Oh fuck yes

Oh fuck yes.

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If there is a Kenobi movie it definitely won't cover his rematch with Maul because it was already shown in full in Rebels.
And if they DID come up with something for the characters to do together, they wouldn't cast Ray Park again, they would cast Sam Witwer probably

What a snitch.

I met Elijah Woods and he told me they're remaking LotR only this time in blackface.
This if true.

oh no, i wonder if obi wan gets killed :(

>LotR remake in blackface

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People still care about Star Wars?

You know Disney will make it trashy propaganda, right?

Simmer down, incel.

I want a reluctant buddy movie about Macgregor and Edgerton as they team up to stop Darth Maul, doing a “what if” of that one issue. They fight about their expectations for Luke(Kenobi wants to train him, Owen wants nothing to do with the Jedis), and the two comes to an understanding. They’re both good enough actors that the movie can be built upon the tension between the two, both with good ideals, and how they break apart under the constant threat of Maul.

Who the fuck is Edgerton in Star Wars?

theres only one cool character in star wars, harrison ford. maul has a cool design but isn't a character. nobody gives a fuck about young kenobi. the prissy bore from the prequels.


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He plays Uncle Owen.

Who's uncle Owen?

>star wars
have sex

Have you never seen Star Wars?

Just answer the question I need to know who to clap for when they come on screen.

No, I'm not a virgin.

If Disney doesn't put their filthy hands on the direction and just let a GOOD director do his own thing, then it might be good

What's star wars?


>Filoni NTRd them out of the final duel
>Lucas made him straight so they can't pull the progressive card
>any side character would have to die or fuck off, so they can't force a strong X who don't need no Y
Not happening under current Disney, m8.

There's literally nothing stopping them from showing the final duel again. The target audience does not know that Maul already died.

Havent we basically seen kenobis entire story? I mean i guess you could show his childhood and the gap of time between 3 & 4 but it just seems reduntant to give him his own film. You might as well make an anakin movie

Where is she today? I remember fapping to this like 10 years or so ago.

You know, I've never been a Star Wars fan very much, but last weekend I watched the original trilogy on VHS just for shits, and ever since then, I find the idea of any Disney-based expansion to the Star Wars universe completely and utterly repugnant. Seeing the originals in their un-fucked state from a time before anyone could have imagined the horrid beast the franchise would turn into really activated my almonds.

>the gap of time between 3 & 4
>does nothing in the desert for years
Yeah I can't wait.

Starting to think Disney's primary concern isn't telling a complete, well written story desu

You know they’re gonna make him go on some insane adventure during that timeframe, don’t even act like you don’t know they’ll do that.

It would be kino like a little movie called Last Days in the Desert which told a similar story about a similar character, which is exactly why I can't see Disney doing it because that kind of movie would make no money.

>inb4 Obi-Wan learnt everything he knew from a woman

good films but the fandom are as much an issue as anything, hysteria doesn't promote good production decisions in a profit driven industry.

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Cast Lupita Nyong'o for maximum reee.

Yes exactly, some dumb shit like this is what they’ll do. They’ll have a girl Obiwan whose smarter than Obiwan as well who is actually stronger than Luke and Vader combined and is the mother of Rey and is secretly the one who destroyed the Death Star by bending Luke’s lazer shot into the vent when everyone really thought it was just Luke. Also her lightsaber is yellow and she can dual wield it with a pink one and she fights Vader once and force chokes him because she can use dark side powers but is still good and ends the movie but electrocuting Vader with green lightning.

>Cast Lupita Nyong'o
She is literally already Maz. (Orange alien, since you probably don't remember.)

Have gender




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Why are their mouths bleeding?

Isn't Satine basically space Cate Blanchett?

lmao that's actually true ! What was the point of hiring an actress for that CGI gnome ?

Its Messy Lipstick due to kissing user


Almost everything about her, including the voice was based off of Cate Blanchett

>they won't do it because it was done in a cartoon
Star Cucks are literally this retarded

I dunno, but even people who liked her were pissed and wrote angry articles about how she was wasted on a CGI character because Hollywood fears her blackness. So they put her in Black Panther.

In fairness, Disney probably won't want to have a situation where an underfunded cartoon manages to outdo their live action.

Either way, we're getting more Clone Wars.

i do not agree:
>Prequel era:
Clone wars but live action!!
>OT era:
some noir detective adventure of Obi wan with the criminals from tattoine.

I would like more to see the second.

>Mad Max: Star Wars edition
>dumb shit

Either would be fine, but the problem is that while Disney might be able to find someone to direct a harmless action movie, anything outside that is utterly beyond what Disney can manage.
Even an action movie is almost certainly beyond them under their current management.

>going back to tatooine again
how bout no

Well that would make it 100% consistent with every other nu-SW film.

Infact i cant think of one female who isnt sassy and in control that makes a man look stupid. Not one.

Diversity points whilst keeling a white female firmly in the spotlight

>wanting mad max PG13 pew pew lazer beam edition

Fuck off

Give me a live action Clone Wars movie instead. They can de-age Ewan and Hayden (who doesn't need much CGI anyway) and make a CGI Ahsoka voiced by Ashley. The only catch is they need Lucas to pull it off.

Simmer down, incels.

on one hand I love me some Ewan Obi kino, on the other hand, I dread his inevitable emasculation and humiliation

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> Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon were on the run with Duchess Satine of Mandalore from Death Watch terrorists for what's implied to be months or years

I could see them doing that story if Satine weren't a blonde angelic beauty, no place to cram in the mandatory boring brunette action girl.

I have a feeling that was the plan they had when the introduced the Game of Thrones dragon queen as an apprentice of Maul in Solo.

