
deAN, our last thread maxed out edition

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Other urls found in this thread:

Right so OP here, I woke up and was happy to see the previous thread is still alive but it’s maxed out so yea
Well it’s all theorizing about Jack as the new big bad so I guess it’s not completely bad
>not liking based Randy Giles
His best
People were saying Cas is finally useful

Oh don't worry about the last thread, Sammy. Just sit back and let the good old Ruby take care of your other needs...

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wait isn't she married to jared, is that sam's bepis?

Holy shit is that actually Kate cassidy

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who is the guy?

Jensen Ackles, Padalecki is a renowned cuck

That's the new Ruby.


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Resuming The Order. Dude hunts a werewolf with a burger because it’s “tradition” kek

fuck off cunt
padelecki is based

This college dude drinks way too much instead of researching about his monster

Alright ep 2 of The Order
>dude is named Jack
>booksmart and looks like Sam
>drinks beer and acts like Dean
>kills a golem successfully, flaunts his kill right in the secret meeting place of the order during the initiation of his “rival”, gets his rival and his mother exposed as cheaters, and gets accepted into the order that sabotaged his pledge trial
It’s pretty kino so far lads.

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>This college dude drinks way too much instead of researching about his monster

looks like a mutt sam maybe

Ah I thought the chancellor looked familiar. She was Ava, one of the psychic kids of Azazel. So the protag's gramps is Pestilence, his school chancellor is Ava and his friend was that young hunter Aiden. I wonder who else in Supernatural is in here
The Order. I'm scouting out new occult shlock now that I'm caught up with American Gods and Grimm is not holding my attention too much in season 3
well yeah

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Where’s our spinoff?!

Me on the right

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Just a wee bit of thread necromancy lads

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Supernatural is a gay reddit show

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fuck off newfag
been watching it since release here

Just because something’s a gay reddit show doesn’t mean you can’t watch it and enjoy it. It just means you happen to enjoy a gay Reddit show. That doesn’t make you less of a person, or less deserving of respect. It just means you’re a guy who happens to like a gay reddit show.

Thanks for depositing your soul to this thread and the show

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it isn't a gay reddit show at all

Moving on

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yeah doesn't he do any research, it's a gay tumblr show

Next ep looks like it’ll be woods kino

What did they mean by this?

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THE hottest woman in all of Supernatural. Fact!!

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55 seconds mark. He denies that rumour. Quite defensively I thought.
Nice house though.

Hello boys.
Kek. I'll probably check it out now.

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Blessing this thread

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>TFW no qt entrepreneurial angel to remodel your home with

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>I'll probably check it out now.
I took a break after episode 4. It's pretty good. There's a twist in ep 3 that shifts the pace and tone of the series and I'm still testing if it's a good angle. Definitely interesting still but quite different from the expectations that I built with ep 1-2

that's the episode summer glau was supposed to guest star in

Sams a turbo chad

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no it's a based Yea Forums show

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The Walking Plaid live in Kansas City (2019)


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reap the souls of the trolls and move on

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which Samantha did it better?

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what did Dean mean by this?

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>hey Yea Forums, I need to know everything about sex. GO!

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>me irl

Jack is legit creepy when hes isnt being giddy most of the time.


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Put pene in vagoo and vibrate, then explodymagoo

that's gross

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What is he thinking right now?

who knows...

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Wahey I got amazon prime and they have seasons 1-13 also buffy seasons 1-7 and angel 1-5.

All hail Jeff and wagies in their cagies

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But the soundtrack has been altered.

the actor played a sadist villain in Arrow I think. he's pretty decent
kek based
>I got amazon prime and they have seasons 1-13 also buffy seasons 1-7 and angel 1-5
I have that but Leaf Amazon Prime only has American Gods and Grimm. Sad!

oh no, i hope you're not that user

Thought that was netflix
Yeah but you have it on leaf Netflix

lol no, I'm checking that out to see if the comparisons in the marketing of that show have even the slightest shred of truth

>leaf Netflix
up until October last year, user. RIP

I want them to introduce new special demons again. The shedim was a tease and the tempter demons of the apocalypse world was not touched at all

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The Order is fucking garbage. It's really poorly written and the ending is complete shit.
Avoid it completely.
it's also written by raging feminists and there's a LOT of in your face feminism shit.

