You’v seen the spaghetti westerns right?

You’v seen the spaghetti westerns right?

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Kurosawa is better

I'm more of an macaroni kind a guy.


Kurosawa and Leone are on the same level of kino.
Literally the movie that got me into cinema. Once Upon A Time In The West is marginally better though.

Theres two kinds of people in this world: those who are real men, and those who dont watch spaghetti westerners. You are a real man

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'm probably gonna sound like a fag when I say this, but whatever.

The Good, the bad and the ugly is pretty much the manliest story about friendship. Like you've got these two bad ass motherfuckers, Tuco and Blondie, trying to kill each other through out the whole film, but in reality, they are the biggest bros.

Like in that scene after Tuco's brother calls him a degenerate, Tuco is heartbroken but pretends everything is great. He tells Blondie how his brother was happy to see him and he fed him soup. Blondie knows Tuco is bullshitting but he feels bad so he plays along: "Nothing like a cigar after a good meal" and hands him a cigar to cheer him up.

And in the end when Blondie comes to Tuco and tells him about the gold, Tuco is genuinely excited to see him. "I'm gonna kill Angel Eyes, and I'll be right back". When Blondie mentions the impossible odds of 6 against one, Tuco seems bummed out, not because he will be risking his life, but because Blondie only came to him out of necessity, not friendship - So that's why you came to Tuco :(. So he goes out to kill them alone... and just when Tuco is about to get owned in the middle of a gun fight, Blondie comes out blasting - he got Tuco's back nigga!... man, that shit brought tears to my eyes.

Bros for life.

What are the most kino spaghetti westerns guys?

My list:
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Once Upon a Time in the West
The Great Silence
Death Rides a Horse
A Pistol for Ringo

There are two kinds of people in this thread, my friend: those who have seen the Dollar Trilogy and those who should.

Sorry, I have celiac disease.

lol,old people sure didn't know how to wear ties back then!;)

Theres two kinds of people in this world:and will shoot them both.
t.squinty eyed cowboy.

>hey guys do you like X
>Z is better!
Every fucking thread

FYI: They're called Spaghetti Westerns because they were filmed in Italy

Umm.... That sounds kind of racist..

Disgusting senpai.

They were Italian productions, but were actually mostly filmed in Spain

*sips* now THAT was a movie

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Way to be problematic,pig.

Yup! The Good the Bad and the Ugly is my favorite movie of all time probably. I have a question about Django though. Apparently the original Italian dub is way different and I should try and watch that instead of in English? Does anyone know?

I'm more of a gnocchi Noir kind of guy

I really liked Once Upon a Time in the West. It """subverts""" every kind of cliche you could think of. When the protagonist was shot in the initial duel, I knew I was watching a very special move.

It is different but I can't remember how much since I watched both like 15 years ago. The Italian version is the better one. English is fitted by some Hollywood Jew to what he thought that audiences wanted but it's not terrible.

I see good to know hopefully I can find a subtitled version without too much trouble. Appreciate it thank you

Um no. They served spaghetti on set exclusively.

I’m more of a gablagool period drama man myself

>gnocci noir
Wouldn't that just be giallo? Or is that more lasagna horror?

Orzo Thriller, pleb

Doesn't hold a candle to matriciani thrillers

>all this genre flick bullshit
I bet you niggers are too dumb for some art-house pizza neorealism.

I bet you don't even fuck with deep dish postmodernism, pleb

>deep dish postmodernism

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Great Silence and Big Gundown for me.

I love this scene, both for the comedic delivery but also how it establishes Tuco is indeed an experienced gunman and more than just a thug.

>deep dish postmodernism
Americans ruining great European ideas once again. The only thing worse than that shit is fucking clam chowder intersectionalism.

>clam chowder intersectionalism is worse than beef Tartare socialism
Macadamia nut revisionist detected

>beef Tartare socialism
Just admit that you've never actually tried it and I'll forgive you.

Well id love to but apparently it’s never been cooked properly before so no ones technically tried it

>tfw there was a channel solely dedicated to spaghetti-kino and old jap movies while you were growing uo so you got to watch all the classice before even knowing they were the great classics

Thank you Kabel1. You might be cancer now but 20 years ago I had you running 24/7.

I watch AMERICAN westerns

I watched all westerns. I miss the old days when I could watch all the cool westerns and old shows like Perry Mason, Twilight Zone or The Patty Duke Show with my grandfather. I had no idea why he liked the last one until he was gone.

Thoughts on Duck you sucker? I feel like it’s okay. All it really has going for it is dynamite

It‘s all better than the endless wave of bacon bomb capeshit we have righz now

>not Y

I saw ‘bite the bullet’ when I was 10 years old and living in PNG with no TV, it seemed breddy gud.

Honestly American westerns suck in comparison to Italian ones. John Wayne is a parody of himself.


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I think The Good, the Bad, and the Weird did a great job retelling the original, and I like it more than the actual movie. The Korean cut, that is.

the 4 that matter, yes

Blondie gave him half the money, right?

Is there anybody who likes For a Few Dollars More?