That's okay, J.K

You've said quite enough.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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someone spam her twitter with this please.

>Dumbledore was a power bottom, Hermione has faked all her orgasms, and Harry Potter can't get it up without using spells

Jesus Christ Rowling

>"Nowhere in the books did I say Harry DIDN'T pray towards Mecca three times a day!..."

How long until she's unironically foisting a line like this?

rowling dislikes trans people.

the only thing i got from this is that someone from scotland is salty as fuck

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>Wingardium Leviosa

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Didn't know she could be based

Remember when parents were concerned that the fad of Rowling's books was being used to push promotion of deviant sexuality and witchcraft? And it was treated like some kind of fundamentalist Christian conspiracy-theory by people who hate fun?

Well, here we are.

Who knows, she's pissed off most libtards as well because despite virtue signaling as fuck and getting to where she is today on social programs, she's now against any form of social program or socialism in bongland because why should her riches go to that. Not saying one thing or another on these programs, just why she's burning bridges with lefties as well.

You mean transexuals/trannies?

Only NPC's use "trans" like it's a legitimate term instead of Newspeak. It's on par with "person of color".

she also wants to end social programs even though the only reason she didn't die of starvation on the street is because of them and also wants to stop brexit from happening

No I don't
Was it an american thing?

Trip dub dub dubs

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it's literally been used for centuries you dingbat

Yes. And there were more leftcucks complaining about Christians than actual Christians complaining about Harry Potter.

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Didn't the books describe Hermione's "pale" skin once? The old hag can't even remember her own books

>the soccer moms were right

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why do /pol/tards constantly get mad at people using words and phrases that have been used for decades and sometimes even hundreds of years and act like they only started being used right when they reached the age where they were aware of what was going on online?

Like seriously, this is a reoccurring theme, almost every month it's a new one. Like in January when they all started greentexting any post that used "y'all" despite it being the sixth most used word on /pol/ itself dating back to it's launch year. But instead they pretended like only the past few weeks NPCs and sjws invented it

>socialists demand public spending so long as it isn't THEIR money being spent

Meanwhile Pope still Catholic, Atlantic Ocean still wet, etc.

Literally says white face once but it's been handwaved as "it meant she was scared lol"

The best thing is sites like Tumblr are calling her out on this bullshit attempt to pander because the OG wasnt "diverse" enough.

Yeah just look at all the documentation where Emperor Nero called his chosen 'queen' "trans".

Fuck off. It literally entered the lexicon in the past decade.

Retards everywhere will always find some stupid shit to cry about if they can sell some paper doing so, I guess


that still exists?

>deviant sexuality
First time I ever heard that one. Just satanism and witchcraft


t. tranny


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Marcus Aurelius talks about trans people in his Meditations. But he also says traps are definitely gay.

Go dilate somewhere else

She had drawings of her characters when she was writing the first book and it's obvious Hermione is white. Changing a character over an unofficial play was fucking stupid.

i used trans because it's shorter than transgender, transsexual, and tranny.

way to get triggered over absolutely nothing.

fucking kek

This is how it always goes though.

Leftists are accused of doing something, and they respond by claiming their accuser is "paranoid" and that it's a "conspiracy-theory".
Then, 10 years later or so, those same Leftists will claim that, lol, yeah we WERE doing that and the accusations were true, but that's a GOOD thing.

When they were pushing for gay marriage and people said "why not just let men use the Womens' Restrooms under the same logic?", it was called a "hateful and baseless canard".
10 years later red-faced leftcucks were unironically standing on street-corners in North Carolina, screaming about how it is the RIGHT of a 6 ft. 5" hairy man to use the same bathroom as your 5-year-old daughter.

The "Slippery Slope" is a fucking real thing. It turns out precedents are important.

Attached: Liberals and the Slippery Slope.png (1480x744, 358K)

yeah but it's bleeding users

Yeah, like how leftcucks lose their shit over being called "degenerates" despite the term dating back to the fuck early Roman Empire?

I love JK Rowling going back and retconning/adding dumb shit to her lore.

The wizards shitting themselves one took the cake.

>The wizards shitting themselves one took the cake.

Wait, what?

>words and phrases that have been used for decades and sometimes even hundreds of years

But it's not, lol.

