He didn't like Captain Marvel because the protagonist is a beautiful white woman

>He didn't like Captain Marvel because the protagonist is a beautiful white woman

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Is that a personal attack?

Attached: personal attack.png (1188x1058, 986K)

He didn't like Captain Marvel because he is incel

>beautiful white woman
>beautiful white
>beautiful woman
>beautiful woman
>white woman

I'll watch it when they reboot with Idris Alba

From all accounts, it's low tier Marvel. Around the level of the first Cap, first two thors, and iron man 2 and 3.

Brie is the least of the films troubles.


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Be quiet incel

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oh, it's a retard. I'll be on my way then.

>He resorts to name-calling when losing an argument

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Why does she look like Emilia Clarke in these photos?

They are both beautiful white women

>I merely smiled at an Asgardian God and then he said he liked me. To live life as a woman is to live life on the defense

>They were both beautiful white women, that hit the wall... hard.


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With that jawline, you bet your ass that's a man. Don't misgender him

Made me think

i want to treat her like a fuck toy so bad. help me

If there was any problem with the acting, it was because of the directing. Larson can act, I think she was wasted on this role.

If it had been Jlaw, it would have been the same problem.

She holds a stare, doesn't back down, and is generally confident - as a hero is - but because society has labeled women like that to be cold bitches and not heroes, well, here we are.

Unironically this
Fourchan tried shaming her for not smiling but guess what? She doesnt have to

based reddit poster

have gold on me stranger!

have sex!!!!!

>She holds a stare, doesn't back down, and is generally confident - as a hero is
Random criminals fit the same description. Not surprisingly, so do movie villains.
Hero figures need at least some likeability, which is probably why Thor is tasked with telling the audience she's likeable and not just a bitch.

They should just make a capeshit board so I never have to see this shit on here again

based sex poster


Jesus fucking christ another fucking Brie Larson threads...months and months of Brie Larson threads, you fucks are so obsessed..

No u r

I dislike her personality not her looks

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Go fix your nasty ass feet, bitch.

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Just wached this garbage and wanna know who is the bad guy? Because if the kree are the bad guys then whats the point in making the guardians save them in the first movie ?

You incels annoy me so much omg I want to kill all of you you fucking vrigins i swear to god you won't stop complaining about women and if you did you would get laid you fucking losers you all deserve to die

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Aaaaah my eyes

so much keks
It's just a google research, it's not even a message and this girl ask if it's an insult

That would be great. Star Wars should go there as well.

Imagine being Brie Larson and 99% of your day is spent thinking about brown skinned people and being defensive about common coutesy received from men

Based Russo brothers dissatisfied with Larson's flat body tried to change with CGI

Attached: CGI PROBLEM.jpg (210x478, 8K)

The first Thor is good, at least compared to other Marvel movies.

Fuck off, incel

I don't like capeshit in general.

That's literally what you first did you autistic fuck

Be honest, you would have liked it a while lot more if it stared rihanna

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