>the ending is complete shit
well that sucks I was looking forward to it. And I guess yeah I kinda noticed a few of them but they aren't as blunt as say, Sabrina's

aaand we're still #2 for the entire line up of the CW. As usual, Legashit is piggybacking on our good ratings

I think there are a few of us who actually watched that but there's one turbo autist who posts faggotry to shill the show to us

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>TFW no Abbie demoness gf to blow smoke up your ass

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I'm still annoyed that Legashit stole the Wayward Sisters slot. Memes aside SPN can't last forever but the setting is so solid that it could easily support a few spinoffs.
There's literally a spin off option in every season so far

>the setting is so solid that it could easily support a few spinoffs
yep, I'm still salty because it most likely derailed the first half of season 14 and also likely killed all potential future spinoffs
>There's literally a spin off option in every season so far
hopefully not the kids from Lebanon though. Teenagers are clearly not strong enough draws, let's maybe have adults lead the spinoff instead.

admit it - Gabriel revival was the best kino moment in the series.

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do you mean season 13? One of, but 13 dropped a lot of revelations so it's hard to figure out which one is the best from 13 alone

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I meant Gabriel revelation, but no worry - I'm finishing s13 and already know that trickster has ptsd.

in that case yes, the reveal that really tied the earlier seasons to the mytharc was kino

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Naptime lads

Is it weird that I like Jack? In S13 I was like really? But now he's kinda cool.

They look so young in the first seasons

jacks great

Yeah, he grew on me as well. I'll be sad when he has to go.

why does it seem like both are bigger now


More closeups

Misha Collins makes them look taller

That is one fucking fat upper arm for her size.

>he had the fuckboy zoomer haircut

nah they look taller and wider
they have to be a bit anyway
even there jaws

What kind of a faggot thinks that's a zoomer haircut?

To do the closeups they put a different lens on the camera, which have different distorting effects probably helping to make them look bigger.

it's the zoomer haircut

The dude has had that haircut for longer than zoomers have been alive.

>sammy is actually 5'4


What the hell is this? Who's talking shit about Europe?

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He was probably reacting to the UK promo of Supernatural pilot

Ben is Dean's biological son.

They need to utilize and develop Sam and Castiel dynamic more. Their arcs on leadership coming together was useful for both characters, especially Castiel who hasn’t been doing much recently

>Alpha cuck

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>Thank god I'm getting paid

I'm not caught up to the latest episodes yet. But last night I saw S14E08 and it made remember why I love this show so much. Some people are tired of the angels and heaven, but heaven scenes always give me fucking goosebumps.

I'm a sappy motherfucker and I actually got tears in my eyes when Anubis weighed her soul.

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Jack won’t be let go because he’ll be the face of the continuation/spinoff of Supernatural

Ya this episode was good. Shame it was a different actress but Lily Sunder was a damn good character both for season 12 and 14

Naomi is the most sympathetic villain in the show. If you can call her that really, she's more of a heaven fascist, end justifies the means-angel.

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>most sympathetic villain
Eve. She’s a stickler to Natural Order just like Death and she was only forced to act when purgatory was dragged into the heaven vs hell war. She deserved at least an entire season for her arc

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She's back in Purgatory, right? They didn't permakill her?
What exactly is she supposed to have done wrong? She was 100% right about Memetron and although she was a little heavy handed in dealing with Cas stealing the Angel tablet it turned out that if Cas had just given it to her then the angels wouldn't have been expelled and the world would be a much better place.

>She's back in Purgatory, right?
Ideally she should be. Unless she's now in the Empty which sucks
>What exactly is she supposed to have done wrong?
more contrived bullshit. Season 8 and 9 have so many weird storytelling choices/directions. Take for example the fall of the angels--it's good in theory and it is visually amazing but it was preceded by the dumb choice of throwing the tablets trial arc into the garbage and followed up by a weak angel civil war 2.0

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I totally want this.