Nobody in ancient China, Turkey or Rome was calling crossdressing eunuchs "trans persons" you historical-revisionist queer.
Do you also think they called eachother "xim" and "xir"?

Attached: Tumblr is fucking Retarded Lizard Furry Tranny.jpg (549x415, 59K)

>little girl's bathroom
Does he mean the women's restroom? The one accessible to anyone at all times?

before hogwarts had plumbing wizards would just shit wherever they happened to be standing and then used magic to vanish their poo away

>Buried in a mid-sentence aside about the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets, Rowling tells us this: Hogwarts’ plumbing became more elaborate in the eighteenth century (this was a rare instance of wizards copying Muggles, because hitherto they simply relieved themselves wherever they stood, and vanished the evidence)...

The fact that wizards switched to plumbing shows that this was actually gross. Wizards are retarded. No wonder they dont rule the world.

i think they are actually chinese names though like xim chok wa

>tfw roastie wizard wants to slob on my wand
>Says we should go to the sexual dimension and gives me a wink
>Send her to the shit dimension instead

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Something about wizards not needing toilets because they can shit anywhere and make it vanish with magic

It's bleeding users, but yes.

Even after it collapses it will still exist in spirit. The 300 lb. femcel cat-ladies with unironic digital shrines to serial-killers will have to go somewhere.
It's the same way even after the crashing and burning of NeoGaf their stench still looms on the Internet, from Reddit to YouTube to IGN to Yea Forums.

>tfw you're indirectly responsible for "My Immortal."
What's the story behind this? Was Amy Lee inspired by a Harry Potter book?

Ok but you're claiming he calls them "trans people"?

Delusional crossdressing faggots are as old as civilization. Nobody's denying that.
They're counterarguing the claim that Leftist Newspeak was being used millennia rather than centuries ago.
Romans also didn't refer to invading Ostrogoths as "undocumented migrants".

Can anyone ITT concretely disprove that Dumbledore got his neghole pozzed from being barebacked by Grindlewald? If so, speak up.

She also supported Johnny Depp before he sent Amber Heard's reputation to Davy Jone's locker which made her no friends in the MeToo cult.

Did they have a spell to get the skidmarks out of their underwear, and another to get rid of the mudbutt?

Holy shit, that is full retard

I thought they just had magical toilets with teleporter that magicked the shit away into the outhouse or something like that.

>Marcus Aurelius actually talking about traps
imagine being so seething you can't spot a joke

My Immortal one of the most infamous fanfics ever made. Honestly worth a read as a case study.

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You'll never be a real woman.

Lauren Faust, the lady who was the showrunner for that new My Little Pony cartoon, apparently jokingly tweeted a few years back that the characters in the show didn't use bathrooms and instead just pooped on the ground like regular horses.

Now JK Rowling is doing the same kind of thing, only she's NOT actually joking.

The fucking world we live in.

Have you ever met a non-degenerate Harry Potter fan? I mean they read that as a kid, they were probably normal before then.

>It's the same way even after the crashing and burning of NeoGaf their stench still looms on the Internet, from Reddit to YouTube to IGN to Yea Forums.
You could have just said the direct successor to it, Resetera.

No, it's the title to the worst fanfiction ever made. Basically a meme.

Because they’re sexless incels

>Mai Dong Gon

I don't know them personally but Oney seems like a decent guy.


It just dawned on me that this is EXACTLY where JK got the idea to make Dumbledore gay.

>shitting where you walk until the fucking 1800's

It is now indisputable that Rowling sucks at world-building lore.
Human etiquette towards separating yourself from human waste fucking predates urbanized society, so logically it would predate the invention of a "get rid of shit"-spell.
Logically by the time such a spell would be invented even primitive wizards wouldn't use it, considering it uncivilized and disgusting.

>The shit dimension is actually India

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>shit dimension

Imagine Hermione fully unloading a gallon of chunky diarrhea into her skirt, up her back and down her pantyhose, and then whispering some weak spell that makes some of the heftier morsels disappear while leaving all of the juice and smell. "Ta-da..."

Holy fuck. You're right. What a hack lol.

it's five times a day, you infidel.

