Why didn't they pick someone with a more attractive face?

Why didn't they pick someone with a more attractive face?

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She gave Feige a footjob.

If I recall correctly she was heavily pushed for by tumblr/reddit/several other social media sites and fanbases, so Marvel just went "sure". The same thing happened with Benedict Cumberbatch and Dr. Strange but that worked out way better.

is this your edit hahahaha, man you think women with tiny heads are ideal or something? ahahaha

So you're into Laura Linney. Brie is fine.


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>Benedict Cumberbatch and Dr. Strange

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I'm guessing whatever she did to get the part was so obscene it made them feel guilty enough to cast her instead.

You all wanted to fuck her after Scott Pilgrim and Shameless the only reason you say this shit now is because MUH SJW shut the fuck up dumb cucks and eat your capeshit slop or just shut the fuck up

Eh, an Ethan Hawke Dr. Strange would've been neat.
Never cared for Cumberbatch or his "acting".

He looks the part and he fits the character. Its all I can really ask for. People were just pushing for Brie Larson because Room was big at the time

Quick, get that "deep fake" stuff going and put someone worth-a-damn in the role. Won't make the character emote or seem interested in anything.

there was no fight back because we wanted it to be exactly this. they were cooking up hot garbage and shrugged and said "sure"

>you ever get that, where you walk into a room and forget what you came in for?

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this got me thinking
it should not take long after the bd release that someone edit/replace c.marvels face to look better with deepfake engine?

OP you pic looks fucked

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she didn't become captain marvel because she was "pretty", she became captain marvel because she was the best pilot in the airforce, idiot

awful. have sex or kys

How does Dormammu, Lord of Chaos, not know what time is?

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He has no watch?

Fixed it for you

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nice, yours is better

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Benedict was in talks with Marvel for a role dating back to 2010, long before he hit it big with tumblr.

Everyone wanted Joaquin Phoenix for Doctor Strange, but he only wanted to do it if it would be one standalone movie rather than signing away the next ten years of his life to a comic book character.

>you all wanted the fuck her like I did, r-right guys?
Wrong,you cucked faggot.

they had to hire a sjw

thats the best face they could find

Hot girls literally have no reason to be virtue signaling cunts.

You think the right one is more attractive? Jesus dude

No faggot. I haven’t seen Shameless but she’s literally the 5th most attractive girl in Scott Pilgrim

Brie's cute

>Why didn't they pick someone with a more attractive face?

If the woman is too attractive there is a point where female viewers stop being able to identify with her and start being angry at her.

She would not have tweeted that feminist stuff without a handler telling her to do it. She may also genuinely believe it but I believe this was all part of their marketing strategy.

The right reminds me of her.

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Not really inclined to agree since they pressured her into backpedaling after their was backlash outside of this board. When other outlets started to complain they became worried it might dampen the ticket sales. If you were meaning its mostly just virtue signaling I agree. I've been talking irl about it that I think its mostly just a "personality" or act of sorts that she puts on. Though I do think its rooted in some truth. She hates white men because she comes from a broken family and her dad was abusive to her and her mom.


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Would have been an infinitely more fitting casting choice too

Forgot pic

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Too bad they wasted her on that agent chick. Anyhow there probably was some idiot in charge who argued women can't relate to VanCamp because she's too beautiful.

VanCamp was very cute but not too beautiful to be relatable.

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Most women probably disagree. I bet they can't stand her.

VanCamp is more attractive than Brie by a country mile but she isn’t some god tier beauty. She’s the kind of girl you walk past and think “she’s pretty” but you don’t stop and gawk.

By picking someone so bland it makes it easy for the audience to self insert into her character. In theory the audience can relate to her because she's plausibly them.

I think that was kinda the idea with her. The whole girl next door shtick.

nooo I regret googling them

>this took me 5 minutes

And that’s why it works. You want an attractive lead but not necessarily a distractingly hot one. It’s fine if it’s Cap or Thor because they’re supposed to be a Norse god and a literal ubermensch. But someone who accidentally gets their powers like Captain Marvel should be pretty enough to look at but not jarringly so. Unfortunately Marvel went too far the other way and gave us a woman who looks like Heath Ledger after reassignment surgery

I think the theory is flawed because we're dealing with superheros. The whole idea isn't plausible if the character projects weakness. Imagine Thor being played by a younger Steve Buscemi.

I bet she fucked Sam Jackson and is smug as fuck about it too because he's black

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It’s weird thinking Hiddleston originally auditioned for Thor


Who could have they cast as Loki?

Lee Pace

Crispin Glover.

Who could have they cast as Ronan?
I'd watch it

and then there's the real version

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post your ranking
if kim pine isnt in your number one spot you’re a fag

>I merely smiled at an asgardian god and he told me he liked me. To live life as a woman is to live life on the defense.


It's only a matter of time until someone complains about income inequality and asks Thor to check his privilege.

el goblina

This still doesn't really explain how theive her a 7 movie contract without knowing if people will like her at all. At the end of the day tumbrl is only a small portion of the potential viwership.