I think he's stepped up enough to the plate. He'd need a very good and interesting ensemble however

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>user posts lewds and no one reports him
you lads are alright

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Watching episode 1 and fuck me the show is so much different, much more spooky and atmospheric
which is very classy and highbrow

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I still like the show, but after the first few seasons it went more campy. I honestly miss season 2's monster of the week episodes, so many good ones.

They shouldn't have killed Asmodeus so easily.

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Same but its quite jarring seeing how much its changed.
I agree and I hate Gabe also Alt-Micheal sucks too

i hope next episode is great, woods-based cases are often kino

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i've been missing out from s14e10 onwards, some reason show's becoming bit stale as it has been for some time. there's the occasional good episodes but they are extremely rare delicacy

When are the weird scary dudes he tried to summon out of the hole that time going to come back into play

>i've been missing out from s14e10 onwards
really? Season 14 started slow and I was close to dropping it again, I'll admit that but Nihilism onwards have been a string of solid episodes

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the Shedim? I guess they were meant simply to tease us

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yeah, i liked the scooby episode and the horror slasher film one. kinda miss those monster of the week ones, they were the main reason i was interested about the show in the first place. this constant losing mommy getting mommy killing angels dodging angels thing is getting bit tiresome as it has been the plot for pretty fucking many seasons already.
this has been oen of those shows i watch with half screen while doing other stuff much like walking dead which i dropped after rick left, felt like a proper point to stop watching that garbage. i also see that the alpha guy negan dude is appearing in later episosed this season so gonna catch up with this

just took a marie callender blueberry pie out of the oven bros. letting that bad boy cool down for a few hours. that whole pi day thing got to me. LOVE ME SOME PIE

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>i also see that the alpha guy negan dude is appearing in later episosed this season so gonna catch up with this
yeah he does come back for the milestone episode but also he wants to comeback again for a longer proper arc during the theoretical final season

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the show has always had about the same mix of motw and mytharc eps. season 12 was like 50% motw episodes. it's a meme that there aren't motw episodes. it's just that a lot of them have a few scenes dedicated to main season plots tossed in.

why does he look so dramatically different now? did JDM become a vegan or something?

>blueberry pie
the berries better be fresh otherwise this would be a gooey sloppy mess. hopefully it's a good one. I love pie, too. One time I went on a road trip, a hike to a trail and falls named Devil's punchbowl and a nearby market was selling freshly baked pies, I spent close to $100 buying apple, pecan, meat, and a special "Peninsula pie"
>season 12 was like 50% motw episodes
yea, I liked season 12 specifically for that and I'm a huge mytharc guy usually
my guess is he had to keep his aesthetics close to being Negan

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Jack's fuckery is going to break heaven, and purgatory and hell for that matter, everyone comes back for final season

>everyone comes back for final season
I would unironically be here for that no matter what they say about deaths in Supernatural having no consequences. You can't have a satisfying ending without sufficient callbacks and nostalgic punches from old scenes or characters

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I wonder what happened to the rest of the lads catching up or watching other shows of the genre

Is this show like 'case of the week' or does it have overarching plot stuff

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There's a ton of plot, dude. Especially the first 5 seasons. They all tie together. 9-11 are a pretty cohesive storyline too with the Mark of Cain.

>Is this show like 'case of the week' or does it have overarching plot stuff

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>9-11 are a pretty cohesive storyline too with the Mark of Cain
the way you sneaked season 9 in there LMAO, sure the Mark of Cain has been in since season 9 but I wouldn't call it cohesive with 10 and 11 when it meanders a lot before they found a solid mytharc direction for the mark. 9 is also far from the quality of 10 which is also far from the good quality of 11

Never seen this show, a few episodes here and there. Is it worth watching?