I mean yeah, ResetEra is NeoGaf 2.0, but my point is that not ALL NeoGaf users migrated there after NeoGaf. Many spread their cancer outward.

I wish I didn't imagine that


It's not referring to the song.

It's referring to an INFAMOUSLY BAD fanfic that uses the title "My Immortal" appropriated from the Evanescence song.

Personally, as a fan of baffling fanfiction, I'm kind of upset that something as borning as My Immortal became more famous than other notable works, like the Twilight/Airwolf Crossover.

> how it is the RIGHT of a 6 ft. 5" hairy man to use the same bathroom as your 5-year-old daughter.

So you need to protect your daughters, but your sons are a OK to be at the hands of some weirdos in the bathroom? Sounds more like you would need separate bathrooms for kids and adults.

Do HP fans really not dunk on JK for the Hermoine is black shit and how transparent she is about virtue signaling?

Back when I was in college it was a 3 hour trip from college to the hometown a friend and I lived in.
When holidays/time off from school came up she'd drive the two of us, and I'd download Bennet the Sage's reading of this fanfiction, convert it to an MP3, and the two of us would listen to it like an Audiobook the whole drive home.

Good fucking times.

Also she's making out with you when it happens. And it's Hermione from the first movie and you in present day. Better or worse?

Stop replying to yourself.

>Yea Forums isn't autis-

The most important fallacy is the fallacy fallacy.

She never said Hermione didn't have a penis bros

She never said Voldemort didn't wear a MAGA hat in his spare time

Is there any other author who is their own worst enemy?

I think she said she did. In Azkaban there's a part where she says she can use her dick as a wand.

>Yeah they are just dumb labels. Stupid poltard Incels have sex.

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Some do. Others are just so desperate to virtue signal or claim the series for their racial hangups that they don't care.


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>to Yea Forums.
Where will we all go when Yea Forums is finally shut down?

oh shit

This guy has really bad fat distribution. Feel kind of bad for him.

That's not fat. And that's not a guy

he's kidding, FAG.

>the only reason she didn't die of starvation on the street is because of them
lol rowling was mooching off her family for the period she talks about with that sad backstory, if she was hitting up the programs as well she was double dipping.

Name the book that specifically states that Hagrid ISN'T trans.
>oh wait you can't

I want to go to the sexual dimension.

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I thought she had a lot of bfs who took care of her when she was younger.

also she 100% molested her kids. not cute diddle-molesting either. she penetrated them and made them eat her cunt and unwiped butt.

What is it with female authors writing these stories about gay lovers. I remember ann rice did this too. Is this some kind of female fetish?

Books talk about him as a young boy

they do, she's widely considered a joke. look at the mocking tone of that article title.

It depends on which faction of crazy harry potter fan we're talking about here. The feral eyed demi-marxist ones who will happily repost screeds from cripple/tv/ because it calls Rowling out as a neoliberal whore will but a lot of the others are too scared of standing out from the crowd to do that.

Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.

That's because he's FtM

Sorry, I admit I'm unfamiliar with many of the finer details of your Satanic desert-man religion.
Sometimes I even forget which holidays you sacrifice Jewish infants on and which holidays you sacrifice a female Christian virgin.

>1 letter shorter than tranny
Yeah, I'm sure it's convenience lol

Some do. But there is a LOT of overlap between kids that grew up with HP and kids that grew up to become SJW's.

A lot of them unironically call you "racist" for caring about, much less denigrating, the fact that THIS is "adult Hermoine" now.

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fuck Jew Kike Rowling

Actually she just announced it was Juanita Kwanesha Rowling all along.

>the Twilight/Airwolf Crossover
Eleborate right the fuck now.

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Some do. Sadly the majority don't seem to, though.

In my opinion, I'm not even sure the openly SJW fans that praise and defend Hermione being retconned as black and everyone being retconned as gay are the actual WORST part of the Harry Potter fandom.
The worst MIGHT actually be the fans who are desperately trying to play the Middle Road angle when both they and the people that listen to them know what they say is bullshit. They're the ones who claim what Rowling is doing is objectionable but they will CONSTANTLY interject about how they think "diversity is a GOOD thing!" and that Rowling is "doing the right thing in the 'wrong' way".

