Foreign country makes a kino show

>Foreign country makes a kino show
>America then makes an inferior copy
Capitalism rewards innovation, am I right?

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imitation is the best form of flattery, faggot. when was the last time someone wanted to be like you?

But America also has more films period and more original films.

You got it backwards. Hollywood (and to a broader extent, the US) operates on the "if it doesn't make dollars, it doesn't make sense" principle. Here's when the innovation part comes to the picture: find new ways to get money and you'll be rewarded (financially).

I will not forgive amerifats for ruining the Inbetweeners.

>The Inbetweeners
>The Office
all given shitty inferior yank reboots, fucking LA fags.

Buying the rights to something and remaking it to suit a different audience is innovation when compared to just buying something and selling it again.

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>Peep Show
>Not in first person
>acting is high school tier
dios mio

plus in the uk peep show the characters are just slightly exaggerated people you would meet in real life or toned down depending where you live

they completely missed that in the pilot, they seem to think mark is le quirky nerd man

Quit posting incel memes

Shameless comes to mind

>it's the /soulful European film VS. the soulless American remake/ episode
>Season 78 Episode 23

Cranston, Hart and Nicole Kidman should form a circle and slap the person to the right then the left in the face as hard as they can for this.

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The original is Argentinian

what do you mean? america invented mass shootings

why have tennant in it at all if they arent gonna have coleman or whittaker? what a joke

you forgot
>shitty american remake becomes more popular

European TV apes American TV (and they're bad at it). The other day I watched a show that was literally Bloodlines X True Detective without any of the competent acting/directing/writing.
Btw pic related was one of many state-funded propaganda films we get every year.

Do Amerifats really do this?

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