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throw all misconceptions about it and give season 1 a try. but not on Netflix because music is changed, and it really waters down the show. trust me. they got Emmy noms for sound/music so there's a reason why I need you to watch it with the original soundtrack

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it has overarching plot but it starts very episodic/MOTW and becomes more serialized around season 3, with the mytharc going turbo season 4. However, standalone cases remain an integral part of the show 14 seasons in

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Cool. just curious,. I kind of like shows that mix both. Gonna start binging this show soon

The fuck, why is the music changed on Netflix. I was going to start watching this show there

What music? Just the rock songs or the actual score?

Nice! Hope to see you post your progress with us, we got a few people catching up on the show as well. We generally spoiler shit around but just be careful because some of our memes might be spoilers. What other shows of the same structure have you watched?

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Episode was good for the most part. I’m glad Castiel didn’t immediately start jobbing to humans, at least not until Sam somehow overpowered AN ANGEL

I fucking hate Jack, though. I hate the totally obvious “heheh he’s soulless guys, he’s gonna be the bad guy laterrrrr” shit that’s being built up. I hate everything about Jack.

season 1 netflix had its OST changed because of licensing issues. TRUST ME you DO NOT WANT to watch the altered version because it really takes away a lot of impact of certain scenes. Make the effort to watch season 1 elsewhere and then you can watch season 2 onwards on Netflix
the rock songs, which is an important aspect of the show's identity

How many seasons is this show planning to go?

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So it's only for Season Oneo that they had licensing issues?

season-long? Yes. Although I think season 10 or 11 is missing a recap montage with a rock song, but otherwise yes. Season 2 onwards on Netflix has all the original songs.

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What's there in place of the original music?

Threadly reminder, those pics of Padalecki's wife sucking dick aren't him. Padalecki's a cuck and used to share how wife with Ackles.

>in place of the original music?
some unknown songs that I highly doubt fits Dean's characterization/music taste. I think there was only one fitting replacement but we're talking about AC/DC, Blue Oyster Cult, In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida, and Ozzy Osbourne here

Lads, I just remembered. A moment of silence for the WEBMIZER. I think he's having a tough time with his job right around this time. A month ago he said he was about to get laid off. Let's hope the based lad can find a stable job and come back to us soon

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He's a good lad, I really need to learn how to make decent ones, try and pick up the slack while he's gone

I did that for a while when he was gone before. It was pretty easy but my problem is securing good rips. I'm working on 7 year-old rips and they're cracking hard on piracy where I'm from. My best webms were based on HD rips

Attached: dean abaddon first blade.webm (1920x1080, 1.66M)

the poorer rips I had weren't that obvious because the scenes were dark or because the clip is short such as webm related

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or the content is good enough on its own that it doesn't matter if the rip isn't HD kek

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as long as it can

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reviving this thread

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>yfw the winchesters tassle with the greatest demons of all the jews
>sam and dean suit up with two m5s and go pros streaming to facebook and take on every synagogue they see

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Only HD for me, I'll play with it this weekend, see what I can do, timing works anyway time for my 1-5 rewatch to begin

Cool. I've had to resize my crappier ones

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it was a frozen pie. getting ready to chow down now desu. i have some whipped cream too - the real stuff. gotta live for the little things ;)
>tfw can get tacos tuesday and still be team free will

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damn how long did you have to thaw/heart/cool down that pie, that was hours ago. I can't wait for Halloween and pie season. Perfect time to get apple pies, wear denim jacket for the crisp cold air, get sweets for halloween when everybody's wearing spooks and skellies, and a new Supernatural season is starting wew

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i really wish that had audio. it was that cherry pie song

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I made one with audio but it won't do any good here anyway. Ep 200 a shit

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God I miss Julian Richings. The guy played Death naturally


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whatever helps you sleep at night, user

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So if Jack DID lose his soul, wouldnt that make him 100% angel now? Since they've basically removed the human half

Thank you, anons, you've helped me decide what to eat tomorrow.

Didn't they say there's a sliver left? And I don't think it works like that. Humans without souls are still humans. Then again Jack isn't human.

I think he's still half human but the human half is missing a soul like Sam was.

moose big squirrel not big

Well, I mean the whole reason the Empty wants Jack in the first place is because he's half angel.