Additionally, another canard I hear them use is that "this kind of diversity would have been FINE if it had been in the original book!".
No, you idiots. No it wouldn't be. Had Rowling crafted the narrative with this same baffling post-modern obsession with 'diversity' back in the mid/late 90's, Harry Potter would have never achieved widespread notoriety and Pottermania would have never been a thing.
Even if the rest of the story had remained the same, the Harry Potter narrative would not have spoken to so universal an audience if Hermione was a Feminist gender-nonconforming Muslim, Ron was an Asexual with Autism and Harry was a Honduran Transsexual in a wheelchair.

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They did the same thing with McCarthyism and the "Red Scare" of the 50's.

The narrative went from "McCarthy and his supporters were paranoid and persecuted innocent people" to "lol yeah pretty much all those people were actually Communists but Communism is a GOOD THING you bigot".

You can't ever, ever trust these people. Their "truth" is "whatever is a convenient narrative at the time".

>if she was hitting up the programs as well she was double dipping

That's like 90% of people using Socialist programs though.

I agree with you, but just for clarity, notoriety implies negative renown in the sense of a widely known criminal or poisonous spider. Kind of like infamous versus famous.

He now goes by "Hergrid". Stop deadnaming you bigot.

Isn't this like calling someone a nigger?

>"Like in January when they all started greentexting any post that used "y'all" despite it being the sixth most used word on /pol/ itself dating back to-"

I had penis-in-butt sex with Rowling. And I'm not afraid to say that the inside of her butt smelled like straight-up human feces.

I've been there lnce, and man, it was like a bizarro version of Yea Forums. It was surreal.

Are you new to Millennial adolescents and Internet culture?

The immature, but especially immature females, have a baffling obsession with interjecting homosexuality into existing media properties.
This is why, for the past 15 years, at any given point, the front page of places like DeviantART would have no less than 5 to 10 pictures of Sasuke fucking Naruto up the ass or Ed from Full Metal Alchemist fucking his own brother on it. It's why the first images on Tumblr related to the show Hannibal are invariably fanart of the male characters fucking.

Underdeveloped femcels fucking live for that shit. It DEFINES online communities.
And the advent of leftist moon-howler politics becoming mainstream has provided that generation with the PERFECT shield for their obsessions. Gayer is always better, just like browner is always better.
Many SJW's were SJW's before SJW's were even a thing. Many of them started as buttsex-obsessed tweens on DeviantART and similar places.

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I fucking hate this artstyle where everyone is purposefully made to look as gross as possible. Who the fuck finds that shit funny?

It's real. Found it back in college when discussing baffling fanfiction with an equally Redpilled female friend.

Bon Appétit.

That was a lot less interesting than it sounded. Shit taste, user.

>JK Rowling desperate to stay relevant

Was she always this insane?

Yeah but Rowling characterizes it as bad in the books so it's an indictment of racism rather than promotion according to SJW's.

Attached: Yaoi Explanation.jpg (978x275, 88K)

I know, but why would she use her "indictment of racism" to actually insult people on Twitter?

Can a strapping brit take one for the team and give this woman a good proper dicking? Every year it becomes more and more obvious she's in desperate need.

If I were on death row, my last meal request would be J. K. Rowling's diarrhea, to answer your question, user.

Take your SSRIs and go back to your shitty retail job you won't ever leave because the only thing stronger than your depression is the lack of your father's love.

Rowling honestly tries to play the Oppression Card when describing the "struggle" she endured in getting the first Harry Potter novel published. She claims she was discriminated against by overly skeptical male publishers that "didn't want to publish fantasy fiction written by a female". Because apparently Ursula K. Le Guin, Madeleine L'Engle, Octavia E. Butler, Vonda N. McIntyre, etc. never existed according to her account of events.
So yeah, she's always been delusional.

can someone post it the incest pasta?

This is true.
It may be another permutation of the same thing as SJW's referring to people they don't like as "/pol/niggers".
They are defeating their enemies by using their own insults against them, in their minds.

