When are we going to get another Blade kino?
>pic not related
When are we going to get another Blade kino?
Imagine Boyega as Blade. Please make it happen
>implying the original blade trilogy can be topped
>implying there is no one better than snipes to play the role
- Blade
Boyega is trash
It either needs to be Marshalla or nobody
there really isn't anyone better desu it was a perfect fit
I want to see Boyega get more roles just to see the incels salty.
Leave it alone you fucking poofter
Dem vampaihs dis blood
New Blade will be female.
Does the average Nigerian look like Boyega?
Man WTF. Dude ugly as hell.
Idris Elba.
Seriously, this guy is just so comically ugly, it's like the black version of Ron Perlman.
Dude legit looks like a caveman.
No. Took me 5 seconds to find a better looking Nigerian than Boyega
I thought that was Pogba
Snipes was pretty based, apparently he invested some of his own money in the movie because he liked it so much
he looks like his mom was BLEACHED.
I wish
Boyongo literally said he'd never play blade even if offered the role because it belongs to Snipes
Pretty based
I would assume he's saying that his father is probably white.
Why? He doesn't look half white.
>dem vamps
>dis blud
This fella.
>Hey, Black Mike?
>Yeah Vince, what's up?
>You mind holding on the fort? Got some errands to run.
>No problem, Vince, go ahead.