McGregor is a way too old now for that story

Just use the Marvel movie ageing tech. Sam Jackson from Captain Marvel worked well enough.

She's gone full on into the THICC look people meme about while her penis has shriveled to the point of uselessness.


Surely you have pics.

female character diversity under George
>pacifist leader who doesn't let her non violent ways stop her from being assertive and commanding
>senator doing all she can to preserve democracy, who also isn't afraid to engage in subterfuge or fight when she needs to
>alien action girl who helps Anakin find his own balance by casting a mirror for him
>antagonistic alien Dark jedi who uses any tool at her disposal to complete a mission, but still has a deeply buried sense of morals
>ruthless bounty hunter who was an early influence to Boba Fett
>numerous Jedi Masters

Female character diversity under Disney
>Bitchy brunette action girl
>Bitchy older authority figure

I don't count Filoni's characters, because they were in the works pre buyout.

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>dark jedi


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She wasn't really a Sith though. She was just someone Sheev and Dooku wanted as an extra hand that couldn't be linked back to Palpatine. It's why Sheev ordered her to be cleaved when she got too powerful, and why it didn't violate the rule of two.

I guess the nonexistent quality control has benefits for some people.

Do you think they really care about a cartoon?


Nop she never was a sith, just a larper, but Dooku had intentions to make her his apprentices until Sheev told him to kill her

This is Alan Tudyk.
He played Hoban “Wash” Washburne on the TV series Firefly.
Firefly only lasted one season.
It then received a low budget movie, in which his character was killed off.
Despite this, Alan has made numerous implications since the movie, that a new Firefly movie or series will happen.
The movie was released 14 years ago.

Attached: Alan Tudyk-11.jpg (1046x1600, 427K)

>under "sith"
>sith weaponry: Asajj Ventress' Lightsabers

>under her page
>affiliations: Sith
>note: Databank uses "to be part of" definition of affiliation/affiliated
>see: Nute Gunray, Affiliations are CIS and Trade Federation, no Affiliations: Sith despite working closely with Sidious

>Databank and Wook both list Dooku breaking the Rule of 2 to train her
>Rule of 2 only permits 2 sith

Like said, her dick don't work no more

>databank and wook

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Yeah but this was the bad cartoon

>Official Sources detailing points in argument

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They aren't going to throw it out the window for a spin-off that is destined to fail like Solo did

Is Savage Opress then a Sith too?

Yes he is actually, due to mauls "offshoot" rule of 2

(Savage does not have a page for his lightsaber etc though)

Well if they count Savage as a Sith then Ventress count too hell even Grievous can count too if they set the bar so low

They can easily rewrite their own canon since they have no standards.
Nothing of the sort happened yet (unless you count a failure to tell the book department that a comic in production is going to kill of characters that a sourcebook still lists as alive, which is being fixed in reprints) but there are funny strips in the Marvel comics that don't seem to count as canon and the book "From a certain point of view" had a completely non-canon story about the Whills. They will do it eventually.

Nah grievous doesnt count as he's just trained to use a lightsaber

A lot of people confuse "sith" with "sith lord"

You dont have to be a sith lord to be a sith, and being part of the orders heirarchy itself makes you a Sith

Ventress' official title is "Sith Assassin" which is a type of sith

All this means is that if i say "Asajj Ventress is a Sith", i am not incorrect

Fun fact: Inquisitors are NOT Sith

Lucasfilm finally admitting this whole cohesive canon thing isn't really working out would be amusing. But overwriting the show with something better only makes sense.

>completely and utterly repugnant
Go back

>because it was already shown in full in Rebels.
Nobody cares about cartoons. The movies are king. They will show in the movies whatever they damn well please.

Let's be real, the Sith in canon are fuctionally just some pompous Dark Siders who run a secret club.

Which in this case is nothing.

>its a Secret Treehouse Club
>Sheev allows Ventress up there despite the "no girls allowed" sign because Dooku requested it
>it also has a sign saying "no kylo allowed"
>Kylo has to play in the dark side sandpit with Seventh Sister

Why does he cover his beautiful smile? Can't believe someone with a smile and face like that would still be self conscious

Old EU had dark side cults outside of the Sith hierarchy as well.

The difference being that the Sith have a specific philosophy that sets them apart from other cults. Ostensibly. The EU explored it, canon can't be bothered. Hence no functional difference. Just people waving around red lightsabers, angrily.

In fairness, Sheev was fully planning on throwing the rule of two out the window anyway and going full Ragnos.

Nice to talk to the director of this upcoming movie.

Disney canceled multiple standalone star wars projects after Solo was boycotted. One of them was at least Fett which would have been out by now, and the others likely included whatever possible plans for Kenobi they may have had

>One of them was at least Fett which would have been out by now

Who cares? I don't.

I'm talking about the movie that was being directed by the Fantastic 4 guy before being given to an unnamed director. Not the tv show. It was publicly canceled after Solo bombed

Grats on coming into thread you don't care about and making post to prove how much you totally don't care.

You were full of shit when you said "it would have been out by now." They do one Star Wars movie a year and it hasn't even been a year since Solo. And this year's movie is IX.

Why an Obi Wan movie?

He already appears in 6 movies I prefer to watch a movie of the Old Republic

Okay fag fine, it would have been out next year.

It still will be, the third anthology movie has never been canceled.

because he's one of the few OT characters that hasn't been ruined yet

Would you watch a star wars movie if most of the cast are clones all played by Temura Morrison?

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>watching cartoons

Riley will kill Ewan before it happens

Lupita's fine. Max reeeeeee would be casting Tessa Thopmson

>Star Wars
Literally for retarded children

How would Ray know? Didn't he leave the 501st after Disney co-opted the charity?

On Yea Forums. She's well-liked elsewhere.