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Found the tranny

harry potter is responsible for the weakening of our nations

Fuck, keep going, I'm rock hard

another dumpster fire of a comment from the sewer itself. the bitch just cant write worth a damn

it has to be a troll. they had me believing she was real until the last couple chapters, then they went over the deep end and destroyed the possibility that it was anything but a troll that got out o hand


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>deviant sexuality
that's a fucking reach. Twilight did that.

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>Parents in the late 90's are worried that the Harry Potter fad will get their children interested in actual witchcraft.
>15-20 years later there's an entire generation of fat millennial women that list their religion as "pagan" and unironically call themselves "witches", practicing witchcraft and worshiping "magic geodes" or some shit
>99% of them list Harry Potter as what got them interested in "witchcraft"

Daily Reminder that the ride never, ever fucking ends.

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Reminder that she wrote the script for the play in which Ron and hermoines 11 year old son is temporarely transformed into looking like Ron and hermoine tries to have sex with him.

OK, it happens in the lounge while she's talking to a group of muscular, dark-skinned schoolmates. She's sitting on one's lap and blabbing on about how all the white wizards look at her and it creeps her out. "And like, oh my God, none of the other girls have to deal with it this bad, like this one guy, Hanley Porter or something, is always-" (starts loudly shitting out the bottom of her skirt) "-like looking at me in class, he's such a creep and like even when I don't put on makeup or something-" (she grunts and the shit stream squirts up out the top of her skirt, spattering the face of the guy she's sitting on) "-and like even the teachers are always looking at my butt and pussy and like my breasts are so big for my age, it's like really annoying... oh uh, extracto pooptronum and like yeah, the other girls hate me but it's like so not fair because it's only because the guys look at me..." meanwhile everyone's trying to pretend they can't smell the thick doo doo paste and oily deposits all over her and the guy.

Based fellow autist

Did she? I thought the play was fanfic that she signed off on cos they knew theatre = money.

>all the cis privilige ITT


Oh and her stockinged feet are kicking back and forth, leaving trails of diarrhea drip on the rug.

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Romans, countrymen, we must save the denizens of cis privilige from the invaders of trans privilige.

that's like oney's only selling point

>she's still going
Jesus, even her tumblr and twitter "fans" fucking hate this.

As much as I hate Rowling and wish she would just fucking stop, you're a retard who doesn't know anything. She didn't write the play. not a word. Two faggots did and she just said "Yeah, I like more money". Hermione and Ron's son doesn't do anything in that play. It was Harry and Ginny's son who disguised himself as Ron. Stop talking about things you don't know anything about. You're just repeating shit you heard fucking fifth hand with some kind of retard confidence. You are a drain on the integrity of our species

She can't even troll properly.

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Not even in ancient greece where most the men had greek sex was faggotry considered a sexuality. It was merely a vice.

Meanwhile, people here have no problem using numale speak like "yikes" and "oof".

So? Religion should have been more appealing to start with

this ain't it chief

Because this shithole is full of 2016 election tourists that force all their garbage twitter memes here.
Pic related, their latest attempt at forcing garbage Twitter memes here.

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>soccer moms were right in the end
We should've listened.

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Wherever the light may touch.
We'll be free, then.

Based and meritocracypilled

they also mentioned that she had freckles and that she had a tan after going on holiday

>I'm a WOMAN. A lizard at that
how are these people taken seriously?

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How do you make sure to not end up with a kid like this? For that matter, how do some become like that?

>Democratic Socialist
She's super Neoliberal, it's in all of her wanky political rants that expose how fucking out of touch she is.

this was definitely a cover up for her trying to tie her name to Tolkien, same thing that george RR did. Or else she didn't know who mary shelley was.

Anything you dont write, doesnt count, Rowling.

Get to work or shut the fuck up.

It's been how many years since Harry Potter shit was relevant and people are STILL obsessed with this shit?

I swear you people are almost as mentally ill as Star Wars fags

Ayy lmao

See for yourself


Sadly, yet another entry of the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises came out barely a few months ago. It's still relevant.

yeah and hotterston daughterston is in it. hubba hubba.

she's legit gone insane

Attached: JewKike Rowling.png (584x534, 69K)

>american evangelicals accusing anyone of satanism
>while they donate billions to Israel and the synagogue of satan every year

Oh for fuck's sake. What happened to orientation? They keep geometrically expanding.