Angels are just celestial beings made up of Grace and inhabiting a meat suit when they need to interact. Though that stands the question, when Angels are made mortals(Anna and Castiel both), do they have souls at that point?

Excluding pizza (which can be considered pie), what are your favorites? Mine are
>Apple (Apple Cinnamon, a la mode or with ice cream on top)
>Pecan (Butter Pecan >>>>>>> Chocolate Pecan)
> Blueberry
>Strawberry (with or without Rhubarb)
>Peach Mango
>Young coconut meat
>Lemon Meringue
probably the only pies I did not really enjoy are
>pork meat pie (maybe I just had a bad batch but the gelatinous fat was awful)

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don't you know, girl
you'll be a woman soon

i had to cook it for 65 minutes at 400 degrees, then let it cool for three hours.

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Yea that's what they're probably called. In any case, I preferred the chicken and the beef mincemeat pie my aunt (RIP, bless her) bought for me 2 years ago. I almost forgot the Brits liked their meat pies good thing I remembered that before I left the place so I could try them out

>Peach Mango

Yes or maybe no, probably its possible

you now remember Zach was in the 100th and 300th episodes

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Sam didn't overpower him, the other two were done and Cas wasn't going to hurt Sam, although the real question is why he didn't just insta sleep the two and then mind fix Sam

aside from the WEBMIZER, the Connors also haven't graced our threads in a while

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Because Angels conveniently forget or remember all their powers depending on when its plot convenient

My guess is they have human bodies but with no soul.

angels had individual powers and collective powers of the heavenly host. Now that they lost their wings and are less than a dozen left, they are barely threats

Also, angels tend to be either severely OP (Archangels in particular) or complete pushovers after Season 4. And somehow EVERYONE has an angel blade now,

Even random one episode cameo fuckers have SOMEHOW gotten ahold of one at some point in their convoluted pasts

>Even random one episode cameo fuckers have SOMEHOW gotten ahold of one at some point in their convoluted pasts
Meg perfectly explains that though--lots of angels dying means a lot of them get left behind

lol As far I know they're the only one selling them.

Yea, but most of their backstories involve a literal who getting into tussles with angels or something and they somehow get rolled on by a human and get their blade stolen.

trafficking of artifacts aren't unheard of. Bela did that for an entire season, Alastair got hold of the Scythe in season 4, while Crowley got the Colt through his crossroad dealings

I'm always here just don't feel the need to announce my precense

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yes but Cas has those powers I mentioned and has used them after losing his wings

>tfw want balthazar to come back

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>has used them after losing his wings
but that doesn't account for the collective powers of angels dwindling altogether

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is for

I know I understood it but I don't want leaking my identity any further. It's too dangerous

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>the collective powers of angels dwindling altogether
wait a second thats because their are so few of them, so they probably can't do shit like hand of god smiting for instance, but each individual should still be just as strong as they always were, after the fall obviously

>but each individual should still be just as strong as they always were
Cas is an idiot

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thank you, thats what I was driving at now that I think about it

Not the user you're talking to just joining the discussion to say that there various ranks of angels like cherubim so not all can do the same stuff I guess.

true, but Cas has those abilities he is a sereph, in supernatural lore that's one step below archangel

i want a comfy episode soon

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fresh apus

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>in supernatural lore that's one step below archangel
is it still though? the Grigori seemed to be powerful and were unaffected by the fall

I delivered them last week user, but here

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remember when that cooler had a head in it?

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I always thought of those as basically elite seraph

oh that cooler has gone through a lot

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the John one was

frickin cool bro. thanks user.

supernatural bros are the best.

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well i suppose that can work

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oh it was but I meant more roadtrip kino scenery
no probs. Have you seen the goblet of blood and the abaddon apus yet?