It's Disney, they'll make you like her or else. If anything if there's any backlash they might frame it as structural sexism thing.


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Don't worry bros I fixed her

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Allow me, for just one moment, to cry for what might have been.

that or she threatened to come clean about the cat Downey keeps in his basement.

Because attractive girls aren't realistic user.


>Because attractive girls aren't realistic user.
Says the post that doesn't exist in the real world.

I think that Eliza Cuthbert would've been a good Cap Marvel.

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BDH would've been so much better

after living my life in asia i travel to denmark and norway and everyone is a walking goddess
i'm so sick of black hair and black eyes (like a shark's eyes, like a doll's eyes) and no tits
i hear from friends at american college that it's the same there
everyone looks fuckable
well, almost everyone

I think I'd probably want to put a paper bag over her face.

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Sharon Carter and BDH aren't as good off an actor
Seyfried and Cuthbert would have been interesting Carols

You just made her to look like that bitch from Westworld.

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>Seyfried and Cuthbert would have been interesting Carols
Put either on a workout routine for the roll and either would be fine, though cuthbert overall has the nicer face/eyes.
Seyfried has those palpatine esque eyes unbefitting of a hero.

the problem isn't Brie Larson. the problem is the character, Captain Marvel herself. Captain Marvel is a shit character: there's nothing positive, redeeming, or heroic about her.
i dare you to name an actress alive that could have portrayed Captain Marvel in a way that would have made her likable. spoiler, you can't, because there is nothing likable about her. dogshit is more likable than Captain Marvel. this is fact. that said, why Disney has chosen her to be the flagship heroine of the Marvel franchise is beyond me.

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Yeah but Thor and Cap. America are very realistic

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>Real people aren't realistic

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I will now watch your movie

the complete list is much longer

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Brie Larson makes everything she's in ten times worse. She's reverse-Fassbender.

>tfw her stunt double is over9000 times more gorgeous and actually can move her face

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She cute

The only true candidate for Captain Marvel

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God I hate Blunt so much.

I would've liked that a lot

cringe and bluepilled

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cringe and redpilled

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Please mass tweet this at the bitch

It a weird meme that she unattractive

Hi Jenna! What are you going to do when John and Emily are inevitably casted as Mr. and Mrs. Fantastic?

She's good looking you virgins

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It's a good reveal of the actual desires of the primitive people that claim to hate capeshit because it's "beneath their level of intelligence". It is actually not. They are actually right below it, and they will watch if there is something to masturbate to.

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Why are white women so ugly?

She just needs her features softened to look passable

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she killed a lot of "people" blowing up those ships

The nose is still an issue

how about now?

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Better but she's still ugly
See for what would need to be done to make her attractive

but what I'm showing is something that could be achieved with an hour in a makeup chair, the edit you are linking to is a different person in effect; and its foolish to think she'll be recast any time soon

>its foolish to think she'll be recast any time soon
That's their problem, not mine.

how well can you explain the first dimension? and don't use the 2nd dimension to explain it

he is a being that lives outside of time, how is he supposed to understand that concept? when you live in the 9th dimension, you couldn't really care less about the 4th

I wish I had their problem.

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>spent $150M reported budget on film
>spent $200M reported on marketing
>spent $100M unreported on marketing

films that barely turn a profit are generally frowned upon, especially when they aren't even asked to stand on their own. This movie has 10 years of prior films to build the audience and it's still struggling


she's gonna beat Thanos by seducing him?

the movie has been out for a week, on track to make a billion, come on dude.

>You all wanted to fuck her after Scott Pilgrim
I wanted everyone involved in that film to die after I watched it the first time.

Stop grasping at straws. Saying that is Disney buying their own tickets makes you look less desperate.

Nice photoshop

>Only $100M on marketing
It's more like $1000 Billion, you retard

forget the face. her body is pathetic
Hollywood keeps picking these literal beanpoles for strong female roles but still insist that male actors get ripped out of their fucking gourds for hero roles
Is it really so much to ask to see some muscle girls on the big screen? fuck me

Watch this one. Mitra is nicely toned in it.

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Right looks like Chloe from 24

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#1 in China guaranteed

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Why do people who make threads discussing how a character looks bitch that the evil SJWs falsely accuse them of being shallow horny sexist incels?

The proofs basically provide themselves.

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based and 2d pilled

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here's brie actually fixed

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Fixed it.

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She can't be fixed in my eyes. There's just something inherently ugly about her and that's coming from someone who believes anyone at good health can look attractive.

She's been too angry for too long. You can see it in her face.

They are saving her for Sue Storm.

Maybe if they introduced Captain Marvel in 2010 or something

oh wow

She's adorable.


Blake Lively?

She could chop off the infinity glove

Does it really mean anything when Disney bought their own tickets?

she should be cap marvel instead of that dumb brie

saved by the power of nvidia

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I wish they cast elle as captain marvel. i would have gone to see it.

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elle seems like the type of girl who would start to gross you out after a while


jennifer lawrence?

you know your shit, user.