I honestly can't tell if that's pro-jew or anti-jew

she's extremely pro-jewish. If there's a "Trump derangement" equivalent in the UK, it's "Corbyn derangement". All the normie libs go apeshit at him and try to manufacture this antisemitism fake news.

People praise Cromwell for fucking up the Irish, but they always forget that he let the jews back in. Fucking Cromwell.

Newspeak that's probably older than you?

Sure, Jan.

Only transwomen (male). Because those might rape you with their pps while you're on the loo.

But witchcraft isn't real. Show me a person who unironically believes in magic women flying around on brooms and I'll show you a person with severe down syndrome.

I'm trans.


The Tories are becoming the Jew Party. Labour are becoming the Muslim Party. But what Party is there for me, a Rational Zoroastrian?

You can accompany your son into the men's room

Almost every greek philosopher regarded love between men as purer than the love between man and woman, you ignorant fuck.

You know she's actually pretty willing to give her money to charity since she was once homeless. Just goes to show you how retarded these socialist policies have to be.

Blessed thread

Religion isn't fucking Carnival Barking. If we're talking about what "should" and "shouldn't" happen, Rowling shouldn't have peddled literal paganry to children and then deny the possible negative consequences.

>Not understanding the difference between literal Newspeak and a fucking textual meme on the Internet

Somebody get the boomer away from the fucking computer.

>people didn't force memes here prior to 2016

Holy shit, neck yourself, newfag.

"Facts" and "Truth" are malleable things under Marxism.

Why do wizards wear suits? Isnt that muggle style of clothing?
Didnt they wear robes and shiiit?

>How do you make sure to not end up with a kid like this?
-Raise them in a complete (i.e. undivorced) household with both a loving mother and father figure present
-Enforce actual discipline
-Monitor, and more importantly regulate, what media they are allowed to consume in their impressionable years, and make value-judgement on who they choose as friends (and the parents of those friends)
-Raise them from an early age with a Christian background
-Provide total support in any situation so that they don't feel their only option is isolation/escape
-Do NOT give them literally anything and everything they want. Teach them that material things actually have value.

Do all that and chances of kids turning out fucked up are basically nill. If you do all this and they somehow still end up fucked in the head, they were either a bad egg to begin with or they were diddled by a teacher.

because they are uneducated 20 something american conservatives

People like having money??!!

What a fucking shocker

Considering Corbyn is flooding the country with fundamentalist Muslims I would say that's a pretty legitimate beef for the Jews to have with him.

If they let the English vote to let Scotland leave the UK they'd have been booted out on the first referendum.
Fuck those sweaty, bitter, plastic paddy leeches.

There is also that sonic harem fanfic with something like 200 entries of sonic fucking a different fictional character in each if anyone is interested

>religion will fix everything

>But witchcraft isn't real.

Magical witchcraft isn't real. That doesn't stop people from practicing witchcraft/Satanism, brainlet.

Of the dozens of Harry Potter fans I've met, 100% of them were full-blown degenerate. Like, wanted to be raped by Draco Malfoy or a werewolf Lupin or made a mudblood slave by Voldemort and sold at auction and they're all universally into incest. Just the absolute biggest slags known to man.

What's it called?

Sonic´s ultimate harem

The eternal seething anglo

Did Dumbledore and Grindelglorp have even a single scene together in the film? have they ever appeared together in any official Harry Potter media? Like if you want to make them hombresexual gay lovers then fine but bite the bullet and fucking do it don't just dance around dropping hints and making up bullshit

Complete nigmode chimpout, trans nigger

stay mad incels

>356 individual chapters, i.e. detailed depictions of Sonic having sex with 356 individual characters

Attached: Resting Easy Harder than I Thought.jpg (710x508, 360K)

That man literally sold his country to the devil

>dub dub
back to 8eddit

Have sex

>makes up all this "woke" crap about characters after the fact
Isnt this more insulting to liberals? None of her changes matter because the books and movies are already over. Its being a liberal while doing the absolute bare minimum.

The majority of trannies, over 90%, are autogynophiles and autopedophiles, much more interested in fetishizing the bodies of women and little girls than boys. Which is fortunate for the boys, not so fortunate for the women, girls, and not even their used menstrual products are safe from "transbians."