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Bedtime for me, lads. Got work tomorrow. Won't be able to join until roughly 16 hours

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>Zacharia decribes himself as having 4 heads
>One of which is a lion
>In Christian lore, the only angels with 4 heads (including a Lion) are Cherubs

In Christian lore, archangels are also the second lowest choir of angels and there are 7 archangels including Uriel

true, but seraphim are suppose to have six wing, and their is suppose to be seven archangels, supernatural lore is all fucked up. Still their is some good art work for cherubs

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Depends on which lore youre looking at, as some describe the Cherubs are the second lowest, whereas Archangels (capital A) are considered the direct Voice of God

Revelation gives Cherubim 6 wings too

one is archangel the other is Archangel, the Named angels Michael Gaberiel Uriel Raphael etc. don't actually fit into the 7 choirs

And clearly Supernatural uses the Archangels rather than archangels.

I'm surprised that havent ever introduced Powers or Thrones though

I wish they gave Naomi an actual choir instead of being the leader of “intelligence angels”. I blame Carver


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Powers, Thrones, Dominions, Principalities, Virtues etc all sound vague and weird and not cool enough to be a class of angels. Seraph and Cherub work because they don’t sound like random nouns. However I’d like to know which ass they pulled Grigori and Rit Zien from

I like to think of Naomi as a Dominion, since she basically regulates the lower angels

I blame Carver too, in the first 5 its mentioned and shown that stuff like Cas trying to talk to Dean without a vessel almost killed Dean, Cas is really taller then a skyscraper, seeing an angels true form is blinding at best etc. Carver fucked so much shit up, not even getting to what he did to the reapers

She can be any of the other choirs really but a canon description would be nice

Grigori are mentioned in Enoch, though depending on which version you go by, they are usually just called Watchers (which is what grigori translates to.)

Rit Zien is clearly made up, though they are closely related to Virtues in terms of abilities

Grigori's are from the book of enoch and so not canon

Carver really is to Kripke what Metatron was to Chuck. Changing rules to prove he’s boss but never measuring up to who or what came before

One of the reasons I like the chat between him and chuck in s11 so much its meta af, kripke chiding carver on being a hack, while in a way carver is doing the same to kripke

And truly what was Zachariah? Was he described in canon as a Seraph? Was Anna also a seraph since she retained angelic abilities despite losing her grace? She was also a superior after all just like Zachariah was. What about Vergil? Surely a weapons keeper of heaven must be more than a regular angel. And Gadreel was tasked to protect the garden from Lucifer. How could a regular angel do that if Lucifer could snap angels to nothing? I know they should show and not tell but sometimes, telling is important for world building

Yep. I got that too. Especially when Memetron called Chuck’s writings the greatest hits.

Considering he was above Castiel in rank during Season 4 (who was a garrison leader) and reported directly to the archangels, its safe to assume Seraph, even though never directly said

ok at least one version has it that Cas only got promoted to seraph after Chuck rezzed him first time, so after s5

the entire thing, I just rewatched just that ep, and its great both deals with the metatron shit but also a lot is purely about the show itself, good stuff

>After Chuck rezzed him the first time
I believe you mean 2nd.

after luci snapped him, at the pit

Yea, 2nd time Chuck rezzed him

damn I really need to rewatch s1-5

First time Chuck rezzed Cas was right after Michael smited him for sending Dean to help Sam in the church where Luci's cage was located

lol, ok i'm starting s1 again soon, don't remember that at all, thats good

And Uriel was the same power level, so it makes sense that he was too a serapth

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Abbie ;_;

Uriel was a specialist but he started off being lower ranking than even S4 Castiel. Cas had to be demoted to be under Uriel for On the Head of a Pin because the higher ups thought he was getting to friendly with the humans. Anna, Zach, Naomi, and Gadreel are presumably all Seraphs, because they were always fairly high ranking, the others are likely just regular angels. It's also implied that most of the ranking angels were killed during or the Apocalypse or during the First Angel Civil War because by the time of the Fall it's the secretaries and other low ranking angels that are leading the factions. Cas and Naomi may be the only Seraphs left standing.

>deAN, I need to check the l o r e

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what the fuck? this thread was dead yesterday

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stop fucking complaining about threads being dead or not, fucks sake deAN

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