...and you say that this image of ryan gosling screaming is literally you?

>...and you say that this image of ryan gosling screaming is literally you?

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>can I be honest with you?
>....I just really want to have sex with you. It's nothing personal, it's just that I've never been with a woman in 27 years except in my fantasies and lucid dreams. I've lost all my high school friends, I can't even work up the self-esteem to jack off anymore. I'm so lonely and horny it makes me want to jump off a bridge. Just being physically near a biological woman is making my vision go blurry and my balls go numb. I want to have sex with you, and then cuddle in bed for hours while we talk about sweet nothings and then have sex again. I want to keep on doing this until I know everything about you and everything about having sex. I want to fall deeply in love with you, I want to live my entire life with you by my side, I want to join with you, man and woman become one flesh before God. I also want to suck on your titties. I'm sorry if this is inappropriate or crossing a line, but it's just how I honestly feel.

>...but I'm your mother, user

>....so, its you against these "jannies" as you call them, is that right?

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>"so you spend most of your day worried about these "discord" trannies ruining, what is it...your internet friends club?"

>let make sure I understand you.
>you believe transgender individuals from a site called discord are, in an organized manner, calling you an involuntary celibate, abbreviated as "incel", telling you to have sex, and in an organized manner are trying to convince you to watch disney movies, thus ruining your daily life when you are browsing an online forum?
>yes I do

>sorry user, you're above my pay grade. I'm having you committed to the local mental institution for intensive care.

discord trannies out

Anyone else dealing with paranoid delusions?

>who is this "big guy" you keep talking about, and what is a "power stance"?

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They are only delusions until you wait for the world to co-ordinate with you. Until then, they are merely illusions.

I don't understand what this means. But I always feel like people are watching me.

>Tell me about Bane. Why does he wear the mask?

I don't think the pity sex approach has ever worked.

*some stupid metaphor about hiding your inner self because of embarrassment*

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>Just be yourself, user! It is that easy!

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psychiatry is at best a protoscience

>so.. am I for the loonie bin doc?

You are just like a little baby, 39 year old virgin here
actual "advice" here, stop believing in love, women are just a pussyhole and are human just like you, imperfect, stop putting them on a pedestal, it's why you fail and I failed but unlike me you can still fix your life, there's still time, not a lot though

39 sounds like a prison sentence

if you know this why don't you just take your own advice?
Imagine if you did everything you could to make yourself look as best you can and just started flirting with and hitting on women every day. You can only be rejected so many times before you stop caring and then imagine the power you'd have. To be able to talk to women and not give a shit at all. Man, I'm sure it's easier said than done, but if you've got nothing to lose why not just decide that's what you'll do until you're 50 and if it doesn't work by then you can officially give up?

based new zealander

I think you got this mixed up somehow.

I think once you make it past the early 30 it's clear sailing. the physical part of your body that cares about sex starts fading. Testosterone stops dropping so no more constant thoughts of sex sex sex aren't always there anymore. probably more peaceful as a virgin starting at that age.
i'm turning 36 next month and i don't think i can even masturbate once a day anymore even if i wanted to.

Don't trust shrinks about this. Unless your worldview is the same as theirs, you're considered mentally ill. Unfortunately, psychotherapists aren't there to help you but to make a buck. I don't understand why when you go to a garagist you pay to get your car fixed but for a psy it's the opposite.

based advice he doesn't even follow himself poster


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In general I'm worried about seeing a shrink. Don't know how honest I can be around them without getting sent away to an institution or drugged up so I just become a brainless rubber