See also:

Attached: transbians.jpg (1200x794, 112K)

t. just came out of fifty years of cryosleep

Might I add, these stories are told from the perspective of sonic discussing his sexual adventures with Mario


I felt like they were pretty explicit about the romantic nature of the relationship between gindelwald and dumbledore. I don't know why people were upset that they didn't spell it out.

>Isnt this more insulting to liberals?

Liberals have literally zero standards so long as it's benefiting them in some way, even if it's just empty pandering.
It's the same way blacks will eagerly take hand-outs for attending college despite it directly implying that blacks can't get into college without help.

Cassandra Clare, obese as fuck author of the Immoral Bones or something, started out as a plagiarist incest Ron/Ginny writer.

>You oppress us I hate you so much!
>Leave then
Stop being so tsundere.

Attached: Yaoi Fan Truth.jpg (900x400, 203K)

t. salty ya'll poster

got any data to back that up or is that just how you feel?

>"Grindelwald used to love Dumbledore until he found our favorite director in bed with the African wizard Jaquan Moto-Moto. That black magic was unresistible", said Rowling on twitter.

>Scotland tethered to the empire that repressed them.
Holy shit, my sides. I can only imagine the 1/97th 'Scottish-American' creatura that made this pic.

I got all your data on how trannies are pornsick pedo freaks right here!

Rowling doesn't actually like fags, she just virtue signals for points. The thought of actually writing Dumbledore taking it up the ass raw from Grindelwald probably terrifies her.

Attached: cancer in the hole.png (645x434, 172K)

so no hard data? I accept your concession

>the more she drank, the more she shat


Found the Russian.



we should probably put urinals in all bathrooms now


>get a "designer" vagina
>be better than a real woman, teehee!
>men do everything better
>even being a woman, teehee!
>designer vag croaks
>stink up the whole ward
>medical establishment have seen some shit before
>but never this shit
>necrotic cancer pieces in polymicrobial abscess soup
>nature sees your pathetic mimicry of womanhood
>raises you one sepsis death
All trannies must die.

Attached: orks in sports.jpg (707x687, 99K)

Found the degenerate tranny.

Attached: sjw retardation.png (1220x1360, 354K)

Jerma's an okay guy

>get BTFO
>immediately adhom

wherever comes next

Even the leftist jewess at work thinks JKR is a bit crazy for that

That's because most normal sane people don't make a book series they liked as a child a centerpiece of their personality as an adult. Tons of kids read Harry Potter and loved it, but they grew and moved on to other things. For whatever reason, neolibs and wokescolds are utterly obsessed with a children's book series as adults.

Show proof of “trans” being used in its modern day context back before the 60’s


>the amount of buttblasted replies
lmao y'all getting tilted after being called on your shit

>kid looks at a flower

Most kids grew and noticed how dumb Harry Potter was.
Like, I was a kid and the fact Voldemort used Avada Kedavra over and over again and never tried something different made me mad. Plus, the last book was shit even to my 11yo self.

A lot of people probably scream a shit-covered naked streakers too, but that doesn't make them right.

who are you quoting?

can you repeat that in english?

same can be applied to men who watch lesbian porn

Men aren't even REMOTELY as obsessed, or as cringey, as women fixated on buttfucking.

The point is having lots of people oppose you doesn't make you right.

My immortal was more entertaining than any H,P book.

get litty

Attached: get litty1.jpg (209x241, 7K)

Most lesbian porn is extremely boring gay for pay where two straight women ghost kiss each other's cheeks for 15 minutes before awkwardly rubbing each other or full of groddy SJW-esque women with little form or definition covered in a sheet of terrible tattoos rubbing their decrepit dreads against another "woman's" greasy pixie cut.

nice blogpost

>call out the /pol/ jew
>receive an avalanche of butthurt replies
So it was this easy all along?

Attached: 1542146546760.jpg (600x768, 157K)

This post makes no sense.

newfag pls go

This one doesn't either.

Nah, Magic is Haram so mussies would get super pissed.


You're still not making any sense.

