get all butthurt about people watching capeshit,makes you even more pathetic

>Normal well-adjusted people don't really care much about what other people watch.
Weird, /pol/ keeps telling me they're normal well-adjusted people

what ship is that above thors head?

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If you get upset over people watching capeshit you are literally more retardeder

The film will be shit. Captain Marvel is a mary sue and she will kill Thanos with ease so Marvel can pander to white feminists. This should be the Avenger's battle, not hers. They spent 10 years building up to this.

I cannot watch any more capeshit because I cannot suspend disbelief anymore. And I'm tired of there always being some stupid illogical resolution to the main character's problem that allows him to defeat the bad guys. For example Dr strange when he gets shocked suddenly gains electric superpowers.



Imagine missing the point this bad and still considering yourself an intelligent person.

I only watch it because my boy Rudd is in it. Ant-Man is nonsensical kino.

okay THIS is based

Some are fun.
What's wrong with watching a fun movie in theater once in a while?

Enlighten me.

They are, but frankly adults who still play video games and watch anime should fall in the same category too.

Dania Gorilla

What’s wrong with occasionally watching something that isn’t trying so hard to be high art or 2deep4you? Sometimes I want to be entertained.

Literally every movie is the same. You have two flavors: brooding and retarded.

So you watched them all?

>You have two flavors: brooding and retarded.
But that’s every movie ever.

*blocks your path*

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based, please keep posting this we need to btfo the capeindians on Yea Forums

I don't think people that like capeshit are retarded but people that use this quote definitely are

Its sad that you think being contrarian in an echochamber makes you interesting. You're impressing no one and she'll never want you.

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Friendly reminder that you're all wastes of resources and the only noble outcome for you is suicide.

Fuck off Bill Marr

Iron Man 1 isn't a real superhero film, it is reasonably well grounded Science Fiction.
Please spare me.

most probably i'm gonna torrent and enjoy this shit

i cant believe these fucking children like silence of the lambs! ooh edgy teenagers that wanna be psychopaths woo hoo! you are LITERALLY children. fuck silence of the lambs! gay children movie im not a children i am mature. fuck.


95% of this board is literally retarded and they call good movies shit all the time and prop up shit movies as good all the time.
You all have ruined cinema you filthy incels

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Anyone else rooting for Thanos at this point?

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Endgame looks like fun and it's guaranteed to make serious money
Objectively, it looks like a shit soap opera with no aesthetic value whatsoever, but i'm gonna torrent it anyway

Why is half the cast missing in that poster?

How many times can The Avengers make the same mistake before they learn?

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don't wanna ruin the surprise for the audiences
spiderman lives at the end

Nah I'm just not a cynical asshole. Liking super hero movies doesn't exclude you from liking actually good film

"Put away childish things" is about maturing out of childish misconceptions- it's not about literally hiding your comic books and action figures. True adults are secure in their love for whatever they love- those who would bully them for that are the childish ones.

>needing to feel superior to someone this hard
whatever you say retard.

There might be a good reason to this commercial garbage, but these """"""movies"""""" are so devoid of anything remotely artistic, and the results are so consistently awful, that it's easier to believe that the people here saying, "stop liking what I don't like XD," might as well be baiting.
Dude, just watch that shit today. Excepting the refreshingly witty character of Stark, (which became old close to a decade ago, especially with every other Marvel character imitating him), every part of that movie was mediocre garbage. At least the cinematography wasn't as dated and unimaginative as the Marvel films today.

>facebook-tier memes
The absolute state of capeshitters.

this. my only real problem with disney/marvel is that no matter how much they invest in it, still looks like shit
15 years ago blockbusters were just as retarded, but at least they looked good

>my only real problem with disney/marvel is that no matter how much they invest in it, still looks like shit
You have to cut costs somewhere when Downey Jr. is getting tens of millions of dollars per film.

>Nigger pandering: the motion picture gets Oscar nods

>Logan gets nothing

No further proof needed that Hollywood hates white men.


>so much triggered
This is the real show.

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stop projecting yourself

>If you get upset over the decline of western society you are literally more retardeder

The difference is that this is trash that's really not even intended for children. It's on par with Transformers in terms of sophistication, if perhaps not that insulting and pandering. At least Transformers offers cutting-edge visual spectacle, (which the studios can afford, paying the actors far less),while capeshit hasn't had impressive visual effects in over a decade.

To be perfectly frank, I do get bothered that people here like it. Imagine if people unironically posted BBT or new Simpsons episodes as if they actually liked it, shit that is below even the shitty tastes of Yea Forums.

Capeshit really is like the BBT, or Call of Duty, of music. It's that's tired, that's awful, that pandering, etc., etc.

These movies are literally wrestling with jokes and special effects

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>wrestling with jokes and special effects
And failing? I don't get your point.

Oh, I see, like theatrical wrestling.

I don't think that comparison is apt, but if you like Professional Wrestling or capeshit, you do have some mental deficiency, yes.

of movies*

Meant to say what the equivalent of that would be in music, but I don't listen to popular music, so I wouldn't know. Drake, maybe?

Super was a good movie

>eating shit doesn't exclude you from eating good food

The comparison isn't quite analogous, because coprophiliacs eventually have to eat real food at some point, while capeshitters have enough material to last them the rest of their lives, so the coprophagia is arguably better than liking capeshit.

but wolverine is canadian

Doctor Strange was dope.

Still better than be a Sad bitter fuck like you.
I Will get angry for 30 seconds for whatever insult you Will come up with and Go back to the other thousands capekino threads and you impotent rage Will keep going as long Avengers Endgame Will take to launch