Vanish me poopum

It's interesting how she'll say shit like this but she'll never actually show it onscreen. It's like she knows deep down that general audiences are repulsed by SJW slush, but she still was to be "in" with the SJW crowd, so she retro-actively inserts SJW content into her works via Twitter but ultimately just ends up pissing off both sides by doing so.

Kys for using the term "neck" what are you fucking 12?

It's almost as if the combination of Autism and shitty parenting creates these freaks.

Attached: 1475763417101.jpg (598x339, 57K)

"Trans people" is longer than trannies.

They get taken seriously because they're actually extremely violent but at the same time present themselves as being victims.

Attached: Screen-Shot-2018-04-27-at-6.43.13-PM.png (2480x1128, 2.75M)

>It's almost as if
take it to tumblreddit you freak

Wat? Autism is the key to trannies. Look at the porpotion of autist that troons out compared to regular people. The shitty parents part is them not saying NO to stupid shit like Gender fluid or dick chopping.

>not including Dobby's huge dick

>how are these people taken seriously?
they're not.

Dat be Dik Choppaz to 'umies.

This kid would have a chance at unfucking himself if it wasn't for the Internet being there to go cry to.

Somebody post that cartoon with "Before the Internet" and "After the Internet" where the guy is thinking to himself that he's a tri-gender reincarnation of Japanese fox spirit or something.

There are institutions that unironically cater to the delusions of these people.

The autism party aka libdems

Attached: rowling.jpg (468x712, 79K)

What the fuck is up with obvious faggots like this complaining in broken English about things in posts that are literal non-issues?
It's been going on all week. Are we being raided?


smuggies were around in 2015 you fucking retard

Attached: 1462805304689.png (789x783, 67K)

Why is it so easy to trigger /pol/tards? You can almost say anything and they'll come out of the woodwork to argue.

Write your own book series, trog. Then, you too can say what you want about the characters you created.
>inb4 discord tranny

Attached: 1551339838416.jpg (182x268, 8K)

>A lizard at that

Attached: 1283726635759.jpg (508x608, 39K)

Are you kidding? Every major left-leaning political party in the western world takes these people seriously.

>this zoomer capeshit board that wasn't even 5 years old when most of the movies were released or the books were released
desperately trying to act like they aren't cancerous sjws

I just can't desu

>say something stupid
>people respond
>"haha that means I'm right"
The absolute state of you people.

Attached: 555 come on now 2.png (473x371, 297K)

You're just telling yourself that to justify not supporting them.
Walk up to any politician right now, and ask them about transsexual lizard people. The most common answer you'll get is "how did you get in my house?!"

No, user, you're wholesale deluding yourself if you think people like that are what modern leftwing parties in the West cater to now.


>actual degenerates on a capeshit advertizing website are rent free seething about harry potter always
So this is the power of the alt right

>a triggered /pol/tard made this

Attached: 4556423584552.png (480x480, 198K)

No one's seething over JK going full shittus dismissus or retconning her character's qualities to play 'fellow kids' with SJWs, user. No one here really gives a shit about the children's crap she writes, it's pointing and laughing at shit brained people who can't even get retarded commies to support their virtue signaling.

>No one here really gives a shit about the children's crap she writes
What don't you fucking understand
you niglets talk about capeshit thousands of times a day

You talk about the lowest of the low, nothing anything you all say actually has any merit

This board is shit and braindead, look in the mirror.

Constant virtue signaling by you even right now

You don't seem to understand half the buzzwords you are trying to use.

You also type like a third-world shitposter with zero understanding of English.

yikes pal that's a big oof from me

She is just writing shitty fanfic at this point.

>Constant virtue signaling by you even right now
Be honest, you don't even know what that means do you?

>the board that literally crys about everything and whines about women and minoirities constantly
>calling anyone else a sjw
It's hilarious, you don't seem to understand

You're actually bluepilled

>people here say things i disagree with, that makes them sjw's

You faggots never get tired of this debunked canard. It's literally the only thing SJW's can do: try to denigrate other people that they are like them. The ultimate insult, apparently.

Attached: LE TWO SIDES OF LE SAME COIN.png (960x419, 157K)

Where did that post call anyone an SJW? Are you sure you even know what that means either?

Based on what you posted and said, I'm gonna go ahead and not see also, thank you very much.
